Page 4-Sunday, December 9, 1979-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Doily-Sunday, Deco Iranians see the seige through history's le ris " WHEN THEY SHOT people in the streets, 80 per cent were not dead, but they would come, throw them all in trucks, and bury them with bulldozers. Yes, I saw people buried alive like that." Abdullah (not his real name) spoke in a sub- dued voice, but his painful gaze transported the listener to the brutal scene 16 years ago in his small hometown in Iran. A University engineering student, Abdullah was describing one act in a larger drama, in which the Iranian army crushed protests against the Shah's 1963 White (non-violent) Revolution. It was a drama whose principal figures-Shah Mohammed. Riza Pahlevi, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and security forces organized and trained by the United States-would have central roles in the recent Iranian revolution. Before this year, a large network of Iranian governmental and quasi-governmental agen- cies provided educational costs and living ex- penses for students abroad. Many of these sponsorships were dismantled after the Shah was overthrown in January, including the largest ones-the Pahlavi Foundation and Atomic Energy Center. According to a Washington-based expert on Iranian students in the U.S., who asked not to be identified, an estimated 11,000 Iranians lost their scholar- ships. Officials at the University's Office of Student Accounts say the number of students receiving sponsorships here dropped from a "conservative estimate" of at least 100 to 24. Approximately 250 of the nation's estimated 50,000 Iranian students currently attend the University. Despite differing views on the recent revolution, the ten students interviewed here all insist that one must look even further back than 1963 to understand the current hostage crisis at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. The students are irritated by what they see as American ignorance of historical ex- planations-although most of them condemn the terrorist actions. "I feel sorry for the hostages," says Ali (not his real name), "but what can I do? What the people want is the Shah, and for no reason this government had to let him into this country. The U.S. government is trying to put all the pressures on (Iranian) students here." Land reform was at the root of the Shah's White Revolution ("Revolutionary people call it the 'Black Revolution,"' says Abdullah), which would have transferred the large land holdings of Islamic clergy and absentee land- owners to landless peasants. Khomeini, already a prominent religious leader, led the opposition to the plan that ended in hundreds of deaths as the Shah's troops fired into groups of anti-government rioters. The clergy (the Jeffrey Wolff has covered Iranian students for the Daily since the crisis in Tehran began. "mullah") regarded the reforms as a pretext for breaking their power and enhancing the Shah's centralized authority. Khomeini was jailed for a short time, then exiled to Iraq as a consequence of his public tirades a year later-tirades directed against a signed agreement exempting American military per- sonnel serving in Iran from the jurisdiction of Iranian courts. Sixteen years later, after the forced depar- ture of the Shah on Jan. 17, 1979, Khomeini returned from exile in Paris (he had been ex- pelled from Iraq in 1978) to the exultant crowds lining the streets of Tehran. In his first major address, he reiterated the criticism he'd made years before of U.S. military and political domination, and of social and cultural Wester- nization as practiced by the Shah. Speaking of Iran-U.S. relations, the Univer- sity Iranian students emphasize what they see as a parallel between current and post-World War II American foreign policy. "The Shah is more a warning. It is not really the person of the Shah (that's the issue), although we would like the Shah punished," insists Sadri Khalessi, a Ph.D. candidate in statistics. "Rather, what might be behind bringing him is what really worries Iranians. The U.S. already dumped one nationalist revolution in Iran, and now it's bringing the Shah in and supporting him publicly and through the press and trying to hide behind the pretext of humanitarian reason. We see it as just another trick to stop the revolution."_ During the early 1950s, Parliament, in an atmosphere of increasing nationalism, forced the Shah to appoint popular nationalist leader Mohammed Mossadegh as prime minister. The previous prime minister had been assassinated. .by ultra-nationalists. Mossadegh, riding a wave of popularity with his nationalist cries against the British-controlled Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, pressured the Shah into nationalizing the company. The British with- drew all their technicians from the oil fields and led a boycott of Iranian oil. Iranian oil ex- ports virtually ceased. Mossadegh then turned to the U.S. for loans. In the context of the nascent Cold War, however, the U.S. government viewed the new prime minister as a Soviet Communist puppet and denied him aid. Mossadegh began to turn for support to the Iranian Communist Party, which had been outlawed in 1949. In 1953 the Shah, with Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) backing, ordered Mossadegh's resignation. Street riots ensued, troops refused orders to fire on pro-Mossadegh crowds, and the Shah fled to Rome. The next day, however, soldiers and street demonstrators forced the prime minister himself to flee. Many observers said they saw CIA agents in the streets, ac- tually engineering the coup. The Shah returned to the throne he had assumed in 1941, telling By Jeffrey Wolff Kermit Roosevelt of the CIA, "I owe my throne to God, my people, my army-and to you." KHALESSI, WHO has been studying at the University for five years, summed up the sentiments of many Iranians in a single sentence: "(Holding the hostages) is not a mere grudge against the United States, but an understan- forces to "natural causes. Even beggars who would come to your house-you would have mercy on them and let them dine with you, and even at that level they collect information from you." "We could never even talk in our house, because we were afraid someone might be listening. Your parents wouldn't let you-they'd say 'shhhhh,"' says Maryam (not (Holding the hostages) is not a mere grudge against the United States, but an under- standable reac- tion to U.S. op- pressing acts for the.past 25 years. ' -Sandri Khalessi, Ph.D. candidate in Statistics dable reaction to U.S. oppressing acts for the past 25 years." Back in power in 1953, the Shah proceeded to abolish legitimate political parties' censor the press, and transformed Parliament into a rub- ber stamp for his policies. The major force behind this increasingly personal rule was Savak-the Shah's security police, established and trained by the CIA in 1957. That dreaded militant force, with its tight links to the U.S. in- telligence community, permeated the lives of millions of Iranians, including the ten students interviewed. "They (Savak) penetrated through every sector of society," says Khalessi with the same forced calmness that marks all the students when they speak of the police repression. Khalessi says a close relative who lived near a police station would often see police trucks pull in and unload officers dressed as clergy. "In classes there were always people to report on you. Professors were given lists of students to report on." Khalessi says doctors often were ordered to attribute murders by the security her real name), putting a finger to her lips. "Most people have never had this experien- ce-a friend heing tortured. a father being killed. Americans cannot realize this or under- stand these protests." Estimates of just how widespread such repression, torture, and murder were vary wildly but came under ,close scrutiny after President Carter's dramatic human rights declarations Amnesty International published a study in 1976 which charged Iran with ar- bitrary arrests, tortures, and unaccounted deaths. That same year the International Commission of Jurists stated, "There is abud- dant evidence showing the systematic use of impermissible torture of political suspects during interrogration." The number of political prisoners held by the Shah has been estimated at from 25,000 to 100,000. The Shah's gover- nment acknowledged it held 3,000 prisoners. During the daily major riots in Iran's towns in the last few years of the Shah's reign, the army openly shot into the crowds. The number of rioters killed over the years can only be speculated at-Khomeini's officials claim 100,000, while Western intelligence sources say it was several thousand. "You shouldn't think about the (hostage situation) as just a little point in history, but as part of 40 years of what Shah has done and U.S. done to support him," Abdullah replies at the first mention of the hostages. "All we are asking (is) why now expect humanity from Iran. International law should protect everyone the same. How come it didn't protect Iranian people for 30 years? The world knew and didn't say anything about it. Now there are 50, 60 hostages, they don'twant to talk about it. How come still talk about World War II criminals? What is difference between Hitler and the Shah? Both tried to kill as much as they could-except Hitler was not a friend of the American government." Despite their scattered calls for ending the abuse of human rights by the Shah, the state department and Carter continued their praise for the Shah and his policies until just two weeks before he left Iran. In 1977 the state department's first detailed human rights report during the Carter administration found violations in Iran, but recommended its military aid should still be continued. The In- ternational League of Human Rights several months later formally protested to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance that his department's report had been less than candid. "The U.S. was always the symbol of support for the Shah," says Khalessi. "On the one hand, we had this thing as a way of life, and on the other hand, we would hear constant statements of support for the Shah (from the U.S.). Even an outrageous act like holding hostages, a bad act, can be explained in all this suffering. "I can assure you that what the U.S. resem- bled in Iran is miles away from what the American people stand for. Living here five years has helped me realize that," Khalessi continues, echoing the oft-repeated distinction between Americans and their government. "Just step outside this continent and see what image America is giving through these Kissinger-type foreign policies." The Shah pointed to the "economic miracle" in Iran as justification for his government's repressive tactics, which he acknowledged to an extent. He claimed he was bringing Iran from isolation to industrial regional suprem- acy. The Iranian students bristle with bitter- ness and anger at the Shah's statements, at the American media's willingness to accept them, and at the American public's belief in them. Watching the evening network news has become the central ritual in the lives of the University's Iranian students. But the students say they are frustrated with omissions, distor- tions, and biases they claim mar the reports. "These networks present the view that Shah tried to modernize Iran, but (the Americans living in Iran) were being paid very well, with beautiful houses, and drivers. (They) never went down to Tehran," says Maryam. "So (the networks) say Shah was trying to modernize Iran and the rest of Iranians, Moslems, and fanatics, so poor Shah got kicked out-that's what they try to imply on the news. I'll never agree with that. The Shah tried to make benefits for himself or the people around him, and tried to be a good ally of the United States.".. The students use words such as "artificial,' "showcase,' and "dependent" to describe the Shah's form of Iranian industrialization. "What the Shah accomplished was hasty modernization that did not have enough depth. He fought traditions thousands of years old without offering any substitute that would fit an industrialized world," said Sina E., currently a Ph.D. candidate in Chemical Engineering. "The Shah accomplished making my country almost entirely dependent on foreign countries, particularly the United States.. . . We always had to buy anything we needed from the United States-a big dishonesty to my nation." U.S. arms sales to Iran-totalling over $18 billion in the last 20 years-form the linchpin, as well as the most dramatic symbol of the grandiosity, of both the Shah's dreams and his dependency on the U.S. for their realization. Over $10 billion in arms sales, which include the most sophisticated of American fighter planes and defense systems, were approved af- ter 1972 as part of a major Nixon-Kissinger foreign policy plan to build up Iran as the police officer of the Middle East. This policy was highlighted by President Richard Nixon's 1972 decision to "sell Iran virtually any conven- tional weapons it wanted," according to a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee report. SUCH A ROLE as a regional superpower was seized eagerly by the Shah, who despite humble origins, had pro- claimed himself "His Majesty, the Shahenshah Aryamebr (King of Kings, Light of the Aryans)," and was fast acquiring the- label of megalomaniac from analysts all over the world. In this role, and sustained byhis own .visions of Persian glory and destiny, the Shah con- veniently served many U.S. concerns in the oil- rich region he controlled. Iran pledged to protect the Straits of Hormuz, through which half the West's oil passes; sent more than 35,000 troops during the 1970s to fight a Com- munist-supported rebellion in the Persian Gulf state of Oman, continued to sell oil to Israel during and after the 1973 oil boycott, endorsed Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's peace initiative, and supplied arms to Somalia in its war against Cuban-and Russian-supported Ethiopia in 1977. The U.S. shelled out $3.5 billion in 1977 to Iran-mainly for oil-but received from that country nearly $6 billion. Heavy industry was similarly dependent on U.S. technicians and managers, which explains the roughly 32,000 American non-military per- sonnel in Iran by 1978. The Shah made deals with the governments and corporate giants of other industrialized nations as well. The 100,000 foreigners, primarily technicians and managers, enjoyed a posh existence, generally earning much more than their Iranian counterparts and reaping the benefits of U.S. tax breaks and company living allowances. They clustered in luxurious nor- thern Tehran, near the Shah's own Imperial Palace. Commissions and under-the-table payments were reportedly standard practices in the competition for these lucrative foreign contracts, and there were several American congressional investigations into such allega- tions : concerning the .major. U.S.. weapons . developers. These pa: only the surface of a volved every level of th "I don't call it it Maryam. "The indu Shah was not the basic but was only artificial. fancy equipment in modernization. That is people will never go th a car factory, so now ti in Tehran. I don't wa transportation, so ever forcing people to buy c "People say Shah dustrializing," says A have one single factor the help of the outsid lines with Iranians as nothing independent." In addition, the agriculture as the big industrialization scher an agricultural expor the end of the Shah's over half its rice, whea the U.S. Sina E. sums1 Shah: "He should be human rights of tens killing them, ruining making Iran the bigg( world." The Shah regarded 1 ds of Iranians studyir nations as potential s that could turn Ira However, many stud reject, or accept only the industrial growth c officials and Iranian students attending tl "goal-oriented" and s than those at less prE stitutions. John Heise sity's International Iranians at other Am just to get out of Iran." When asked how he University in light of h modernization" acknowledges that h computer engineering "I'll have my degree f to do farming for what need is food," he says .SSe IRAP