e 6-Sunday, November 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily .421 i~ T 04601 :11 I ft Ar I I' : 1. Rio !'6bdit 961. ~IN. Y" CALL 7b4. TRANSLATIONS done from Swedish. Native speaker with translation work experience. Call 668-6511. 22J1121 PROFESSIONAL EDITING for the final quality of the manuscript Ruth Gladstone-769-2931 pcJtc THE SECRETARIAT Term Papers, Theses & Dissertations # Typing, Copying & Binding For Sale: Two tickets-OSU-U. of M. 995-2745. 6 PM. ask for Bob. _ 23Q1119 FOR SALE-6 sets of UM Basketball season tickets. 995-2646. 04Q1 19 4 MICHIGAN-OSU football tickets together. Best offe. (6) 97-0m 3.2401121 LOST DOG-Small shepherd with flop ears. Black back, brown face, black eyeliner. Female. ELECT TIMOTHY LEE LS&A Disappeared 10/26. Missed terribly.Substantial STUDENT GOVERNMENT reward for information leading to return. Call 662- 40F1121 1867 or 663-0668. 30AI122 ALTERNATIVE CHRISTMAS WORKSHOP - Found: KEYS. Corner of State and N. Univ., noon Wesley Foundation will host a Dec. 22 workshop 11/17. Call 995-5002. dA1122 focusing on responsible, human-service oriented, LOST-SWEATSUIT TOP, near CCRB, 3 track/field and non-commercial ways to celebrate Christmas awards on it. 764-3345. Reward. 06A1121 meaningfully. If you would like to help it happen, - - .-- --------call us now at 668-6881, ask for Anne or Tom. FOUND CAMERA, 11/8/78. Call Nancy, 995-3790. cF1121 dA11.,9 FOR SALE-3-way speakers. 100 watts/channel. Brand new. Also 10-speed Schwinn bike. Best offer. 663-3147. dB1119 VALUABLE NORETAKE CHINA, 80 pc.; silver goblet% and sherbets, set of 6 each; electric guitar with a 7s. 9RR 9di 8 aliton Ave. di JUNIOR/SENIOR YEAR ABROAD Informational Meetings.- AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FRANCE: Wednesda 6, 7:00 p.m., 2003 Angell Hall FREIBURG, GERMANY: Thursday, De 7:00 p.m., 2003 Angell Hall Contact Hank Peiter, Office of Study Abroad, 5208 Angell Hall. For further information, 764-4489. ay, Dec. c 7, 79F1206 DOLLAR BILL COPYING Resumes and dissertations. Super quality copies at low prices. Color copies. T-shirt transfers. Lowest book copying rates in town! 611 Church, above Don Cisco's.665-9200. 47F1210 GET PERSONALIZED M. D. (Mellow Degree). Send $5 to Marks, 907 Sybil, Ann Arbor 48104. 27F1119 RALLY FOR PEACE, Mon., Nov. 20, 12 noon on the Diag celebrating brotherhood in the Middle East, 1 yr. since the Jerusalem Summit. Sponsored by Union of Students for Israel. cF1119 THE UNITED STATES Marine Corps Officer Selection Team will be in Ann Arbor every Monday and Tuesday to conduct interviews for the Platoon Leaders CLASS (PLC) OFFICER CANDIDATE PROGRAMS. University of Michigan Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors may apply now for guaranteed employment upon graduation. For more information call toll free 800-292-5920. 87F1203 COPIES: 31% 2¢each, overnight. Lowest Prices! Fastest Service! Accu-Copy, 524 E. William 769-8338 WorkStudy Librarian If you are a work study student and want a chal- lenging, good paying job for now or Winter term, you should see us. The Michigan Daily has an opening for a librarian to maintain our records and organize our files. Up to 20 hours a week, $4 an hour. Library Science students especially encour- aged but all students may apply. Call 764-0552 and ask for David or Gregg. Or, stop by the Daily, 2nd floor,'Student PubL. Bldg., 420 Maynard Street. Y__dHtc OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Just ask our MSU student who now earns more than his college professors. Paragon Products Inc., a multi-manufacturer distributor, will interview (for the first time) MICHIGAN students, offering part-time positions with super salaries and impor- tant business experience (excellent for resume). For further information phone Mr. Kay, person to person collect, 517-339-9500. 52H1 119 PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVERS Must be 18, no car necessary, part-time, one or two nights per week. Apply in person only after 4:30 p.m. Omega Pizza, 101 Washtenaw Place. 86H1130 IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $1.00 for your 256-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Research. 10,250 topics listed. Box 25907-B, Los Angeles, CA 90025 (213) 477-8226. cJ1128. DISSERTATION & MANUSCRIPT TYPING Free spelling, grammar, punctuation and cleanup. RACKHAM QUALITY GUARANTEED Reasonable Rates KATHY BLACK-665-3416 cJtc PROFESSIONAL TYPING THE WORDPROCESSORS. We handle dissertations, manuscripts, resumes, legal and term papers. Rackham quality guaranteed. Also copying, printing and binding. 1202 S. UNIVERSITY 662-6401 NEED FEMALE HOUSEMATE for very nice (price, people, location) house. Barb, 994-3567. 25Y1121 TWO FEMALES in beautiful bi-level apartment need 2 roommates Winter Term. Excellent atmos- phere for studying, good times. Call 994-6575. 63Y1119 BARGAIN CORNER GIANT MOVING SALE-Art supplies, clothing furniture, kitchen stuff, plants. Fri-Sun., 10-5. 2488 Dalton Ave,973-2586. dW 812 South State Street ' 994-3594 9-4 Mon.-Sat. cJtc WANTED: One easy going co-oper to fill vacancy in house, $150, Room, board, laundry, utilities. Call Loren or Anne, 761-1237. p94C1122 DORM LEASE for sale. Spot in female double.- Tammy, 764-1637 persistently. 70B1122 FEMALE LEASE for sale in French House Oxford Housing CO-OP. Winter term. Call persistently, 764- 7986. 16C1119 COMMUNAL HOUSE needs scapegoat. Free Rent. 995-3769 18C1121 APT./ROOMS ,at a Jewish rooming house. Low prices. 995-3276/ 769-3079. pcCtc NEED TWO roommates for. apartment/January. .1 minute from central campus. Call 663-1819. 82CI119 -LARGE ROOM FREE in exchange for babysitting 'six year old-early morning, after 4, etc. Woman or couple. 763-4770. . p81C1121 rMODERN, TWO bedroom, furnished apt., near campus and IMBldg.. laundry facilities, parking, .;dishwasher, disposal, balcony, A/C. Call 769-3226 after 4. 68C1122 SPACE AVAILABLE, 2-bedroom apt., North Cam- ous. Quiet; nice location. Jan.-June. 668-1509. 59C1119 IDOUBLE SPACE AVAILABLE-January-April. Lenny Bruce Co-op. 1507 Washtenaw. $165 per ,month, includes rent, food, utilities and laundry. "Call Dave or Benjie at 995-5046 or 663-9064 any- time. 51C1121 s FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 3 bdrm. house with fireplace, 2 baths, double garage, 4on wooded fenced-in lot. Avail. Dec. 16. $155 plus utilities. Call 973-2586 dC -APT/ROOMS at a Jewish rooming house. Low prices. 995-3276/769-3078. cCtc 1OWN ROOM in friendly co-ed house. Close to ;campus. $90/month. Call 994-4989. 14C1122 JEWISH STUDENTS in the Hill dorms, there will be a deli dinner and guest speaker, Sharon Krevor, who will speak on her trip to the USSR during the Shcharansky trial on Sun:, Nov. 19 at Newcomb Lounge-Lloyd, 5p.m. cF1119 MALE FACULTY-Wanted by woman, 34, to share outdoors-hiking, skiing, biking-aesthetics. Emo- tionally mature, unmarried, please. Box 9, Michigan Daily. 22F1121 DELECTABLE DELIS 6-7 p.m. Sundays, $1.50 per sandwich/side New York style. Hillel, 1429 Hill St. cF1119 -----_,{ BAHAI FAITH One God, One Faith, One People. For information call 668-8993. 08F1207 FLORIDA KEYS Sailing Cruise 12/23/78-1/6/79. $300/includes meals. Experience unnecessary. 994- 5356. ___07F1 122 CREATIVE ABSURDITY T( We deliver warmth, love, and comic occasion. 663-1245 before noon. AFTER THE FALL APPLE JUI' KERRYTOWN PANTRY, 407 N. Fifth, PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY - Growth Center, 403 Miller, 971-0102. MAKE LOVE! -NOT WA! (It's good for our business Austin Diamond 1209 S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding ring [)GO relief for any 7 days 211 S. STATE STREET cFtc PHYSICS TEACHERS for labs and recs in general. physics, Jan.-April 1979. M.S. or equiv. required. CE $2.69/gal. Send resume, transcripts, and 3 letters of recom- Ave. cFtc mendation to: Secretary, Dept. of Nat. Sciences, The Personal Univ. of Mich.-Dearborn, 4901 Evergreen Rd., cFtc Dearborn, MI 48128. A non-discriminatory, equal opportunity, aff. action, Title IX employer. 50H1119 662-3969 cJtc TYPING/BINDING -- R gs AVOID THE RUI BUY, SELL OR TRA] Your BOOKS throughI MICHIGAN DAILY BOOK EXCHANGE A two line ad (7 wds. per line) will cost O 50t for each additional line. All ads must be pre-paid so come to t (420 Maynard) and place an ad or sen plus a copy of the ad. Ads will appear Saturday, December 9th for placing ads is 5 p.m. Thursday,1 7th. For more information call 764-055 THANKSGIVING WEEKEND SPECIAL at reduced rates and M Pin Bowling, o Thurs.-Sun. at the Union. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER STUDY ABROAD Informational Meetings: FLORENCE, ITALY: Wednesday, No 7:00 p.m., 203 Tappan. LONDON, ENGLAND: ThursdayNo 7:00 p.m., 203 tappan. NEED COPIES? THE WORDPROCESSORS, we ing, typing, binding and printing. Ask 10% discount cards for students and fa 211 S. STATE STREET 7 days 1202 S. UNIVERSITY OFFSET AND XERO FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-05 q University SH! DE the NLY $1, he DAILY d a check i. Deadline December PART TIME OFFICE HELP-AFTERNOONS. Temporary and permanent positions beginning im- mediately. $2.85 starting salary. Phone 769-8880. 76H1 125 HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS-Males, age 20-60, sought for clinical research project. Reimburse- cFtc ment of $150 for 2'2 day participation. Involves admission to University Hospital Clinical Research Center, receiving some medications and giving. blood samples. Contact Dr. John Greden, 763-4382 (or 764-94 if no answer). 98H 1121 " Dissertations " Theses/Term papers " Business/Letters/Resumes *"Legal Judie Birdsall 665-9843 612 S. Forest Suite B cJtc ATTRACTIVE LADIES for escort. Call 668-9755 between 10a.m. and 12p.m. 30J1202 WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Technical Copy, Editing, Research, Typing. Experienced Profes- sional.996-0566. cJ10tc 0i The DAILY'S PHONE NUMBERS: Billing 764-0550 Circulation 764-0558 Classifieds 764-0557 Display 764-0554 News & Happenings 764-0552 Sports 764-0562 FORMER TYPIST? TIME SHARE, INC. Wants to pay you to train as a part-time DATA ENTRY OPERATOR. Pay those holiday bills. While learning a new, lucrative skill, we will pay you for all hours spent in training and if you successfully complete our program we will offer you employment in our TAX DEPARTMENT. FLEXIBLE HOURS. Call between 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Mary Ann 459-4704. 41H1119 DORM LEASE WANTED for winter term. Incom- ing female needs single. Call collect 512-474-9668. 85L1130 FEMALE STUDENT, 25, wants own room starting Jan. 1. Amy. 996-0435. after 5:30. 311,1119 Frenchworpan now giving private lessons at all levels, individuals, small groups. Reasonable, 662- 6877. 3201121 HOUSESITTER-Ready to take care of your home and pets. -Georette 1-383-0942 1501119 AAA AUTO DRIVEWAY Cars to all points. Top gas allowance. 13116 Grand River, Detroit. 313-933-5600. 61P1210 LSA Student Government Elections Monday and rues: VOTE! It counts. In Fishbowl, Union, dorms. 36F1119 WINNER $5.00 University Cellar gift certificate awarded EVERYDAY', Check our reg ads & classifieds for YOUR NAME o it Daily-Chia-Hsiang Su of 1128 Nielson No. 5, lizabeth A. McGlynn of 1302 S. Main No. 2, and Noel t Unowski of 1312 McIntyre do! cF1119 )1Z, Meet you in the Rotunda for the 4th of July. How's bout a rendezvous at Deja Vous? Internally yours. dF1121 ree cars to L.A. $75 expense allowance, 478-1050. 33F1209 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar adrude Jaffe ACROSS 1 Where Pyram Lake is 7 Cameline feature 12 City of the co carnival 13 Golden 15 Moving round 16 Descriptive o Venetian blin 17 The Blue Hen State: Abbr. 18 Federal office in Westerns 20 Carmine 21 Type of car 23 Celestial adornment 24 Tropical headgear 25 Frosty 27 Placid, for example 29 Part of a golf course 30 Analyses 32 Edged 34 Modern painter 36 Popular accordion piec 37 Natives of Nome 41 Chinese skiff 45 Enameled metalware o 1978 L Angel.. Tires Syndkd* 46 September 2, 1945 10 lid 48 Vacuum tube rectifier 11 49 Caesar's robe 12 50 Element No.26 tton 52 River draining 13 Lake Ladoga 53 Presidential 14 nickname 19: f a 54 Compatriot of 22. d Evangeline: Fr. 24 57 Shooting: Fr. 26 58 Foundry worker I r 60 Shirt 281 62 Swains; 63 Old German 31 coppercoin 331 64 Dowdy: Colloq. 351 65 Billowed 37 381 DOWN 391 1 Goddess ofl retribution 401 2 Doves, flags, stars, etc. 421 3 School at Blacks- 43l burg, Va.: Abbr. 44 4 Pause-filling1 sound 471 5 Shore 51l 6 Starry 541 e 7 Aloha dance 552 8 Mountain range of Eurasia 561 9 One place to see 59) King TutE (with "The") 61( Landholder under Peter Minuit Spire Island NE of Java Reservoir near Kingston, N.Y. Whirled . Door sound -- Scrolls Bread fortifier Indonesian tribesman Piccadilly Circus statue Ukrainian Cheerful Native Americans Lofts Crow's nest Country of NW Africa Variety of carnelian Compose verse Recommended First word of well-known hymn Fox-hunting cry Indian statesman Berserk Novelist Joyce At no time: Poet. And so forth: Abbr. Child's cup dt Excellent opportunities for responsible, hardworking students are available with The -Billiards Michigan Daily. Monetary compensation is small, pen 1 p.m. but the experience is invaluable. Applications are cF1119 now being taken for business staff positions. Apply in -"_- person, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, MWF aftergoons 12-3, see Stan or call 764-0560. dHte v.29 he University of Michigan Survey Research Center )v. 29, is presently adding to the staff of professional v.30 nterviewers who conduct ongoing telephone research projects. Candidates should be available to 78Fl206 work at least 20 hours a week and willing to work some evenings and weekends. No interviewing experience necessary. Pay starts at $3.80/hr. We will train. Interested persons should attend one of two informational meetings to be held in room 6050, e do cdoy- Institute for Social Research, 428 Thompson St., Ann about our Arbor. The meeting will be held at 6pm on Mon., culty. Nov. 27, and 2 pm on Tues, Nov. 27. 662-3969 A Nondiscriminatoryaffirmative action employer 34H1 122 662-6401 QUALIFIED HEBREW teacher needed. Call Beth cJtc Israel Religious School, 769-2041. Evenings: 971- 4053. 19H 1122 NEED EXTRA CHRISTMAS MONEY? G Roma's of Ann Arbor has immediate openings for 60 banquet waiters and waitresses. Excellent wages and working conditions. Apply in person, 2196 W. _rt Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor. 29H 1205 PART-TIME TYPIST/SECRETARY for psycho- logist's consultant, guarantee 5 hrs./week at $3.50/ 4.50 hr. depending on motivation, skill and avail- ability of typewriter. Interesting, varied work. Call J. Lepedas, 995-5271. Leave name, telephone no. and best time to reach you. 28H1119 MUSICIANS WANTED-Looking for serious and talented musicians interested in a career as pop/ rock (and possibly jazz) performers in a band. Call Dave, 764-3822. 20H1121 ROOM SERVICE. Webers Inn. Apply 3050 Jackson Rd. 769-2500. 21H1122 JANITORS, GENERAL CLEANING -Experience preferred, but not necessary. Full or part time, afternoon and midnight shifts availble. Please contact Personnel Office at 663-2790, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 02H1122 SECURITY GUARDS Full-time, part-time, 11:30 p.m.-7:30 a.m., CAMPUS ASSIGNMENTS. State Security Services 1000 Cornwell Place Ann Arbor, 668-0444 17H1119 RECEPTIONIST-2-5 days per week, 5-8 p.m., good salary. Call for interview, 662-3776. 31H1119 COLLEGE STUDENT WANTED to assist handi- capped man in help with inside and butside house tasks. Will trade for room, board, and loving family. Call 995-8855. 31H1128 MUSICIAN WANTED to collaborate with profes- sional lyricist who has ample backing for recording. If dedicated and interested, call Steve, 668-8559. 93H 1121 TYPISTS The Wordprocessors, a commercial typing service has part and full time positions open for mornings, afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Must accurate- ly type minimum 60 w.p.m. Good pay and pleasant environment. Call Susan or June, 6623969. cHC PERSONS NEEDED for photographer woring on portfolio. Payment dependent on previous modeling experience. For further information and appoint- ment please call 662-1479. 72H1119 PART-TIME SALES help wanted thru Dec., maybe longer. 20 hrs. or more, $3/hr. Apply First Down Shop, 213 S. Main. 98H1122 COOK, DISHWASHER, Waitress, part time, hours perfect for students. Apply in person, Second Chance, 516 E. Liberty. cH1119 Applications are now being accepted for winter book rush 1979. Full time temporary employment positions to start in Dec. and Jan. Apply University Cellar, 530 State in the basement of the Michigan Union M-F 9-5, Sat 10-5. 45H1210 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE CO N IOE5 HELP OTH',RS LEARN how to non-commercially celebrate Christmas by planning and doing a Dec. 2nd Alternative Christmas Workshop. Sign up at Wesley Foundation, 602 E. Huron at State, or phone 668-6881 to volunteer. cM1121 '72 Ford Pinto Wagon. Body mechanically excellent, AM/FM, rear defrost. $950. 995-5748. 38N1119 '65 VW Beetle. Rebuilt engine. Basic Transportation. Easy-starting, good heater, but needs work. $250. Call 663-7962 or 764-0558 (work). dN1122 HORNET HATCHBACK 1977. Superb condition. Ask for Dave, 995-3118. 31N1130 1975 TOYOTA Pick-up. Engine great. Little body work, mags. $1000.668-1969. 89N1119 wANaE -used Con-Air nairaryers, moaels 60 or 61. Please contact either Paul Rosen or James Tuck at 965-0050. 27K1 121 Mental Health Professionals are invited to attend a workshop presented by Ann Arbor Center for the Family. A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO FAMILY THERAPY with LYNN HOFFMAN Lynn Hoffman is a nationally known family therapist, Faculty, Nathan Ackerman Institute of Family Therapy "Briarwood Hilton - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 9 Fee $45-includes lunch (Student's rate $35) Send name and address with payment to Ann Arbor Center for the Family, 343 South Main, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 _____________ U RIDE NEEDED TO PITTSBURGH Thanksgiving weekend-Will share driving expenses-call Dean, 994-5895. 31G 121 A kk 1r5 F-""-0- - . - - C - C - P - P - + ......... F 11 fl, V II I I ,-eJ rv- .m M - II I I- I . ®