Page 10-Tuesday, December 11, 1979-The Michigan Daily Hockey Poll With little action occurring in the WCHA this past weekend, the WMPL Radio Coaches Poll stayed much the way it had been with North Dakota being ranked first. Michigan slipped to -fourth place even though it swept the series from Dartmouth. 1. N. Dakota (8) 10-4 ...........98 2. Minnesota 7-6 ..............73 3. N. Michigan (1) 12-2 .........72 4. MICHIGAN (1) 12 4..........68 5. Boston College 4-0 ........... 45 6. New Hampshire 4-3 ...........36 7. Michigan Tech 9-6-1...........33 8. Wisconsin 8-7 ....... .......27 *9. Boston U. 3-2................ 23 10. Clarkson 4-3 ...............21 - . CHANCE L510 E. L 11ERTY-Al .; . r.................... .::... :. . ....... .. .. ..:.. ::::.: :::;:.: ::."::::::::?::vi : "iii:.:.; : v:?.:;:.:......... :;:..... . .................~.:".y: ...:::...... ....:..:::::i:{t}viii "::i:":?: t1 ~' i All BY MARK BOROWSKI makes things happen. He is an H WHAT a season it has excellent defenseman who con- been. No longer are the sistently breaks up the op- Michigan icers the doormats of ponent's offensive attack. A great the WCHA. Instead they are skater who gives 110 per cent. If competitors battling for the he keeps it up in the second half of league's lead. It is now the mid- the season, he is a sure candidate way point in Coach Dan Farrell's for the MVP. -A season and time for the hockey MURRAY EAVES - Last year team's midterm report card. was a dismal one for Murray as DAN FARRELL - How the he had to miss half the season due times have changed for Farrell to knee surgery. The knee seems and his coaching staff. Last year to be 100 per cent and he is he had an injury-plagued squad . proving he is a great offensive that couldn't produce any offen- player, leading the team in y se, move the puck out of its own scoring with 22 goals and 27 end, or stop the other team from assists. -A scoring. Now with a healthy DAN LERG - Dan got off to a team, he has things moving in the slow start, but is starting to help right direction and this team can out more and more on offense. do everything last year's couldn't One thing I'm glad to see him do winning 12 of 16 games. It is a is throw his weight around. When tribute to this man and his he broke in with the team three coaching staff to be able to years ago, he rarely threw a recruit the capable freshmen he cheek. An excellent skater who is has this year and work them into moving up the all-time scoring the lineup so they can be com- leader's ladder. -B plus petitive in the WCHA. - A- BRAD TIPPETT - There is no BRUNO BASEOTTO - Farrell one else on the team that I like to told me before the season began see jump over the boards and on- that this freshman could score to the ice than Brad. He simply goals, but I never expected him to dazzles the crowd with his intense score 12 in the first six games at style of play and constantly r the WCHA level. He is not a very hustles. -A- good skater, but if he can't put it PAUL FRICKER - One of the > in the net, he'll usually pass the most dedicated guys on the team k puck to someone who can. His who has proved he can stop the scoring has cooled down some of puck despite only being a fresh- late, but nobody can be expected man. If he can continue to im- to average two goals a game for prove and be more, consistent very long. -B plus (eliminate 11 and eight goal per- TIM MANNING - Here is a formances like those against real team leader. Whenever he Notre Dame and Wisconsin) he's gets the puck he takes control and gonna be one of the best netmin- Midterms ov ders to ever graduate from Michigan. -B plus RUDY VARVARI - A guy who really has guts. He worked hard over the summer to lose some weight and get in better shape for the season. It seems to have paid off as he has picked up two wins in four outings. He is the number two goalie but it is nice to see that he is ready when Farrell calls on him. -B STEVE RICHMOND - He just hates to lose and has fired up the team when it's behind. Does a fine job in getting the puck out of err . . . rades are i But look for him to improve as he BILLY REID - Another good has during past seasons. -B- penalty killer who has a fine slap- GORDIE HAMPSON - He shot. -B broke his hand early in the season ROGER BOURNE, JEFF ; and is just now getting back into TESSIER - Still unproven. -C action. A big and strong player BOB SUTTON - The only ;K with a lot of potential, but it chance the fans had to get a looka would not be fair to grade him on at this Penn transfer has been in his limited number of appearan-, the pre-game warmup. He'll be ces. -Incomplete there if Farrell ever needs him. BRIAN LUNDBERG - He has -CREDIT gradually been improving and is MARK PERRY - Another Ann starting to take command on the Arbor native who has seen littlep. ice. If he can't pass the puck out action and when he did was not of his own end then he will bring it able to prove himself. -C up himself. - DAVE BRENNAN - Not the ' DENNIS MAY - Here we have same since his neck injury three a hockey player who is afraid of years ago. -C no one. He goes into the corners PAUL BRANDRUP - Still and digs out the puck. Does a fine needs some work. -C job as a penalty killer and is DAVE RICHTER - He is star- always fired up. He has ting to show some signs of a good eliminated the unnecessary hockey player. -C plus penalties that cost Michigan a JULIO VANBIESBRUCK - game against Notre Dame. All he Give him a year and he's gonna needs now is to get on the scoring make it big. -B- track. -B THE WCHA LINESMEN - DOUG TODD -He is the cap- Never in my 12 years of hockey 4' tain of this young team, but has have I seen anybody as bad as had a very slow start. With only these butchers. Send them down three goals, he's not yet been a * to try and handle the squirt factor in turning a game around. leagues and maybe they will His size and a nice shot are a graduate from that kindergarten- t plus, but he rarely uses it to his type hockey in say, four or five advantage. -Cplus years. - D- TED SPEERS - Let's hear it THE WCHA REFEREES - I for the hometown freshman. never thought I could find anyone Scored the tying goal that sent worse than the linesmen, but the ; the second game against Western referees have outdone them. How Michigan into overtime and can you call a penalty against a provides the Ann Arbor fans with player when you are,90 feet away something to cheer about. -B from the play I'll never know. JOE MILBURN - Milburn is a The calls against Dan Lerg in the good skater and penalty killer. MSU series were a prime exam- Needs to generate some offense. ple. -E plus -B- Eaves ... scoring leader his end and protecting the net- minder. -B plus JOHN BLUM - John must become more consistent to be a good hockey player. Against Michigan State on Friday night he played an excellent game, but then on Saturday he flopped around and got caught coming back on quite a few occasions. I Matmen show Blue's dpnth at CUIT meet 3 rA, r , By DAVID POMERANTZ Michigan's best wrestlers invaded the sleepy campus of Central Michigan Saturday, and although the Wolverines didn't bring enough wrestlers to com- pete as a team, several individuals per- formed admirably for the Maize and Blue. Michigan's Bill Petosky grabbed first place at 190 pounds, even though he has grappled mostly at 177 pounds this season. Coach Dale Bahr explained the move as an attempt to acquaint Petosky at the weight, because Steve Fraser, the current man at 190, will probably drop to 177 later this season. In other bright spots, Eric Klasson nailed down second place. The strong sophomore wrestled in place of senior Steve Bennett, who didn't make the trip north. Larry Haugn won the consolation1 bracket at 126 for a third, and Bob Siar, who usually wrestles at 134, earned a fourth at 142. Coach Bahr seemed pleased with Michigan's performance as a whole in what he termed "more of an individual type of thing than a team thing." Like powerful Wisconsin, the Wolverines wrestled unattached because Bahr had made the tournament optional for his team after their fatiguing tour through Pennsylvania last week, which in- cluded the Penn State Invitational. It was a good experience according to Bahr, in that he was able to "give a chance to some of the guys who don't usually wrestle." The Open served primarily as a tune-up for the Big Ten season after the first of the year. Lyule gets surgery DENVER - Rob Lytle, one of the Denver Bronco's starting running backs, underwent surgery yesterday to repair ligament damage to his left kne and will be out for the rest of the season, the National Football League club said, Lytle was injured in Denver's 28-6 loss to Seattle on Saturday. Lytle, the former University a.f Michigan star holds the all-time Michigan rushing record with 3,3f7 yards on 557 carries. He garnered A - American honors in 1976 and was draf- ted by the Broncos in 1977. Denver Coach Red Miller said Ois Armstrong, a seven-year veteran en- joying one of his best seasons in recent years, probably would replace Lytle in the starting backfield. -A" 0. 1. to play SAN FRANCISCO - The San Frail- cisco 49er's Paul Hofer is nursing bruised ribs, so O. J. Simpson may see considerable action in this Sunday's game against Atlanta, the last of hl professional career. I. ii t t ad i i WOMEN'S BASKETBALL at Oakland University, Rochester, Dec. 10 UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT, Dec. ,13 ILLINOIS, Dec. 15 MEN'S BASKETBALL at University of Detroit, Joe Louis Arena, Dec. 12 DAYTON, Dec.15 WRESTLING KENT STATE, Dec. 15 MEN'S GYMNASTICS EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSIT Dec. 13 MEN'S, SWIMMING at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Dec. 16 [. f UZ z ,,, ., ',-- .t, n , r s" .y ." f " :ti 4 Ski Weekend - Caberfae Jan. 18, 19, 20 Feb. 15, 16, 17 Transportation, Lodging, Lift Ticket (