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December 01, 1978 - Image 1

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High-near 30
Low-high teens
See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 70

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 1, 1978

Ten Cents

Twelve Paags

HEW continues old sex bias

Michigan State University received consider-
able publicity recently when members of its
women's basketball team charged their school
with sex discrimination in its athletic
But, unknown to many, the University of
Michigan is also the defendant in a sports sex
discrimination suit which was filed five years
ago and is still pending in the federal Depar- ,
tment of Health, Education, and Welfare
A 58-PAGE COMPLAINT was filed in 1973 by
a committee of women students and University
graduates charging the Athletic Department

with "gross discrimination against women" in
intercollegiate sports.
The complaint was filed under Title IX, a
portion of the 1972 federal Education Act which
bars sexual discrimination by institutions
receiving federal funds.
Since 1973, HEW has done little to investigate
the complaint which is still considered active.
Marcia Federbush, a coordinator of the
committee, said that the situation has not
changed substantially in the last five years.
"I'M SURE THEY'RE (the Athletic Depar-
tment) violating Title IX up and down the
line," she said recently.
Her assertion was disputed by sports of-
ficials, including the women's athletic director,

'Those complain Is hare beenu
a catalyst-hare raised a level
of Consciousness thatineeds to
be raised.'
-Phyllis Ocher, Womens
athletics director.

probe of
who said the University is now giving women a
fair shake in its program.
Title IX was designed to insure equal oppor-
tunity in the use of equipment and facilities,
among other areas. Women now use Crisler
Arena for their basketball and gymnastics con-
tests, unlike before. Staff size, salaries,
scholarships, and travel expenses have all in-
creased in women's athletics since 1973. There
are now 10 varsity sports offered for women,
compared to 11 for men.
PHYLLIS OCKER, who has run the womens'
athletic program since July, 1977, is satisfied so
far with the Athletic Department's progress in
building an equal opportunity athletic

'U sports
program. "There are some good faith efforts
being made," she said, adding that her
program has received adequate funding and
support "as we have demonstrated a need for
Ocker explained that "if we got $500,000 three
years ago, we would not have been able to han-
dle the money." But additional funds have been
arriving each year, she stated, contributing to
growth in the womens' program.
Ocker sees a positive aspect to the sex-
discrimination complaints, however. "Those
complaints have been a catalyst-have raised
a level of consciousness that needs to be
See HEW, Page 5

I m

Impact of
peace pact
A group of local, national and inter-
national scholars took part in a wide-
ranging discussion on aspects of the
Egypt-Israeli peace talks entitled
"Camp David: Perspectives" yester-
day at the Rackham School of Graduate
The sessions, sponsored by the
Rackham Graduate School and the
Literary College (LSA), were an all-
day affair, starting at 1 p.m. and run-
ning until 10:30.
Malcolm Kerr, director of the von
Gruenebaum Center for Near Eastern
Studies at UCLA, who spoke at the
evening session, said the Camp David
talks marked "a murky crossroads
with no clear viewpoints."
"THE PARTIAL resolution reached
there is not one of total satisfaction he
stated, but any peace agreement in-
volving Israel and any Arab state is
nothing to sneer about."
Kerr called the Camp David summit
a triumph for former Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger and shuttle
diplomacy. He said this movement
iwards short term agreements to dif-
.use heated situatieons-has also been
adopted by the Carter Administration
"In 1976 President Carter made a
move that his predecessors sought to
avoid," Kerr said. "He convened the
Geneva conference, spoke privately to
Palestinians about the legality of their
claims, met with Syrian President
Hassad, and issued a joint declaration
with the Soviet Union to prepare for the
comprehensive peace."
The first speakers of the day were
Egbal Ahmad and Itmar Rabinovich.
Ahmad is a senior fellow at the Institute
of Policy Studies in Washington, D.C.
and Rabinovich is associate director of
the Schiloah Center for Middle East and
African Studies in Tel Aviv.

Carter rues
slow pace of
Mideast talks

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter said yesterday he was
"somewhat discouraged" by the
slowdown in Mideast peace talks, and
charged Egypt and Israel with
negotiating through the press for
domestic political purposes.
And yet, Carter told a news conferen-
ce, he is convinced leaders of both coun-
tries and their people want a treaty
completed. Therefore, Carter said, the
now-stalled negotiations are "very
likely to be fruitful."
Carter gave this assessment shortly
after Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
sent his prime minister here with a
message urging the United States to
break the lingering impasse over the
Palestinian issue. They are scheduled
to meet today.
"I HAVE BEEN dissatisfied and dis-
appointed at the length of time required
to bring about a peace treaty," Carter
This he attributed, in part, to the con-
ducting of "a lot of the negotiations"
through the press. Carter said this was
unfortunate and motivated by the in-
ternal political situations in Egypt and
In the past, he has complained that
the negotiators id Washington had
limited authority. Carter raised this
complaint again indirectly.
But, he said, neither the problems nor
his own concerns were greater than at
Camp David, Md., in September when
Egypt and Israel, under U.S. guidance,
ultimately agreed on frameworks for
negotiating a peace treaty as well as
the disposition of the West Bank of the
Jordan River and the Gaza Strip.,
THE TREATY negotiations began

seven weeks ago. At first, they held
promise of producing an agreement
quickly. But Egypt and Israel have
been unable to settle their differences
over whether to clear the way for
Palestinian autonomy on the West Bank
and in Gaza in the treaty itself.
Carter also commented on his anti-in-
flation program yesterday, claiming it
"is exactly what the American people
want." The President said he is deter-
mined to curb inflation even if it proves
politically disastrous.
Carter was asked at his nationally
broadcast news conference whether he
would risk being a one-term President
by advocating government actions that
could alienate many groups.
"I WOULD maintain the fight against
inflation," he said, adding that "I
believe this is exactly what the
American people want."
Then, when later asked if the nation's
economic problems meant Americans
might have to accept a lower standard
of living, he said, "I see no reason for
despair at all."
Carter also said the mass murder-
suicide at Jonestown, Guyana, was
atypical of American life.
AND HE acknowledged he has been
somewhat discouraged by the inability
of Egypt and Israel to agree on a peace
Of the nation's economic woes, the
President said, "We don't anticipate a
recession or depression next year."
A number of prominent economists
have predicted a recession in 1979 as a
result of Carter's wage and price
guidelines which would generally limit
wage and benefit increases to seven per
cent and price increases to an average
of roughly 5.75 per cent.

Pas de Deux Daily Photo by WAYNE CABLE
TOP SCORER Mike McGee (40) for Michigan drives for two in last night's season opener at Crisler Arena. K.C. Janer
(22) looks on for Central Michigan. The Wolverines, led by McGee's 30 points with help from center Phil Hubbard (25
points) and guard Marty Bodnar (18 points), beat CMU by the score of 87-78.

'Raoul' suspect denies label

the brother of James Earl Ray, denied
yesterday that he is the mysterious
"Raoul," named as an alleged accom-
plice in the assassination of Martin
Luther King Jr.
The House assassinations committee
had said it appears likely that Raoul
was either Jerry Ray or John Ray,
another brother of James Earl Ray,
who is serving a 99-year prison term for
the fatal civil rights leader's slaying.
DURING MORE than six hours of
testimony by Ray, committee members
confronted him with more than a dozen
contradictions between statements
made in the period following the
assassination compared with his
" Author and educator Samuel
Bowles spoke on the decline of the
American educational system,
which he attributes to capitalism,
last night at Schorling
Auditorium. See story, Page 3.
The Ann Arbor Public
Library is offering some first-
rate book bargains at its bi-
annual sale. See story, Page 9.
* The men's cagers defeated
Central Michigan 87-78 last night


current memory. -n.
He acknowledged lying to the FBI
about contacts with James Earl Ray in
1967 and 1968, falsely telling authorities
that his father was dead, and deceiving
author George McMillan with false
bank records and family photographs.
In answer to several questions, Ray
responded vaguely and frequently said
he could not recall events of 10 or 11
years ago.
RAY SAID HE believes his brother
James was an unknowing participant in
a conspiracy to kill the civil rights
leader, struck down by a single shot
from a rifle outside a motel room in
Memphis, Tenn. on April 4, 1968.
He testified that James Earl Ray was

ordered to Memphis, not knowing King
would be present, then fled out of fear
he would be blamed for the
Indirectly denying any personal in-
volvement in such a plot, Jerry Ray,
said, "The only way I could say if there
was a conspiracy was if I was involved
in it."
NEARING THE conclusion of its two
year investigation, the committee
questioned Jerry Ray at length about
indications that he met and talked
several times with brother James in the
months immediately before the
James Earl Ray pleaded guilty to the
murder but then recanted his con-

fession, saying he was drawn into the
assassination plan by a man he iden-
tified only as Raoul He has describe a
series of contacts with Raoul in the
months leading to the assassination,
and he has detailed his travels during
that period, from Los Angeles, to New
Orleans, to Montreal and to Mexico.
He also told various persons along the
way of various contacts with his
brother, although he didn't specify
whether the contacts were with Jerry
or John. The committee has compared
the Raoul meetings with contacts Ray
had with one his brothers. And the
panel said there are some striking

Recount of LSA-S G
election completed

African week speakers discuss
close Arab-African cooperation,

A complicated set of legal and
political decisions resulted in the
recount and probable certification of
the Literary College's Student Gover-
nment (LSA-SG) elections last night.
At press time, members of the LSA
Academic Judiciary were conducting a
recount of the ballots for the 15 seats on
the LSA-SG Executive Council. Justices
said they would certify the election
upon completion ofthe recount.
THE BIZARRE set of circumstances
leading to the recount began yesterday
when the United Students Party with-
drew its challenge to the November 21
and 22 election. United Students can-
didates Talib-Udin Abdul-Muqsit, Mark,
Slaughter, and Bianca - Johnson had
requested a recount on Tuesday night,
alleging that possible mathematical
and procedural errors, alcohol drinking
and marijuana smoking had interfered
with the accuracy of the tally.
The LSA Academic Judiciary, the
body that must certify the election,
granted a recount because of "the
possibility of irregularities in the
talin nrn-a.,rp ,,theApetin

and standing by its decision that a'
recount was necessary.
"The LSA Academic Judiciary main-
tains its view of possible irregularities
in the tallying procedure of the LSA
election held November 20 and 21," the
decision read.
The decision also stated that since
Harriet Strasberg had been discharged
as elections director by LSA-SG Wed-
nesday night after completing her
duties, no one was available to conduct
the recount. The Judiciary had given
the elections director responsibility for
conducting the recount in its Tuesday
night decision.
"SINCEsTHE LSA council has
acknowledged that the elections direc-
tor has fulfilled her obligations, she was
no longer available for the recount. As a
result, the Academic Judiciary will not
certify the election. The committee af-
firms its original position," the
statement said.
According to several justices, the
decision was an attempt to pass on the
certification of the election to LSA-SG.
The LSA Election Code stipulates that
the power to certify elections is given to

An increased interaction between
the African and Arab worlds since the
end of World War II has led to close
cooperation in political, financial, and
social fields, according to participants
in a panel discussion last night at MLB.
The discussion, held in conjunction
with African Week 1978, featured
speakers Ali Mazrui, professor of

Russians, on the other hand, "have
been seeking compensation for their
losses in influence suffered in the
Mideast following the death of (former
Egyptian President) Nassar."
Auda began his talk by distinguishing
three time periods in the development
of African-Arab relations. During the
first period-the fifties-he said the
African people began uniting to fight
against imnerialism and colonization.


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