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December 11, 1979 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-12-11

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12-Tuesday, December 11, 1979-The Michigan Daily

Sioux suit to be

ASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme
t said yesterday it would consider
cing an award of more than $100
on won by the Sioux Indian Nation
r the federal goyernment for land
n 102 years ago after the Battle of
e Big Horn.
e whopping award was won by the
x last June in a lower court. In the
al accepted for review, gover-
nt lawyers argue that the Indian
n is entitled to only $17.5 million.
ISSUE in the Sioux land case is
her the federal government has to

pay 102 years worth of interest at five
per cent a year on top of the $17.5
million value of the taken land - 7.3
million acres of South Dakota's Black
Hills country. Government lawyers say
the interest alone totals more than $90
million and still is accruing.
Meanwhile, the court surprised ob-
servers by not acting on a challenge led
by Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.), of
President Carter's constitutional right
to end a mutual defense treaty with
The treaty will end Jan. 1. Unless the
court takes some action before then,
Goldwater's arguments that Carter is
not authorized to end the treaty without
approval from Congress will become
THE COURT'S action does not
preclude the possibility it will announce
some action on the case before the
treaty's expiration on New Year's Day.
In a flurry of activity before leaving
the bench for a four-week holiday
recess, the justices also:
, Ruled unanimously that parent
labor unions may not be held legally
responsible for unauthorized "wildcat"


The court's opinion, written by
Justice William Brennan, gave
organized labor a major victory by
stating that federal law does not impose
an obligation on unions to try to resolve
such unauthorized strikes. The decision
killed a lawsuit filed against the United
Mine Workers union and several of its
West Virginia locals by the Carbon Fuel
Agreed to consider weakening an
after-the-fact protection against illegal
police searches.
The Justice Department wants the
court to use a Massachusetts case to
overturn a 1960 decision reached by the
then-liberal court under the late Chief
Justice Earl Warren. That ruling gave
all criminal suspects an automatic
right to challenge incriminating
evidence on grounds that it was ob-
tained illegally, even when the in-
criminating evidence turns up in a
search of someone else's property.
" Refused to hear a decision
requiring all California public schools
to make reasonable efforts toward
allowing teachers to miss school on
religious holidays. Three justices voted
to review the _California Supreme
Court's ruling, but four votes are
needed to grant such review.
. Refused to hear arguments by
adopted individuals in New York who
contend they have an absolute right to
be told about their natural parents.

Ann Arbor Democratic Party
2nd Ward Meeting
Tues., Dec. 11, 1979
Conference Room No. 4, Michigan Union
7:30 p.m.
The public is invited
- -m- m - m - - - - ~a mms - ms- - - - mmmj .
2 FREE 12 f.COE
With Purchase of Any
1 Item or More Pizza 1
OPEN SUN-THURS 11am-1 am; FRI & SAT 11am-2am
Now Delivering to the N. Campus Area
700 Packard at State Street

Time to trim

Once city workers begin trimming the trees in town with miniature lights you can be sure that Christmas and winter
break aren't far behind. This group was busy putting the final touches on one of the trees lining South University.

U.S. officials win NATO approval to base
new nuclear weapons in Western Europe
Vrom AP and Ieuier Britain, Italy and West Germany. 1,200 to 1,500 miles, enough to strike State Cyrus Vance, who canceled a
BRUSSELS, Belgium - U.S. officials THE NEW weapons would be capable targets in the western Soviet Union. planned visit to West Berlin because of
ave won NATO approval to base hun- of reaching the Soviet Union, but The official Soviet,news agency Tass the U.S.-Iran crisis.
reds of new nuclear missiles in NATO is to offer Moscow wide-ranging said the plans of "the aggressive NATO The Dutch Parliament has objected.
estern Europe, senior diplomatic disarmament talks aimed at reaching bloc" have caused "special alarm to the NATO plans, asking that a
iurces said yesterday at a conference broad parity in long-range tactical among the world public in connection decision be postponed until new arms
A i m tr weapons with the intention of militaristic talks begin.


of NATO foreign anddaeienseministers.
Official endorsement is expected
tomorrow, the thid day of the conferen-
ce, for the controversial plan that has
been condemned by the Soviet Union
and its Warsaw Pact allies.
UNDER THE plan, 464 Tomahawk
cruise and 108 Pershing-2 missiles will
be based on the territories of European
members of the North Atlantic Treaty
The plan calls for Belgium and the
Netherlands to take 48 cruise missiles
ALI 108 Pershing-2s would be in West
Germany, and the other 368 cruise
missiles would be distributed among

NATO officials say it will take until
1983 to deploy the new missiles giving
ample time for arms limitation talks.
One purpose of the plan is to offset the
growing nuclear capability of the Soviet
Union, which NATO claims has added
120 SS-20 nuclear-tipped missiles to its
armory. The triple-headed SS-20s can
hit any European capital from laun-
chers east of the Ural Mountains, deep
inside the Soviet Union.
THE SECOND purpose is to replace
NATO's aging tactical, or battlefield,
nuclear weapons with a new, longer-
ranged generation of nuclear projec-
tiles. The new missiles have a range of

Western circles" to vote to deploy the
missiles before the next round of arms
limitation talks.
Undersecretary of State George Vest
said in West Berlin that Washington op-
posed calls by some NATO members to
postpone a decision on the deployment
until new arms talks begin.
"WE SHOULD postpone nothing
because we do not know in advance
whether such talks will be successful,"
Vest said. "With the present rate of
Soviet buildup, any delay by NATO
would increase the already existing,
disturbing inequality."
Vest said he welcomed the unilateral
Soviet decision to withdraw 20,00 troops
and 1,000 tanks from its estimated
400,000-man force in East Germany. He
delivered the speech for Secretary of

NATO foreign ministers are likely to
announce that they regard as
"suitable" France's proposal for a
European disarmament conference
Moscow has supported, the diplomatic-
sources reported. But the French:
proposal limits discussion to a reduc
tion of conventional weaponry and for-
ces and would cover reduction of the
French nuclear force, which Paris con-
siders a non-negotiable issue.
The ministers also hoped to make
progress toward a consortium to co-
produce ammunition for the 105mm
tank gun under British license, con-
ference sources said. The consortium
would involve Norway, Belgium, Italy,
the Netherlands, Denmark and Britain.


'Tis the

Introductory Discussions
on the Rsbs'i Faith
Every Wed. and Thurs. thru Dec. 20
8sh/a' Cefer, 512 Packard St.
7:30 P.M.



Bay City seeking

worst trafji
BAY CITY (AP) - The four-lane+
Zilwaukee Bridge has been condemned
as "one of America's worst traffic
hazards," but that doesn't bother of-
ficials who want to take it apart and
move it 72 miles north to Bay City.
The 18-year-old drawbridge, which
spans the Saginaw River, won't be
needed at its current location once a
bigger replacement is built in 1983.
SO OFFICIALS in Bay City are
hoping to buy it from the state to use as
a replacement for a bridge over the
Saginaw River that collapsed in the
1950s. Bay City, with a population of
45,000, forms part of the Tri-Cities com-
plex with Saginaw and Midland in east-
central Michigan.
The officials say the purchase would
save at least $1 million in construction


No, not book rush. Chris
And Ulrich's is ready. The
something there for eve
on your list, as well as
Christmas cards and ott
Yuletide what nots.
Ulrich's guarantees you
lowest prices in town, w
great selection. It's all th
First, stop at Ulrich's. The
home for the Holidays.

ith a

costs, but some observers are skeptical
about the wisdom of such an under-
"It could be taken apart," said
William Travis, district construction
engineer with the Michigan Highway
Department. "But whether it should be
scrapped or used again, I don't know."
THE TRAFFIC-snarling bridge
spanning the Saginaw River on Inter-
state 75 will be available by late 1983
when the state completes construction
of a 178 million, eight-lane
Traffic often backs up as far as 30
miles from the old bridge when it opens
for passing ships. Six lanes of traffic
feed into the four-lane bridge, which is
420 feet long, said Bay City Com-
missioner Timothy Sullivan.
Fourteen people have died in bridge-
related accidents since the structure
was opened to traffic in 1961. The
American Automobile Association has
called the Zilwaukee the worst traffic
hazard on the 1,789 miles of Interstate
75, which runs from Michigan to
NONETHELESS, Sullivan said the
bridge could be a fine replacement -for
Bay City's Cass Bridge which collapsed
and has not been rebuilt.
The difficulty is how to get the huge
bridge from Zilwaukee to the old Cass
Bridge site.
Sullivan and Barnes said it could be
dismantled and trucked or hauled by
barge down the river to a new home. To
move the bridge to Bay City, Sullivan
said, the city would have to buy it from
the state and pay to transport it. He
estimated that would cost $3 million.

Chinese Papercuts
Tarot Cards
Class Struggle Game
the second floor bookstore
336%2 S. State St.
Phone 663-0215


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