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December 01, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-12-01

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Beckoning Fjords
Want to study in Norway this summer, receive credit for the cour-
ses taken and pay no tuition? The International Summer School at the
University of Oslo is all prepared to welcome 300 students, teachers
and professional people from 50 countries to its 33rd session beginning
on June 23 and ending August 3, 1979. Undergrad and grad courses are
offered in several different subjects and the language of instruction is
English. The tuition is footed by the Norwegian educational system
but room and board costs range from 1800 to $1,100. A catalog and ap-
plication form is available from: North American Admissions Office,
Oslo International Summer School, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Min-
nesota 55057. Two years of college are required for admission.
That does compute
How'd you like to have R2D2 or C3PO instruct your class along
with your regular TA? Over 5,000 students at two community colleges
in Arizona and Virginia had a computer teach part of their classes.
Educational Testing Service results said the computer had a positive
effect on students, who were said to be attentive to their work, relaxed
and enthusiastic, neither confused nor frustrated, and able to use the
terminals easily. Students said the computer helped them to learn bet-
ter than by course material presented in class lectures. Teachers -
flesh and blood ones - still play the primary educational role, even in
the experimental classes.
Watch out for bum steer
When purchasing a new used car one should be wary of buying
someone else's lemon, warns the Michigan Consumers Council. With a
little bit of basic knowledge and some careful shopping it is possible to
find a reliable car at a reasonable price. A free brochure, "How To
Buy a Used Car," can save the consumer from many hassles and is
easily obtained by writing Michigan Consumers Council, 414 Hollister
Building, 106 W. Allegan, Lansing, Mi. 48933.
First things first
Yesterday we reported that when Rev. Dr. Jitsuo Morikawa takes
over as minister of the First Baptist Church today, he will become the
first non-white minister of a predominantly white Protestant church in
Ann Arbor. However, Morikawa apparently isn't the first. Rev. Tom
Robinson, who is black, was the pastor for 41/2 years at the
predominantly white, pluralistic Glacier Way Methodist Church. Rev.
Robinson left Ann Arbor recently to fill the Global, Urban Affairs, and
Missions directorship of the New York Methodist Church.
Happenings F LMS
Ann Arbor Film Co-op - Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 7,
10:20 p.m., A New Leaf, 8:40, Aud. 3, MLB.
ALternate Action - Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 7, 9 p.m., Aud.
4, MLB.
Mediatrics - Smokey and the Bandit, 7, 9 p.m., Nat. Science Aud.
Gargoyle Films - The Graduate, 7, 9 p.m., 100 Hutchins Hall.
Cinema Guild - A Thousand Clowns, 7, 9:05 p.m., Old A4&D.
Cinema II - Fassbinder's Effi Briest, 7, 9:30 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Couzens Film Co-op - Silver Streak, 8, 10:30 p.m., Couzens
Jerry the Fool in an evening of mime and story-telling, 8:30 p.m.,
Canterbury Loft, 332 S. State.
PTP -Shakespeare's Richard II, 8 p.m., Power Center.
Musical Society - "Messiah", 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Ark - John Allen Cameron, Cape Breton Fiddlers, 9 p.m., 1421
Dept. of Philosophy - Prof. Ruderick Firth of Harvard, "Justified
Belief," 4 p.m., East Conference Room, 4th Floor of Rackham
Guild House - Jim Crowfoot, "Getting Involved in Progressive
Social Change: Some Personal Reflections," noon, Guild House, 802
Monroe, soup and sandwich, 50 cents.
Africa Week - Prof. Francis Boteway from Ghana, speaks on
South Africa, Lecture Room 2, MLB, 8 p.m., call 763-4692 for reser-
Philippine American Lectures - Pas Buenaventura Naylor,
"American Influences on the Tagalog Language", 3 p.m., Lane Hall,
Commons Room. .
Nuclear Engineering - Daniel Owen, Stanford Research In-
stitute, "Nuclear Design and Value of Life," White Auditorium,

Cooley, 3:45 p.m.
Residential College - Samuel Bowles, Prof. of Economics at the
University of Massachusetts, "The Marxian Theory of the Capitalist
State and the Contradiction of Socialist Democracy," 4 p.m., 126 East
Center for Japanese Studies - Stephen Addiss, University of Kan-
sas, "Japanese Zen Monk Painters," 7:30 p.m., Aud. D., Angell.
Annual Galens Medical Society Tag Day through tomorrow.
University BFA Shlow, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Slusser Gallery, North
Friends of Ann Arbor Public Library Book Sale, 9 to 9 p.m., har-
dbacks $1, paperbacks 50 cents.
Orthodox minyan at Hillel, 1429 Hill, 4:45 p.m., Student Union for
Progressive Judaism and Reform Service, at 8 p.m.
International Student Recreation, 6-8 p.m., Sports Coliseum.
Imperialism and Birthing/Birth Control - "Blood of the Condor",
7:30 p.m., Residential College Auditorium, East Quad.
Alternative Christmas Workshop to explore ways to celebrate
Christmas without commercialism and materialism, Saturday, 9
a.m. to 9 p.m., Wesley Foundation Lounge, 602 E. Huron, First United
Methodist Church.
Turkish Party sponsored by the International Center, 9:30 p.m. to
1a.m., First Flo , Michigan Union.
"How do I keep myself positive in a negative environment?" and
"How much space do I need in a relationship? ", group discussion, Fir-
st Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw, 8 p.m.
Child Care Coordinating and Referral Service Open House, 1-7
p.m., 32 N. Washington St., Ypsilanti.
Credit where credit's due
Newspapers do not live by reporting alone. Without the efforts of
advertising salespeople, The Daily and other publications would
quickly sink into a sea of insolvency. We'd like to credit, therefore, the
folks who helped make yesterday's Tipoff basketball supplement a
financial success, whose names were left out of the paper. They are

Author decries
U.S. education

The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 1, 1978-Page 3


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Author and educator Samuel Bowles
spoke last night to, an audience of about
100 in Schorling Auditorium, and
blamed the decline of American
education on the present state of
Bowles is the author of Schooling in
Capitalist America and an active
member of the Union for Radical
Political Economics.
"THE DEMISE OF the progressive
educational movement is no short term
phenomenon. The liberal movement in
education has met the structural
lititations of an advanced capitalist
economy," Bowles said.
Bowles' lecture, titled "Animal
House or Animal Farm: The Future of
American Education" was part of the
Peoples Action Coalition's "American
Dream Freeze" series of lectures on
CONTRARY TO THE title of the lec-
ture, which Bowles explained he did not
create, Bowles talked mostly about the
present state of education in America.
"It is too difficult to talk about the
daydreams of the future. We can't
predict the future; we may be able to
effect it," he said.
Bowles characterized several stages
of capitalism and their relation to
education. "Earlier capitalism gave
rise to the promise of liberal education.
The 1960s can be seen as a celebration
of this promise. There was a
proliferation of egalitarian programs in
education, and a democratic trend
toward more responsive internal
organization of administrations,"
Bowles observed.

"In the 1970's," Bowles continued,
"the celebration of this promiseturned
into an apology." There is presently a
tren, he said, toward more formal
educational programs, in response to
the complaints that "Johnny can't
AS A RESULT, he said, "We have
seen cutbacks in special programs par-
ticularly affecting third-world people."
On the question of the increasing
amount of education which Americans
are receiving today, Bowles observed,
"Americans have gained more
education than could be profitably put
to use in American capitalism.
"This situation did not come about
accidentally," Bowles added. "Society
demanded it."
The audience laughed as Bowles
completed his point, "I'm not saying
the public is overeducated. It's that the
jobs are dumb. We have culturally
disadvantaged occupations."
Gerontology project set
The Institute of Gerontology at the
University has launched a $97,000
project aimed at helping families more
effectively meet the needs of aging
parents, the University announced.
Caseworkers from six offices of Child
and Family Services of Michigan, Inc.
(CFSM) will attend training sessions
here, which will prepare them to lead
weekly "support group" meetings with
the adult children of aged parents.
Their experiences will be incor-
porated into a training module with
which similar group programns can be
designed by social agencies throughout
the country.


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Afro -Arab
rnteracti on
(Continued from Page 1)
African nations, Auda said. "It was a
period in the sixties of political
cooperation, where national liberations
At the end of this period, he asserted,
there was a change in the policy of the
superpowers, as well as a rise in
"regional superpowers "-large states
like Saudi Arabia and Libya. The
superpowers tried to develop links bet-
ween the regional powers, using them
as agents to accomplish their aims, he
Following the October, 1973, Mideast
war, Auda stated, the Organization of
African Unity and the Arab League
held the first of their joint meetings to
discuss increased Arab-African in-
teraction. Then, in 1977, an Afro-Arab
summit was held and declarations draf-
ted by the 60 leaders in attendance were
accepted. This was a major boost to the
relations between the two groups, Auda
THE ARABS SET up banks and soft-
term loans designed to help the African
nations develop into modern nations.
Technological assistance was also
given under the terms of the summit, he
A political declaration was accepted
that stated each organization would
recognize the liberation movements
already recognized by the others. This
led to African support of the Palestinian
Liberation Organization and an Arab
embargo on Rhodesia and South Africa,
according to Auda.
While the two blocs are seeking in-
creased cooperation, and looking for
compromise solutions to their
problems, Auda warned that they are
still facing problems. The answers to
these problems, he said, will be of great
concern at the next Afro-Arab summit,
scheduled for 1980.
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