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November 30, 1978 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-30

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 30, 1978-Page 9


This week's results

Pre-holiday tournament:
a tune-up for IM cagers

As Mother Nature blankets our
fields with snow, it is time again to
seek the shelter of indoor facilities
for recreational sports.
And as always, we can count on
the Intramural Sports Department
for providing us with organized ac-
FOR THE NEXT three weeks, the
IM Sports Department is conducting
a Pre-Holiday Basketball Tour-
nament. Approximately 90 teams
have entered the tournament. Most
will also participate in the winter-
term basketball program.
"This tournament," says IM
Assistant Director Sandy Sanders,
"provides each team with an oppor-
tunity to familiarize themselves
with each other in preparation for
the regular season come January."
In order to keep the tournament
competitive, each team plays two
preliminary games which determine
its classification; A, B, C or D.
Teams winning both preliminary
games oppose each other in the "A"
bracket, as do teams who split or
lose both games in their respective
From that point it is single
elimination. At the end, all four
divisional winners will receive
SINCE MOST of these teams in-
tend on playing as a unit throughout

the winter term, this Pre-Holiday
Tournament will indicate to all how
good or bad they really are-and
should help in selecting whether to
participate in competitive
recreational divisions next term.
Sanders, who also is supervisor of
IM officials, said the tournament
will be played under Michigan High
School Athletic Association rules.
In the past, there have been
several modifications from the
MHSAA guidelines to speed up the
game, such as removing the jump
ball and awarding it to the defending
Since many student officials in-
tend on officiating high school and
college contests upon graduation,
Sanders- will adhere to all MHSAA
rules. Otherwise the officials are
cheated out of employing the same
rules which are utilized in high
school and college athletics.
"THE JUMP BALL is an intricate
part of the game," says Sanders. "It
takes a lot of practice to admipister
it fairly. Since it's used throughout
high school and college, to omit it
from IM sports would be cheating
our officials from the expertise
which they can learn."
Each game will consist of 20-
minute running halves, with two of-
ficials on hand to toot the whistles.
Intramural basketball action star-
ts at 5:40 each night and continues
through 10:00.

Independent Competitive
Class "A": Beaver Patrol 50, Frustrated Jocks o
('lass "B": Randomn Samples 20. Peace Makers 6
Residence Ball "A"
Class "A": St. Peter's Brigade 12. Elliott "A"
Michigan House, . Oxford 1 (fd)
C -lass'"B': Douglas (W), Butler House (I)
Alice'sn"A"(W),3rd amnilton(L) (f)
Residence Hall "B"
Class "A": Wenley 18. Michigan house 0
Class "B": Adams 12. Chicago l;
Fraternity "A"
(lass "A'": Evans Scholars 5, Kappa Alpha Psi
3 fd)
Class'"B: lDelta 'au Delta It, Sigma Alpha lu
Fraternity "B"
Class 'A': Sigma Phi Epsilon 11, leta upsilon
Class "B": Sigma Nu It. Sigma Phi 0
Co-Rec Competitive
'Class "A" Playoffs
Waldo's 11. U-Towers 12
Imperial Stornm rroopers , ,Co-Bection (
Class "B" FINALS
vI) 6-I1 18, Frost House 6
Co-Rec Recreative
F-Squared 6, Campus Broadcasting 0
Buff's Bouncers 1. Malson Mutilators:)1(fd)
Law Dirt 5, ('urse of Baba voga 2L (fd )
Nine Sharps and a lat (W), Williams (I.) (f)
Women's Competitive
C'lass ''A'' Bombers:32. Humor 0
Class ''B: Bruisers (W) Stockwell Squad (1
Women's Recreative
XI'B's a, Bush house I
Independent Division FINALS
Class "A": Beaver Patrol3, Canyon 1
Class "B": Bones 2, AIAA I
(lass ''"': Phantom Knights rradicators I
('lass "I)': Midshipmen "A' (W). Powerhouse
(tL) f)

Fraternity FINAL<S
('lass ''A": Evans Scholars:;, Sigma Alpha Mu 1)
('lass ''B'': 't'heta D~elta C('i W), Kappa Sigma
(I,) (f)
Class "'C: Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Phi Delta
Theta (no score rep~orte'd)
('lass''D':LambdaChi Alpha 2. Sigma (Chi I
Residence Hall FINALS
C'lass ''A'': Mo~io Blue 2, F~rederick I
('lass ''B'': Oxford . Frost Hlouse 0
Class " ("': Fletcher lall :, Cross llouse 1
Class "': Mo.Jo Gold (W), Fisher House (1)
Women's Pre-Holiday Tournament
Class "A": Deep Six W), Bush House( IL )(f)
('lass "": Ambatana 5. M('B's 1
('lass "": Kissin' Couzens 1. ACME Volleybal.
Inc. 1)
W(W), Bursley 5th Bartlett (I )(f)
Alpha Delta Pi (W). Michigan Bus Women (L)
We advise...
The scores and schedules presented
on this page are as accurate as
possible. However, we suggest that you
check with the IM department to
double-check deadlines or if you think
your team's score was reported inac-
Faculty /Staff
Group ynuanmics 61. Rev Sports 0
'T'e Wimps 6, . lt 2 0
Pst chology 1, ISII 1 2
Inner Tube Water Polo
C'o-Rec Competitive
Univrit y rsLv uther'an('ha p'l 26, C ondors:!
('oirzens 241, Mlichiga n Bar' Association 2
Knockers 7.l.-Iowers'I5 .
.lolo Misfits (WI :Markley Ilagdon "B" (lI)1( f)
Ilahs (W), Public health I(,I If)
Marklev Blagdon 'A' 3Dlental IDrifte'rs 2_
C'o-Rec Recreative
Al ph a Chli Sigmia 21. Shoot zie Scores :1
llam-Sam 5 (W), New~man (l.) (f)
Cannings 2:. AC'ES 0
D~elta Gamma Hash, I(W), Phishes 11.41(f)

Intramural soccer lures
many eager participants
away from 'major' sports

Its participants call it a "kick in
the grass," a surefire method of
releasing their academic
frustrations and getting a good
workout as well.
They range from pre-med
freshmen to doctoral candidates. A
few of them even bowed out of touch
football and softball to pursue the
sport which they enjoy the
EVERY SUNDAY from late
September through early
November, one could observe a
steady stream of sweatsuit-clad
people making their way down the
Medical Center hills to rustic Fuller
Field, the campus soccer
Two weeks ago, the six-week
outdoor season culminated in the
"A" division championship game in
which the Rowdies edged Navy, 2-1.
Many of these participants will also
play indoor "mini-soccer" starting
in January.
Soccer program director Steve
Olson, who doubles as the undergrad
club coach, had mixed feelings
about the success of this year's
outdoor program. "It didn't blossom
like I had expected it to, with the
(Detroit) Express coming into
NASL, but the quality of play was

definitely up."
Olson cited the concurrent touch
football and softball seasons as a big
reason for the lack of increased
DESPITE THE better playing
quality at Fuller, Olson sees some
basic problems among those new to
the sport. "There is a good deal of
unintentional awkwardness out
there," he noted. "Making the
transition from using your hands to
using your feet is extremely,
In order to remedy the transitional
problem, Olson plans to conduct
three clinics in fundamentals before
the start of the indoor season.
IN SPITE OF his encouragement
to participate, Olson still forcasts
problems in drawing the average
student into the game. "Many
people are afraid the game is going,
to hurt their image as an athlete."
Fortunately for the program,
several women soccer' buffs have
shown enough interests to warrant
formation of a separate club which
could play competitively next
That's encouraging news to Olson,
but he sees one roadblock to the
club's formation. "I don't think
they're going to have anyone to play



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For some it's a sport reserved for health nuts,
but for devotees it's more than just a chore

"It makes you feel a little bit
bigger when you're standing at the
bar," says graduate student Jim
No, Hunt isn't talking about high-
heeled shoes. He's talking about
weight training, a form of exercise
fast becoming popular among
University of Michigan students.
Students cite various reasons why
they're exercising with weights:
"Because it fights age."
"Because I'm paranoid about
getting fat."
"Because it gives me a certain
mental equilibrium."
"Because it gives me a'
psychological boost."
But most weight training
enthusiasts concur that lifting
relieves tension.
"School can drive you crazy and
you need something to let out your
tensions," says freshman Craig
Tillman. "It's an outlet from school
just like listening to music is an
outlet for some people.".
Weight training has many other
benefits such as increasing muscle
tone, muscle strength, endurance
and muscle size, according to Alli
Kantor, a graduate student
majoring in physical education.
Kantor recentlv directred a clinic

Recreation Building (CCRB), Sports
Coliseum and the North Campus
Recreation Building (NCRB) all
have weight training facilities.
The IMSB, at 606 E. Hoover St.,
has one weight room equipped with
Universal machines, Olympic
weights and free weights.
Many serious lifters flock to the 50-
year-old IMSB instead of the more
modern edifices. Why?
"Because serious lifters prefer fre
weights," explained Hunt, "while
the Nautilus and Universal
machines are supplemental." "Also,
serious lifters would rather work out
and be with other serious lifters."
Hunt said the IMSB's facilities are
adequate for students, but added
that building authorities "should
just put a little more care into what
they already have."
Many of the small weights have
been stolen from the IMSB's weight
room, causing concern almong lifters
and supervisors alike.

The IMSB used to lock the weight
room gate and people had to pay for
a key to the room. This system was
stopped in 1976 when the other
recreation buildings were opened.
"We had just as many thefts with
a lock as we now have without one,"
says Kenneth Nemerovski, assistant
director of facility operation and
management at the IMSB.
The CCRB, grandson of the
Intramural Building, is located at
401 Washtenaw Ave. It offers one
weight room complete with
Universal machines, Nautilus
machines, Olympic weights and free
weights. The CCRB's multipurpose
room also features a Universal
The CCRB weight room is a
handsomely-furnished facility, but
several lifters find it a bit
overcrowded. "Considering the
number of people in relation to
space, the facilities are
inadequate," said one individual

working out at the CCRB.
William F. Canning, director of
Facilities and Finance at the CCRB,
realizes the increasing popularity of
weight training and assures that
"we have increased the number of
weight machines for that purpose."
Students complain that the
multipurpose room should be used
primarily for weight training
facilities, but Canning says that it's
called a multipurpose room for just
that purpose, many activities are
held there. In addition, said
Canning, "We need the movable
open space.
Canning noted, however, "that the
department will expand facilities at
the Sports Coliseum to include
Olympic and free weights, hopefully
by the end of the semester."
The Sports Coliseum, at the corner
of Fifth St. and Hill St., presently
has only a Universal machine.
The NCRB, at 2375 Hubbard St.,
has a-weight room with a Universal
Dr. John WI. Reznik, director of
the Sports Club Program at the
NCRB, said, "Students use the
weight room in conjunction with
their daily exercise routine as
opposed to coming specifically to
use weights because we don't have
the free weights."

Coming soon...
Sunday, December 3-
-Parent/child table tennis tournament held at NCRB,
2-5 p.m. (part of Family Sunday-Funday program)

Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY

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