The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 7, 1979-Page 5-B awaiting outcomes of suits from ex-employees By ELISA ISAACSON The usually tranquil Ann Arbor City Hall, preoccupied with such tasks as filling potholes, does have its share of Perry Mason drama. The city is in the process of defending itself against pen- ding suits by various former em- ployees. One of those is the suit by former City Accountant Marc Levin, who was fired for his role in the, 1977 investment scan- dal, in which Ann Arbor stood to lose up to $1.4 million. That case is still "pretty much in limbo," because the city is trying to get it thrown out of court, ac- , cording to Levin's attorney, Lyle Russell. LEVIN HAS filed a complaint-in- cluding -a charge of character defamation-against the city in U.S. District Court. Russell said Levin was unable to secure a job in Ann Arbor after his firirig, and added that the unusual in- vestment issue was publicized from coast to coast. P In 1977 the city conducted arbitrage transactions-investments in which the city borrows U.S. treasury notes from a brokerage firm in hopes of reselling them for profit-engineered partly by Levin. City Controller at the time, Lauren Jedele, and City Administrator Sylvester Murray claim they were unaware of the transactions for the nearly six months when they were taking place. THE INVESTMENTS were found to be illegal, and at the same time proved financially unsound, nearly costing the city a large portion of its budget. Russell claims Levin was used as a scapegoat, because the accountant was the only city employee actually fired following the scandal. Levin is charging that City Administrator Sylvester Murray either knew about the invest- ments all along, or should have known from reports prepared by his staff. Murray has maintained that he knew nothing of the transactions. Russell said the case is being held up "by a lack of decison," or the part of U.S. District Court Judge Patricia Boyle. Boyle has not yet announced whether she will comply with the city's request to dismiss the case. RUSSELL SAID he is optimistic about the case. The Detroit attorney said he thinks a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision may serve to back up Levin's claim of defamation. The definition of defamation of a private citizen is much stricter than that of a public figure. In a case in- volving ,Sen. William Proxmire's (D- Wisconsin) Golden Fleece Award-a mock honor -designating the most wasteful federally-funded project of the year-the Supreme Court ruled that a defendant cannot claim the person ac- cusing him of libel is a public figure if the alleged libel caused the plaintiff to become a public figure. Russell said that if it weren't for the publicity Levin received for his firing, the accountant would be relatively unknown. "The city has made Marc Levin a public figure," Russell said. ANOTHER CASE that will keep city attorneys busy is a suit pending in U.S. District Court in which a former Plan- ning Department technician charged the city with race discrimination. The Michigan Civil Rights Com- mission investigated the claim of technician John Morton that he was fired because he is black, and recom- mended that Morton be reinstated with back pay. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Treasury Depar- tment are now investigating Morton's claim. If the city loses the case, it could be out over $1.5 million in federal revenue sharing funds. City officials are trying to negotiate with federal officials to prevent the funding cutbacks, however. THE CITY CLAIMS that since none of its federal revenue sharing funds were used by the department in question-the Planning Depar- tment-the money should not be denied. The city also faces the, charges of former City Clerk Jerome Weiss, who claims the method of his firing was illegal. Weiss was fired in 1978 for mismanagement of the city elections. He was fired by Murray without the vote of the City Council, and he is suing on the grounds the City Charter man- dates Council vote on hirings and firings of top city officials. Murray said last month, "I didn't want to embarrass him with a vote. I do not doubt what the vote would have been." EEOC head says federal affirmative action efforts behind WASHINGTON (AP) - The federal In a middle-level grade government has a worse record of were women and 10 p providing job opportunities to minorities. In the top minorities and women than private women and minorities e business, according to the head of the for no more than five p Equal Employment Opportunity.Com- workforce on the averag mission (EEOC). Norton vowed to alt "It used to be that people who nment's employment r couldn't find jobs in the private sector presidential order that g got jobs in the federal government," chief responsibility for but now the situation is reversed, discrimination in the fez Eleanor Holmes Norton told a con- ce. ference of federal civil rights officers UNDER A CARTER Wednesday. reorganization plan that "FOR THE FIRST time in history, Jan. 1, the EEOC is coor the federal sector does not outperform employment programs t the private sector" on the affirmative fction front because the government fias, not held itsel to the tough em- ployment standards it has set for private industry, Norton asserted. YOURA She said many large private com- panies "would hold their noses up to" discriminatory federal employment practices that have been rampant "essentially because we haven't been aoing our job." "I haven't brought federal statistics on government job bias because I thought it inappropriate to get started on a depressing note," Norton told the officers, who attended the conference to Exactly what ieceive instructions on how to eliminate Get the Salary aiscriminatory employment practices The wow at their agencies. Runs Conar EEOC AIDES provided 1978 figures From the He% that showed women and minorities M.B ok an concentrated in low-ranking, low- whosEva paying federal civil service jobs. Ad Why In one low-level government grade, come Back 68 per cent of the employees were Singing women and 25 per cent were minorities. private sector's e, 12 per cent per cent were three grades, ach accounted per cent of the e- er the gover- ecord under a ives the EEOC fighting job redal workfor- administrative took full effect dinating equal hat previously were scattered among 15 federal agen- cies. Prior to this year, the EEOC was limited to enforcing equal employment provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act in the private sector. Norton said equal employment effor- ts have been more successful in private business because firms that lack adequate affirmative action plans can lose lucrative federal contracts. The federal government faces no such penalties, she said, adding that in some cases, civil service rules may be illegal by erecting barriers to the hiring or promotion of women and minorities. FES IsT~T3 n TIS ISS" . . Ms. OLL!IGE ISSU3 ON SAL3DNOWI Mi~ein afnPusland' < Ahte in U nrgraduate'Are Saying About Se What Fn and Future leaders 980s Are You ° fobs of the f rT e ? ;, , .. Beng Preparedo Te? toppngOut"tana Year in the RealW rd tT aToMake a Diference? y ou Want tohe New Kid in Cass is u" Your Mother ~ ° ~fictocontest aceptives- "tknne1Ric ath on Peron' Glr a Semm r Has Sh of Your Lil i 76-GUIDE is a number to Remember -When you need to know where to go. -When University red tape trips you up. -When you feel lost in Ann Arbor. -When classes get you down. -When your relationships aren't working out. -When you're lonely or confused. -When you just want someone to listen. We're students and students are our first concern REMEMBER 76-GUIDE Counseling Information Referral We're open 24 hours a day to help you help yourself - For student phone numbers 764-2330 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 1st floor Michigan Union 24 hours by phone