The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 7, 1979-Page 11-8 'Not because it's not worth reading. You're wasting your time because you could be reading it three to ten times faster than you are right now That's right -three to ten times faster With better concentration, understanding, and recall. The problem is, most of us haven't learned anything new about reading since we were 10 years old. So we're still stumbling along at a fraction of our real capacity. In fact, most people read so slowly that their brain actually gets bored and distracted between words (no wonder you have trouble concentrating when you read!) reading improvement system - designed to be more effective and flexible than ever. With it, you should easily be able to cut your reading and study time by at least two thirds. That means if you're now studying 20 hours a week, you'll save roughly 400 hours -or almost 17 full 24 hour days -in this school year alone! Spend an hour and check us out. We know you may have trouble believing what you've just read. That's why our people are on campus now giving free 1 hour demon- strations of RD2. If you can spare an hour, we'll answer any questions you may have about RD2, and prove that you can unlearn your bad reading habits and start saving two thirds of your study time. We'll even demon- strate some new reading techniques designed to increase your speed immediately, with good comprehension. This short demon- stration could start you [-hour RD2 on your way t6 better t next week: grades, more free time, and a whole new outlook on studying. League It only takes an I Tuesday hour, and it's free. Don't miss it. -. A A- 4v .i. 4 4 r ;4 ..* 3 N1 2* .. ,' k* t 2* ,-F ',p 4- Aj. The new Evelyn Wood RD2 reading program. Over 20 years ago, Evelyn Wood's re- search with natural speed readers discovered reading techniques that could be learned and used by virtually any- one. Since that pioneer- ing work, over a million Attend a fr people -from students demonstrat to presidents -have put the Evelyn Wood method to work for Michiga them. s. eel ion in RD2is Evelyn Wood's latest, updated ivionuay ana It'd neptemuer uih and 111t 4:15 and 7:00 p.m. 3rd Floor-Room "C" EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS/A URS COMPANY .@1978 Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics, Inc.