Page 12-Thursday, November 30, 1978-The Michigan Daily
What makes Tech Hifi the best place to
buy stereo?
It's our unique combination of knowl-
edgeable salespeople, soundrooms you canplay
in, selection of over a hundred quality brands,
and policies like our 3-month full-credit
ange and 7-day moneyback guarantee.
Tech Hifi is the only stereo specialist that
s you all this, plus discount prices.
Tech Hifi is the only
of 66
specialist that has the buying
189 EAC TDC Philips '229 KENWOoo harman kardon Philips
Tech Hifi's $189 package is your best introduction to Our $229 package has some of the audio industry's best
component stereo. You'll get better sound than a similarly- names. And Tech Hifi's buying power brings you this
priced "compact" system, plus all of Tech Hifi's great system at a budget-pleasing price! It has a Harman Kardon
guarantees. It has a versatile ERC 1405 AM/FM'stereo 230E stereo receiver, Kenwood LSK 100 speakers, and a
receiver, TDC 1 loudspeakers, and a fully-equipped Collaro 1253 automatic turntable by Philips.
Collaro 1252 automatic turntable by Philips.
i29 Philips PIONEER Garrard.
We think our $299 package has the best overall sound and
FM performance you'll find at this price. It has a pair of
new Philips 420 computer-vented speakers, a popular
Pioneer SX450 stereo receiver, and a handsome Garrard
730 M2 turntable with a Pickering cartridge.
Consumer magazines rate the components in this package
"best-buys". And Tech Hifi's holiday price saves you
money. Our $359 system has Linear Sound EPI 70 loud-
speakers, a top-rated Harman Kardon 330C stereo
receiver, and *a Garrard 730 M2 automatic turntable.
*419 PhilipsTtera Technics $449 G 1f KYQ SOy
Tech Hifi's $419 system offers the best balance of per- Our $449 system delivers clarity once reserved only for
formance and features at this price. It has a pair of the well-to-do. The Infinity Qe loudspeakers in this system
smooth-sounding Kenwood LSK300 loudspeakers, a use the same EMIT tweeter employed in Infinity's best
Technics SA200 stereo receiver, and a refined Philips speakers. The receiver is aluxurious Onkyo TX1500, and
GA437 turntable with a light-tracking Audio-Technica the turntable is a servo-controlled Sanyo TP728.
AT3XE cartridge.
599 K ENWODOD Garrard.
This $599 package delivers some of the best "imaged"
stereo sound you'll hear at any price. Because Optimally-
Vented Ohm L loudspeakers reproduce all the front-to-
back "depth" in your favorite music. The stereo receiver
is Kenwood's powerful KR4070, and the turntable is a
handsonme Garrard flT25P_
For high accuracy and high volume capability, Tech Hifi's
$849 package is your best bet. It has a pair of high-per-
formance Ohm C2 Optimally-Vented loudspeakers, a
superb Marantz 2238B stereo receiver, an Hitachi 353
turntable (with sophisticated quartz-locked direct drive),
~anti n nn-mhizm ADh TC 1F nrrro
a THORN @mca
Tech Hifi's $1200 package gives you the same sound heard
in the best recording studios. It has a pair of famous
JBL 4311 3-way monitor loudspeakers, a brand-new (and
beautifully detailed) Tandberg TR2030 stereo receiver,
and a transcription-quality Thorens TD145C II turntable
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