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November 30, 1978 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-30

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Page 6-Thursday, November 30, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Expert predicts space


The end product may no
Trek," but humans could
space colony within 100 ye
ding to John Shettler, a pa
the 1977 Summer Study
Manufacturing Facilities
Ames Research Center.
Shettler, who spoke
Development of Space Cit
Space Industrialization," in
Tuesday night, said satell
between the earth and thex

in next century
-RG provide a home for up to 10,000 people-'
at be "Star Shettler's presentation was spon-
Sinhabit a sored by the local L-5 society, an inter-
nars, acor- national organization working actively
rticipant in to make space colonies a reality.
ronpancen THE SPEAKER showed slides and
on Space movies of possible uses for the Solar
at NASA's Power Satellites (SPS), which would
on "The run on solar power, as well as supply
Jes through the earth with electricity. Shettler also
ithe Union noted that people living on the SPS
lites placed could grow enough food on the vehicle
moon could to support themselves.

Committee questions Ray motive

I - I -


'The large space colonies
are the end produc't . ..
but the planning and in-
terest is needed for get-
ting to that end result. A
plan is needed and we
don 't hare a plan.'
--John Shettler,
Sumtinter Study on
Space participan t
Shettler said the SPS "is the only
(space) product that would make a
return on its investment. The SPS
collects solar energy and microwavesit
to a collecting antenna on the earth.
Then the energy is converted to elec-
Shettler estimated one SPS could
supply the entire state of California
with electricity.
According to Shettler, the technology
is present to construct the first SPS by
the 1990's, though he pointed out, "The
large space colonies are the end
product, realistically, by 1050, but the
planning and interest is needed for get-
ting to that end result. A plan is needed
and we don't have a plan."

Assassinations Committee said yester-
day an alleged $50,000 offer made by
two St. Louis businessmen could have
provided the motive for James Earl
Ray to assassinate Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr.
The committee said that its two-year
investigation has been unable to
establish a direct link between those
who made the offer and Ray, but "it did
determine that they met the necessary
criteria for being considered par-
ticipants in a serious conspiracy . . ."
BEFORE releasing a staff report on
its investigation, the committee heard
Russell George Byers of St. Louis reluc-
tantly describe how he rejected a
$50,000 offer to either kill the civil rights
leader himself or arrange for someone
else to do it.
Byers' testimony was disputed by
Murray Randall, a St. Louis criminal
court judge, who said he believed the
story of the offer was "fabricated and
purposely planted."
Before he became a judge, Randall
was Byers' lawyer. He said he believes
Byers planted the story with a criminal
associate to find out if the man was an
FBI informant.

BYERS SAID that in late 1967 or
early 1968 he was approached by John
Kauffman, a friend and business
associate, who asked if he was in-
terested in making $50,000.
When he expressed interest, Byers
testified, Kauffman took him to the home
of a St. Louis patent attorney named
John Sutherland.
"I asked him (Sutherland), 'What do
I have to do to earn the $50,000'," said
Byers, at the time a used car parts
dealer under federal indictment for
auto theft.
"HE SAID either arrange or kill Mar-
tin Luther King," Byers testified.
"They were dead serious."
Byers said Sutherland told him the
money was to come from a "secret
Southern organization."
"I told them I didn't think I'd be in-
terested," said Byers, who at the time
did not know who King was.
BYERS, WHO testified under a grant
of immunity from prosecution, was
surrounded by four husky U.S. mar-
shals throughout his appearance.
He testified that he never again spoke
to either Kauffman or Sutherland about
the proposed murder contract, had no
further connection with any plan to kill

King, and does not know if someone else
was persuaded to take the offer.
When the civil rights leader was slain
in Memphis, Tenn., on April 4, 1968,
Byers said, "It struck me it was an
awfully funny thing that I get the offer
and the man winds up dead."
ASKED WHY he thought Sutherland
and Kauffman singled hin) out for the
offer, Byers said his brother-in-law,
John Paul Spica, had been convicted of
carrying out the contract murder of a
St. Louis real estate man and was ser-
ving a life sentence.
Both Kauffman and Sutherland, who
are now dead, supported the 1968
American Independent Party presiden-
tial campaign of George Wallace, ac-
cording to the committee's report.
In the staff report, the committee
said it had developed "four theories of
possible connectives" between
Sutherland, Kauffman and Ray, who is
currently serving a 99-year prison term
for the King assassination. Although he
pleaded guilty to the murder in 1969, he
has since recanted a confession made
then and says he was drawn into the
assassination conspiracy by a
mysterious figure named Raoul.

THE COMMITTEE investigation
found that Ray and Spica, Byers"
brother-in-law, knew one another when
both were inmates in the same cell
block of the Missouri State Prison and
worked in the hospital there. Byers ins
sisted he never told Spica about the
$50,000 offer.
A second possible link involves Dr;
Hugh Maxey, now 80, retired as the
physician in the Missouri State Pison
Maxey arranged for prison parolees to
take jobs with Kauffman and also knew
Ray as a patient. Maxey said he was
unaware of money offers to kill King
circulating at the prison.
A third connection involves Robert
Regazzi, an associate of Spica, whose
former wife, Naomi, worked as a bar;
tender in a St. Louis bar operated by
James Earl Ray's brother, John. Alj
denied to committee investigators that
they played any part in relaying any
money offer for King's death.
The fourth possible link runs through
Sutherland's and Kauffman's activities
in the Wallace campaign, an interest
shared by John Ray, whose bar, the
Grapevine Tavern, was a gathering
place for American Independent Party.
campaign workers.


4 l

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549 E. University

Soviets present $26.4 billion defense budget

University of Michigan
Gilbert & Sullivan Society Presents
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Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
For ticket information
call 994-0221 AfterrNov. 25 763-1085

MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet Union
announced yesterday a 1979 defense
budget of 17.2 billion rubles-about
$26.4 billion-which it said was
necessary to counter "aggressive im-
perialist circles" attempting to achieve
military superiority.
The disclosure by Finance Minister
Vasily F. Garbuzov at the opening win-
ter session of the Soviet parliament
makes it the third straight year that
reported Soviet defense spending
remains unchanged.
BUT WESTERN experts estimate
that the Kremlin's real military budget
is probably five times the reported
amount, most of it said to be hidden
elsewhere in the budget, which for 1979'
will total 268.8 billion rubles, or $413.9
Garbuzov told the Supreme Soviet
legislators and ruling Politburo mem-
bers that the Soviet Union was "con-
sistently working for peace and inter-
national cooperation," as well as
making numerous disarmament
proposals particularly at the United
Nations in New York.
"However, aggressive imperialist
circles are resisting the relaxation of
international tensions, whipping up the
arms race and trying to achieve
military superiority," the minister
THE 1979 DEFENSE budget of.
ficially will account for only 7 per cent

of total Soviet spending in 1979. But U.S.
officials usually put the Kremlin's
defense expenditures at more than $100
Among other things, Western experts
contend, the Soviet Union maintains
one of the world's largest standing ar-
mies, most powerful nuclear arsenals
as well as array of conventional
Just two weeks ago, President Leonid
I. Brezhnev disclosed to a visiting
delegation of U.S. senators that the
Soviet Union has tested a neutron bomb
but never started production of the
warhead-a costly venture even as an
ON THE OTHER hand, a Soviet
soldier's pay can be as low as $7 a mon-
th, while the United States pay substan-
tially more.
The Ameican defense budget for
fiscal year 1978 was $110.0 billion, or
about 24 per cent of all government ex-
The Soviet press is constantly ac-
cusing President Carter of pledging
during his presidential campaign to cut
U.S. defense spending substantially and
not following through on his pre-
election promise.
ALSO AT yesterday's Supreme
Soviet meeting, the country's newest
full Politburo member made his ap-
pearance in a conspicious front row

Konstantin U. Chernenko, 67, joined
Breshnev, Premier Alexei N. Kosygin,
top Kremlin ideologist Mikhail A.
Suslov and central committee
secretary Andrei P. Kirilenko at the
front of the palatial Kremlin meeting
Chernenko was promoted to full
membership in the Politburo Monday,
and Kremlinologists here have tipped
the Brezhnev protege as a possible suc-
cessor to the 71-year-old presidentwho
was seen limping from the car to the
Kremlin hall yesterday.
ON OTHER matters, state planning
chairman Nikolai K. Baibakov announ-.
ced that the Soviet Union took a "big
stride forward" in its 1978 economic
production, recording a five per cent
industrial growth rate which has higher
than the 4.5 per cent targeted.

Buoyed by the good economic news,
Kremlin leaders called for an am-
bitious 1979 program to increase in-
dustrial production by 5.7i per cent and
agricultural by 5.8 per cent over 1978
In 1979, the Soviet Union plans to en-
sure a "stable, balanced growth,"%of
heavy industry, targeting an increase
of 5.8 per cent. Light industry, or con-
sumer goods, will increase by 5.4 per
cent. Baibakov, however, noted that
there were still several "unresolved
problems" dragging down the nation's
productivity: bottlenecks in certain
sectors, low quality of goods, bad
management, poor utilization of
materials, low labor productivity.
In other areas, Baibakov said the
country will increase its electrical
power production by 4.8 per cent.



church to get

oriental minister-

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'U' Cellar refuses to
recognize IWW local

(Continued from Page 1)
150 years old, is located at 502 E. Huron
Morikawa is also excited about
having a ministry near a college cam-
pus. He says the University's primary
purpose is no different from the pur-
pose of the church and synagogue, to
fulfill a moral and social accountability
to God and society.
"I FEEL more at home in a univer-
sity community than in any other
place," the minister said. "What ap-
peals to me most is the persistent pur-
suit of newness, pursuing the
unrealized and unconquered mysteries
of the universe."
Since about 50 per. cent of his
congregation is associated with the
University in some way, he feels that
"how U-M fulfills its moral and social
responsibilities should be of primary
concern to all.of us."

The 66-year-old pastor, who runs four
miles a day, will also supervise the
church's student programs, which are
among the nation's oldest. "I amvery
much looking forward to being involved
with these students," he said. "There is
a definite growing tendency among
young people to turn to religion to find
the answers of the issues of life."
"Even the most tragic, abhoritive
prostitution of religion found in the
tragedy of Guyana is a pathological ex-
pression that there is in the human
spirit a longing to believe in an ultimate
authority," he added.
Morikawa said that the different
religious and social groups in the area
should "work very closely together",
respecting each- others' beliefs.
"Coexistence is very necessary - no
one can claim to be the possessor of the
ultimate knowledge. We simply must
learn from each other."

b +an

(Continued from Page 1)
But no, I don't think there'll be much of
a delay," Bradley said.
Bradley is the spokesman for the
board which consists of six Michigan
Student Assembly-appointees, three
Senate Advisory Committee on Faculty
Affairs-appointed faculty members,
and one administration representative,
appointed by President Robben
Bradley added that: "We though
we'd give the employees a little time to
think about what they're doing."
MEANWHILE, MOST of the Cellar
employees who are IWW members,
signed membership cards as far back
as September, according to Bjorklund.
She said the union would "like to in-
crease control of our working con-
ditions. There's been lots of hassles
over keeping the same number of em-

ployees and employee hours.
Management has also been trying to
force us to have department
managers," Bjorklund said.
Bjorklund also said employees are
dissatisfied with the Cellar's present
wage and raise structure. "They've
(Board of Directors) informed us we
will not get merit raises in January,"
said Bjorklund.
However, Bjorklund stressed that the
Cellar is still a sound operation. "The
Cellar is in excellent working condition,
especially compared with all the other
Ann Arbor book stores. We just want to
keep it that way," she said.
IWW organizer Eric Glatz said Cellar
employees are not planning any strike
action at this time.
The IWW has been a union since 1905
and reached a high membership total in
the 1920s with over a million membes.
"Now there's only about 3000 members
in the few remaining branches. Our
branch of 50, members is the largest
local in the United States," Bjorklund

PIRGIM wants $5
fine on ballot

(Continued from Page 1)
Ann Arbor City Council last week
reviewed a proposal by Earl Greene
(D-Second Ward) to assess a five dollar
fine for the consumption of alcohol by
those between 18 and 21.' The motion
was tabled but Mayor Louis Belcher
said that Council will probably pass a
similar resolution "by the end of
Moran said PIRGIM "can't wait to
see what they (City Council) are going
to do. The main problem right now is


getting the signatures."
The drive leader also said that
despite the Republican majority on
Council, "one reason they might pass it
is because being on the ballot, it would
bring out a heavy, student turnout,"
which would probably mean more sup-
port for the Democrats.
The proposed referendum bears
much resemblance to the city ballot
proposal which several years ago made
marijudna smoking a misdemeanor
punishable by a five dollar fine.

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By William Shakespeare

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