1 6-A-Friday, September 7, 1979-The Michigan Doily 4 g 00 a e " i ... .............. isa i M ' .i Walk, Miss J, in the moccasin styles by Dextere: handsewn glove leathers. AP Photo SCIENTISTS ANNOUNCED yesterday that Pioneer II had detected a sixth ring around Saturn during the first spacecraft encounter with the planet's ring system. Photo above was taken as Pioneer was outbound from the planet on its endless trajectory which will take the spacecraft beyond the solar system. R Pioneer finds sixth Saturn ring MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) -4 Scientists monitoring the Pioneer n- spacecraft yesterday announced the discovery'of a sixth ring around Saturn and tentatively identified a 12th moon before the space probe sailed into the reaches of deepest space. The announcement of a "G" ring was made by James Trainor, who said the ring lies between the moons Titan anti Rhea. THE RING'S existence was established by the activity of energized particles, Trainor said, adding therI was not enough data to determine the ring's color or composition. Earlier, scientists announced the, tentative finding of an "E" ring bet, ween the "D" and "F" rings - which iq confirmed would ,bring to seven tie number of rings known to circle Saturin Discovery of the 12th moon was ai- nounced by John Simpson, who said tI was about 300 miles in diameter, or= biting about 60,000 miles from the planet's surface. "WE HAVE FOUND a new satellite" said Thomas Gehrels, a key NASA project scientist. But said there was a 50-50 chance Pioneer actually detected a moon whose existence was alreadq known. Scientists were checking the data t4 determine if the 12th moon actually eitists. There was speculation amoii some scientists that the new moon, lile the others orbiting Saturn, was com posed of ice. It was also disclosed that a tran- smission by a Soviet satellite did not in terfere with Pioneer's transmission of information on the moon Titan as was reported Tuesday. ANDREW INGERSOLL said Pioneer successfully transmitted the data, bit- the information was not as detailed as he would have liked. "The good news is Titan is there. The' bad news is we barely saw it: We have a.: good deal less data than we want,". he, said. Ingersoll said the data gave some information about the moon's at-~ mosphere, but gave no direct infor-: mation about Titan itself. The 15 minutes of interference repor ted earlier turned out have been caused by solar storms and ended before, Pioneer began to collect data about Titan, Ingersoll said. ENERGY. We can't afford to waste it. 31 Scotch and MEMOREX . " .9 tt C-45 C-6O C-90 ..... NOW .......NOW $275 $2 25 Campus natives that are crafted the same way, and as comfortable as the Pocahontas originals, designed to softly mold to the foot. For paths now of paveffnent, the easy-going depths of Flex-Dex. soles. 7-9N and 5'12-10M sizes: either the kiltie slip-on or tie-up oxford in burnt brown, $32. Jcobsons OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 FREE PARKING IN THE ADJACENT RAMP - WE WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET NOW2 C-120 NOW $300 "Is it live or Is it Memorex?" RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard 665-7131 (Next to the "Blue Front") K, i / j, 4 Enter rV ci Great Textbook Give- Away Contest Winners Receive their 2nd Textbooks FREE Semester Textbooks r / F' 3 2 0 New Textbooks over $2.95 DISCOUNTED 5% * Used Textbooks DISCOUNTED 25 to 35% i ' E * Special Rush Hours- Sept. 5-7-8:30 a.m. To 8:30 p.m. Sept. 8-9:00 a.m. To 6:00 p.m.