U e 4--Wednesday, December 12, 1979--The Michigan Daily iT '1. LUE-1 The U.S. Embassy crisis in Iran, and e impending turmoil in that country craw a number of historical parallels thich bear mention, and help to clarify te increasingly complex situation. The (verse ethnic ' compositions of the .itlying areas of Iran, and the recent schisms within the theocracy remind s, as Professor William Schorger poin- tsd out during a panel two weeks ago, teat Iran has come to resemble the Ot- ttman Empire in its latter stages. That ig, there is a strong central authority trying to maintain a hold of the ethnic components on the periphery. Recent disturbances in Azerbaijan and Kurdistan are evidence that itonomy movements have long been, tnderway in those regions, along with a $milar one in Baluchistan. While 4yatollah Khomeini has granted a teater measure of cultural autonomy those areas than did the Shah, he is Bepingto his intention of imposing his n form of Islamic rule in the outlying eas. Criticisms by Ayatollah Shariat- adari in Tabrim in Azerbaijan of omeini' s autocratic constitution rposal, and his successful boycott of e recent election indicate that there are serious internal schisms within the dIeocracy, and the possibility of civil iar in the near future. 'THE AZERBAIJANI population is evenly divided between Soviet and ranian jurisdiction, whereas the Kurds Lave most of their population in Iran, kith the Baluchis centered in Pakistan. 3chorger stated that the peripheral teas would seize a realistic oppor- $nity to establish their own republics, fbereby they might come under the rotection of these neighboring coun- ies, without beingdirectly absorbed. SIn spite of the increasing instability }i Iran, we can not ignore the support Viat Khomeini has aroused in the Per- ;ian Gulf states, who have large Shi'ite minorities. Professor K. Allen Luther Ninety Year r's contribution to the current Iranian crisis noted that while the embassy incident might make some nations leery of dealing with Khomeini in the future, he has inspired similar Shi'ite in neight- boring Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain. Equally important is the fact that as these splinter movements gain strength, they threaten the stability of their countries' governments. Khomeini's role as leader of the Islamic theocracy, should be viewed in light of various historical circumstan- ces. His coming to power symbolized the ascendency of the 'Ulama (com- munity of religious scholars) to the seat of secular, as well as religious authority. For the last 200 years, the 'Ulama has been the traditional chan- nel, by which objection to state op- pression ,and foreign aggression has been expressed. As Luther notes, the Persian people have fought against foreign encroachment since their first conquest by Alexander the Great. Because it has been a crossroad for many trade routes, Iran has been "a cockpit for great power struggles," in- cluding the concurrent occupations of Soviet an British troops before and af- ter World War II. Consequently Iranians have developed an intense xenophobia, with the 'Ulama traditionally expressing these sen- timents. The 'Ulama has a successful tradition of achieving its short-time aims, but has shown a consistent inability to foresee long-term consequences and secondary results. In his book, "Religion and State in Iran, 1785-1906", Hamid Algar comments on the 'Ulama's role in ending the British tobacco monopoly in the 1890's, by uniting the efforts of the guilds and bazaars in a successful boycott. Algar states that while this incident demon- strated the control of the 'Ulama over the people, the end result of this affair was 'a noticeable increase in clerical By H. Scott Prosterman power," while "the 'Ulama were to become partners of the state in op- pression." This alliance created the setting for the Constitutional Revolution of 1905-06, and public respect for the 'Ulama was diminished. THE SHORTSIGHTEDNESS of the religious scholars is seen by the fact that, although the British tobacco the lack of foresight, mentioned by Algar, in his inability to maintain a unity among the outlying ethnic elements, who helped in deposing the Shah. We might also see Khomeini as replaying a historical occurance, having assumed secular powers, and by instituting his own oppression against the dissident elements, for opposing his one-man rule. "If the Carter administration is to be commen- dedfor not giving in to terrorism, then it must, at the same time, acknowledge the American role in having put the Shah in power and supported him for 25 years." hostages will be tried before an inter- national grand jury, to determine whether they are spies. One presum- ption is that some may be found guilty, but pardoned, as a way for Iran to save face, from changing their unacceptable demand of returning the Shah. IF THE CARTER administration is to be commended for not giving in to terrorism, then it must, at the same time, acknowledge the American role in having put the Shah in power and sup- ported him for 25 years. While returning the Shah to Iran would set a dangerous diplomatic precedent, the U.S. must come to terms with its responsibility for the Shah's crimes against the Iranian people. Not only is the CIA responsible for violently ousting the Nationalist Regime of Muhammad Mossadeq in 1953, but we have perpetrated an arms build up in the Gulf, by encouraging the 'Shah to build one of the most elaborate military arsenals in the world. Though we do have legitimate economic and security interests in Iran, because of oil and its long border with the U.S.S.R., these interests have been pursued in a way that has made us party to the following crimes, some of which were recounted by University graduate student Sadri Khalassi: " the perpetration of an economic, system, in which 10 per cent of the population lived in luxury at the expen-. se of an impoverished mass. * the torture or murder of some 6- 800,000 people by an intelligence agency maintained to support this government. " a land-reform program that took a nearly self-sufficient nation to a total dependency on foreign agriculture. " putting the nation's oil'profits into military hardware, which was even- tually used against its citizens, and " massacres of peaceful demon- strations. * creating the need for foreign economic domination, by robbing the of su nation of its agriculture base, and not developing an industrial one. While Iran is rightly accused of violating all creeds of international and Islamic law, by stoning an embassy and taking hostages, it considers the U.S. to be guilty of greater crimes Nonetheless Iran can't expect to have its legitimate grievances heard, until it shows some adherence to diplomatic protocol This seems to be the messaae monopoly was ended, it resulted in a tremendous foreign debt to Iran. Algar also contend that the "intention in political affairs to gain permanent con- trol thereof, never appears to have been an aim of the 'Ulama." Schorger and Luther expressed agreement that the Khomeini government is a provisional one, with no long term intentions. However, with Khomeini's attempt to install himself as a permanent ruler by a constitutional election, this point is debatable. Also, Khomeini has shown Although Iran seems to have become a one-man theocracy, there appears to be the potential for chaos, beyond the movements for political autonomy. Schorger and Luther were careful to add that one of the most dangerous unknowns is that we don't know who is really in charge of the hostages. We have heard conflicting statements from the "students", and the government as to the conditions for their release. The latest pronouncement, by Foreign Minister Sadezbadeh, is that the rs of Editoripl Freedom News Phone: 764-0552 Ann Arbor's housing p must finally be comba . VolI ame XC, Number 80 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Tenure system needs some minor changes VITAL TO THE SUCCESS of this institution of higher education has been the University's tenure system. It preserves the academic freedom of its professors by allowing them to pursue any course that would enhance educational advancement. It has fostered the essential diversity of ideas and philosphies needed to expose today's\ college students to political and social values across the spectrum. Tenure has enabled professors to develop research and teaching techniques without intervention by University administrators.. But, as the Daily discovered in a recent five-part series on tenure issue, the system has some drawbacks. Its faults, inherent in the makeup of the system, harm students above all, as some low-quality professors maintain positions despite overwhelming student disfavor. In short, they just cannot be kicked out of their jobs. Coupled with the increasingly older age of faculty members, the tenure system deserves to,, undergo some scrutiny. Any thorough and comprehensive analysis of the system's pros and cons supports claims to its value within the University. Without it, chaos and fear would rule the campus, as professors would have to look over their shoulders and behind classroom doors to make sure superiors and peers liked what they have to say and teach. A professor attempting to use an innovative style of research could easily be convinced otherwise if he or she knew the depar- tment. was opposed to the idea. There is, however, a recognized need for amending the present system to account for some of its failures. A major revision would probalby effec- tively end the idea of tenure and we're opposed to that. But a few changes, might make the system more equitable versity's biggest college-Literature, Science and the Arts-has no students on its executive committee. It may not in- sure that students needs will be given any more consideration, but a voting student member on the committee would symbolize student involvement 'in the process. Student input at the entry level, however, does not adequately solve the system's faults. There is still the problem of a stale professor whose teaching methods grow obsolete. Plenty of professors whose teaching abilities become questionable survive many years, exempt from any scrutiny. While revising the tenure system to remove protection for those professors would be self-destructive, a further review process of their teaching qualitifications might guarantee a higher degree of accoun- tability. A committee from each department, comprised of an equal number of faculty and student members, should study each tenured professor's teaching record every few years to determine how he or she is received by students. That would include, of cour- se, analyzing student eyaluations and soliciting any other comments about the professor's teaching ability. If reaction was positive, no action would be necessary. But if a tide of discontent was to sweep against the professor, the committee should ad- vise department officials to notify the professor so that he or she would make an effort to improve. The professor would still have tenure-no one could take that away-but such notification from a special committee might make the professor more aware of the problem, and more to willing to change. Institutionalizing student evaulation The semester is finally ending. It is a relief to get out of here, to be finished with unread books and overdue papers and enjoy life again. And over the holidays there will be an even greater pleasure-the seventies are drawing to a close. It has been hard to be students who have missed the generation of the student-to live where activism has withered away into a monthly attendance of the political scien- ce association. But activism still has a place in Ann Arbor. It is essential in order to combat the one crisis that has transcended the generations.. .HOUSING. THERE ARE MANY exam- ples. The median rent in Ann Ar- bor is 72 per cent higher than the national average. Ann Arbor ren- ts rose by 300 per cent between 1950 and 1976, while the overall rate of inflation for the same period was only 133 per cent. (1970 U.S. Census and U.S. Dept.. of Labor Statistics.) Ann Arbor residents pay approximately 30 per cent of their income for rent. A 1976 MSA study found that close to 90 per cent of Ann Arbor's housing have code violations.. Any person in Ann Arbor who must .confront the housing dilemma can tell' you that the By Curtis Dalton and Carole McCabe the U.N. in their statements on thk bject. IN ADMITTING the Shah, the State epartment acted against the advice of 'eryone from academics to the CIA. enry Kissinger and David Rockefellet ere the main forces whopressured the :ate Department to do so. We can only pe that the U.S. doesn't make an even yore costly blunder by intervening ilitarily. This action would not only >ur similar anti-American uprisings I along the Gulf, but as Luther says, it is doubtful that Iran would execute te hostages unilaterally." It might be fair to assume that at !ast a fews of the hostages are indeed ies. Nonetheless, the U.S.'s eknowledgement of its part in the' iah's crimes against Iran would d lore to resolve the crisis than any teasures taken thus far. Returning the hah would set a foolish precedent-an merican acknowledgement of its role ehind the Shah, and token compen- tion in the way of non-military aid ,ould seem to be a logical compromise. ,egardless of the threat of civil war, nd the option of an economic embargo bring down the Khomeini gover- ment, this would seem to bring about ie quickest release of the hostages. his is the issue at hand. H. Scott Prosterman is a frequent rntributor to the Daily's editor i& Age. roblems tted dlord your house is an invest- ment, while to you it is a home. r The housing problem may nt at first seem as crucial as te issues of the sixties, but consider it again when you write a $300 check for your security deposit, and another check for,$200 every month, while going weeks. without heat, hot water, ard' privacy. These conflicts have in immeasurable effect on all of us every day. The fact that this situation is typical in Ann Arbor should not make it any mor acceptable. Established channels have proven useless. University authorities themselves acknowledge that the solution lies in a return to student activisji. (John Finn, Assistant Housiig Director at meeting with Ann Air- bor Tenants Union, Dec. 3,1979.) A new activism combined with the energy and experience of the past can be directed to solve the housing crisis which still plagues us. When return it will be 1980. What a good time to reorganize and finally eliminate Ann Arbor's housing nightmare. Curtis Dalton and Carole McCabe have worked on the VISTA Housing Law Reform project.' and dishonor to the reputation of his fellow graduate students by presenting us as sanctioning th abuse of power, illiteracy, and obvious lacking of integrity. As a consequence of the aforementioned abuse, it is by unanimous vote that the StudentS for Educational Innovation of the University of Michigan resolve that: Mr. Robert Milbrath be hereby emphatically censured for his discretionless and most inappropriate use of his office title on editorial material which was strictly his own. Further, S.E.I. will support a movement to recall' Mr. Milbrath fromi representative office if such disdainful purportment coif- tinues. -The Students for Educational Innovation C U 1 HQl STAFF ............Business Manager Qal1... Manra situation is dismal. Local rents don't have to be as high as they are now. It is easy to believe your landlord's claim that inflation and taxes are eating away all profits, but it is not true. Many of the ways in which landlords earn enormous profits on their property are hid- den, and the average tenant is not aware of them. For example: * The most obvious way in which landlords reap profit is net monthly income. The difference between your monthly rent and the landlord's monthly operating costs usually leaves him/her with a substantial leftover. * When rental property is sold, the income is considered "capital gains" and is taxed at only one half the normal rate. Landlords get additional profit from other tax breaks, like this one. * Another way landlords realize profit is through "equity." The tenant's dollar pays the lan- dlord's mortgage, interest and upkeep. You as tenant, in effect, buy the building for the landlord and s/he keeps the profits. * The last two ways in which landlords make profit are really two sides of the same coin. Houses appreciate in value due to inflation and increasing demand. Real estate is a long term in- vestment that almost always brings enormous returns. But at the same time that houses are appreciating, landlords are allowed to pretend that the value is going down over time. Depreciation can be dedu ted from their income and enables them to pay far less taxes. THIS IS THE economic foun- dation of an oppressive lan- dlord/tenant relationship, a relationship that perpetuates the basic dichotomy that to a lan- Letters, to the Daily To the Daily : Mr. Robert Milbrath, (President of Rackham Student Government, R.S.G.), having signed his R.S.G. title to a self- If-ug- II generated editorial on November 27, 1979, had, in doing so, abused his office and misrepresented all graduate students at the Univer- sity of Michigan. The Students for I Educational Innovation, S.E.I., support Mr. Milbrath's con- stitutional right to be heard, but heard as an individual only! Having used his office title as part of his signature, however, he has blatantly violated the authority of his position and the honor of the very few students who elected him into office, as well as all other graduate studen- ts at the University of Michigan. Milbrath's unscrupulous use of title did not even reflect the opinion of R.S.G., who soundly defeated a resolution of very similar content presented by Milbrath some seven days earlier.S.E.I. believes that students should be honestly represented by their elected governmental officers. Milbrath has done unquestionable harm BUSINESS LISA CULBERSON ............. , It I B LIJII IP 41111 I II I I f 1 f f i tl III