4JIIttU-a Ninety. Years of Editorial Freedom lii ai V: Page 8-Wednesday, December 12, 1979-The Michigan Daily Merit-based system key to salary list " MONG THE MOST important factors determining salary levels for instructors and researchers at the University is the merit-based salary system. iretahn n research within a field of study with high jecause the University operates under a decentralized system which allows individual schools and departments in- dependence in decision-making, each unit of the University M~ermines its own standards for merit increases. In some schools, individual department heads make salary decisions, som~etimes in conjunction with departmental executive comimittees, while in other schools (usually the smallest ones~) deans decide on merit raises. It has long been understood that some rising assistant professors-called "stars" by some colleagues-have been lure to the University with salary offers more lucrative than toepaid to some older, senior professors. .Widely varying salaries are not only a function of the me~rit system. The difference in opportunities in the nonacademic world for professors in various areas also in- fliIences salary levels. 'In general, law and medical professors make more than En~glish and history professors because the former command . _.._- .0 _.. - .... a.-- - 0 - .... .-- - - ,.- - . W i- -fi.-%,. higher salaries outside the academic world. To attract a qualified doctor - or lawyer to the, University requires a relatively high salary. That's not to say, however, that lawyers and doctors earn as much at the University as they could in private practice. Because the University cannot afford to pay salaries which are equivalent to those paid in the private sector, it at- tempts to keep up with peer institutions. The salaries of professors in clinical areas of the medical school are generally the highest at the University. The majority of these salaries do not come from state or tuition money, but are paid through University Hospital patient fee income. The state and tuition usually pays for the teaching portion of a clinical professor's salary. Other salary amounts which do not come from the University's general budget are those of researchers. Most University instructors who are primarily researchers receive a substantial portion of~their salaries from research grants from foundations and the government. In some cases, portions of a professor's salary is not in- cluded in the standard appointment rate specified on the salary list. Summer salary, compensation for administrative duties, and other supplemental income is not included because it is earned on an irregular basis. Department heads, for example, receive a $2,500-$3,000 stipend in addition to their professional salary. Associate deans and museum directors are also among those who receive additional income for their administrative work. A PROFESSOR MIGHT also- earn additional icome through independent research grants, emplomentin other organizations, writing and publishing, lecturing, and consulting. According to LSA Dean Billy Frye, professors working full-time for the University may be able to earn up to 20 per cent of their University salary from outside consulting. While time commitments to the University are based on several factors, some professors prefer to work less as faculty members in order to free themselves to do outside work with private firms and government agencies. -Generally, a professor's field is the greatest determinant of his or her ability to obtain work outside the University. Architecture and engineering professors are regularly found who have a .80 appointment, which means these in- structors spend 8/10 of their time working for the University, and the remainder consulting or doing some other outside Most of the money for the appointment rate salaries comes from state appropriations and tuition revenue, which makes up 92 per cent of the general fund. This general fund money pays for only some jobs. All professors, instructors, lecturers, and most administrators are paid at least partially through this money. Non-instructional. staff, working in such areas as ad- missions, financial aid, counseling, the libraries, and housing also receive the major portion of their salaries from the general fund. Salaries of departmental employees such as secretaries and administrative assistants are also drawn from state and tuition revenues. The budgets of several University units such as the athletic department, the alumni association, the University, Hospital, ISR, and student publications are distinct from the University's budget, and therefore employees in these areas> do not receive salaries from the general fund. These in-,' dependent units generate-their own money. Other people on the University payroll whose jobs and salaries are not included in this particular list are most clerical, technical, and plant maintenance personnel. The salaries of these people are not solely merit-based: Rather, each employee is assigned to a salary grade, and the salary is limited within specific ranges for that salary grade. work. Many faculty members agree that less faculty on campus consult. than half of the S~tae fo rces close to years of 'U ebate 11 A LTHOUGH the state legisla- In February of this year, the Sture gave the University a fi- came before the faculty Senate A. L nal push by its passing a law, bly, and salary disclosure was reje LIforcing the University to pub-' The University responded to a licly release name-linked sal- request for salary information aries of faculty and staff, the internal State Sen. Jerome Hart (D-Sagii debate over disclosure has raged for chairman of the Senate AppropriE over seven years. Committee with figures by depart The discussion began in 1972 when, and job title, but not individual nar somhe members of the University com- When Hart again requested as mu~nity, influenced by a judge's ruling document listing individual name that Saginaw Valley College should University "respectfully declined. disclose its salaries, asked the Regents In mid-June, Hart introd to follow suit. legislation-an amendment t( In 1973, state Attorney General Frank state's Freedom of Information Kelley issued an opinion supporting the 'which would require the Univers idea of public disclosure. The issue release the salaries of Univf came to the'Regents again through one faculty and staff upon request, of" its won-Regent- Gerald Dunn (D- Senate unanimously passed tli Linsing). during the summer months,a breezed through the House 100-1 it October. Lt. Gov. James Bri signed the measure into law 0( The following corrections i a published list of faculty ana f ministrative. salaries have issued by the University ministration: Economics Prof. Daniel Rubi has two half-time fractions from tl stitute for Public Policy Studies ar Economics department equali OFFICE SALAR Y SCHED ULE 1979-80 Salary ,issue tssem- jected. aMay ifrom inaw), iations rtmen' Imes. salary es, the duced o the iAct- 3ity to ersity t. The he bill and it nmid- ickley )ct. 26, in the been rad- in feld the In- ind the ling a Grade C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Mi nimumi 7,250.00 7,550.00 8,100.00 9,050.00 10,350.00 Maximum 10,900.00 11,550.00 12,550.00 14,250.00 16,450.00 Salaries of clerical, technical, and plant maintenance workers are determined primarily on a graded scale. At left, for exam- ple, is the salary grade for the University's approximately 3,000 office, clericals. Each level has a minimum and maximum salary for each position on the scale. Any variations between the minimum and maximum figures are the result of merit-based in- creases. Technical, plant maintenance,~ and service workers also receive salaries on a graded scale, but the job title is more responsible for the salary level. There are more categories of -these em-, ployees than in the other divisions. Titles by which the pay is designated include those such as custodian, mechanic,. stockkeeper, and food service worker. ADMINIS TRA TION CHANGED POLIC Y R EL UC TANTL Y: Some favored, some opposed N 1973, -one-half of the University Ifaculty responded to a poll, and voiced opposition over public dis- closure of their salaries by a two to one margin. In 1979, the week before executive of- ficers and Regents were to formulate a disclosure policy under protest, barely a handful of faculty and staff took ad- vantage of an opportunity to voice their opinions and ask questions about the imminent release of name-linked salaries. The argument that the public has the right to know how the University is spending its money, voiced by the media and state officials eventually won out over the University's long- standing argument for protecting the rights of individual professors' or staff members' privacy. Apparently, faculty and staff decided to brace themselves for the disclosure instead of opposing the new state law which forced the salary release. But not all faculty and staff were at odds with name-linked disclosure. In fact, some supported the move. Some argued that release of the salary information might help eliminate inequities which they believed existed in salary decisions. Others concluded release was an in- vasion of privacy, and that people wan- he believed the issue was "essentially media-generated." During an informational meeting on the salary release, undergraduate library staff member Kirk Nims said, "It is inevitable there are inequities I don 't think the legislature has solved a problem. It's creating a problem.' --Regent Thomas Roach ('D-Saline) addition to creating internal problems in departments and colleges. Regent Robert Nederlander (D- Birmingham), grudgingly agreeing to, comply with the state law, said, "This will make us less competitive with other institutions." Regents and administrators, in par- ticular, expressed displeasure with the state legislature interfering in what they believe to be the internal affairs of the University., "It is an extremely poor judgment on the part of the legislature and shows a lack of understanding of the in- stitution," Regent Paul Brown (D- Petoskey) said. Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline) said, "I don't think the legislature has solved a problem. It's creating a problem." The salary list was a popular item during 'its first week in the graduate library, and faculty furor over the release seems to have died down somewhat. But the real effects of name- linked salary disclosure, i~f any, won't be seen for some time. $26,200 annual salary; German Language and Literature Prof. Otto Graf receives a 12-month appointment for a total of $38,786 annually; and, Prof. George Simmons receives a total of $25,18 from two nine-month appoin- tments as an associate professor of Health Planning and Administration and an economics department lecturer. ted the salary list for curiosity's sake only. "The University has released all the information anyone needs to judge the wisdom of our expenditures," said In- terim University President Allan Smith after the legislation breezed through the state house 100-1.'"I don't know why a public employee should be second class in terms of privacy." Smith said which have existed for a number of years with regard to faculty evaluation." Many deans and department chair- persons argue that the release may bring an end to the merit-based salary system. Administrators and some faculty members also say public salaries may damage the University's ability to hire top-flight personnel in Hart ... pushed salary disclosure J- IA lS4,M!WQ 11 . FILL TII~~~ SALAYPI DAEO ANNUAL fPM STATE HIRE APPOINTMENT Az ALAP1101 NTMENT APPROPRIAT IONS PPOINTMENT APITN AEFATO UTIO Po AN AtXO * 9SEN. LINDA 5 SCHOOL REGISTRAR SCHOOL OF NURSING 14,454.00 12 NO 1.00 14,456.00 0$/21/67 ONg 1 EUGENE FOREMAN 1PNYI A LNT AC-H M2403.00 I1MO t.00.00 11/ 3/4 SpVO ~tT E TAF NURSE ME/ USNURSIN-H 1,360 2 "6 30 .00 06/04/74 OABEUTO. HOLLY-L- GRAPHIC ARTIST 11 PO 1HEO a HLTH PROF E 11,700.00 12 NlO 1,10 .00 07/24/70 EOU*O, JOSEPH S PRORAMMIER ANALYST I DATA SYSTEMS CENTER 1,300.00 12 NO 1.00 15, 300.00 04121/74 fmo.ANZA ELAINE J STAFF NURSE MAIN4 OPERATING P41.5-H 17 038.20 12 110 0 4187 .00 A8E 7vERH PFSORMRN EDCEt26 3.0G0 70/15/7 'i P.PROFESSOR PHYSIOLOGY 4,742.00 12 MO .00 20,32$.00 07/10/83 A0ALRAH UMAR T VISITING ASOT PROFESSOR H4EAR EASTERN STUDIES 16,575.00 6-MONTH 1,00 . 00 07/01/74 EADLLA, JOSEPHINE S SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN LAL! LIBRARY 16,942.00 12 MD 1.00 14,942.00 01/01/05 YVONN -H0E MARIE ASST PROFESSOR SC kL OP NURSING 16,626.00 B-MONTH .50 6,314,00 09/01/74 BEHROYUK I POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR 1 CHEMISTRY 1 2 0,0 MO 1.00 .0 00/01/79 yML,-1RRY R PROFESSOR PTOOY1 O .0.0 0/10 +AEBCJOEL 0 EEAC~fiIENTIST IPPS 30,0650.00 S-MONTH .00 .00 07/01 /67 PROFESSO POLITICAL SCIENCE 30,000.00 0-MONTH .00 .00 07/01/67 "ERNATHY WILLIAM S ASST PROFESSOR INTERNAL MEDICINE 53 037.00 12 MO .03 .00 10/01/77 SASRAHAM.;OFP CLINICAL ASSOC PROFESSOR INTERNAL MEOCINE .00 12 MO .00 . 00 07/01/70 RAM5, GRL PROFESSOR PATHOLOGY 74, 500.00 12 MO 1.00 21,600.00 02/01/69 PBEUl VINCENT J1 ASST RES SCIENTIST ATMOS 6 OCEANIC SC1 176050.00 IS MO 1.00 .00 10/13/74 NCEM-KARAII, SAlIl N HOUSE OFFICER IV INTERNAL MDICINE 10,160.00 12 MO 1.00 4,724,00 07/01/79 ELKERMANN, WVWILBUR PROFESSOR EPI OEMIOLOOY 20,300.00 0-MONTH 1.00 29,300.00 09/01/49 AILEY, GARDNER PROFESSOR ECONOMICS 00,000.00 9-MO0NTH 1.00 50,000.00 06/27/GB FULl. T1 SALAMI' PRIG r . -, - . -,. -- AAl. ,PR STAYS IR APPOI NHUNT AMP)JAL APPOINliNT AP N"PIATIOI "i "in. i ANNOSL FROM STATE IRE APPOINTMERT ANNUIAL APPOINTMENT APPROPRIATIONS APFI NTIO RATE ATP FRACTION AND TUITION Mrro1 NTMENT I l APOINTET T119 EN O NAME MENT AINt I AUORJRC- I IAIEON all" L-1 i I { I KAKE TITLL I.,LL iW .1 R - - 17,000.00 09/01/79 rnwat.ui1.vi- ROAnMS. BARBARA s PHYSICIAN ADA.MS, DOUGLASS FRANKLI N CHAI1RMAN PROFESSOR d$AMSS"AFF NURSE RGAMS, JAMESL CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR fAnMS, JUDI TH ELAINE TEACHER ROCAMS JULIAN P ASSOC'PROFESSOR GAMS RECWR 7 PROFESSOR ,'AMS. SUSAN A STAFF NURSE HEALTH SERVICE RADIOLOGY RADIOLOGY 3,270.00 i2 mO .00 .00 12 MO .00 63 730.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 10/02/46 .00 07/07/79 46,0703.00 07/01/79 i I HLMSRYNGAT18 lA=40 2 W 50 OPHTHALMOLOGY PSYCH YOUTH PRLM-H 10,070.00 12 MO .500 14,070.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 01/01/77 .00 07/11/77 22,866.00 08/26/70 61181 NSSAL 5MMEfl.' 0.00 2 y .0100 7/0/0 OUSI NESS AWIIN MAIN OPERATI NO RHS-H W EUROPEAN STUDIES 43,3000 12 MO 14,240.00 12 MO .00 12 MO I .0 00 .00 43,5000.00 07/01/65 .00 05/23/76 .00 09/01/73 ,A.LEN, RICHARD L VISITING ASST PROFESSOR COMMUNIC.ATION ~ALLEN, TIMOTHY J COIORDI SECURITY SERVICES PROTECTIVE SVCS- a ALI EN. WALTER RECHARGE ASST PROFESSOR SOCIOLOGY '7 ASST PROFESSOR - CAAS IAI.FN. MARGO F ASSOC RES SCIENTIST ASTRONOMY ALLES, AFFONSO LECTURER CHEMISTRY ~AILE1._ NERVE _ LE'CTURER ROMANCE LANGUAGE AIllSON. JOHN A MON MEDICAL CARE FACIL MAIN MOSP ADMIN ~AII .SON, ROBERT F AISOC TO DIR HOSPITAL MOSPITAL ADMIN-H -.._.ADSSI PAOFE.9SOR' iSP)TAL AM1N ALL HAND, CHARLES M ASST TO PREANDIR AFF ACTAFFIRMATIVE ACT[ ASI TO VP PERSONNEL ACADEMIC AFFAIRS LMANN AMNE H SOCTIAL WORKER PSYCH SOCIAL NOR n..1.0, MARIA AOHOUSE OFFICER VU -"SURGERY-GENERAL ALLORT, THERESA MARY ASIT PROFEISOR SCHOOL OF NURSIN ALLORE, ELAINE M FOOD SERVICE MON I DIETETICS ADMIN- AILYN, JAMES N EDITOR PUBLIC INFORMATI A l IS NMAYNAR - A KOIUCT LECTURER -__E TNSION4 ERVIC A~LIASHI. LOUIS JAMES FOREMAN I PHYSICAL PLANTA ALHO~UIST, JOHN C HOUSE OFFICER I INTERNAL MEDICIN ALMOTUIST. VALOIE STAFF NURSE __ SUNG NURSIHO-MAI ALMU'fl AM IN I _-_-" ADJUNC1 ASSOC iR FESR CIVL NOI-ThEERiTf ALOOT, LAWRENCE CUISTODIAL SUPR II PSYCH HOUSEKEEPI ALPES. DEDORAII WILCOX NES ASST i SOCIAL SCI POLITICAL STUDIE AI.TERN,,MATHEW PR~OFESSOR - PSYCHOLOGY ALERI. SIRAJ N CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR ANESTHESIOLOGY ALTIIOUSE, NANCY T MEDICAL TECHLNOLOGIST PEOS E Comm DiDe ALTMAN. ROBIN _ 80SF UNIT MONT SUPR I MAIN HOS UNIT PO Al, 0R , NETU'EIA W R"""' OT_ ALWIN. DUANE FRANCIS ASSOC RED SCIENTIST SURVEY RESEANCH ASSOC PROFESSOR SOCIOLOGY AMANULLAN. ADOOR INSTRUCTOR _ FEDSA COMIM OISE SAH I N, T4A'IlEDEI"W 'Cl;'ff~l '~AMINOF, DAVID ASSOC PROFESSOR INTERNAL MEDICIN -.AMIRKANIAN. RENEE SUISAN REDASST1 It HLTH SCI INTERNAL MED CLI i AMO. MELBOURNE J _ MON PAYROLL_ PAYROLL 07NMN. 3NSNDN "'A'' "FCFFET7SUN NUS 1OT AN, FLORENCE Y NES ASSTItI HLTH DCI SCHOOL OF DENTIS 'ANNE. DANIEL T CLINICAL ASST PROFESSOR INTERNAL MEOICIN >ANCRUM, GLADYS ASSOC PROFESSOR _ SCHOOL OF NURSIN AND ElYSEJ{2'ANOLO-1'.-._ROJSE_ OF~i:ffT R'1 ..--" B ANERSONJRI, J RUSSELL PROFESSOR CROWN 6 BRIDGE NDERSON-BURACK. CAROLYN PROGRAMMER ANALYST I DATA SYSTEMS CRN zANDERSON-ZABRE. RUIN DR SOCIAL WORKER PSYCH SOCIAL WER A ANIiFF§G.- ALBERT "'-_.AlST' RE Si;"fENTE'- "°_°PDP-BTOD'TE9- 0ANDERSON, ANN P LECTURER ECONOMICS AHDERSON, AUSTIN G DIN INST CONY LEGAL EDUC ICLE ANOERSON. CHRISTIANE AUDI NED SCIENTIST HERBARIUM 4NE'HSS_--7'HRlTETTh'EE' CL73fS'Y07'GFR-71T"' """M7'HE"SRPT ANDERSON, DAVID 0 ASSOC PROFESSOR OB & GTN ANDERSON. DAVID J1 ASSOC PROFESSOR ELEC & COMPUTER ASSOC PROFESSDR OTONHINOLARYNGIL ANDERSON.-EWN " CIw's T'NEO'O0R~IOI0 ANDERSON. GLEN DOUGLAS VISITING PROFESSOR MATHEMATICS ANDERSON,,,JAMES B DR SYSTEMS ANALYST DATA SYSTEMS CEN ANDERSON. JAMES E VISIT IN0 PROFETSOH ICHEMISTIF" ANDERlSON, JAMES J ASST RES SCIENTIST BIOLOGICAL CHEM) ANIDERSON, JAMES L .BUSINESS MOR I ADMIN HOUSING D ANOERSO7, JAMES M11 ASST RED SCIENTIST SCHOOL OF EDUCAI AMDE^RaON. 43 R°F-'- LEC URIE KEI-"'" ANDERSON. JEFFREY L AUDI PROFESSOR INTERNAL MEDICIN ANDERSON, JOHN A CLINICAL ASDI PROFESSOR FEDS & COMM 01.1 ANDERSON~, JOHN T MGR HOSP MGMT SVGS MANAGEMENT SVCS- ANDEtRSON, -XT7HLEEN SLUSAN 'fATAFNURSE ME/SUR0 NURSING ANDERSON, LIBBY S HOUSE OFFICER I RADIOLOGY ANDERSON, LYNN C POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR I LAS ANIMAL MED ANDERSON. MARCIA F SN SOCIAL WORKER PSYCH SOCIAL WOF ..NDERSOON iT Vit- -C""LRTAC"STPRFSO ITRALM0C ANDERSON. MARY BETH RED ASSTiI HLTH SCI OTORHIHNOLARYNGOL ANDERSON. ROBERT E DIR-HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH SERVICE -H 24,364.00 12 MO "H 31 22600 IB fION .00 IS MO 33 49,750.00 IS MO 1R- 83.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 07/013 -N 1,370 12 O 1.00.0 0/00/70 CE N 10,600.00 9-MONTH 1.00 16,00.00 00/01/78 NEH 15047.00 12 MO 1.00 4,2.00 06/24/78 TIN-H 10,076.00 12 NO 1.00 .00 09/117/71 N-H 11,000.00 12 MO 1.40 .00 07/12/79 :E 10,104.00 12 MO 1.00 . ,2.00 08/24/79 FANH 1,1.00 12 NOD 1.00 .00 09/01/00 :IGH 1,0.00 12 NO .00 .00 07/01/77 EAES 17,4.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 09/10/60 011H 1,2.00 12 NO .00 .00 06/0"/705 ICR 2,0.00 12 NO 1.00 .00 07/201/77 .00 12 MO0 .00 .00 09/20/79 SEASES .00 12 NO .00 .00 07/05/76 8185"" ED 17,500100 B-MONTH --xar~r. a mn~o ~iss 0,1-08.00ti -ism U3ia U I ,,376.00 12 MO 21,000.00 9-MONTH 21,000.00 9-MONTH 21,400.00 IS HO 10,000.00 8-MONTH 12,300.00 80-MONTH ,so0 .00 03/01/76 1.00 0,000.00 09i/01/798 1100 12,300.00 08/01/79I 1 .00 - - - 1.00 .00 03/24/76 10,600.00 09/01/709 19,300.00._.09/01/79I 1.00 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 33,000.00 12 MO 11,126.00 12 MO 1 .0 1 . 00 33,000.00 09/01/62 .00 07/06/78 34,340.00 02/02/61 i .00 .00 .00 .006 1/1/ a .00 11/01/97 49,700.00 11/01/67 11/00/0 01/01/74 10,200.1 12 (N RM3 TN1 lLfM ,1 __ ,__ IDAMSN F,1, THOMAS C AdAM-.I0:'w~T, .0015, RUTH E lOSE. MYNNA J ADELSON, JOSEPH B DLER, RONALD S bDRIAN, SARAH A GABS ~GOIA LRNZN 01DDOCIE SINTS IP x0 12M .0.0 9/17 ASSOC PROFESSOR ECONOMICS 23,380.00 B-MONTH 1.00 23,340.00 09/01/73 ASSOC PROFESSOR LAW SCHOOL .00 12 MO .00 .00 00/01/73 _PROFESSOR _ AEROSPACE 42,300.00 9-MONTH 1.00 20,380.00 10/20/04 LECTURER SCHOOL OF EDUCATION .00 12 MO .00 .00 02/01/50 RESIDENCE HALL COORD I STOCKWELL 14,928.00 I2 MO 1.00 M1,196.00 10/21/76 FOOD DVE SUPR 11 HOUSING DIV-HILL 18,660.00 12 HO 1.00 .00 09/01/65 - ES E.CIET PSCITY2,13.00 12 MOC .80.0 0/l IR ACADEMIC PROGRAM INST HUMIAN ADJUST 43,478.00 12 MO .44 ,130.00 09/20/07 PROFESSOR PSYCHOLOGY 43.478.00 12 !MO .88 24, 348.00 09/20/07 ®557 P FE00"""" _ARCH E UAN PLAN 23,112.00 0-MOT O 940.0 0/17 POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR I INTERNAL MEDICINE .00 12 MO .00 .00 09/14/70 STF_ UREHT_.R A ATTEN. - - 117,.00 12n M IO 00 09.007 MTN--A-- 14,280.00 IS MO 1.00 .00 12 MO .00 23,902.00 9-MONTH 1.00 .00 08/07/71 .00 08/01/75 :00 07/5/77 i . * T run 42,650.00 12 MO 15,100.00 12 HO _19,213.00_t2 MO 'GO .50 1 .00 21,325.00 09/10/62 7,080.00 09/20/77 .00 02/01/70 I 9TAFFVNVRSE _ . f., INTERIOR OE$IGNER I HITH 8ERV HRS ATTEND PUBCH S STORES. AInTSI ASAT N I I rxcN alsrvx.,, GAWA, TADAO GAMoFF. BERNARD W r( GRAII AL, AMN AHLFORS, LARD V JMED, SHAF lEA AKN, DCOLYIA S" piL C" 'FlROZO, DIANA IAKAGI HIlROGNI AICASU ZIYAEDODIM A _ KELot. CARVV - KENMAN, JOSEPH N jN ,HUDA v.I NBOTE. OLO F- AY.KAS, HURl LALA, A ARIAV____ "1BEN, DANIEL W S",eD, JAMES WILSON BE R, CMRISTTHE"""" yLRITTON WILLIAM H AIBRITG NSARANJ aALDER I NK..GORDON ;!tGStSihE: 3 C ARLES"-'- 'AORICH, ELWYN J s ALOR lOSE.ALEXANDRA 0 ,l,.RDGE, JOHINW ALEM. NABIN HM ,,AIESSI HORMIAN K ^AL EITA.MA1INE L y nLENANIOE R, CYNTHIA JEAN ALENANOE .R. DON E ALETANOER. JAN3 S _ .LEXAANDER, ION ALIENIIDER, MICHAEL T I. LERAHER, RICHAAA 0 s ~ALFXANDER, IILIAM N VISITING ASSOC RES SCI NEON ENG I APP MECH RESEARCH SCIENTIST PSYCHIATRY ASSON DRECTOR M6 ENT H.EALTH RES lNST r 10,207.00 12 MO 1,00 1,0.00 04/309/79 40 60.00 12 MO 1.00 10,607.00 04/0/795" 12,000.00 12 MO .70 .00 11/01/78 .00 12 MO .00 .00 10/01/60 850652.00 12 MO .91 .00 10016 SIOLO[ECOOI~ CAL CEITY GGEU 211 0 ,W, POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR I VISITING PROFESSOR ®ADMINAST I1 LAB TECHNOLOGIST POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR I PROFESSOR ASSOC PROFESSOR ASSOC PROFESSOR ASST RED SCIENTIST BOPHYSICS ES DIV MATHEMAT ICS ANTHR6POLOGY v- I RYR SYS;;Fi may ESI 11,000.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 10/01/79 41,484.00 6-MONTH 1.00 8,000.00 09/01/79 14,670.00 12 MO 1.00 10,070.00 0/29/00 11,700.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 09/24/79 12, 000,.00 I2 MO 1.00 .00 08/01/78 33,480.00__ 9-MONTH 1.00 28,543.00 07/01/63 20,200.00 9-MONTH .75 16,100.00 09/01/76 54,350.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 12/01/73 16,960.00 9-MONTH .61 .00 09/01/78 >Z 'TSOO'12 O 10 .0 0/07 32,490.00 12 Mo .87 13,935.00 07/01/09 1 ENO 29,642.00 12 MO .20 6,820.00 01/01/70 0LOGY 20,642.00 12 MO .00 1,186.00 01/01/70 20,000.00 8-MONTH .50 .00 09/01/70 ENTER 22,100.00 I2 MO 1.00 22,1000 6/17 40,00.0 9MONTH .0 10,0.0 0 /7 IDINY 20,330.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 07/01/77 Div 20,664.00 12 NO 1.00 .00 00/09/TO ATION 26,252.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 10/0.1/78 INE 40,000.00 12 MO 1.00 13,200.00 07/01/70 IEASES .00 12MO .00.0 0/17 I-H 27500 2M .00 .00 07/06/74 l-M 17,00.20 12 NO 1.00 .00 0/08/740 16,877.00 12 MO 1.00 4,128.00 08/24/79 12,200.00 12 Mo 1.00 1,800.00 08/01/70 I RK-N 19,783 .00 12 MO .00 .00 03/14/73 OLOGY 10,165.00 12 NO 1.00 .00 01/06/79 53,220.00 12 MO .88 47,407.00 09/06/66 - ULINISA3.220.U00U 12ILMrI:0, 400.00I 0I9/06/88~ TTE.0 M1. 1 -M t REEN8UE 1IRFT, STEWART C CLI NICAL ASBT PROFESSOR ORAL OIAGHOSiS 305000.00 12YOO26100.00 08/22/70 ARUTA, ROOOLFO CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR INTERNAL MEDICINE, .00 72 MO .00 .00 09/01/75 ARO, ONER VISITING A33OC PROFESSOR MECH EMO 8 APP MECH 19,44000O 91/83EAIADNAST1GRNCLNG8 IT 1,1.00 12 MO 7.0 1, .00 10/16/73 RES ASST I1 HLTH SCI SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY 10,600.00 12 MO .50b.00 04/10/70 RIZA-VNO, EDGAR J ASST RES SCIENTIST CR80 22,203.00 1S MO 1.00 .00 01/25/77 ARM8RUSTER, BETTE A ACMIN ASST I PG MED 8 HLTH PROF E 14,300.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 04/01/71 RMSTRONS, REGINALD 7 STUDENT SERVICES ASSOC I OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM 15,011.00 12 MO .1.00 15,011.00 09/10/7$ RMSTRtONb,.SUSAN F RE3 ASST it HLTH 301 PATHOLOGY 10,800.00 12 MO 1,00 .00 08/19/76 IRMSTRONG, THOMAS J ASST PROFESSOR ENV 8IN1MG4EALTM 22,670,00 0-MONTH 1.00' 13,802.00 00/01/7 RNDT, BETTY JEAN HEAD NURSE IR.TM DERy HID ATTEND 24,022.00 I2 MO 1.00 24,022.00 10/03/50 NEAUD, SUSAN E STUDENT SERVICES ASS0C IICEW 16,919.00 12 MO 1.00 18,019.00 06/01/78. ONESEN, PEER J ASST PROFESSOR HISTORY 17,000.00 0-MONTH 1,00 0,500,00 09/01/79 RNETT, BARBARA K STUDENT SERV ICES ASBT 11 INST OF GERONTOLOG0Y 12,300.00 12 MO 1.00 , .00 06/02/71 RNETT DOROTH L HOSP FOOD SVC NOR DIETETICS AOMIN-M 16 40.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 08/11/ ARBS OIaNT, LYP E0356- i E88SA 3, . 9- HN .0 3,0.0 / RNHEIM, RUDOLF VISITING PROFESSOR HISTORY OF ART 30,600.00 9- MONTH .00 10,400.00' 09/01/74 RNOLO. CLEMENT E SECURITY OFFICER I HOUSING DIV-SECURITY 14,196.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 10/20/01 RNOLD DINAH L ' ADMIN ASST 11 PSYCH ADULT PROMS-H 185601.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 03/20/.0 0, DINT0S I C , .0 Y 1C .0S RHOLO, HELEN H OFFICE SUPR ADMISSIONS OFFICE )6,306.00 12 MO 1.00 16,306.00 07/01/0 RNOLO, MARIETTA F STAFF NURSE "ED NURSING-MAIN-H 18,332.60 12 MO 1.00 .00 02/20/03 IAN LOIS A LECTURER HISTORY 14,000.00 8-MONTH .50 3500.,00 01/03/77 P ,RUPRFSOC B O ARRAK. KARIN V STAFF NURSE WOMEND 00 NURSING-H 18,822.90 12 MO .50 ,DO 10/00/70 RTMOS, JOHN PROFESSOR EMERITUS LSSA ADMINISTRATION 40,000.00 9-MONTH .10 2,000,00 09/01/138 RTHUR. BETTIE PROFESSOR PSYCHOLOGY .00 12 HO .00 .00 09/20/6 PROFSSORPSYCIATR 43206.0 ISMO 100 .0 0 /00 PROFESSOR CORMI HEALTH FROG .00 12 MO .00 .00 09/20/58 RTHUR, BRADFORD ASST PROFESSOR LINGUISTICS .1,006.00 12 MO 1.00 1,006.00 09/01/70 RTNGRS DEBORAH M1 ASST HEAD NURSE MOTT FED NURSING-H 17,972,00 12 MO 1.00 .00 09/08/77 MAIJ tORhCa REDASC IHT C ""IRUORIC""""""'4OOp 12M 1.000 D//7 ASERRY, JAMES FREEMAN RESIDENCE HALL COORD I COUZENS HALL 14,772.00 12 MO 1.00 11,079.00 00/26/70 ClONE, FIII J 4- ASST PROFESSOR COLLEGE OF PHARMACY . 23,000.00 12 MO .60 2,300.00 01/01/7 'ISELTINE, LYLE F ASSOC PROFESSOR SURGERY-GENERAL .00 12 MO .00 .00 06/10/00,NO 2 SOAR, KAMAL PROFESSOR DENT MATERIALS 47,630.00 12 NO 1.00 47,830.00 07/01/49 SGAR, SUSAN 0 SR CLINICAL TECHNOLOGIST PATHOLOGY SERVICE-N 16,100.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 01/20/SO Sr F:H JRI, MAJOR M1 RESEARCH SCIENTIST GENIAL RESEARCH INST .00 12 MO .00 .00 00/01/033 H,. JEFFREY LEROY CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR ENDODONTICS 18,000.00 12 NO .00,200.00 04/30/719 SH PETER. L INSTRUCTOR PSYCHIATRY 30,000.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 07/01/74 HORPMARIE L ASST PROFESSOR MED CARE ORG .00 IS MO .00 .00 09/11/72 ASHROTFREDERICKI, RED ASST It ENGR NAVAL ARCH 8 MAR ERG 13, 720.,00 12 MO 1.00 .00 02/06/78 ASEIi1), ARTHUR J PROFESSOR CHEMISTRY 29,000.00 9-MONTH 1.00 20,000.00 08/22/6 1JI5N, ELAINE STAFF NURSE MOTT FED NURSI NG-H 16.018,00 12 MO 1.00 .00 10/30/78 SKEW. PHYLLIS I STAFF NURSE C0OMM HLTH NURSING-H 17,035.20 '12 MO 1.00 .00 06/18/70 KT.INSI UI, DANIE L K ASSOCPROFESSOR ELEC A COMPUTER ENG 28,000.00 9-MONTH .1.00 22,400.00 07/01/72 ATKINSON. JOHN W PROFESSOR PSYCHOLOGY 40,162.00 S-MONTH 1.00 40,162.00 07/01/0 TKINSOH, MARY STAFF NURSE SUNS NURSING-MAIN-H 16,790.80 12 MO 1.00 .00 10/02/70 TRETA, SUSHIL K ASST PROFESSOR ATHOS S OCEANIC SCI 20,300.00 9-MONTH 1.00 10,150.00 09/01174 TWATER, LEAN C STUDENT SERVICES ASST I CHEMISTRY 10,750.00 12 MO 1.00 10,750.0 0 03/14/77 ATWOOD, BEVERLY FREYSINGESTAFF PHARMACIST PHARMACY-H 19,600.00 I2 MO 1.00 .00 09/04/79 TWOOD, NICK[ ROTH SR COUNSELOR STUDENT COUNSELING 18,750.00 12 MO .0 6,375.00 09/04/79 AUER, MARTIN T ASST RED SCIENTIST CIVIL ENGINEERING 21.800,00 12 MO 1.00 .900 09/01/73 UEN, NANCY A RED ASST 11 NAT SCI GREAT LAKES DIVISION 11,700.00 12 MO 1.00 .00l 01/18/76. A UUSYN, PILLIP F HOUSE OFFICE4R IV OPHTHALMOLOG "Y 1,9.0 12 O 1.004 AULPH, JANET LYNN STAFF NURSE MOTT FED NURSING-N 16,010.00 12 MO 1,00 .00 09/17/79 AUNG-TNIN, MICHAEL A POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR 1 S.S SE ASIAN STU0IES 14,840.00 12 NO .50.00 07/01/78 AUPPERLE. ERIC 1M DIRECTOR IST-MERIT COMP HETWK 37,700.00 12 MO .60 .00 OG/01/56 RESEARCHSCINTST S-MERTCM EW 00 1 O .0.0 0 /50 LECTURER" ELEC S COMPUTER ENO 37,700.00 12 MO .15 0,600.00 06/01756 AUSE. ROBERT 0 CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR RADIOLOGY .00 12 NO .00 .00 09/01/67 AUSTAO CAROL L CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR PSYCHIATRY 42,800.00 12 MO .25 .00 07/01l70 AUPo RCbclILINSTRUCTOR- SUROERY-FLATE 4,000 2 D .000 7010 AUSTIN, ERIK M RED. ASSOC II SOCIAL SCI POLITICAL STUDIES 22,104,00 12 M0 1.00 .00 07/01/66 AUSTIN, HENRY N PROFESSOR SPEECN ,COMM 6 TNEA 26,720.00 S-MONTH 1.00 26,720.00 07/01/56 AUSTIN, JOELLE V HOSP UNIT MGMT SUPR I MAIN HOD UNIT MBMT-H 14,433.00 12 NO 1.00 .00 05/05/69 AUTIJOEP SCRIY FICRI OUIG ISEU aT 900.900 12 No .0 . 0 06/07 AUSTIN, RONALD EDWIN LIBRARIAN TECHNICAL SERVICES 20,309.00 12 NO 1.00 25,309.00 07/17A7 AVERY, GALEN V TECHNICAL LIBRARY ASST DETROIT BRANCH LIS 10,104.00 '12 MO 1.00 10,104.00 07/01/70 AVERY, JAMES K DIRECTOR DENTAL RESEARCH INST 09,709.00 12 MO .12 .00 09/01/54 RESARH SIETIT ONTL ESERC IST 55(0.0 12MO . 20..'-00 09/0154A PROFESSOR ANATOMY .00 12 MO .00 .00 09/01/54 PROFESSOR ORAL BIOLOGY 00,706.00 12 MO .60 35,205.00 09/01/54 AVERY. JUDITH C DR ADDOC LIBRARIAN UNDERGRADUATE LIB 18,612.00 12 MO 1,00 18,612,00 05/19850 "VRNNYRED ASST LI C AOI 11,/2.0001 111 1001", AVILA, JUAN H CLINICAL CONSULTANT PSYCH YOUTH SVCS-H. 22,206.00 i2 MO ' .60 .0 00/24/77 HOUSE OFFICER III PSYCHIATRY 17,405.00 12 MO 1.00 - 00 05/24/77 AWNEY' JUNE MI CLIN NURSING SPECIALIST MOTPED NURSING-N 26,166.00 12 MO .50 .00 09/215/178 1ASST PROFESSOR PHYSI CS 2,230.00 B-MONTH .50 10,L,115.00 09/01/77 AIELROO. JEFFREY B. RED ASDT'II NAT DCI IST HIGHWAY SAFETY 12,144.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 05/30/176 ANELROD, ROBERT ASSOC RES SCIENTIST RUSSIAN 68E EUR STU 26,370.00 9-MONTH ,50 .00 06/01/74- ASSOC PROFESSOR POLITICAL SCIENCE 26,370.00 0-MONTH .250 .6,002.00 09/01/74 F'AELSON, JOHN A HOUSE OFFICER IV INTERNAL MEDICINE 18,169,00 12 Mo 1.00 ..00 08/20/70 %AIESN, TONNI K ASST HEAD NURSE MOTT PED NURSING-H 16,440.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 07/11/77 .IOX7HR """"" CL NAL SR I MAIN 'OAD0T 0800 2M .0.0 0/0 AYERS, JOHN C RESEARCH SCIENTIST GREAT LAKES DIVISION 34,143.00 9-MONTH 1,00 17,071.50 07/01/5 .- .. Te-_T PROFESSOR mATMOD 6 OCEANIC SCI r^.00 12 MO .0 .002 07/01/00 --- OLIN RESEARCH CTR-H4 CHEMISTRY NUC80000 9-MNT E.0U 4,9000EK0I M!8 I aiiiiii ---- ---- ---- - - I MOON ENG E APP MECH ARCH 6 URBAN PLAN MENT HEALTH RES INST 20,900.00 0a-MONTHr 20, 900.00 S-MONTH 27,000.00 12 MO --- i i r -- -11. _ -SRO i4vTTTtl9" .-- 99 -TD M11- 1.00 16, 140,00 09/20/5B .Op .00 09/20/56 1.00 .00 09/01/70 1 .00 .00 01/05/79 1.00 18,000.00 07/01/79 .00 .00 07/01/75 - !EVCma.nv-- POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR I CHEMISTRY VISITING ASSOC PROFESSOR MECH ENG S APP 118CM POSRTDOCTORIAL SCHOLAR 1 MENT HEALTH RES INST 11,000.00 12 MO AG, 000.00 B-MONTH 1809.w0 I '1TO"".00 01/1/w "HUSE OFFCER V - - E& ii AD- 1 ATHLETIC FACILITY SUPR ASSOC PROFESSOR ASS00 PROFESSOR ASS"C PROFESSOR EMPLOYMENT REP 11 PHYSICAL THERAPIST I _VSrTTEEO"rCYRE~R ACCOUNT ING SUPR I LECTURER PROFESSOR _____ ".AEST""PROFEESOW' ASSOC RES SCIENTIST HOUSE OFFICER IV ACCOUNT ING SUPR I IINTERIOR DESIGNER 11 CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR LAB TECHNOLOGIST _ CLINICAL SUPR I _ASST NED. SCIENTIST. CURATOR PROFESSOR ASSOC PROFESSOR F3Yt!HIATKY ATHLETICS NEUROLOGY PHYSICAL MED S REHAB 10500.00 12 Mo 66,000.00 12 MO 85,000.00 12 n0 s--, 167208:40 12 MO R- SCHOOL OF MUSIC PERSONNEL MAIN PHYSICAL THEN-H n 22,900.00 9-MONTH 16,524.00 12 MO 15,024.00 12 MO ---r EL. I 5,;;I .40 8MOM1 ACCOUNTI NG HUMAN ITIES ENGLISH LANG S LIT --, 18,620.00 IS MO t 13,800.00 6-MONTH 36,900.00 B-MONTH 29,160.00 12 MOD 16,169.00 12 MO 19,400.00 12 MO 1:00 .00 10/01/76 .20 6,000.00 07/23/79 ,80 28,337,00 07/23/79 1.00 22,000.00 0/26/70 1.00 16,524.00 09/06/70 1.00 __ .00 07/03/78 1.00 .00 04/01/74 .33 2,277.00 01/01/79 1.00 30,900.00 08/24/64 1.00 .00 07/269 1.00 .00 07/01/76 1.00 _ .00 06/20/62 1 0'"~T7S"0 O767" 1.00 12,910.00 09/07/76 .02 400.00 07/01/70 .00 .00_ 11/27/61 IST HIGHWAY SAFETY PSYCH IATRY BILLING A41101LLECT-H ANDERSON, SHIRLEY B ANDERSON, THOMAS F ANDER1SON, TRUDY H ANDERSON. WILLIAM B ANDERSON. WILLIAM R ANDREA, CATHERINE H ANDRES, ROBERT 0 ANRW.ALICE FRENCH ,'RO1"ACH IP" -"- ANOREWS, FRANK H AC2S"TLTA"W'""" :ANDREWS, MARIANNE R ;ANDREWS, RICHARD N L iANDREWS, RICHARD W _ ANGELL, JOHN C ANGLEGERGER. NANCE L ANGLIN, SHEILAH J 'ANHALT, GRANT J CLINI1CAL"'INSTRUCTOR" SURERAL-UROLOGY 5,22.00 12 NO .01040.00 09/08/6 ADMIN ASSOC I SOCIAL WORK 22,000.00 t2 MO 1.00 22.800,00 09/17/66 AUDI PROFESSOR DERMATOLOGY 35,000.00 12 MO 1.00 10,476.00 07/01/70 OFFICE SUPR CAREER PLN PLACEMENT 10,000.00 12 MO 1.00 /1600.00 0/07 OLINICAL41 INSTRUCTOR 08 & GYM .00 12 MO .00 .00 07/01/76 PROFESSOR AEROSPACE 20,300.00 9-MONTH 1.00 29,300.00 08/23/65 ASSOC CURATOR HERBARIUM 20,300.00 12 NO .00 126650.00. 10/01/74 -ASO PROFESSO ILGCLSINE 2.0,0 1 O .0 1,00.0 1/1 STAFF NURSE HOYT P80 NURSING-H 16,263.20 12 MO 1.00 .00 '09/14/70 NED ASSOC 11 HLTH SCI KRESGE NEAR RED INST 19,280.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 05/21/70 HOUSE OFFICER IV PEDS & COMM DISEASES 18,189.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 07/01/79 RESEARCH SCIENTIST SURVEY RESEARCH CTR 42,240.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 09/17/64 PROFESSOR PSYCHOLOGY .00 12 MO .00 .00 09/17/02 PROFESSOR ETR FOR POP PLANNING .00 12 MO .00 .00 09/17/02 RED ASST If NAT SCI MENT HEALTH RES IHAT 41,683.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 '09/10/60 ASSOC PROFESSOR SON OF NAT RESOURCES 27,300.00 12 MO 1.00 27,500.00 00/01/72 ASSOC PROFESSOR BUSI NESS ADMIN 268000,00 B-MONTH 1.00 60,000.00 09/01/74 --ST7Ol"W " 1 oRES ASSOC It ENGR ME8CH ENO & APP HECK 10,030.00 12 MO .10 .00 00/01/73 FOO0DSVC SUPR 11 HOUSING DIV-CENTRAL 10,490.00 12 MO 1.00 .00 05/10/72 RES ASST I SOCIAL SCI EPIDEMIOLOGY 10,000.00 12 MO .G0 .00 09/01/76 107557.00 12 MO -- Ta iokri PURCH t STORES INTERNAL MEDICINE INTERNAL MEICINE 12,916.00 12 MO 20,000.00 12 MO 0,190.00 12 MO r- I HISTORY PAT 1,2.0 5 1. PATHOLOGY SERVl CE-H COMPUTING CENTER BI 'USurOFZOOLOGYNCE 11,500.00 12 MO 31.200.00 -12 MO Y- ,00 .00 09/05/70 1 00 .00 01/11/660 .60 24,906.00 09/10/07 .60 24,980.00 09/16/67 1.00 20,100.00 09/08/71 1.00 10,200.00 08/10/62 49,20012 M HOUSE OFFICER IV DERMATOLOGY 18,169.00 19 MO 1.00 4, 724.00 07/01/77 ENGLISH LANG 6 41T 20:100.00 9-MONTH I !A STF NRE E/S1166 HU881111-H 162840 12 MO .60 .00 06/07/78