i -Wednesday, November 22, 1978-The Michigan Daily .9108 AM GR Al L w"u I- ,12u I l ows. 4 LU5iVk WiL CO. 421 1,-0re A.' IA T 1 I A I D Br p, 'WmIN 11 ediate Oc 961 -1200 '1ion & 146- bdr I PT A .Y GARDEN' '"M, fr- North q4~ nr -M CALL 764-0557 KtEST HILLS 4RMS $211 F1T t ARRINGTC "IrLE S35i" R(,I, W 111v IIP CPA seeks$ Jr to asstign diversified DI Siluvic,, r ii Slu, $ cadSocial Sr ienri )OKKEE E 'floist. MUM frtee 8:30-4 h twn i2m p 014Lex RvI?5 Own5 6-- '72' A77S. - ,r- UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LOST DOG-Small shepherd with flop ears. Black back, brown face, black eyeliner. Female. Disappeared 10/26. Missed terribly. Substantial reward for information leading to return. Call 662- l867 or 663-0668. 30A1122 Found: KEYS. Corner of State and N. Univ., noon 11/17. Call 995-5002. dA1122 PIECE OF JEWELRY FOUND on E. University 11/19/78. Ellen,-995-5043. dA1128 Words 0-14 15-21 22-28 29-35 36-42 43-49 1k 1 .70 2.55 3.40 4.25 5.10 6.80 2 3.40 5.10 6.80 8.50 10.20 11.90 3 4.60 6.90 9.20 11.50 13.80 16.10 4 5.80 8.70 T1.60 14.50 17.40 20.30 5 add. 7.00 100 10.50 1.50 14.00 200 17.50 2.50 21.00 300 24.50 3.50 DAILY LINE CONTRACT Number of Weeks line/week 13 26 3 Number of Weeks 39 inches/week 13 26 39 FOR SALE-Female Single Dorm Room to non- University lease owner. Call764-6025. 31B1122 VALUABLE NORETAKE CHINA, 80 pc.; silver goblets and sherbets, set of 6 each; electric guitar with case. 973-2586. 2488 Dalton Ave. dB 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 .34 .31 .27 .33 .30 .26 .31 .28 .24 .30 .27 .23 6 9 12 15 18 over 18 2.10 2.05 2.00 1.95 1.90 1 .80 1.90 1 85 1 .80 1.75 1 .70 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.55 1.50 145 1.40 STUiENT SEEKS to commission amateur pho- tographer for photo work. Call persistently, 662- 5111- 45HI1122 CA.TCH THE FARRELL'S SPIRIT Working at Farrell's is fun work. foin our fantastic family of fun people. You'll like our pleasant atmos- phere and old fashioned 1890 surroundings. We have both full and part-time openings for: Waiter/Waitress Bus person Kitchen Fountain Ourshours aredvery flexible, great for busy stu- dents. Also good growth potential. Interested' We'd like to talk to you Mon-Fri. between 2 and 5 p.m. Apply in person to our manager at 470 Briarwood Mall. E.O.E. Farrell's is a division of the Mariott Corp. 44H1201 SECURITY GUARDS Full-time, part-time,-11 :30 p.m.-7:30 a.m., CAMPUS ASSIGNMENTS. State Security Services 10001 Cornwell'Place Ann Arbor, 668-0444 46H 1210 PART-TIME SALES help wanted thru Dec.. maybe longer. 20 hrs. or more, $3/hr. Apply First Down Shop, 213 5. Main. 98111122 NEED EXL RACH tR5vIASMONEY? Roma's of Ann Arbor has immediate openings for banquet waiters and waitresses. Excellent wages and working conditions. Apply in person, 2196 W. Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor. 29H1205 WANTED TO RENT DORM LEASE WANTED for winter term. Incom- ing female needs single. Call collect 512-474-9668. 851 ,113 WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Technical Copy, Editing, Research, Typing. Experienced Profes- sional. 996-0566. cJlotc AAA AUTO DRIVEWAY Cars to all points. Top gas allowiniLe. 13116 Grand River, Detroit. 313-933-5600. 61P1210 TICKETS FOR SALE-2 OSU-UM .FOTBAI.L TICKETS. 994-1035. 65Q1122 FOR SALE-2 pairs Ohio State tickets Call Kurt or Steve after 5 p.m., 662-8460. 53Q1122 '65 VW Beetle. Rebuilt engine. Basic Transportation. Easy-starting, good heater, but needs work. $250. Call 663-7962 or 764-0558 (work). dN1122 HORNET HATCHBACK 1977. Superb condition. Ask forDave, 995-3118. 31 Nil30 4TH PERSON NEEDED to live with three guys in -5-bedroom house. Close. 668-8491. 69C1203 DORM LEASE FOR SALE-Place in large male double, on central campus. Must leave. Call Gordon, 764-7684, anytime after 7:00. 60C1122 TWO BEDROOM apartment lease for sale-East Quad. Good roommate, 2 refrigerators, bath. Flash, 763-2916. 57C 1202 WINTER WARMTH in student co-op housing. Share expenses, work, meals, and good times with others. January openings for men and women, North and Central campus. Inter Cooperative Council, 4002 Michigan Union, 662-4414. 50C1122 'WANTED: One easy going co-oper to fill vacancy in .house. $150, Room, board, laundry, utilities. Call 'Loren or Anne, 761-1237. p94C1l22 MIODERN, TWO bedroom, furnished apt.. near grampus and IM Bldg., laundry facilities, parking, dishwasher, disposal, balcony. A/C. Call 769-3226 fter4. 68C1122 ORM LEASE for sale. Spot in female double. Tammy, 764-1637 persistently. 70B1122 1 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 3 bdrm. house with fireplace, 2 baths, double garage, on wooded fenced-in lot. Avail. Dec. 16. $155 plus utilities. Call 973-2586.. dC OWN ROOM in friendly co-ed house. Close to campus. $90/month. Cal1994-4989. 14C1122 28 .27 .26 .24 .23 .25 .26 .24 .23 .22 .21 .20 .18 .17 .16 SNOW TIRES-Two sets used H 78-15 snows. At least one winter left in 'em. $10 per pair. Call Pete, 764-0554, days. dS1122 SUBL ET OLD WEST SIDE APT, to sublet. Female. Cheap but cozy. Call persistently. 663-9845/995-7581. dU122 PROFESSIONAL EDITING N.B.: Each group of characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) for the final quality of the manuscript 8 lines equals 1 inch 7 words per line Excellent opportunities for responsible, hardworking students are available with The Michigan Daily. Monetary compensation is small, but the experience is invaluable. Applications are now being taken for business staff positions. Apply in person, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, MWF afternoons 12-3, see Stan or call 764-0560. ctc dHtc Ruth Gladstone-769-2931 pcJtc PROFESSIONAL TYPING THE WORDPROCESSORS. We handle dissertations, manuscripts, resumes, legal and. term papers. Rackham quality guaranteed. Also copying, printing and binding. 1202 S. UNIVERSITY 662-6401 Greetings Tonw-A zilion nugs anu squusnes COPIESr3: a eacn, overnight. wishing you an A + vacation! Your S.D. 67F1122 Lowest Prices! Fastest Service!" OPENFri.ndSat. Accu-Copy, 524 E. William 769-8338 Regular hours UM Stylists at the Union JUNIOR/SENIOR YEAR ABROAD 7 days 211 S. STATE STREET cF1128 Winner $5.00 University Cellar gift certificate awarded EVERYDAY- Check our reg. ads & classifieds for YOUR NAME. Do it Daily-Joan Sumkin of 331 Catherine No. i does. 51F1122 I AIN'T TAKING the fall for this one if you get my meaning. And about that other thing well they ain't made the pen that can hold me . . . Alright so it needs a lot of work. 71F1122 Informational Meetings. AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FRANCE: Wednesday, Dec. 6,7:00 p.m.,2003 Angell Hall FREIBURG, GERMANY: Thursday, Dec.7, 7:00p.m., 2003 Angell Hall Contact Hank Peiter, Office of Study Abroad, 5208 Angell Hall. For further information, 764-4489. The University of Michigan Survey Research Center is presently adding to the staff of professional interviewers who conduct ongoing telephone research projects. Candidates should be available to work at least 20 hours a week and willing to work some evenings and weekends. No interviewing experience necessary. Pay starts at $3.80/hr. We will train. Interested persons should attend one of two informational meetings to be held in room 6050, Institute for Social Research, 428 Thompson St.. Ann Arbor..The meeting will be held at 6 pm on Mon., Nov. 27, and 2 pm on Tues., Nov. 28. A Nondiscriminatory affirmative action employer 341H1122 JANITORS, GENERAL CLEANING-Experience preferred, but not necessary. Full or part time. afternoon and midnight shilts availble. Please contact Personnel Office at 663-2790, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 021-11122 662-3969 cJtc USED BUNDY CLARINET, good shape, $150. Call Larry, 761-9431. pcXtc USED SLINGERLAND 5 piece drum set,. Call Don at 761-9431. pcXtc MUSICIANS WANTED. Looking for serious and talented musicians interested in a career as pop/ rock (and possibly jazz) performers in 'a band. Call Dave, 764-3822. 47X1130 GIBSON RD GUITARS in stock. Road Fender, Yamaha and Martin brand names included in our fine selection. Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Main. cXtc BLACK 'GRINNELL Spinet Piano. Great for fun. Includes bench. 323S. Miain, Ann Arbor. eXtc USED GEMEINI-IARDT FLUTE, closed hole. Call Larrv. 761-94:1. pcXtc TYPING/BINDING " Dissertations " Theses/Term papers " Business/Letters/Resumes " Legal Judie Birdsall 612 S. Forest 665-9843 Suite B cJtc NEEDCOPIES? ASE FOR SALE-Double Mosher-Jordan, 764-8803. Would prefer to sell to someone outside higan housing system. 49E1129 THE WORDPROCESSORS. We do copy- ing, typing, binding and printing. Ask about our 10% discount cards fdr students and faculty. 211 S. STATE STREET 662-3969 7 days IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $1.00 for your 256-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Research. 10,250 topics listed. Box 25907-B, Los Angeles, Ce 9002' (211) 477-8226. cJ1128 THE SECRETARIAT AVOID THE RUSH! BUY, SELL OR TRADE Your BOOKS through the ,.taMJCHIGANEDAILY BOOK EXCHANGE A two line ad (7 wds. per line ) will cost ONLY $1, 50 for each additional line. All ads must be pre-paid so come to the DAILY 420 Maynard) and place an ad or send a check plus a copy of the ad. ids will appear Saturday, December 9th. Deadline for placing ads is 5 p.m. Thursday, December BRAIDED HAIR Jesus H. Christ Tonto, let's keep our eyes opei time! I wish I had something smart to sayI don't and all I know is that you're one hell woman and other than that I don't know toor about you. Call me? 70. AFTER THE FALL APPLE JUICE $2.69/GA. WITH THIS AD, LIMIT FOUR GALLONS 407 N. FIFTH AVE. 314 NO. 46-Brisket. Sorry Joe, only eleven b di n this but I nof a muc Kh 1202 S. )NIVERSITY 662-6401 cJtc F1122 THE UNITED STATES Marine Corps Officer Selection Team will be in Ann Arbor every Monday and Tuesday to conduct interviews for the Platoon Leaders CLASS (PLC) OFFICER CANDIDATE PROGRAMS. Unjversity of Michigan Freshmen. Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors may apply now for cFtc -guaranteed employment upon graduation. For more o go information call toll free 800-292-5920. 87F1203 G",O F1122 THANKSGIVING WEEKEND SPECIAL Billiards at reduced rates and M-pin bowling. Open_1 p.m. Thurs.-Sun. at the Union. cFl122 EXPRESSIVE MOVEMENT/IMPROVIZATION4L DANCE WORKSHOP Sat., Dec. 2. A moving ex- perience. $20. For details phone Margaret or Bob Blood, 769-0046. cF1201 For more information call 764-0557 OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 If S University ee cars to L.A. $75 expense allowance, 478-1050. 33F1209 MAKE LOVE!N WAR (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209 S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings BAHAIFAITH One God, One Faith, One People. For information call 668-8993. 08F1207 FLORIDA KEYS Sailing Cruise 12/23/78-1/6/79. $300/includes meals. Experience unnecessary. 994- 5356. 07F 1122 UNIVERSI'T'Y OF MICHIIGAN SUMMER STUDY ABROAD Informational Meetings: FLORENCE, ITALY: Wednesday, Nov. 29, 7:0)0 p.m., 203 Tappan. LONDON, ENGLAND: Thursday, Nov. 30 7:00 p.m., 203 tappan. 78F1206 CREATIVE ABSURDITY TO GO We deliver warmth, love, and comic relief for any occasion. 66:3-1245 before noon. cFtc DOLLAR BILL COPYING Resumes and dissertations. Super quality copies at low prices. Color copies. T-shirt transfers. Lowest book copying rates in town! 611 Church, above Don Cisco's. 665-9200. 47F1210 PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY - The Personal Growth Center, 403 Miller, 971-0102. cFte ROOM SERVICE. Webers Inn. Apply :3050 Jackson Rd. 769-2500. - 21 [ 11122 TYPISTS The Wordprocessors, a commercial typing service has part and full time positions open for mornings, afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Must accqrate-' ly type minimum 60 w.p.m. Good pay and pleasant environment. Call Susan or June, 662-3969. cHte PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVERS Must be 18, no car necessary, part-time, one or two nights per week. Apply in person only after 4:30 p.m. Omega Pizza. 101 Washtenaw Place. 8611130 PART 'TIIME OFFICE IELP -AFTERNOONS. Temporary and permanent positions beginning im- mediately. $2.85 starting salary. Phone 769-8880. 76I11125_ WV.ouldI~ Term Papers, Theses & Dissertations Typing, Copying & Binding 812 South State Street 994-3594 9-4 Mon.-Sat. ATTRACTIVE LADIES for escort. Call( 668-9755 between 10a.m. and 12p.m. 30J1202,. Free spelling, grammar, punctuation and cleanup. RACKHAM QUALITY GUARANTEED Reasonable Rates KATHY BLACK-665-3416 cJtc ctc BLUE! P DISSERTATION & MANUSCRIPT TYPING cFt DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe G 1978 Los Angeles Times Syndicate ACROSS 1 Hooplike handle of a bucket 5 Weights: Abbr. 8 Salamanders 13 Vedic fire god 14 Museum displays 16 French spa 17 Try: Colloq. phrase 19 "Monna ," drama by Maeterlinck 20 Being three in one 21 Chantilly 23 Civic : Abbr. 24 Milit. training gp. 25 Farm implement 27 Noncoms. 29 Penitence 30 Pray: Lat. 31 Author Fleming 42 44 45 48 49 Syncope Hoofbeat sound Goes berserk Hostile force Ceremonious 10 11 12 15 18 22 25 assent 50 Official paper: Abbr. 51 111 will 54 From then on 56 Err: Phrase 58 January, in Spain Hoisting device Too much: It. Kind of drum Fixed: Prefix Replies: Abbr. Last trolley stop Washoe County seat Fiscal period Place for pigeons Nearness: Abbr. Precursor of jazz For: Phrase you help this kid ? When the dam broke at Buffalo Creek, West Virginia, a lot of people weren't as lucky as this little guy. Jamie and the rest of the Mosley family made it up the hill just in the nick of time. Seconds later, a wall of water swept all their earthly possessions away. Here you see Jamie in the Red Cross shelter, thinking it all over. One look at that face, and we're awfully glad we were there to help. Every year, you know, Red Cross touches the lives of mil- lions upon millions of Americans. Rich. Poor. Average. Black. White. Christian and Jew. With support. With comfort. With a helping hand when they need it. So when you open your heart, with your time or your money, you can be certain it's in the right place. A Public Service of This Newspaper & The Advertising Council . U1il 26 27 28 29 31 33 34 35 37 59 60 61- 62 63 Source of energy Relative - china, silver- ware, etc. Goddess of dawn Map. abbrs. ,1 and namesakes 32 Watchtower 36 "It Takes Two 38 Vicious circle: Colloq. 39 Not liable to 40 Beetles 41 ,Highest Brit. naval rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 DOWN Thai coin Culture medium Unimpaired Milit. men Theater box College course, for short 38 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 51 52 53 55 57 Summoned Eight, in Spain Wagon tongue Author Ben Williams Chess piece Lay down the law River in NE India Panther Advances City NE of Venice Musical piece for nine performers Diavolo Pearls Off the scene Salamanders -Magnon Chinese statesman 'OREP ROUESSORS (2)-Typing, filing and fol- low-up. Interesting and educational. Daily 8-5. No Saturday work. Attractive surroundings. Excellent pay. Paid holidays. Full or part time. Apply to Mr. Hawkins, Advertiser's Publishing Company, 4 944 WalISt. 62H1128 NATURAL FOODS short-order cook and dishwasher wanted. Seva Restaurant, 314 E. Liberty, 662-2019. 68H1122 GUITAR SALES PERSON wanted. Full time. Mature, responsible. For appointment, 761-9431 before5:00. cH11'22 QUALIFIED HEBREW teacher needed. Call Beth Israel Religious School, 769-2041. Evenings: 971- 4053. 19H1122 Applications are now being accepted for winter book rush 1979. Full time temporary employment positions to start in Dec. and Jan. Apply University Cellar, 530 State in the basement of the Michigan Union M-F 9-5,;Sat 10-5. 45H1210 ANSWER TP PREVIOUS PUZZLE S H A H NIC O S S A T A N jTOG0 A R TA AB EL E A MER G0O SESTEP S T ENS E W E I R S T S T S T E V.E N N O I S E CAL L A S, N A R K S H E R O B A R T G L I N T B A A L A N G E L E N I D A V I L A D US E S G T S R E NAME S T A L L C RAT E A P I A R Y AWL SAL E M IDI 0 M S H 0 E S H I N E S I O D 0 H E U R E MT IN E E D E N E N D E D EIF T S S E L S ANSWER TO TODAY'S PUZZLE 7 Ski races 8 "The sun 9 Stowe character 11 121 1 ' 5 14 9 110 9 3T -4-p - p -9~ j - 20 +4- 25 2l K i t L 21 .) 4 1.)7 r3 I I 1I I ®38 -T1 1 r1 1 I