Gold prices set a record The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, December 12, 1979-Page 5 Lack of training adtaf frustrates'U'aid office :NEW YORK (AP) - The price of geld hit a record $451 an ounce yester- y as investors went on a buying spree fd by worries about the Iranian crisis, prospect of higher oil prices, and She state of the dollar. The dollar, which tends to move in a direction opposite of gold, fell. The gold , sh spilled over into silver, and the pice of that metal rose to near-record levels. Gold dealers said buying was coming fpm many different sectors, as Arab }1 sheiks, worried about the declining ylue of their petrodollars, competed .for the metal with Americans seeking a #afer investment. =,GOLD BROKE through its old record a $444 an ounce early in the day in Zurich, rising to $445.50, a $14.50 gain room Monday's price. The London gold rket followed with a $15.25 rise to ,>, But the metal broke both those levels in New York, closing at $451 an ounce, ;fn $18.50 rise from Monday's level, ac- cprding to Republic National Bank. On -the Commodity Exchange, the price of ,$pld futures for December delivery dose $14.30 to $450.50 an ounce. ynThe price of gold has now -almost 4lpubled from its $226.37-an-ounce price t the beginning of this year. And it is ,most i3 times as expensive as it was =iritish send 1ead war-tor LONDON (Reuter) - Britain yester- day sent a governor to take control of its rebel colony of Zimbabwe Rhodesia, ;despite the fact that guerrillas waging \War in the territory have not yet accep- ed his authority. Defending the move, Prime Minister margaret Thatcher told Parliament the Salisbury government of Prime Minister Bishop Abel Muzorewa had greed to hand over legislative and xecutive authority to the British ,vernot, Senior Cabinet Minister Lord Soames, who left London yesterday. (In preparation for Soames' arrival in Salisbury, Zimbabwe Rhodesia's Parliament last night dissolved itself, ending 14 years of rebellion against British rule.) ANSWERING angry questions from Labor opposition leader James dallaghan, Thatcher said Britain hoped that within a few days the Patriotic #rd guerrillas waging r against ??ie Salisbury administration would also kcept Soames' authority: tCallaghan voiced "serious reser- ations" about the government's in 1970, when an ounce of gold could be had for about $35. The price was then largely controlled, however, by now- defunct international agreements. "OBVIOUSLY, the 1970s have been a golden decade with a vengeance," said David Fitzpatrick, a London-based gold-market analyst for the Wall Street firm Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith. Among the recent factors cited in pushing the price up were worries that a worsening of the Iranian situation could lead to hostilities between the United States and Iran and possibly other Muslim nations, a belief that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting countries might vote a huge oil-price increase next week and general worries about the world economy. EDUCATION GRANT PHILADELPHIA (AP)-A grant of $600,000 to enhance undergraduate education at the University of Pen- nsylvania has been announced by RobertL. Payton, president of the Exxon Education Foundation. Payton said the new Exxon Academic Development Fund to be established by the grant "will implement incentives and support for both faculty and students who are engaged in reforming the undergraduate program" at Penn. governor to n Rhodesia decision to fly Lord Soames into Salisbury while the territory was still in a state of civilwar. The guerrillas have accepted British ceasefire proposals in principle, but are still arguing with the British gover- nment and the Salisbury authorities over details. CALLAGHAN specifically asked for - and received - a guarantee from the prime minister that no British troops would be moved into Zimbabwe Rhodesia until the guerrillas agreed to a cease fire. Reacting to Thatcher's statement, guerrilla spokesman Eddison Zvobgo warned of the dangers in the British government's move, adding: "From tomorrow afternoon any killing done by the Rhodesian regime will be the responsibility of the British governor." Asked whether he thought Lord Soames would "be safe, Zvobgo said: "Put it this way - none of our guerrillas have been told to look after him." 1 (Continued from Page 1) "It's chaotic around here. I'd be the first to admit it," added Jim Zimmer- man, assistant director of financial aid. To ease the situation, the University is looking into a new computer system. ZIMMERMAN blamed the present situation on a 90 per cent increase in GSL applications and a 50 per cent in- crease in BEOGs (Basic Educational Opportunity Grants) this year. "Our present system is only designed to han- dle 9,000 files, and we now have to han- dle 25,000," he said. A recent decision by Congress to change the need formula for indepen- dent students on the BEOG has caused its share of headaches in the aid office. As a result of the changes, students received new eligibility reports, and the office had to pull and re-evaluate thousands of files. The state hasn't helped matters. Last February, the legislature turned over to the University part of the respon- sibility for processing its own Michigan Competitive Scholarship applications. "The result was a tremendous screwup." The University is not sure about the number of students affected. Some students have not received their money, and a few have had to be driven to Lansing to check records. In some cases, the University has promised University aid funds to students on the Competitive Scholarships to cover for errors made in evaluating their forms. Johnson said, "We thought our present staff would be able to handle the increases, but it was a lot higher than expected." INTERNAL deficiencies are also responsible. Students, after waiting in line for up to two hours, are often con- fronted by desk personnel "who don't know what they're doing," in the words of one student. Chinese Papercuts Cards Records Calendars Diaries Tarot Cards Class Struggle Game Puzzles-Games A PERIODICAL RETREAT the second floor bookstore 336%/2 S. State St. Phone 663-0215 THIS IS OUR ... OF MUSEIC: aum MAI - A"4, ssl , 1. :j., . :. ""t' 7. ' . : , i :., .: i. :i ; ..; :.i . ::. . . :+: ... , ' i. t t. t. 4" j/" .' .t._ + ' '' .,J .. ,' , . ± ', " 1 r "f ,1 . 't. .? . '' ' " - .j' : T 4 , r.t. :F 1. :( ,,t.: ' : ) '.- f . 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