The Michigan Daily-Saturday, December 2, 197--Poge 7 ire code needed for day care to stay (Continued from Page 1) through the local Child Care Referral Service, and have been working through the state legislature and com- mittees to accelerate the promulgation of inspectionlaws. ACCORDING TO Smiley, the problems began when the state took over the local inspections. Smiley said the nine-year-old CCAC had not been' cited for fire code violations until the DDS' interpretation of the codes were applied to the Ann Arbor day care cen- ters. In May of 1977, the Department of Social' Services contracted the State Fire Marshal's office to either conduct the fire inspections on its own or delegate local marshals to conduct them. A conflict had already occurred between state and local officials in March, when city fire chief Chuck Osborn had written a letter to the D SS stating he felt the Department's regulations conflicted with the State Building and Safety's codes and those of the city. The State Fire Marshal took over the city's inspections in May 1977, fallowing the signing of the DSS con- tract. ACCORDING TO Ronald Kenyon of the State Fire Marshal's office, the state inspections were intended to provide "a more central and controlled procedure" and to create "efficiency and better consistency." Local centers, however, soon found themselves cited for violations of a code they had never before been subject to, because -the D.SS enforced different regulations than the city did. The state inspectors had disturbed the local center employees by using "gestapo kind of techniques," Clark said. The teams would often appear without appointments - in one instance arriving to inspect Clark's center as the employees were cleaning up the remains of an 80-adult dinner that had been held in the building, she said. CLARK complains the state was en- forcing its rules arbitrarily, exempting local nurseries from certain regulations, while citing them for others. Clark also said the state has still not informed local centers of all the rules applicable to them. "They have a whole book (of guidelines) they will not make public to us," the director declared. "We do object to being cited for regulations we never heard of." Day care center directors such as Clark and Smiley, who was concerned about the state's citation of the 32 "fire hazard" doors, met with Osborne and state officials to discuss the situation. Six months ago, the city was finally granted the right to resume its own in- spections. This was partly due to the nursery directors' pleas and prompted by the fact that the state team's workload was weighing it down. City Council last month passed an or- dinance saying the city need only abide by its licensing bureau's inspection codes. The city's codes, as well as the state of Michigan's, are more stringent than the DDS regulations. Although this allows city inspectors to ignore the discrepancies in codes, therefore eliminating much of the former con- fusion, there is still the problem of ar- bitrariness in the DDS guidelines and the fact local centers are still being cited for violations they did not realize existed. Lowe said he expects new and com- prehensive guidelines will be com- pleted and "will become rules with the force of law" by next spring. "We will obey a law, but we won't obey a regulation that is subject to in- terpretation and that we're not allowed to appeal," Clark declared, adding that the problem will "be over once the guidelines are promulgated and become law." "Tev ('state officials) hate a whole book (of guiidetines) they tril make public to its. We do object to being citedl for regela- tions tre neree heard oft. 2 -Kate (la rk, DaY (;are &eler lirector I Timed birth control shot found State's income limit for ed. loans stays put United Press International An injectable, time-release con- traceptive for women that could replace birth control pills, and is effec- tive for six months, has been suc- cessfully developed and tested in baboons at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, medical researchers reported yesterday. researchers also said the technique cduld be used in the future for ad- ministering other drugs needed every day, such as insulin for diabetics. CLINICAL TRIALS for human use of the contraceptive will be conducted in Mexico by the same Mexico City in- vestigators who first tested oral con- traceptives., Dr. Lee Beck of the university's Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology said researchers suc- cessfully combined a. contraceptive steroid and a biodegradable plastic to form microscopic beads that release the steroid over a period of time. The beads, which are harmlessly absorbed by the body, are suspended in a sterile saline fluid that can be injected over a determined period of time. Beck said the system offers advantages over the pill and could replace it in the future. "WE ARE particularly pleased that the injectable contraceptive does not contain estrogen, an element in the pill which has been linked to such side ef- fects as thrombophlebitis (blood clots) and hypertension (high blood pressure)," Beck said. In another development in the birth control field reported Friday, a study by Boston researchers said older women who smoke and take the pill face a greater chance of being stricken by a nonfatal heart attack. Oral cop- traceptive users of all ages, smokers and nonsmokers, also risk suffering from nonfatal blood clots. The Boston University School of Medicine study examined oral con- traceptive and noncontraceptive estrogens and their relationship to heart attacks, strokes and blood clots. The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in Chicago. The objective of the Alabama resear- chers' 3/2-year study was to achieve a controlled-release delivery of the steroid norethisterone. LANSING (UPI)-State officials have declined to lift a $25,000 family in- come ceiling on eligibility for direct higher education loans, even though the federal government recently discarded the limit. The Michigan Higher Education Student Loan Authority voted to retain the eligibility limit at least tem- porarily, Ronald Jursa, director of student financial assistance programs in the Michigan Department of Education, said yesterday. The decision will be reviewed by the authority in May when it has beeri determined if large numbers of middle=:y income Michigan residents are being denied loans. For years the state has operated a guaranteed loan program underwriting loans,from banks and other private len- ding institutions to college students.