Page 2-B-Friday, September7, 1979-The Michigan Daily U of Mass. students return to crumbling library AMHERST, Mass. (AP) - Six years ago the University of Massachusetts opened a modern 28-story tower touted as "the tallest library in the world." But when classes resumed Wednesday, students found the library barricaded, its brick facade crumbling and its one million books temporarily out of reach. "This is no way to start the school year," lamented Chancellor Henry Kof- fler as librarians tried to determine which essential books would be.moved from the building so students can use them. KOFFLER, IN his first year as chan- cellor, said the main library will remain closed until engineers figure out what is causing the mysterious rain of brick chips from its sides. The entire plaza outside the building is ringed with barricades to keep people at a safe distance. The library, whose vertical windows give-it the appearance of a giant accor- dion, stands in striking contrast to the much smaller and older red brick structures that dot the campus. It was completed in 1973, and its facade has been flaking intermittently ever since. . School officials said the latest closing was prompted by a consulting engineer's report delivered last week which warned that the problem was potentially far more serious than had been thought. UNIVERSITY spokesman Arthur Clifford said tests revealed stresses all along the facade's links to the tower's concrete walls. Although officials noted the potential danger of the falling brick chips, no one on the 24,000-student cam- pus has reported being struck by one. But, "It's a hell of an inconvenience," said one senior who requested anonymity. "They had all summer to fix this problem. "It's not so bad for me.. . I know my way around," he said. "But the freshmen are going to have a tough time." BOOKS ARE available at the libraries of various graduate depar- tments and schools, he explained: "But you have to know they're there." Monte Pearson, president of the Graduate Student Association, said research for his dissertation could be crippled by a prolonged library closing. "If students have to go elsewhere for their research, then this isn't much of a graduate school," he complained. James Johnson, an announcer at the university radio station, was an un- dergraduate when the library was built. "The library we had before was suf- ficient. But they had to build this, just to have the tallest in the world." OTHER STUDENTS found the closing amusing. Ken Grand Pre said, "The only reaction I hear is, 'Here it goes again.' It's a big joke on cam- pus ... It's just another example of the efficiency of the university." Library Director Richard Talbot said it was likely that about 250,000 books would be moved to neighboring Godell Hall, the former library building which has not been entirely converted for other uses. Librarians have computer records showing which books were the most used. He said reference books, periodicals, and volumes placed on reserve by teachers also will be moved and books might be carried from the library through a tunnel to another section of campus. DAVID O'CONNELL & Sons of Holyoke was the contractor for the library and the internationally renowned Edward Durrell Stone was the architect. C.E. Maguire of Providence was design engineer. University officials said it would be "unfair" at this time to single out any one of three as responsible for the scaling facade. O'Connell could not be reached to comment on the shutdown. The library is not the school's only building problem. A heating plant built in 1974 has never worked because of leaky pipes. The $22 million Campus Center has a leaky roof. The six-story campus parking garage has cracks in the walls and leaks in the roof. The Graduate Resear- ch Center has become nationally known for the mysterious minor illnesses and menstrual problems that afflict many of its workers. Sailors jailed for wearing KKK robes -- - ... - - . .- . - . . . . .. . .. .. - .--- - - - - - - - --- --....-in~- I e tt 11 BOUFFANT Hair Fashion and Hair Weave Center 662-8401 Microscopic Hair Analysis MRS. HOOKS 'The Complete Hair Care Clinic for Problem Hair' FREE HAIR TREATMENT WITH COUPON L.... - - .. - - - - - - - ...- - - -... - - NORFOLK, Va. (AP) - The white robes ofthe Ku Klux Klan (KKK) have appeared on another Navy, ship, and four sailors are in the brig of the air- craft carrier Independence as a result. Three whites were arrested after they entered a compartment on the In, dependence wearing the white sheets and hoods symbolic of the KKK. A BLACK SAILOR was arrested after he pulled a knife on the three hooded figures. Another black sailor took the knife away, and there were no injuries, a Navy spokesman said. Lt. Cmdr. Jim-Lois, a public affairs spokesman for'the Navy here, said the three white sailors were being held pending special court-martials. The black sailor is awaiting a captain's mast. A court-martial is roughly equivalent to a civilian trial while a captain's mast is a non-judicial hearing conducted by the commanding officer of a vessel. "I DON'T HAVE any identification of the men involved as yet," Lois said Wednesday. "I have wired the ship for the information, but since they are in the Mediterranean, it will take a couple of days to get a reply." Lois said the incident occurred last Friday while the ship was in port at Athens, Greece. The Norfolk-based aircraft carrier is the third Navy ship to report Klan ac- tivity on board. The others were the Concorde, a supply ship based here, and the submarine tender Canopus in Charleston, S.C. NAVY SPOKESPERSONS say the Concord now has seven known KKK members- and six to 10 known sym- pathizers, while the Canopus has a fewer but undisclosed number. Two of the three whites arrested aboard the Independence were mem- bers of the Klan, but it isn't known how many other sailors aboard the carrier, which carries a crew of about 4,500,1 might belong to the white-supremacy, organization. Adm. Thomas Hayward, chief of- naval operations, said in a message to ship commanders last week that while it is not illegal to belong to the KKK, it is illegal for a sailor to do anything that disrupts the capability of the ship to function or promotes disharmony among sailors assigned to the ships, i Police to intensify search for MSU 'Computer whiz' 4 EAST LANSING (UPI)-Police said Wednesday they will make an aerial search of the Michigan State University - campus in hopes of deciphering an ap- parent bulletin board map left by a 16- year-old computer whiz who disap- peared three weeks ago. Authorities also said they may bring in specially-trained tracking dogs from Texas to aid in the search for James Dallas Egbert III, who last was seen Aug. 15 in a dormitory cafeteria. - THE FLIGHT MAY provide a link tbetween a thumbtack-studded bulletin- board the youth left in his dormitory room and campus geography, police said. Bill Dear, a private investigator hired by Egbert's family, said the youth, described by friends and teachers as a computer genius, was a member of a campus organization for homosexual students and was a staunch supporter of gay rights. Both Dear and campus police were basing most of their search for the Dayton, Ohio native on the bulletin board and its possible connection with a complex fantasy game. DEAR ALSO SAID investigators have concluded that the youth did not write a suspected suicide note, which said he wanted to be cremated if his body was found. "We think someone was trying to mimic his writing," he said. "It may have been traced" from another sam- ple of Egbert's handwriting. The young man was active in a group which played "Dungeons and Dragons"--a game involving fantasy and role-playing. Police said they were seeking to learn from other game players the meaning of the pattern of chrome thumbtacks and colored pins on Egbert's bulletin board. "THE NUMBER of different pins in- dicates thebeginning of the game. We believe it could be a maze or a clue to his whereabouts," Dear said. He said some avid players may at- tempt to play the game according to Egbert's pattern to help unraval its meaning. Sgt. Bill Wardwall of the MSU cam- pus police said authorities have mailed a photograph of the bulletin board to T.S.R. Hobbies, the Wisconsin manuf- cturer of the "Dungeons and Dragons" game. Although police have not concluded that foul play was involved, Dear said' Egbert may not have left his usually cluttered dormitory room willingly. "His room was neat, his clothes were folded in a military style right down to the socks," he said. "Nothing was missing. He was wearing a shirt, T- shirt and shoes." 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