Page 8-Sunday, December 3, 1978-The Michigan Daily film (Continued from Page 7) of the indoor sequences is often downright gorgeous. The film's few bedroom scenes are tasteful yet genuinely erotic. Yet Girl Friends' shining glory is the master performance given by Melanie Mayron as Susan. The most versatile in a cast consisting mostly of talented unknowns, Mayron invests her role with an astoundingly apt synthesis of vulnerability and ambition. She shows how Susan swiftly learns and masters the streetfighters' techniques necessary for advancement in a mur- derous profession; yet, a scene of Susan alone in her apartment, desperately and vainly phoning a series of acquain- tances, will painfully jab the memories of anyone who's ever ended up alone and unwanted on a Saturday night. When Anne first breathlessly an- nounces that she's getting married, we watch Mayron's face run a gamut of emotions in the span of a few seconds - joy for Anne and her happiness, yet anguish at the traumatic knowledge that her own life has suddenly changed forever. It's as wrenchingly beautiful a bit of acting as you're ever likely to see, that makes the cynical machinations of the Grease-Jaws iI crowd seem more shameful than ever. It would be an even greater shame for this sad but humane film to languish in a few select art houses while its inferior compatriots perpetually play the front- line theaters. Warner Bros. is sup- posedly committed to nationwide distribution of Girl Friends, yet their fervor is tenuous indeed if Michigan is any example. Up until its Ann Arbor opening, the film had played only one Detroit-area theater, in Birmingham. By my last count, Up in Smoke was showing at at least 11 area movie houses, Disco Fever at 12, the year-old Heroes at 19. Are current audiences so resigned to the insult of material so pablum-like that the supposed aesthetic division between film and TV is often rendered invisible? Is the public really so numb, so bludgeoned by the "pure entertainrent" hype which the studios now wield as a code phrase for a reac- tionary avoidance of controversy or complexity in any form? For some reason, I still cling to the belief that we're not quite that far gone. If Girl Friends is, by chance, still in town by the time you read this, please grab a friend and go see it; perhaps profits will turn the moguls' heads, even if appeals to conscience won't. The talented Ms. Weill - not to mention the potential female artistic revolution she represents - certainly deserves no less. presidents (Continued from Page 6) spy on congressmen while they visited Washington's bordellos in order to blackmail them on key votes, is unsettling even today. When Woodrow Wilson assumed offiei in 1916, he promised faithful supporters he would not propel the U.S. into war. Less than seven months after he was elected, however, Americans found themselves involved in a world war that has left some scholars still guessing at how it began. A quarter of a century later, Franklin Roosevelt went back on his conviction to stay out of war soon after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. But some of his right-wing enemies, who suspected FDR of favoring a major war, accused him of conspiring to lure the Japanese into attacking America's Pacific naval shipyard. But what was already evident by FDR's time was the fact that presidents had become captives of a monstrous government over which they theoretically presided. Instead of acting as a manipulator, however, presidents quickly understood that they would have to operate through bureaus and commissions which they could influence, but not control. This led to a pseudo-leadership position where presidents could push and pull for influence, but never forget their limited- role. "Richard Nixon didn't sufficiently appreciate that," von Hoffman writes. "He didn't understand that the formal powers of his office, written in the Constitution and the law, are often little more than ceremonial and can be used only when the countervailing powers on the system assent . . . his downfall issued less from any illegal act he may have committed, than from a lawful use of his office that threatened to destroy a vast system of shared and intertwined political power." To become an influential leader, ramblings (Continued from Page 2) "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take chemistry anymore!" she screamed. She was leaning so far out the_ window that if Terry hadn't been grasping Wanda's belt, she would have fallen out. "Alec Greely gets off on vacuum cleaners! Eureka!" A group of guys formed in the parking lot below her, and she thought she heard someone mention the name of Dave, my then ex-boyfriend Paul's best friend Sean's brother. "Dave! Dave O'Malley!" she cried. "Are you down there?" "Yeah! Who are you?" (It was too dark to make out faces.) "Dave! I love your brother Sean!" "Who are you and how do you know my brother?" There was a knock on the door. "Open presidents have learned that they must solicit support,; and be supported, by a broad base if they hope to make a move against a resisting tide. Nixon, for instance, was forced out of the Vietnam War ,by waning support and growing opposition. Although the Southeast Asian endeavor became a presidential war when the first advisors were sent during the Eisenhower and Kennedy days, the war began to backpedal and fell into Nixon's lap. Nixon saw Vietnam as a necessity in his enveloping diplomacy but was "forced to sign a disadvantagous cease-fire, not because the American army had been beaten on the battlefield but because so little support . . . remained that the President was unable to go on." Throughout Make-Believe Presidents von Hoffman comes off witty, and even brash at times. Much of what he has to say is sometimes bewildering, but an avid student of history will find his work provoking as well as amusing. After the fall of Nixon, whose political plight might be viewed as a Shakespearean tragedy, some of the disgraced president's supporters suggested Nixon was used as a pawn by the CIA because the Watergate burglaries were so botched by the ex- CIA personnel who were involved in it. "If that's what happened," von Hoffman writes, "it was one of the greatest billiard shots of all time." Von Hoffman, now a syndicated columnist, conveys the same clarity and wit he did when he debated Jame Kilpatrick on 60 Minutes' "Point/Counter-Point," painting the presidency as a symbol of waning power and puppet-like motions. Before the presidency becomes obsolete, political changes must occur; changes to preserve a democracy, not destroy it. Political forces, including a strong third party, could stop another "Tweedledum and Tweedledumber" from reaching office and continuing the game of imbecility. up, it's security !" a voice bellowed. Terry jerked Wanda in, accidentally bashing her head against the wiidow frame. Wanda passed out. Terry :ew on a robe, mussed her hair, ope .J the door. "What do you want?" she s' ped. "Who's yelling up here?" "No one! Can't you see w.,'re trying to sleep?" The officer apologized and left. Wanda woke the next morning with a cotton mouth, churning stomach, and a sharp pain in her head. She remem- bered smashing into the window and was sure she had a concussion. She crawled down the street back to her own room and dropped into bed, hoping to crash for a few weeks to sleep off her hangover. She wondered why they called it Southern Comfort. Then she drifted into sleep. leach (Continued from Page 5) accumulated yardage and possibly a retired jersey. O.J. Simpson gave Southern Cal a personality to admire in addition to his records. Bob Griese left a touch of class lingering on at Purdue. Even Steve Owens gave Oklahoma more pride than his records are worth. But for what will Leach be remembered? Is anyone at fault for the shallowness of his career? Is his career as superficial as it ap- pears? The good side of Leach is slowly coming out. He is unselfish with his time according to a lot of people. He has Sontag (Continued from Page 6) left-handed; I imagined myself, grown up, as a homosexual, as a monk or a nun, as a bomb- throwing revolutionary; I dreamed about Robin Hood.' The character concerns herself with the tension between the writer and the feminist movement, loosely named, "the organization." She explores the roots of her language. Finding both the feminist movement and her language lacking in resolve, the character concludes with a cry for answers. Through her, Sontag takes issue with the critics: . ..Have I forfeited all claim to your sympathy by the way I write? Have you written me off as passionless? Unspontane- ous? Too unspecific? Disem- bodied? But I have a body, I assure you... The scenario of "The Baby" is revealed through the troubled monologue of a married couple separately visiting their shared analyst on alternate days. Despite their conflicting reports on their son's behavior, their distinctive voices blend as suspense builds. In "Doctor Jekyll," Sontag allows her imagination to play upon the legend of been involved in programs to help foster children and other less fortunate kids. But the tight-lipped policy preven- ts all but the worst from seeping into sports pages and student conver- sations. Many people feel that Bo is the culprit for denying the player he says he loves the opportunity to grow into something more than a talented quarterback. Other people feel Leach is at fault for not insisting on that right. And still more people have no feelings at all. This is the most unfortunate aspect of Rick Leach's career at Michigan. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Her updated version probes the concept of freedom in relation to an uptight, middle-class society. She divides the tradition; Jekyll becomes a moderately successful physician, envious of the freedom of his sometime-friend, Hyde's freedom to be violent, as a member of a lower class. The final piece in the collection, "Unguided Tour," is a reminiscence written as free assocition. Phrases key off words, and gradually a portrait of a disintegrating love affair emerges, sharpened by its shadowy parallel with the perception of the world's slow deterioration. Sontag plies her characters with information about their world, which is full of "Rockets and Venetian churches, David Bowie and Diderot, nuoc man and Big Macs, sunglasses and orgasms." She occasionally peers from behind her unnamed characters, hinting at the bond existing between her characters, and herself. Their shared task is to order the chaos, to create neat, durable paradigms, fortifications against despair. I, etcetera is a record of such small victories. Sontag wants up to - celebrate the triumph of intelligence, reason, and instincts of self-preservation in the face of disorder. inside: Sunday maEazine Co-editors A dissident's loyalty to the U.S.S.R. Books: Presidential Make-Believe Sontag' s Elizabeth Slowik Sue Warner stories, et cetera Books Editor Brian Blanchard Cover photo by Alan Bilinsky Supplement to The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, December 3, 1978