Page 4-Sunday, November 21, 1978-The Michigan Daily P Wbr Sidhigan 1Bai1y 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom An army of the partly employed Vol. LXXXIX, No. 65 _- News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Police brutality 'AFTER SATURDAY'S football 7 victory over Purdue, thousands - of joyous fans stormed onto the field nand attempted to tear down the goal Aposts. For their exuberance they were 'rewarded with billy club blows about the head and body from overzealous ~Ann Arbor police officers. Several fans ,n reported that people were beaten by police officers who were trying to drag them down from the goal posts, and :that police continued the abuse once the "offender" had been knocked to the ground. At least one fan left the fracas with a bleeding gash on his head. Such behavior is simply outrageous. UTearing down goal posts and cutting down basketball nets is a college - sports ritual, not a major crime. The police and athletic department point out that such activities are potentially n.dangerous and we agree. They say t they were only trying to prevent injury -to the fans. In view of the results, such ,claims are pathetically ironic. While ,;the goal of protecting the fans is *.certainly admirable, there ar'e surely better ways of preventing a riot under ' the goal posts than beating the participants over the head. Also, if the police officers' goal was ; to protect the goal posts and the fans, twhat possible justification can there be for continuing to hit people once they have been knocked to the ground? * Clearly they has already fulfilled their misguided protective function, so the additional abuse can only be dubbed police brutality. Violence is self- escalating, and when persons are given clubs or guns and told to break up the crowd the result is the kind of police repression that occurred during the bookstore demonstrations here in 1969, the anti-war protests at Kent State and other campuses, and at Michigan Stadium last Saturday. While these incidents vary in the degree of brutality involved, they all Hershey's YES, ONCE AGAIN, a transnation- al corporation has decided to stuff the already bulging pockets of its overfed stock holders and scheming chief executives at the expense of the unrepresented, much-abused student class. This time it is the Hershey Foods Company, which has, for what seems to be time immemorial, provided students with one of their staple survival foods - the chocolate bar. Hershey has raised the price of a chocolate bar from 20 to 25 cents. The increase came under instant attack frr those who said the boost was not within the voluntary wage and price controls set by President Carter one month ago. But Hershey executives, sly 4 4\ center around the problem of police abuse of power. But the police did not act completely on their own. The Athletic Department has established the policy that no fans are permitted on the field after the game, and Director Don Canham has asked the police to enforce that rule. Canham claims that he has no control over the police, and therefore is not responsible for their actions. He is concerned with protecting the field and the goal posts, and preventing any injury to the fans that might occur when they rush the field. "The policeman is just doing his duties," Canham says. "If for some reason someone gets hit over the head, it's part of his job." This is the sort of response we might expect from the police commissioner, but not from an official of the University. Students were beaten with clubs for the comparatively minor transgression of trying to take down the goal posts and Canham chalks it up to being part of the police officer's job. The Athletic Department is notorious for its lack of concern for students - students sit in the end zone because less than one quarter of' the seats between the goal line and the 50 yard line are allocated for students, ticket prices went up 33 per cent' for football and 90 per cent for basketball, and so on - and this is the ultimate manifestation of such an attifcde. While his no-one-on-the-field-policy might be sound in theory, it has been proven dangerous in practice. It is Canham's job to be concerned with the fans' welfare, and he should be appalled by Saturday's incident. If he and'the police cannot devise some of safer method of crowd control - fire hoses or human rings around the goal posts, perhaps - then Canham should consider revising his policy. The goal posts are simply not as important as the fans. choco-gate businesspersons that they are, increased the weight of the 1.05 ounce bar to 1.2 ounces. That kept the actual price increase to 9.4 per cent, just .1 per cent below the maximum allowed under the President's program. While the nickel increase could have a disastrous effect on the country, students will undoubtedly bear the By Thomas Brom Mamie Curtis, 32. the mother of three small children, is on the "mother's shift" at the Control Data bindery plant in a St. Paul, Minnesota, ghetto. She's one of the 151 employees at the.plant, all of whom work only part-time. Control Data set up the part-time schedule to contend with the fatigue caused by mind numbing collating work. The company now runs three shifts a day at the non-union shop, paying about half the union scale wage. Although the st. Paul plant is one of the few hiring short hour workers exclusively, part- timers are the fastest growing sector of the labor force. More than 90 per cent of McDonald's 250,000 employees work part- time. About half of Sears' 400,000 employees are part-timers. More than a third of United Parcel Service wo'rkers are part-time; Upjohn employs 60,000 part-timers in its epnvalescent care subsidiary, and Travelers Insurance in Hartford hires 1,400 part-timers for the 6 p.m. "mini-shift." Hiring patterns are undergoing a rapid and still dimly understood upheaval in the U.S. that could shatter the trade unions and radically alter the way people live. Pushed by the drive to reduce labor costs and prodded by women, young people, and the elderly who are desperately trying to enter the labor market, employers are hiring a virtual army of part-time and temporary workers. Since 1954, the number of part-time employees in non-agricultural industries has increased at an average annual rate of nearly 4 per cent, more than double the rate of increase for full-time workers. as a result, 22 per cent of all nonagricultural employees now work fewer than 35 hours per week. That accounts for about 20 million jobs, ranging from department store clerks and data processors to professional office workers. Although part-time work has increased in all categories of the labor force, the greatest increase is among women and the young. Women with children under age 15 constitute only 12 per cent of the full-time labor force, but make up 34 per cent of single job part- time workers. Similarly, workers under age 25 represent less than 17 per cent of the full- time labor force, but account for 47 per cent of the part-timers. Nearly half the nation's younger and older people, men and women under 20 and over 65, work part-time. This increase has brought a new interest in permanent part-time work patterns from government and private employers. Employment services - such as New Ways to Work in DSan Francisco and Flexibe Careers in Chicago - have been formed to meet the needs of people who specifically seek part- time careers. "We try to educate both employers and employees to change the work environment," says New Ways to Work co-director Gretl Meier. The non-profit agency attempts to find job openings for pairs of people seeking shared work. But for all the reports of satisfied part-time. professionals and consultants, most of the new part-time workers are caught in low wage, low skill jobs in the growing service sector. In May of 1977, about 90 per cent of all voluntary pirt-time employees were in the service industries: They earned an average wage of $2.87 an hour, compared to $5.04 for full-time workers. Voluntary part-time workers are primarily unskilled young people and middle-aged' women re-entering the work force, many to supplement family incomes no longer keeping pace with inflation. They represent an eager labor reserve that threatens to overwhelm the halting union attempts to organize service workers. "Job sharing is really an employer-oriented tool to keep labor costs down," says a spokesperson for the AFL-CIO. "It has been around since the RDepression and comes up whenever there'a a recession. You find it cropping up in work not covered by bargaining arrangements, such as in retail trade, where unions aren't that strong." "Sure, part-timers are a problem," says Richard Williams, secretary-treasurer of Retail Clerks Local 1100 in San Francisco. "Our local is one of the few in the country to organize the/big downtown stores, which all l ii ti tiAl r p.. H! .. f / . r l --__ _.._ - - ,. i, _ - AV ly 14 H N , ., VVI""- -; i K//k 1 ,. // I I P s ue " V i i i . i " -r w p use large numbers of part-time workers." Retail and wholesale stores hire about one- fourth of all part-time workers, primarily in sales and clerical jobst But the greatest increase in the use of part-timers is in office -work, now about one-fifth of the total. "We see the increased use of part-time workers as a threat," says Lee Brasted, senior nusiness representative of Office and Professional Employees Local 3 in San Francisco. "They are definitely harder to organize, and are generally less willing to fight for a better contract when they're in one of out bargaining units." But part of the problem is the apparent inability of the service unions to adapt to new job conditions, or to young workers who genuinely don't want to work 40 hours a week. "The unions use the increase in part-timers as an excuse for rot organizing," says one Retail clerk member at San Francisco's' Emporium department store. Part-time workers offer a number of benefits to employers. In a report on part- time work for th,, U.S. Labor Department, Prof. Stanley Nollen of George Washington University. found that employers using part- timers reduced company overtime costs, absenteeism, wage rater and fringe benefits, and increased worker productivity.I Significantly, not a single company Nollen studied that used part-time employees had aunionized work force. "Of course the companies like part- timers," says Williams of the Retail Clerks. "Our contracts say you have to work 80 hours a month to get full benefits. So a lot of stores are now hiring people for just under 20 hours a week." Fringe benefits now average $4,000 a year per emloyee, and often amount to 30 per cent of total payroll costs. But Nollen found most companies listed benefit savings as secondary to the scheduling advantages of using part-time workers. Morecemployers are also using the "mini- shift" concept for high stress jobs to get maximum productivity from workers over a short, intensive period. A study by management professor William Werther of Arizona State University found that part-time workers, turned in better performances than full-timeworkers on assembly line production. "The only explanation management could offer," he writes, "was that the part-time workers were less fatigued and did not have to pace their work as full-timers did." Robert Kahn of M.I.T. has even suggested that work schedules be broken into 2-hour modules, with the number of modules varying according to the needs of the employer. As Gretl Meier says, "You really can ge. much more out of two people than one." While the AFL-CIO remains adamanl opposed to these developments, a number o trade unions have written contracts including part-time workers in the bargaining unit. Unions such as the Retail Clerks, Office and Professional Employees, Hotel & Restaurant Employees, and american Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) have had to make changes because of the high percentage of part-timer in the work force they organize. "We have an entire local of part-timers i Torrance," says California AFSCME public affairs coordinator Judy Baston. "The include museum workers, park supervisors crossing guards and library employees. We won full benefits for them." AFSCME attempts to set minimum hour. for workers, setting a floor for shift hours t keep some continuity in the work force. "We are not opposed to part-time work per se," Baston says. But other unions are. "All our contracts are 40 hours a week," says Rudy Tham secretary-treasurer of the Teamster office employee division in San Francisco. "We don't have any problems with part-time, workers. If they're around when we sign al contract, we phase them out." Contracts in some unions, such as OPE, include employer wage payments of 10 per cent over scale for part-time workers not eligible for benefits - thus reduscing the financial incentive for the employer. No labor organization is happy about the prospects for organizing an army of part-time workers, and none has an answer for the rapidly changing -atterns of work in the U S. "When one of our full-time workers at Macy's retires," says Williams of the Retail Clerks, "the company replaces him with-two! workers at half time. 'What are you crabbing about?' the company asks. 'You've still got a union contract.'- But they've got a whole nation of part-time workers." brunt of this morally bankrup t, excessive profit-motivated, repressive ploy. How long will students endure this overt oppression? How long will it be before students loose their chocolate chains and refuse to submit to these capricious price increases? Hershey Foods Company beware. 0 0 Thomas Brom is a Pacific News Service editor specializing in ecomonics and labor. Journalistic impropriety To the Daily: As a Tantric Buddhist I am deeply concerned about Friday, Nov. 10, article dealing with the teachings of Bhagawan Shree Rajneesh, the Indian "sex guru." Within the Tantric Buddhist tradition we too recognize the emense energy potential of sexuality in the pursuit of Enlightenement. One, however, does not give a razor blade to a child when a pair of blunt nosed scizzors would be more ap- propriate-not, that is, if one has any sense of compassion or responsibility toward the child. It is precisely our neurotic concep- tualization of sexuality that makes it not only an inap- propriate, but also a highly dangerous tool in the hands of the beginning meditator. Letters to the Daily mut be very sane, rock bottom, feet on the floor, sane. We must know the nature of our own minds and the nature of our enivor- nment with crystal clear clarity and precision. It would be very nice to think we could avoid the years of non-spectacular, sometimes downright boring, work that that entrais. But I'm sorry, both from my own eight years of meditatie experience and from all the literature on the subject brought down to me through 2500 years of meditatie experience in the Buddhist tradition. There is no shortcut. I write this letter not because I wish to expound the, wisdom of Buddhist Teachings, but because I am deeply concerned for the welfare of people who might choose this path. When I must realize the inherent dangers in playing with these situations as part of a meditative experience. Admittedly, our new Ann Arbor group seems relatively tame, and I doubt that NPI will be taking reservations on Monday mor- nings. But the remark of Swami Prem Amido about their L.A. ashram-"Its behind closed doors, so it doesn't matter what the law says,"-is deeply distrubing. Spirituality is not a matter of "us" and "them." We cannot so completely ignore our environment and the needs of the people around us. The spiritual path is a path of compassion and insight-both toward ourselves and others. Swami Prem Amido's remark shows little of this. The philosophy that "-people in the West cannot 'get it together' their intrinsic emptiness so we will not be blown around by them like so many grains of sand in the wind. As my own personal opinion, I caution people in dealing with the Sat Dharma Rajneesh Meditation Centre. If you wish only to ex- plore the nature of your own sexuality you might be better off with a more Western approach. And if you are searching for a spiritual path, you should con-' sider a pracise that acknowledges the whole of human nature-not just one aspect of our neurosis. Bhagawan, Shree Rajneesh presents a distor- tion of the intended use of tantra by taking one aspect out of"con- text from the rest. This is not how the tantras are intended to be used-both in the Hindu and the Buddhist traditions. Rather it is an exploitation of our par- ticularly Western weakness in dealing with our own sexuality. V I IV1 x1 MICTI7