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November 30, 1978 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-30
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Page 4-Thursday, November 30, 1978-The Michigan Daily

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, Novei



G Jr. Mark Lozier

185 6-3

T HE LONE junior on
the Wolverines,
Mark Lozier played an
average of only seven
minutes a game last
year, shot at a 36 per
cent clip and scored
fewer than two points a
However, Lozier did
happen to make the
most important basket
of the year when he
canned a 22-footer with
no time left to sink
Michigan State at East

Lansing. That basket
placed a lot of pressure
on Lozier, some of
which might have been
unfair expectations.
"After (MSU)
everybody started
thinking that I was a
shooter," said Lozier,
"But that's not my
style. I'm a guy that
tries to do a lot of things.
I can shoot, but I'm
really an all-around
"I think I should get a
chance to play," added
Lozier, "but there's
five guys looking for the
one spot."


Mark Lozier's Varsity Record:
Yr. G-S EG-FGA Pet. FT-FTA Pet. Ast. et. Avg. Ppg.
Fr. 16-0 5-16 .31:3 4-5 800 5 1:3 0.8 0.9
So. '4-1 16-4 .356 11-17 .61 25 I 0.8 1.8

I mm"


Paul Heuerman 205 6-8


F-C Soph.

Daily Photo by WAYNE CABLE
MICHIGAN FRESHMAN ThadGarner wowed the'Windsor crowd last week with
this reverse slam dunk. Garner is just one of three new recruits that the Wol-
verines have added this year who are expected to make big contributions. Rookie
guard Keith Smith will probably see plenty of playing time, and 6-9 John, Garris
is an outstanding leaper and will be backing up Mihil Hubbard.

should see action
at both forward and cen-
ter coming off the ben-
ch. Hindered by a
broken wrist in the
early-going, the still-
developing soph
nonetheless has the ad-
ded confidence he
gained last year when
he averaged six and
one-half minutes of
playing time.
Paul leuerman's Varsity Record:
Yr. G-S FG-F(;A Pet. FT-FTA Pet. Ast. Reb. Avg. Ppg.
Fr. 25-0 10-19 .526 17-28 .607 1 1 37 1.5 1.5


After the game, the crowd's the same
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"It was hard getting
used to just coming off
the bench as a fresh-
man, this year I'll try to
go out there and im-
mediately pick up the
tempo,"' Heuerman
said. "Last year I was
totally' hyped out. I'm
confiden't and know
more what's going on
now." Heuerman's ex-
perience on the young
bench is a real asset.
Hailing from Akron,
Ohio, Heuerman plans
to go into Law or
Business following his
hardcourt experiences
at Michigan.





G Fr. Keith Smith

160 6-0

from Detroit
Mackenzie High School,
Keith Smith adds
something to the
Wolverine offense that
was sorely lacking last
year-a guard that will
penetrate and pass to
the open man.
Smith should be called
on to orchestrate
Michigan's fast break
offense on many oc-
casions in his rookie

year, something he's
well qualified to do with
his blazing speed and
"Keith Smith may be
the fastest player we've
ever had here at
Michigan," said Orr,
"even faster than
Rickey (Green)."
"I get as much
pleasure out of passing
well as shooting," said
Smith, who was a 22 ppg
guard with Mackenzie,
"I'm just playing the
best I can and waiting
for the right situation. I
just want to play as
much as I can."

Keith Smith's Prep Highlights:
" averaged 22 points per game at Mackenzie u.S. in Detroit
- averaged "I assists per game
" named Class A All-State

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