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September 07, 1979 - Image 138

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-07

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Page 10-B-Friday, September 7, 1979-The Michigan Daily
ABC juggles

r ..,a.i

TV lineup

An AP Sports Analysis.
OK, students. Time for our weekly
television quiz:
Who will be doing college football this
(a) ABC, (b) ESPN, (c) Chris
Schenkel, (d) Woody Hayes.
If you answered the first two, you
deserve a varsity letter.
ABC, THE network with the roving
eye for top-rated cheerleaders, will be
doing the NCAA's glamour games for
the 14th straight season. ABC gets first
For more sports, see pages 12-13b
crack at the major college games and
will be doing 13 national broadcasts and
45 regional telecasts live on Saturday.
ESPN, the Entertainment and Sports
Programming Network, has a hand in
the college game for the first time.
ESPN will get ABC's leftovers and will
be doing those games at odd hours
throughout the rest of the weekend.
ESPN, a distributor of sports events for
cable TV, plans to have 24 hours of
sports by Jan. 1, 1980, reaching a poten-
tial audience of five million homes. This
weekend, for example, ESPN plans
taped broadcasts of four college games,
including Chuck Fairbanks and
Colorado against Oregon at 1:30 a.m.
EDT and7:30.p.m. Sunday.
Schenkel, a fixture on ABC's college
football telecasts since 1966, has been
dropped from the squad. He will be
sharing the dollege Football
Scoreboard assignment with Dave
Diles, and he's not at all happy about
the demotion. But the move was

SCHENKEL IS from the "gee-whiz''
school of journalism, and the broad-
casting game seemed to have passed
him by. While today's best announcers
can honestly critique a bad performan-
ce, Schenkel was much more at home
calling every player a credit to his
school, family and country and com-
menting on the caliber of ABC's
"honey" cheerleader shots.
Woody Hayes, longtime coach at Ohio
State, won't be on the college scene
either. The irascible Hayes was fired
last Dec. 29 for punching Clemson
player Charlie Bauman, who had had
the audacity to intercept an Ohio State
pass late in the Gator Bowl game.
That infamous interception and pun-
ch in Jacksonville, Fla., caused
numerous problems for ABC's main
play-by-play announcer, Keith
Jackson. He was bombarded with
charges of covering up the incident
because he never mentioned it on the
JACKSON, WHO says he never did
get along with Hayes, explained that
the crowd of players, coaches and
hangers-on cluttering the Ohio State
sideline obscured his view of the punch.
He never saw it on the field and couldn't
see it on replay on his monitor, either.
The replay camera on the ball was
turned off as soon as Bauman went out
of bounds. And even though the punch
was clearly seen live by the viewers at
home, the play couldn't be shown again
because ABC traditionally blacks out
the local area, so there was no network
feed back to Jacksonville. With only one
minute left in the game, there wasn't

enough time to get the replay from the
"history tape" from the main studio in
New York, leaving ABC and Jackson
helpless and embarrassed.
"My responsibility is to my
profession first and then to the public,"
said Jackson. "I can't report what I
can't see."
Jackson was angry that ABC didn't
spend the $4,600 to bring the main feed
back into Jacksonville, despite the local
"THE REASON it won't happen
again is simple," Jackson said. "We'll
never get into a situation where we're
not protected on the live feed."
Jackson will have his live feed Satur-
day in Atlanta when Alabama meets
Georgia Tech on national TV in ABC's
season opener. Former Notre Dame
Coach Ara Parseghian will handle the
Jackson will handle ABC's top
games, while Parseghian will alternate
with Arkansas Athletic Director Frank
Broyles. Parseghian, who turned
cheerleader in his first and only attem-
pt at analysis of a Notre Dame game,
will not work any Fighting Irish games.
Broyles won't work Arkansas games
but can do Southwest Conference con-
The rest of the ABC lineup includes Al
Michaels, who is close to signing con-
tract with NBC for next year, working
with either Broyles or Parseghian in
the second game; No. 3 team Jim Lam-
pley and Lee Grosscup and No. 4 Verne
Lundquist and Steve Davis.

Sinpk ins on the loose

MICHIGAN'S ALL-AMERICAN linebacker candidate and co-captain Ron Simpkins (40) and Tom Seabron (since graduated)
chase down a Navy halfback.,Simpkins is expected to anchor the veteran Wolverine defense this season, while the young
offense attempts to gel as quickly as possible. The senior from Detroit set a Wolverine tackle record as a sophomore and was
the leading tackler on last year's unit as well.

Check Out These


Don't blame Ozark for Philly demise

Book Rush Specials At:

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AP Sports Analysis
traction in a hospital bed reached to an-
swer the telephone.
"Hello, this is Danny Ozark," said the
voice at the other end.
This was the same Danny Ozark
whose Philadelphia Phillies slowly
were dying in the National League East
race. Rumors of his imminent
dismissal were rampant.
But despite his problems, he took
time to call a reporter he once tried to
punch in the nose.
"How are you?" Ozark asked.
"I missed you. I asked where you
were and they told me you were in the
I was never an admirer of Ozark's
managing tactics, but the man almost.
always demonstrated class as a person.
He is the kind of guy you want as a
Last year after a ruckus in the
clubhouse in which a writer accused
shortstop Larry Bowa of hitting him,
Ozark was the only mewber of the
Phillies' organization who apologized
for the incident.
He always protected his players to a
fault. They were like his children.
But even as children do these days,
the players let Ozark down. They fell on
their fat wallets and the manager paid
the price.
The Phillies, who many expected to
wrap up the East by July 4, were in fifth
place when the ax fell on Ozark in
Atlanta last week.

The Philies of 1979 thought all they
had to do was throw their gloves on the
field and other teams would roll over.
They believed that garbage about clin-
ching by July 4.
The Phillies can't be blamed for
firing the manager. It's the thing to do.
You can't fire 25 players. The fans were
showing their disgust. The club had to
make a move.
If you're looking for some deep, dark
secret about the collapse of a team
loaded with talent, the third highest
paid club in baseball, don't look any
further than the players.
Ozark made his mistakes, but no
more than he did as the club won three
consecutive East titles. This year the

team didn't outplay those tactical
This reporter, who has covered the
entire Ozark regime since his surprise
appointment seven years ago, felt
badly. For a moment I forgot the pain
of a slipped disc and the uncomfortable
Ozark wasn't responsible for the
Phillies' season of disaster. The 25 guys
he treated like men are responsible.
Ozark's end came because he was too
nice a person.
There were injuries, more than one
team could expect. But it wasn't the
injuries that beat them. It was simply
poor baseball. This was a team that
tossed fundamentals to the winds.

its c C c ( Pff f, tom,

c . '.

.. _ . _ . .

Finally, the truth must come out, else to do on a Saturday afternoon than
Thirteen years ago, Don Canham and watch football, the judges said. What
Daily Sports Editor Sledge Vance had else is there to do for fun watch the
an argument. Nobody is really sure how corn grow?
it started, but as tempers grew, each Meanwhile, Vance's- game became
began to slander, curse and question the passion of football freaks
the descendants of the other. everywhere. In bars, libraries,
laboratories and at the Ann Arbor
After some time, 'ole Don decided Women's club, Griddes was the talk-of
that arguing was senseless. (After all, the town.
there was no money to be made from And to this day, the fever still exists,
the beef.) so here's how you can get in on it.
"You pick your area, I'll pick mine," Watch the Daily sports section next
he challenged, and we'll see who is week for a list of 20 games, each of
more successful after ten years." which you must pick the winner. Then
Well, Daily Sports Editors are a gutsy return your peerless prognostications
group, so Vance willingly accepted the to the Daily at 420 Maynard by mid-
challenge. Canham chose athletics and night Friday night.
administration as his area to succeed The one who picks the most games
in, while Vance, in an ingenious move, right will win a world-famous small
invented the now-famous gambling one-item pizza from Pizza Bob's, along
game - Griddes. with the knowledge that he/she is Grid-
Well, Canham's achievements were de champ for the week.
conspicuous, but hardly breathtaking. Why not try your hand at Griddes? A
100,000 people in the midwest have little million Americans already have.
U of M
Temporary Employment Office
has many openings in these areas:
Positions may vary to
suit your schedule.

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