India birth control a shambles NEW DELHI, India (AP)-India's birth control program remains in disarray in much of the country two years after the collapse of a major compulsory sterilization effort. During the 1975-77 national emergen- cy declared by then-Prime Minister In- dira Gandhi, hundreds of thousands of males, some in their teens and childless, others in their 60s, were ounded up by police and forcibly sterilized. The popular uproar that resulted helped topple Mrs. Gandhi in the 1977 ection and set back the official birth control target by five years. "Because of the emergency, there. as a complete cold storage of the ssue," said one, family planning orker. Experts predict that India's pulation, now more than 635 million, ill top the billion mark by the lear 2000 the current trend continues. NARAIN WAS dropped from the Cabinet after a falling out with Desai a. year ago. After six months without a minister; Rabi Ray was named. He has retained the portfolio in caretaker Prime Minister Charan Singh's new government.* There has been an improvement un- der Ray, but mainly in southern and eastern states where few forced sterilizations occurred during the emergency. In such heavily populated northern states at Uttar Pradesh with more than 101 million persons, family planning remains a politically taboo subject. "Rabi Ray is a sensible person," commented Rami Chhabra, an official of the privately funded Family Plan- ning Foundation. "But you need some dynamism attached to the program, some charisma . . . because the birth control issue has become heavily politicized." "The only way to enforce family planning programs is be legalzied com- pulsion and by example," wrote Khushwant Singh, editor of New Delhi magazine. "Pass a law that no one is to have more than three children, then enforce the law on members of our central and state legislatures, government officials and business executives. "After that, wield the sterilization knife on the poor," added Singh. Report challenges unnecessary reports 'With 21 million births and 9 million deaths an- ually, this improverished Asian country each year as to feed an added 13 million people equivalent to 4ustralia's entire population.' vIE M M M E .. "{ "RE .:t Ec;y x'+:::? { cII'r," ;'"1,>;'{ t ;'^g5:a:.>{;; ;i "":i:X':; WASHINGTON (AP) - An ad- ministration report said Wednesday that President Carter's war on federal paperwork has slowed, and that he soon will order elimination of reports that can't be proven useful. The report by the president's Office of Management and Budget said an executive order, already drafted, will require that all new reports required by the executive branch of the federal government be evaluated after two years and automatically terminated unless shown to be useful. Existing reports will be evaluated every five years. THE REPORT also says the ad- ministration is tenting a new computer index designed to keep the government from requiring new reports to gather information it already has. Such a new system would be designed to keep track of the millions of items of information collected by various arms of the government, with the idea of preventing one agency from asking for information already collected by another. Stanley Morris, OMB's anti-paper- work chief, stressed in an interview that the computer system would not ac- tually contain all the government's in- formation, the sort of "Big Brother" machine feared by privacy advocates. It would be.instead a catalogue of in- formation held by various arms of the government. AS REPORTED by The Associated Press last May, the report says progress in cutting paperwork has slowed and that new regulatory requirements are threatening to rever- se the trend. "As closely as we can measure it, by the beginning of 1979 Americans were spending almost 15 per cent less time filling out federal forms than they were in January 1977" when Carter took of- fice, the report says. The cut amounts to 125 million hours, the equivalent of more than half an hour saved each year for every American. Among the examples of reduced paperwork cited was sim- plification of the "short form" federal income tax return, which was cut from 25 lines to 15. But most of the progress came in the first months of the administration, and little has been made in the last year or so, it said. The Michigan Doily-Friday, September 7, 179-Page 7-B I* Tkia FaiE RDON AUSTIN REED~ OF PHILADELPHIA OF REGENT STREET EVERYTH ING FOR TH E MAN APPAREL FOR WOMEN 36-31 0 S.SteSt o" v 'r : + i 1 With 21 million births and 9 million deAiths annually, this impoverished Asian country eachtyear has to feed an added 13 million people-equivalent to Australia's entire population. ALTHOUGH A critical issue, the population problem attracted less public attention in the past year than a Hindu religious campaign against cow- slaughter and cricket tournaments with the West Indies and Pakistan. After Mrs. Gandhi's fall, Prime Minister Morarji Desails government back-peddled birth control, still a politically explosive issue .in the nor- thern, Hindu-speaking belt where coer- ced sterilization were most numerous. The program's name was changed from "family planning" to "family relfare," considered less offensive, and Desai's health minister, Raj Narain, declared abstinence from sex a better method than modern birth con- trol devices. He branded sterilization a "concept lien to India." Unsurprisingly, the number of racetomies for males a nd tubectomies females fell in 1977-78 to only about 10 r cent of the 8 million performed un- e Mrs. Gandhi's program the year, fore.4 Aside from the reputation it picked up during the emergency, the program foundered in northern states because of beliefs that vasectomies render men impotent and that poor families need children to generate more income. Relatively successful states, such as Gujarat and Orissa, have by passed male reluctance and made their programs more women orien- ted-promoting inter-uterine devices, tubectomies and the pill. Most difficult is persuading im- poverished rural families to limit the number of children. The government, under Health Minister Ray, recomends, "Delay the first child, space the second and stop the third." BUT A RECENT study cited by the Family Planning Foundation said far- ming families need an average of four to five children just to keep them sup- plied with water and firewood. As early as 7 or 8 years of age, children go out to work as goatherds or domestic help. "We have to break this concept by convincing parents that children have a right to a childhood," Mrs. Chhabra sais. Some Indians believe that com- pulsory sterilization is the only solution in a society where a majority of the population is illiterate. Judge approves Black English instruction plan (Continued from Page 1) used with such a small group to show improvements. Powell added that Joiner did not ap- prove most of the modifications to the $42,000 plan which were made by lawyers for the plaintiffs in the case. "There were a number of decisions - which bordered on the decision-making process," Powell said, adding that these types of decisions were normally made by the board. Although the board originally voted to appeal Joiner's decision, School Board President Kathleen Dannemiller called for a second vote to be taken when it appeared the board may have violated portions of the state Open Meetings Act. The board voted not to appeal the case. . . .. .. , ry s -C. ryaXe7! Tajo ..... ............ .(?o Carnef :.&srtvWe 4uan $ 5 s 4$ S s. .5. ' S T ,. t .:. : r.. , .. ,_;, ;. , .; . . wwEr -- .qp. F... - --- >: ;: .. _ :. :;,,_ ° r ii v ,M . @: S 4 551W g~ L"' *:. . .. . . . . . . . . ..-------.. ---