Page 4-Sunday, November 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily I us t a country. The Michigan Daily-Sunday, Nove small towni (Continued from Page 5) 1.7 lettered "Deere" of "Ford." They do not smile. The people are not so much unfriendly as cautious. Chelsea, then, is a village caught not so much between old and new as betw''een farming and industry. Many of the farms are now tilled by part-time farmers, who the rest of the time work in the factories, such as the Dana Corporation, or the Federal Screw Works. But there have been other changes. Professional people have moved here, bringing their families; now 30 to 40 per cent of Chelsea High School graduates go on to college, and the three agriculture courses offered there are underenrolled. But the people accept change grudgingly. "I've lived here for ten years and I am still an outsider," one resident said. "Everyone here is related to each other, and unless your family was raised here, you're an outsider." On the other side of 1-94, ten miles down a road lined -with centennial farms is Manchester, every rich man's dream of a little place in the country. GM and Ford executives have migrated here, and on the main road doing 55 you are passed by Cadillacs and an occasional Mercedes doing 80. HE VILLAGE PROPER is only one mile from end to end, and it is bisected by the Raisin River. For the first 20 minutes it is the most beautiful small town you have ever seen; everything is spotlessly clean and perfectly maintained. Then suddenly you are thinking wildly that you hve taken a wrong turn and are visiting Greenfield Village. It's all a bit too adorable: the village is almost aggressively quaint. All the storefront signs are written in Old English letters. Although none of the stores is actually called the 'Olde Village Shoppe," somehow you can't stop looking for it. You get the distinctly queasy feeling that the entire-village was created by an elite group of New York interior decorators during a fit. of early Americana. This village does not exist for the people who live there, but for those who visit it. The one block of stores has two gift shops, a florist, a combination piz- za parlor/bakery, an art gallery, two banks, and a hardware store which sells Cuisinart food processors and copper souffle dishes. Manchester has only 1300 residents, FEW PEOPLE ARE likely to notice the three exits strung out along I-94 just west of Ann Arbor. To thosekon their way to Chicago, of even to Jackson, the small signs indicating the way to the villages of Dexter, Chelsea, and Manchester are unlikey to register except as a possible place to take a leak or eat a hamburger. But past the gas stations and down the roads lined with farms are communities struggling with a predicament Ann Arbor has long since passed: how to reconcile the influx of city-bred newcomers with historically agricultural, conservative com- munities. The Dexter exit leads you past the obligatory gas stations and the McDonald's which lends to Dexter its own dubious stamp of civilization. You turn left and begin driving down a stretch lined with ranch-style, three- bedroom, station-wagon-in-the- driveway homes on the right, and scattered farmhouses with peeling gingerbread woodwork; sagging barns sit disapprovingly on the left, like upper, class ladies of the Civil War genteely starving and ignoring the prosperous whores. The houses become middle-ground wooden bungalows, the speed limit slows from 55 to 45, to 35, and finally to 25 as you drive down the small hill leading to Main Street. Look quickly; the business district is no more than a city block long, consisting of a Dairy Queen, a bank, several small stores, the 7M's Bar where a hand-written sign in the window reads simply "FOOD," an IGA supermarket, the YOUR Beauty Parlor, and Monument Park. Monument Park, where veterans make speeches on Memorial Day and where the high school students come to spray-paint the rock dedicated to Samuel Dexter, occupies a tiny corner between Main and First streets. This Donna Debrodt is associate editor of the Sunday Magazine. Daily phQt4gbY Wqyw@ Qap,. By Donna Debrodt also is the site of what is locally known as "The World's, Smallest Police Station"-a brick building of dimensions around 10 by 12 feet. Actually the Washtenaw County Sheriff's dispatch station for the western part of the county, it contains a desk, the dispatcher, a'nd the 14 officers who report here-presumably not at the same time. Out Baker Road is the Dexter Bowl 'N' Bar, where the local leagues gather nightly to drink beer, bowl with their co-workers from the Chrysler plant, or. Unicolor, or from the two local stamping plants, and reminisce about the big Saline game in '64, or maybe it was '65. BUT THIS GROUP of Dexterites, the workers and the farmers, is slowly dying out. A vil- lage official describes the factions in the village: "Some of the older people think of it as 'their town,' they know everything that has happened since God knows when and they don't accept the newer people. There are a lot of transients here, quite a few rentals. College students are moving here to escape the high prices in Ann Arbor, and the older people don't like it a bit." Another resident says resignedly, "Dexter has-become a bedroom suburb of Ann Arbor." The village is continually changingas more and more Ann Arbor expatriates migrate here. A 250-home subdivision six miles from the villge has brought the children of professionals, of professors, doctors, and insurance agents into Dexter schools, and their influence is obvious; Dexter students have longer hair, many smoke marijuana, and there is an ever-present group hanging out and smoking cigarettes across the street near the cemetery which contains the remains of Dexter's founding fathers. The school itself has benefitted from the reconcilation of the old and new residents; 50 per cent of graduates now of panty hose you don't need. The store sells copper bracelets for arthritis; the Zig Zag rolling paper dispenser is dusty and shoved behind a half-opened carton of Marlboros. Down the hill from the shops are the factories: the tall clock tower of the Central Fibre Products Co. which chimes the hours, dwarfted by the six- story high storage tanks of the Chelsea Miling Company, painted a prim white, with the almost whimsical red and blue lettering along one side, "JIFFY" Mixes. P AST THE RAILROAD 'depot is the office of the village newspaper, the Chelsea Stan- dard. The building is barnlike and dark, stained with 100 years of printing ink and grime. Antiquated printing presses and linotype machines roll out the eight-page weekly, printing out the front page headlines, "Gridders Roll Over Dexter at Homecoming" and "Exchange Student from Norway Living with Robert Ward Family." Five- foot stacks of yellowing papers from past decades stuff the rooms. There are three people in the building on a Tuesday morning: a man working a type-setting machine, another hunched over a desk between stacks of paper coughing dismally, and a woman who take your quarter for the 15Q paper and fishes the change from a coffee can with a hole in the lid. But outside the air is cool and clean and the sun splashed over the houses and the stores and has a hilarious time with the Jiffy storage tanks. The men who drive by in their pick-up trucks do not whistle at a strange female walking down the street. They merely honk their horns and briefly lift the brims of their hats which are red or blue and are whose median year. A local b thing which i being non-pre Protestant wo But as you used car lot, ti school parkin vette sitting in house in town capitalist wor here. The people remarkably fr introduces hir for a while. T real estate a yourself turnin rent, and ther fix you up wi player at Feri you two would But money I town. Chris a the Black Shee different kind complete with a decaying bui year and turn4 Association fc home of the Theatre. Whi theatre does I tavern, the ere far more altri expected in thi Although th financial succ consistently in It presents big Watson, Don \ during its sea tant function I young group o sons which m tory Theatre. majority of pi itself, this sm has attempted conservative workshops in t shows for chil for the Manche But accepts although now has the supp patrons, the F] Repertory The village concer bers still circ that all the ma were gay. The company me their pay in h agent caused were living ab ted because th residence. Bu tinued to surv has continued munity. Manchester these villages old locals and to preserve a t quo. The we page, headli Schumaker to and "Open B Wedding Ann inside are for paper itself cc either the Chel ter Leader. Manchester leads of Dexte room for "o cozy dichotom subdivision of currently un well-tolerated another questi fed-up city d dream houses tinue to push w