Inside: The '70s reviewed & 'U' salaries Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Vol.XC, No. 80 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 12, 1979 24 Pages plus Supplement gum- " Interim president readies to leave job By MITCH CANTOR and JULIE ENGEBRECHT With a few small piles of his books lying on the floor of his office ready for. moving, Interim University President Allan Smith said yesterday he'll be "relieved" when Harold Shapiro takes over the Administration Building office Jan. 1. "When you get this close there's not mjuch more you can do. It isn't very ex- citing now until December 31," said Smith, who will return to teaching in the University's law school next semester. SMITH SAYS the changeover has already affected some recent policy decisions. "There have. . . within the last ten days, at least, been . . . cases where I have. said, 'This is your problem not mine,"' the interim president said. When he leaves the post he has often called "the best academic job in the country," Smith says he will depart feeling he has accomplished the goal he set when he took over: maintaining the momentum of the University. "It's not so much my doing but the willingness of everybody else to act as if they had a (permanent) president," Smith said. Among the many satisfactions he got as president, Smith said was the use of the President's House-the' stately, white, four-story building at 815 S. University-was one of the nicest. "IF YOU LET yourself get swallowed up into it . . . it's quite a convenient location. I wouldn't mind' having an apartment there," Smith quipped. More seriously, the interim president said he most enjoyed the "excitement of being in the middle of an institution where you let everything flow across your desk." Shaprio has moved to an office ad- jacent to Smith's and has traveled in See SMITH, Page 2 Judge rules against Iranian deportation WASHINGTON (AP)-A federal violated the Constitution's equal . Since Iran imports about 25 per judge ruled yesterday the government protection guarantees. of its food, 80 per cent of its cookie is violating the Constitution and must Green's 23-page opinion blocks any and depends heavily on petroleu halt its deportation proceedings against further deportations and relieves any ports of two and one half million ba Iranian students who have been found additional Iranian students.from repor- a day to keep its economy afloa to be in this country illegally. ting to the Immigration and impact there could be severe. U.S. District Judge Joyce Green said Naturalization Service. what she called the government The judge said the government could "round-up" of Iranian students not intitiate any deportation "violates the fundamental principles of proceedings against those who already American fairness." have reported, nor could authorities use President Carter, in one of his first any information already gathered if responses to the seizure of the U.S. that information could lead to depor- Embassy in Tehran, had ordered the tation or punishment. Immigration and Naturalization Ser- A WHITE HOUSE official said B 1 vice on Nov. 10 to begin interviewing Green's order would be appealed. the more than 50,000 Iranians in this Meanwhile, the West European allies country on student visas. are moving jointly with the U.S. toward ' 'ortewevisun THlE ADMINISTRATION said the ac- a decision on applying tough economic tion was taken because of fears that sanctions against Iran to win freedom demonstrations by Iranian students in of the American hostages, a high U.S. this country could provoke violent official said yesterday. speech of counter-demonstrations by Americans The options Secretary of State Cyrus that might jeopardize the 50 Americans Vance has discussed with British, being held hostage. French, Italian and West German But Green in her order rejected that leaders in a fast-paced tour vary from a argument and said singling out the total trade embargo to blocking foodg Irahians for possible deportation shipments and oil equipment. NEW YORK (Reuter) - NBC S i.. r cent ng d m ex- arrels t, the News Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM ALLAN SMITH is serving his last days as the University's interim presi- dent. In-January he'll return to the law school, leaving the chief adminis- trator's job to Harold Shapiro. MSA crecdes election board By CHARLES THOMSON The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) voted last night to approve nearly all the recommendations of its Elections Review Committee including provisions to establish an Elections Board and to put the MSA system of preferential voting up to a vote of the student body in next spring's elections. The newly created Elections Board will have primary jurisdiction over any election questions, allegations, or cases that are initiated before MSA elections are certified by the Central Student Judicary (CSJ). CHANGES IN the MSA elections code also shift reponsibility of appointing the elections director from the assembly to the Elections Board The major recommendation of the committee not accepted by the assem- bly was a proposal to include one representative from the University's Office of Student Services (OSS) as an ex-officio member of the Elections Board. Much of the discussion on the proposal 'to have an OSS Electons Board member centered around whether a member of the University administration should be on the board. Saying that "they (the members of ad- ministration) are around here enough," MSA member Marc Breakstone said MSA does not "have to go to papa bear" for advice on the election. JACK HALL, another MSA member, said he thought there were conflicts at times between MSA and OSS, and that the "opportunity would always be there for the OSS to act on that." Jane Moore, the chairperson of the Elections Review Committee, said that having an OSS member on the board would let the board get a broader range of opinions. Moore said after the meeting she was not surprised that the assembly voted 18 to 3 to eliminate the OSS represen- tative from the Elections Board. At one point in the assembly debate on the question, she told the assembly, "If you consider it a bow-down to authority or an appeasement act, then by all means, vote it down.", Another recommendation of the committee which drew considerable debate was a proposal, eventually ap- proved, to include on the ballot for the April MSA elections the question of whether the MSA system of preferen- tial voting should be continued. Moore criticized the current system, which requires voters to rank can- didates by number and which rewards candidates by the number of first place votes they receive. Moore said the system is confusing to students and ballots are difficult to count, Tim Feeman defended the system, calling it "more democratic" than ap- proval voting. Feeman also said that while the current system may be flawed, to force the student body to simply choose bet- ween the current system of preferential voting and one of approval voting is "not giving students a full range of choice." Some students might prefer to retain preferential voting and to make changes in the current system, he said. drew government criticism yesterday for broadcasting an interview with one of the hostages at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, but the network said it did not regret its.decision House Speaker Thomas O'Neill said after meeting with President Carter yesterday morning that the president's reaction to the interview, broadcast Monday night, was the same as his own: "For NBC to fall into the trap of Iranian propaganda, I just can't believe it." White House spokesman Jody Powell stopped short of criticizing NBC, but he angrily condemned the offering of the interview by the Tehran militants as "a cynical attempt to deal with pressure." Powell last night greeted with skep- ticism statements by the subject of the interview, Marine Corporal William Gallegos, that the hostages were being treated very well. This conflicted with earlier harsh descriptions of their con- dition by President Carter. Students admit lying is effective method for "I certify all statements relating to this Application to be complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand intentional falsification or misrepresentation may result in cancellation and .repayment of aid, and that when the .Application involves federal funds, such action will make me subject to; fine, imprisonment, or both, under provision of federal law." By CRAIG FEIGEN Every University student who gets financial help through the Office of Financial Aid signs that statement. Some ignore it. "I'm going through my applicationt and thinking, 'Should I tell the truth, or should I lie?' says one student. "I2 decided to tell the truth, and was turnedl .sown. A friend of mine in similar cir- tumstances lied. . . and was awarded money." AN INFORMAL survey of about 20 students approached recently outsidef the financial aid offices in the Student Activities Building revealed a half-t getting financial aid dozen who would freely admit deciding pected during some future period. Since at some point to lie on their ap- 'figures are next to impossible to verify plications. in all three areas, financial aid staff And according to the financial aid of- must rely on an honors system. fice, while it's hard to pin down, THE SYSTEM doesn't work perfec- falsification of data is not uncommon. tly Three types of information used in One LSA sophomore filled out his determining aid can be easily fudged: Basic Education Opportunity Grant personal savings accounts, money See LYING, Page 19 received from parents, and income ex- Lack o training and sta frustrates 'U'aid offce By MARY FARANSKI MISPLACED applications, long and CRAIG FEIGEN processing time, and generally inef- A University student recently applied ficient personnel at the financial aid of- for a Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL) fice in the Student Activities Building through the Office of Financial Aid. are complaints often heard from Everything seemed fine until she students. They are problems the office received word that the office had lost attributes to a staff that's too small and her application, would she please reap- insufficiently trained. ply? She did and considered the matter "There's not anybody in this office settled. that doesn't have more than they can Upon returning to the office a while handle," said Thom Johnson, financial later, however, she was told her second aid counselor. "Everyone tries to form had been lost. streamline office work by pawning it off But that was all right, they'd found on other areas." the first application. See LACK, Page5 i ., <, r, 3 .:. ; ,' " ~ , Daily Photo by CYRENA CHANG LONG LINES at the Office of Financial Aid in the Student Activities Building support the claim of some that pursuing financial aid can be a full-time job. After picking up the appropriate forms (inset), these students will have to decide whether or not to tell the truth about their finances. :j. WM $ +ed f..( 60 ,,fr''yr :Y:fp.yv;{ "" 4i^: :t"i:":: ji. 1, "Y r.,', r,.,:v, r .f;rsr:.., ;$;;,,;r;v .;.Y":r.;rY Y:..'>::::> ber by his wife, according to Interim University President Allan Smith. Rumor has it that Francis Ford Coppolla is already negotiating for the movie rights. Union hibernation Who says the University isn't concerned with the Lost in space NASA seems to be having all sorts of problems with its satellites lately. First Skylab plummeted to a much- publicized demise last summer. Then Pegasus 2 followed Skylab only a month or so later. And now NASA tracking stations say they can't find Satcom III, an RCA com- munications satellite. "We lost the satellite and haven't f See you in the '80s This is the last Daily of the term, the year, and, yes, the decade. We'll publish again Jan. '10, the day classes resume. On the inside A look at the ten best films of the decade, on the arts in I ,