Page 4-Thursday, November 30, 1978-The Michigan Daily tie mtichia Bi 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eigh!t-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom Nuclear power is a labor issue Vol. LXXXIX, No. 69 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The Supreme Court on Farber HE SAD, FINAL chapter was written Monday in the story of New York Times reporter, Myron Farber's dispute with a New Jersey judge over his right to protect confidential news sources. Mr. Farber and his employer, the Times, saw their last hopes dashed as the U.S. Supreme Court refused to review contempt convictions against them for refusal to provide unpublished notes and records to a trial judge. Investigative stories by Mr. Farber in 1976 led to the reopening of a probe into the mysterious deaths of 13 hospital patients in a Bergen County, N.J. hospital in the late '60s. As a result, Dr. Mario Jascalevich was arrested and charged with administering a muscle relaxant to the victims. During the trial, Mr. Jascalevich's lawyers tried to obtain Mr. Farber's notes, claiming the records would help exonerate their client. Mr. Farber and the Times refused to turn them over, claiming protection under a New Jersey shield law. When they rejected the trial judge's order to relinquish the documents, he held them in contempt of court, jailed Mr. Farber, and fined the Times a total of $285,000. Qtly Mr. Jascalevich's acquittal Oct. 25 brought an end to Mr. Farber's jail term and further accumulation of the $5,000 a day fine against the newspaper. The importance of the confidentiality of a reporter's sources and notes is well illustrated by the Farber case. Through use of sources, whose anonymity he promised, Mr. Farber was able to gather important new evidence pointing to Mr. Jascalevich as the person responsible for the deaths. The prosecution's later failure to convince a jury of the doctor's, guilt beyond a reasonable doubt does not detract from Mr. Farber's contribution to justice in the murder probe. Journalists occasionally need to rely on guarantees of confidentiality to elicit information of public interest and importance. The public's right to know is damaged by judicial infringement on reporters' right to assure the anonymity of such sources. Courts which try to force reporters to reveal confidential sources whittle away at constitutional guarantees of press freedom and abuse their own authority. Mr. Farber and the Times have shown great courage in standing up to such efforts. It is unfortunate that a newspaper and a reporter must pay such a high price to defend a basic constitutional right and a basic public interest. An unfortunate aspect of the Supreme Court's refusal to hear Farber's appeal is that its review of the case could have damaged press rights more than helped them. The high court has generally acted to limit press rights in the cases it has heard in recent years.' The best thing that can be said about the case is that it establishes no national precedent. State courts outside New Jersey are not constrained to follow the same restrictive path. Meanwhile, only time, and more liberal Supreme Court appointments, can hope to undo the damage to press freedom brought by the Farber case. Editor's note: This article is the second in a two part series written in response to an article by the U. S. Labor Party. ENERGY ALTERNATIVES: SOLAR According to the Environmentalists For Full Employment, clean decentralized solar energy projects could produce up to seven times as many jobs per dollar as nuclear energy. and the ratio of regular workers to experts in the solar field would be much higher. That means there would be nine carpenters or sheet metal workers, for example, for every highly trained solar engineer, creating jobs for a broad range of people. In the nuclear field, the ratio is two to one. The Massachusetts Energy Policy Office has concluded that by 1985, widespread adoption of solar space and water heating would create more jobs for the unemployed construction workers than offshore oil and new power plant construction combined. This approach is not"anti-technology", as sometimes is alleged by the large energy interests. In fact, technological innovation will be a key toachieving success with this approach but the technologies involved need be ones which genuinely serve people's needs. Nor is this a "no growth" approach, or one which advocated a return to drudge labor. To the energy industry, "growth" has always meant growth in energy production in order to satisfy its own needs, no matter the consequences for the rest of society. But to others, "growth" means a national policy of full employment, improved standards of living, improved job safety and public health. HOW DOES NUCLEAR ENERGY COMPARE? Nuclear energy produced fewer jobs per dollar than any other energy source. The average nuclear power plant provides wages for 2,000-3,000 construction workers for a period of 3-5 years. After that, only a tiny crew is needed to operate the plant. Focusing on both the long-and short-term interests of working people, UAW President Douglas Fraser has stated: "Organized labor will accept nothing less than a well-planned switchover (from nuclear and conventional energy industries) to solar power which includes protection of the income, equity, and benefits of men and women working today." The price we might pay for lax regulation is indicated by a study commissioned by the AEC in 1967 but surpressed for eightryears after its completion. According to the report, a major reactor accident would cause 27,000 deaths, 73,000 cases of severe radiation sickness, and the contamination of an area the size of Pennsylvania. More recently. a government-sponsored study, the Rasmussen Report, concluded that the probability of such an accident at our current and planned nuclear plants is infinitesimal. But highly respected scientists outside of the government have challenged the report's validity and the NRC recently admitted that the methods employed in the study are without foundation and the results are undependable. HAZARDS TO THE COMMUNITY Nuclear accidents imperil the whole community, and, in extreme cases, the whole region in which they occur. Serious accidents have occurred in nearly every facet of the nuclear industry. A few examples demonstrate the danger. In 1957 and again in 1969, serious plutonium fires broke out at the Rocky Flats nuclear facility. The first fire involved about 110 lbs. of plutonium. Plutonium is the most hazardous substance known and the material from which most atomic bombs are made. Plutonium decays very slowly, remaining dangerous for more than 250,000 years. The maximum permissible dose is approximately one millionth of a gram (an invisible speck) which, if inhaled or swallowed, makes cancer of the lung or digestive tract the likely result. This, is a single pound were widely dispersed in the form of tiny particles, it would have the potential for producing 500,000,000 cases of cancer. Had all the plutonium involved in the Rocky Flats fire been burned, the smoke generated would have contained 1.4 million doses, each one million times the maximum legally allowed for humans. Although the heat of the Rocky Flat fire weakened the roof of the building, no collapse occurred and a major catasstrophe was averted. It is perilous to expect that such good luck will continue indefinitely. altogether, there have By the Arbor Alliance been 271 fires and 410 "contamination accidents" at Rocky flats. Already, the cancer rate among Rocky Flat employees is seven times the national average. This may, however, be only the beginning. Government estimates imply that a full-fledged nuclear reactor program would result in the production of 30,000 tons of plutonium by the year 2000. Although to, date catastrgphic accidents have been arrowly averted, less dramatic but nonetheless serious accidents continue to occur. One problem has been the contamination of water supples. On November 19, 1971, the Monticello (Minn.) nuclear power plant began spilling radioactive water into the Mississippi River. By November 21, when the gates were closed, more than 50,000 gallons had been dumped into the river upstream from the intakes for the municipal water supply of Minneapolis. In a similar accident resulting from the failure of a faulty valve, the Vermont Yankee plant spilled 83,000 gallons of radioactive water into the Connecticut River.. Leakage of nuclear wastes has also become a problem. Plutonium contamination resulting from waste leakage at RockyFlats has been detected throughout the Denver area. Such leaks frequently occur at storage facilities. Between 1958 and 1975, a total of 549,400 gallons of radioactive wastes leaked from containers at the federally-owned Hanford, Washington site. Leaks have also occurred at commercial storage sites such as those at West Valley, N.Y., and Maxey Flats, Ky. A recent government report cautiously observes, "Environmental and health effects from these leaks are not yet clear." Obviously, existing waste storage facilities constitute a threat to the public health. Even the nuclear industry representatives agree that some other solution is needed. Yet no proven technology for the actual disposal of these wastes exists and there istno consensus among reputable scientist that such a technology is possible. OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS IN THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY Workers in the nuclear industry are exposed to radiation hazards at each stage of the nuclear fuel cycle: mining and milling, fuel fabrication, reactor operation, fuel and waste transportation, waste reprocessing and storage. Even if the danger of accidents were minimized, nuclear workers would be subjected to many routine hazards, During the mining process, radioactive dust containing both uranium and radium is produced. Miners who inhale or swallow these radioactive particles risk leukemia, bone and lung cancers. also released in the decay of radium is the radioactive gas radon. Radon inhalation probably accounts for 20 per cent lung cancer rate smong uranium miners. At the fuel fabrication stage, workers are exposed to even higher levels of radiation. But workers involved in maintenance and repair of operational reactors are subjected to the- greatest dangers in the industry. Accordingly the nuclear industry employs many temporary (often non-union) workers for the most dangerous tasks. Between 1966- 71, Getty Oil Company's Nuclear Fuel service Facility employed an average of 1400 temporary workers each year at radioactive "hot spots." In another instance, Consolidated Edison brought in 1500 wlders to locate, repair, and insulate six 4%-inch hot water pipes in radioactive areas of one of its reactors. Each welder worked 15 minutes, receiving during that time the maximum permissible dose of radiation. Waste transportation poses further hazards. In a "breeder" reactor economy, reactors would be designed to maximize the production of plutonium. This element would be extracted from spent fuel rods and used to produce new fuel rods. Large quantities of the hazardous substance (in purified form) would be transported from one plant to another along highways or rail lines. Tens of thousands of transportation workers and millions of ordinary citizens who live along the routes would be. exposed to ptential radiation hazards. The cancer rates among nuclear employees which result from radiation exposure have been documented in several recent studies. for 14 years, Dr. Thomas Mancuso of the University of Pittsburgh and the acknowledged founder of the occupational health profession, has been studying the health histories of the entire population of workers who have ever been employed at the AEC's Hanford (Washington) and Oak Ridge (Tenn.) facilities since each was established in the early 1940's. His findings indicate that: the levels of radiation in the so-called "safe" area definitely cause cancer, specific t-ypes of cancer, and . . . levels much below the (safe) standards are carcinogenic . . . The estimated cancer risk was about ten times higher than had been estimated before. In 1978, the Atomic Energy Bargaining Conference of the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers passed a resolution calling this study "..probably the most important study on atomic workers ever conducted, with implications that challenge the arbitrary and capricious way management and the government have dealt with worker health and safety in atomic installations." NUCLEAR POWER STRENGTHENS THE OPPONENTS OF LABOR Corporations have a very clear interest in keepingunemployment high. The more people there are out of work, the more competition there is for what jobs are available and the easier it is to beat down wages and beat back unions. It has already been shown that nuclear generating plants require large amounts of capital but rather few employeesaso that the nuclear industry is a net destroyer of jobs. As we have seen, many of these employees are temporary. non- union workers. Accordingly, during the recent coal strike, the utility industry took the opportunity to portray nuclear plants as "strike-proof." The utility companies, however, do not rely only upon these structural weapons against organized labor. Around the country there are increasing reports of workers being fired for complaining about safety violations in nuclear facilities. Recently, in Van Buren, Michigan, eight nuclear workers were demoted and suffered pay cuts for refusing to work in high radiation areas. In contrast, nuclear plants are advantageous for business interests. electric utilities make a fixed percentage of every dollar they invest, so the more they invest, the more they make. Because nuclear plants require a larger investment per unit of energy produced than to conventional plants, they generate higher profits for the utilities. As a result, a list of the financial interests in the nclear field reads like a who's Who among corporate and banking giants in the U.S. The enemy of this (anti-nuclear) movement is the same as the enemy of the labor movement. and that's the big corporations in this country, and the politicians, and the bureaucrats that carry out their desires. (Jerry Gordon of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workers International at the June 1978 Seabrook anti-nuclear demonstration). CONCLUSION Our position is simple: We think that nuclear fission is too dangerous to be accepted as a source of electric power. It endangers not only the workers employed in the nuclear industry but whole regions of the country as well. Dependence upon nuclear power will tend to strengthen the opponents of organized labor and to throw people out of work in a society in which unions are already under attack and high unemployment is becoming commonplace. In contrast, we favor reliance. upon concervation and solar power. Such a solution would render our energy policy consistent with the goals of full employment and the provision of safe and healthy communities and workplaces. The Arbor alliance is an Ann Arbor based organization opposed to nuclear power. A"s" F No comment department Ibr 3iC~b43a + ttilg colonels. Had South Vietnam had more leaders like him, it might still be independent. Mr. Loan was always a maverick who never conformed to anyone's stereotype of the compliant officer; trained by French and Americans, he greeted the preachments of both with the same restrained skepticism. In particular, he was alive to the difficulties of imposing instant democracy upon an age-old hierarchial society embroiled in bitter civil unintentional but nonetheless inevitable toll of Vietnamese civilian non-combatants that resulted from modern military technology's emphasis on massive firepower. Given the circumstances of the Vietnamese war, one must indeed have acute ethical perception to distinguish between villians and heroes. Here at home, the people who are now harassing Mr. Loan by such unedifying devices as slashing the tires of his car do not strike me as moral exemplars. EDITORIAL STAFF Editors-in-chief Arts Editors OWEN ;LEIBERMAN MIKE TAYLOR Editor's note: The following letter was written to the editor of the Washington Post and appeared in that publication on November 12. There is trouble envisaging him as a "war criminal." He was an unassuming man, even at the height of his DAVIDGOODMAN GREGG KRUPA TlTTf'IYWT"n CI nr" A T1T1