REP. DIGGS' RESIGNATION See Editorial Page I , I'll Sir Wtigan i ai1 UMBRAGEOUS High-mid 30's Low-near 20 See Today for details Vol. LXXXIX, No. 66 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 22, 1978 Ten Cents Ten Pages Israelis nix Egyptian demands on Palestinians By The Associated Press The Israeli Cabinet gave unqualified approval yesterday to a draft peace treaty with Egypt but rejected Cairo's demands for a timetable on resolving the Palestinian question. Egypt responded by recalling its chief negotiator from the Washington talks for consultations. Egyptiap officials said before the Cabinet's announcement in Jerusalem 'that a treaty will not be signed unless jsrael changes its position on a timetable. "THE EGYPTIAN government is "studying the situation in light of the :Israeli Cabinets decision," Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil told The Associated Press. "It is now necessary for us to consult with Gen. Kamal Hassan Aly to, review the whole case and plan our strategy." Prime Minister Menachem Begin in- formed reporters in Jerusalem of the Cabinet's decision and said Israel "is prepared to sign the treaty of peace. . . if Egypt is ready to act likewise." After the Cabinet meeting, Begin called President Carter to inform him of the government's decision, a spokesman said. The draft was worked out 10 days ago between Secretary of State Cyrus Van- ce and Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan. Sources said the text is almost identical to one the Cabinet rejected Oct. 25. The Egyptians are trying to pin Israel down to timetables on movement on Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip. Begin said Sunday that Israel "will never accept timetables." Government sources in Cairo, who declined to be identified, predicted the talks in Washington will continue. Survivors of cult suicide elude, search Be a vegetarian, turkey! Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY This flute playing minstrel and her feathered friend entertained a lunchtime crowd on the Diag yesterday. The woman was trying to convince people to stop eating meat and become vegetarians-a stand her friend undoubtedly supports with Thanksgiving only one day away. HEA VY TURNOUT IN CONTEST L SA electo cmlted By LEONARD BERNSTEIN University's largest college, or for the ning (Projects Outreach, Community A heavy voter turnout was registered three ballot questions voters were and internships) should continue to be in the two-day Literature, Science and asked to decide. offered for credit, and whether students Arts Student Government (LSA-SG) APPROXIMATELY 1300 Literary would favor an increase in their student elections completed yesterday after- college students cast votes in the elec- government fee from the current fifty noon. tion, which saw 21 candidates from six cents to one dollar. GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP) - Survivors of the Jonestown cult suicide, menaced by flesh-eating piranhas and other deadly perils ofthe tropical rain forest, eluded a manhunt in the nearly impenetrable Guyanan wilderness for a third day yesterday. At the jungle site of the mass suicide, the corposes of 409 members of the Ameican religious sect lay decom- posing in the equatorial sun. U.S. military officials were planning to airlift the bodies to the United States, but a State Department spokesman in Washington said they may be buried at the Jonestown camp if the Guyanese government authorizes it. "THE BODIES are starting to swell and some seem ready to burst," said U.S. Embassy official Peter Londoner. About 200 U.S. troops, awaiting -the. arrival of a dozen helicopters, were standing by in Georgetown for the evacuation operation. Estimates of the number of sect members who fled the Jonestown camp Saturday during the ritual of mass self- destruction by poison ranged from 375 to more than 775. Stephan Jones, son of the Peoples Temple sect's fanatical founder, the Rev. Jim Jones, estimated some 500 had gone into the inhospitable forest. Jim Jones ordered the mass suicide, a ritual he code-named "White Knight" and which he had rehearsed with his loyal followers, after sect members ambushed and killed Rep. Leo Ryan of California and four members of a Ryan- led party that made an investigative visit to the camp. JONES WAS ONE of three persons who died of gunshot wounds, apparen- tly self-inflic ted. The rest died of poison. About one-quarter of the dead were children, some babies whose mothers reportedly fed them the brew of Kool-Aid and cyanide. The 19-year-old Stephan Jones, who denounced his father as- a "man ob- sessed," told reporters yesterday his greatest concern now was for the well- being of those who fled into the jungle, apparently unwilling to destroy them- selves along with their suicidal master. "I want to do all I can to see everybody gets a chance to find some place to settle down and start over: again, if that is possible," he said. BUT THE YOUNGER Jones, who had left the camp three weeks ago on a trip with its basketball team, said the survivors could never return to Jonestown, a four-year-old agricultural commune cut out of virginal forest 150 miles northwest of here. Guyanese familiar with the area questioned whether the fugitives could long survive without shelter and steady food supplies in a jungle filled with swamps and criss-crossed by streams and rivers inhabited by piranhas and electric eels. The rainy season is just starting. Jones is known to have instilled a fer- vid will to survive among some of his followers, however, telling them their settlements could become sanctuaries where they would escape , a nuclear holoacaust or other calamity. A fear that outsiders were about to destroy their small society apparently triggered the mass suicide. About 200 Guyanese troops and police were trying to track down the survivors around Jonestown, but officials said they were hampered by thick brush that makes it impossible to see beyond a few feet. There is only one raod in the area, and its potholed surface turns to mud with the rains. Aerial surveillance is nearly useless because of the heavy tree cover. 1 parties and 14 independents vie for the seats. According to current LSA-SG President Dick Brazee, the turnout is the heaviest since the introduction of CRISP in 1975 for an election in which LSA-SG candidates were not running concurrently with Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) hopefuls. The ballot questions asked student opinionm on whether experiential lear- The third question, a proposed amen- dment to the LSA-SG contitution, would revamp the terms of LSA-SG officers from the present staggered full- and half-terms to full-year terms for all 17 officers. The amendment, which would take effect 45 days after ratification, would also change the LSA-SG elections from once-yearly contests to twice-a- year races. Clericals explain union rejection By SHELLEY WOLSON Though they cite a variety of reasons for rejecting unionization in balloting conducted last week, University clericals all seem to agree their last, were "burned" by the UAW, that is, not fairly represented. In the late summer of 1978, clericals voted to disband their UAW connection by the tiny margin of 55 votes ( 1167- A Daily News Analysis disappointing brush with unions was an ove riding factor. The Organizing Committee for Clericals (OCC) lost a bid to unionize by 232 of the 2,503 votes cast, as 1,335 University workers - mostly secretaries and hospital staffers - voted in what was seen by many as a negative ,reaction to a year-long association with the United Auto Workers (UAW) which ended in August 1977. THE CLERICALS have said they 1112), a vote much tighter than last Friday's. A total of 2,298 turned out for that election, about 200 fewer than the recent vote. Disillusioned with' their University contract, and faced with UAW service which OCC vice-chairwoman Mary Braun termed "another bureaucracy on top of management", clericals voted the union out. Half a year later, the OCC formed to organize a new union, one which they hoped would be more democratic. DESPITE THE loss last week, OCC Officials remain optimistic, because the vote totals indicate the number of people who want a union has remained constant since the rejection of the UAW. "We see hope from this turnout," asserted Marianne Jensen, the OCC chairwoman. "The OCC is not going to disband." Braun said one complaint concerning the UAW was that they did not allow enough member input into union decisions, which made the clericals feel as though they were dealing with just. another bureaucracy. But Jensen added there are always small groups of people who will be anti- union, and those who fear "Teamster- style corruption. JENSEN acknowledged the Univer- See CLERICALS, Page 2 Wednesday- * This is the last Daily you'll see until next Tuesday, since we're taking a breather to gobble turkey. Have a filling break. " A suit was filed in federal court in Detroit yesterday, challenging the constitutionality of recently-passed Proposal D, which raised Michigan's drinking age to 21. See story, Page 10. " Previews of the upcoming gridiron clash between Michigan and Ohio State, seen from the op- position's point of view as well as the good guy's. See stories on Pages 7-8. Read the new, expanded Today column, Page3 Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Robben Fleming prepares to discuss his trip to South Africa last July with the audience gathered at the International Center's weekly luncheon yesterday. leming defends 'U' holdings In S. Africa I U 'U' fans plan travels to see Blue feast on OSU By MICHAEL ARKUSH University President Robben Fleming said yesterday "American corporate presence in South Africa is not a real issue, but just a symbolic one," and its only effect may be to produce changes in the country's labor laws beneficial to the black majority. The 61-year-old chief administrator, gpeaking before a small crowd at the International Center about his July trip to South Africa, defended his ad- ministration's investments in banks and corporations operating in South Africa. Fleming declared American has maintained the view that divestiture would be detrimental to that nation's blacks, and may lead to a revolution in which he claims blacks would face almost certain defeat at the hands of the white South African establishment. When Fleming returned from the SoutheAfrican visit in July, there was hope among groups which favor cor- porate divestiture on campus that first- hand exposure to apartheid might cause Fleming to alter his stand. But during an interview in July, Fleming reiterated his anti-divestiture position and used for the first time many of the By MARY FARANSKI As meals are to Thanksgiving dinner, so are football games to the Ohio State- Michigan match. And for those who prepare for the Saturday contest as seriously as they shop the week before Thanksgiving, here are some tips as devotees head for the annual show-down. FIRST, OF COURSE, is the ticket situation, which is bleak. As expected, the 4,000 allotted to Michigan went long ago. Allan Renfrew, University ticket ianager, said, "Students that really wanted to go (to Columbus) came in as soon as the announcement was made last spring. We tried to help as many as we could." Ohio State scalpers will be glad to help you out when you show up at the try Greyhound instead: $35.55 round trip from East Huron Street to Colum- bus. Buses leave Ann Arbor at 10:45 a.m. and 1:50, arriving in foreign territory at 5:45 and 9:05, respectively. The best route for drivers is I-75 if you're leaving from Detroit. If you're leaving from Ann ARbor, US 23 will link you up with I-75 in Toledo and take you right to Columbus. Keep a close eye on your speedometer, though, as Ohio state police have been known to be strict enforcers of the 55 m.p.h. speed limit. Weather will be in the freezing range tomorrow and Friday in this area with rain or snow. There'll be snow by Saturday, with slightly lower tem- peratures. In the Buckeye domain, tomorrow will see temperatures in the YOU WANT A I i I