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November 19, 1978 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-19

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The Michigan Daily-Sunday, November 19, 1978-Page 3


The name of the newly-formed
Student Organizing Committee (SOC),
a party pushing its ticket in tomorrow's
Literature, Science and the Arts
Student Government (LSA-SG)
elections sounds familiar to those
involved in campus politics since the



group has borrowed its handle from a
party formerly active in the, Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA), according to
Debra Goodman, a member of the
original SOC.
Goodman said she objects to the
revival of the name, because the
students now calling themselves'SOC
do not have anything to do with the

Nursing Who's Who
Twenty-seven students at the University School of Nursing have
been selected to appear in the 1978-79 edition of who's Who Among
Students in American Universities and Colleges. They join a group of
the country's campus leaders selected from more than 1,000 colleges
in the United States and several foreign countries. Campus
nominating committees and editor of the annual directory, which has
been published since 1934, have included the names of these students
based on their academic achievements, service to the community,
leadership in extra-curricular activities, and future potential.
University Nursing students named theis year are: Maryellen
Antonelli, Thomas James Bissonnette, Mary Elizabeth Brock, Judith
Lynn Burek, Lynn Hoan Darin, Elizabeth Davis, Mary Eva Dent,
Barbara Deur, Caroilyn Gaines Eames, Judith Ann Eason, Janeen
Gay Ellis, Stephanie Ann Ganton, mary Alexis Gonzalez, Judy Elaine
Gorete, June Cross Grimes, Dennis Hohnson Joan Denise Kelsslee,
Judith Sebring Mapmel, Joanne Neihardt, Rosa Sumiko Ohno, Mary
Lynn Ortquist, Gilb to Moy Rodriqiz, Michael Stuart Seator, Pamela
Sheffield, Debra Linn Thelen, Richard Stanley Urbanski, and Eun Ok
Take Ten
On Nov. 19, 1968, the Ann Arbor Human Relations Commission
(HRC) agreed to the establishment of a black theater group for the
city and planned to ask City Council to release $10,000 from the HRC
budget to establish the group for a six month trial period. Also that
day, in an attempt to "take pressure off winter term registration," the
University set up early registration in the basement of the LSA
building. *
Cinema II, The Harder They Come, 7, 9, Angell Hall.
Cinema Guild, Dark Star, 7,.9:05, Old Architecture.
Brunch on the Terrace, James Dapogny, solo jazz piano, 10 a.m.
noon, University Club $6.50.
Lynne Lynch, pianist, University School of Music, recital hall, 2
Chancel Choir, soloists, and the local Chamber Orchestra Society,
"The Creation" by Franz Joseph Haydn, 4 p.m. First Presbyterian
Church, 1423 Washtenaw.
Collegium Musicum, a University School of Music ensemble,
"Josquin and his Contemporaries," 5 p.m., Our Savior Lutheran
Church in Detroit.
Alumnae Council Scholarship applications for the 1979-80 are now
available from the office of the director of student alumni services,
Alumni Association, ground floor, Michigan Union. Deadline for
applications is December 15 at 5 p.m.
Instruction classes at the Metropolitan community Church will e
held at 5:30 p.m.
A discussion on "Religion in America" will be held at the St. Mary's
Student Chapel at 8 p.m.
The Wesley Foundation will sponsor a Human Rights Fair beginning
with a potluck dinner at 5:30 p.m. at 602 E. Huron.
Ann Arbor Film Co-operative, Van Lewton Horror Night, films at 7
and 8:15 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Nuclear Concerns Film Series, More Nuclear Power stations,
Kuenzel Room, 7:30 p.m.
Women's Studies Free Film Series, O'Keefe's The Originals:
Womep in Art, 7 p.m. MLB Aud. 3.
The Cult Heroes, punk rock, Pendleton Arts Center, second floor of
the Union, 10:00 a.m.
Scottish Country Dancing, Xanadu Co-op, 7:30, 9:30, 1811
Composer's Forum, Recital Hall, School of Music, 8 p.m.
Julie and Louis Nagel, two-piano recital, 8 p.m., Rackham
Auditorium. Eclipse Jazz, jam session, University Club, 9:30 p.m.
Voting for the LSA-SG elections, polls will be open at the following
locations and times: Fishbowl, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; the.Michigan
Union 1:30 to 7:30; Mosher Jordan, 4:15 to 6:15; Markley, 4:00to 6:30;
Alice Lloyd 10:15 a.m. to 6:15 p.m.; East Quad 11 a.m. to 7. In case of
good weather the Fishbowl site will be moved to the Diag. If there are
not enough campaign workers the Mosher-Jordan site may be
The Ann Arbor Bridge Club is sponsoring an ACBL Charity game at
7:30 p.m. at the First Unitarian Church at Washtenaw and Berkshire.
The Undergraduate Political Science association is sponsoring a
student faculty wine and cheese at the sixth floor lounge in Haven Hall
from 3 to 5 p.m.
Michael Taussig of the Anthropology Department will discuss how
Marx relates to his work at 8 p.m. at the Guild House.
Jimmy Peanuts
Even wonder if there was something evil behind President Carter's
smile? According to a 13-page memorandum compiled by the White

House Office of Media Liaison, Jimmy stole "a penny from the
collection plate at church when he was 5 years old." But-worse than
that, he shot his sister Gloria in the rear end with a BB gun - after she
threw a wrench at him. Also revealed by the memorandum were the
President's allergies: hops, beans, and Swiss cheese. His first car was
a brand new 1948 Studebaker. One final tidbit: Carter does not snore.
Caught in the act
Two Purdue University students will soon become experts on the Old
Oaken Bucket, Indiana's answer to Michigan's B'rown Jug. The
bucket has been encased in glass in the lobby of the Indiana University
Memorial Union for the past two years and will again be awarded to
the winner of the Purdue-Indiana game Saturday. However, Paul
Nevill and Ed Gedeon decided to grab the bucket a few weeks early.
They smashed the glass with a brick but were nabbed by a custodian
and security guard before they could escape. A Monroe Superior Court
Judge ordered the two to co-author a paper on the bucket's history,
spend 30 hours in public service and pay $30.
New world records
Gary Nuhroke of New York City set a new record for climbing the
1,575 steps of the Empire state Building although he was on a $12,000-a-
year disability pension from the New York City Fire Department at
the time. Muhroke's record of 12 minutes was recorded in the 1979
nr ,t n rzh nicc ISnRo of World Records. nublished in London

Downtown bus riders
to get waiting room

defunct organization and the ideals it
THE FORMER student government
representative charged the new group
with attempting to ride on her party's
hard work and favorable reputation to
garner votes.
Mike Spirnak, founder of the present
SOC, responded he chose that title for
his new party because "we tried seeing
what would advertise well, and SOC
sounded good."
Party members figured "the old
SOC's popularity was dead," Spirnak
said, and therefore saw, no harm in
adopting the old name.
SOME FEEL the controversy arose
from misunderstanding and
mismanagement on the part of the new
party. "Perhaps we should have
checked with the old members to see
how they felt," conceded SOC

candidate Rick Shahin. "But we didn't
think it would be a controversy because
the old SOC party is defunct.
Goodman questioned why Spirnak, a
former Bullshit party member, decided
to form a new party at all. "If he's
opposed to the Bullshit party, he
shouldn't use bullshit tactics to get
elected this term," she declared.
Spirnak captured a seat on LSA-SG
last term after campaigning on the
Bullshit ticket, but he said he "doesn't
agree with their politics anymore."
Doug Steinberg, a current Bullshit
candidate, offered his own explanation
for Spirnak's action. "Mike's trying to
get away from the irresponsibility
associated with the Bullshit party,"
Steinberg stated. "The SOC name
better represents his responsible
attitude and what he wants to
accomplish in student government."

Starting with the first of the year,
those who ride city buses in the down-
town area will finally get a long sought
after waiting room as a refugee from
the elements.
Wednesday night the Ann Arbor
Transportation Authority (AATA)
board signed a contract for a three-and-
a-half year lease starting in January on
the main floor of the Benz Building at
Fourth and William Streets.
AATA PLANNING Coordinator Tom
Hackley expects "we'll open the
passenger waiting room then (Jan. 1),
although construction of toilet facility
and other minor alterations may still be
going on." Hackley said the hours for
the waiting room haven't yet been set,,
but he "has a sense" it will be open 8
a.m. to 9 p.m. every day but Sunday.
For the approximately $170,000 tax-
payers will be paying over the next
three years they will receive 500 sq. ft.
of space, only 850 of which will go for a

passenger waiting room, toilets, a con-
cession area, and an information desk.
The other 3650 sq. ft. will be converted
for AATA offices and storage and there
is a possibility AATA will rent out space
to new tenants.
Willie Horton, a board member who
said Wednesday's decision came after a
long history of failure due to money
problems, said he considered the Benz
Building "a little more expensive than
hoped. And it's not the ideal site, but at
least it's something."
Fourth and William has been the
main transfer point and according to
AATA Director Bob Works, "the hub
around which our whole system is
structured." Consequently, the Benz
Building site will be designed to ac-
commodate the 2,500-3,500 people whom
AATA estimates board and leave buses
there. The transportation group reports
the shelter should comfortably handle
85 people with a somewhat higher
"crush capacity."

Daily Official Bulletin

Daily Calendar:
Kelsey Museum: Gallery Talk, Diane Reiersgord,
"Guardians of the Nile: Sculpture fromKaramis in
the Fayoum," Kelsey, 2 p.m.
Music School: Faculty piano recital, SM Recital
Hall, 2p.m.; Gamelan, Hill Aud., 4 p.m.
General Notices:
CEW tGearing Up for GRE-agmat-LSAT
Women gearing up to take graduate and
professional school admission examinations are
invited to two programs planned by CEW. "The
Exam-Taking Process," Nov. 27, focuses on
application maze and practical tips from women who
have successfully survived GRE, GMAT, and LSAT.
The meeting will be 7:30-9:30 p.m. W. Conf. rm.,
"Math Review" Nov. 30 and December 4, provides
opportunity to brush up on basic skills and practice
common exam questions using graphs, story
problems, algebra. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., MLB 114, 115,
All interested women and men welcome. Series
planned especially for women who are not now in
school. Advance registration requested. CEW
weekdays 8:30 -5:00, 328-330 Thompson St., 763-1353.
A Computing Center Open House and tours will be
held Sunday, 19 Nov., 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Computing Center located 1075 Beal. Purpose of
Open House Tours to acquaint students, faculty and
staff with services and facilities provided by the
Computing Center.
Guided tours will be provided through machine
rooms and a short termilal demonstration given.
Children under fourteen must be accompanied by an
Questions call Computing Center,764-9595.
Daily Calendar:
Psychiatry; George H. Pollock, dir., Chicago Inst.
for Psychoanalysis, "psychosomatic Specificity
Theory: Still Valid'?", CPH Aud., 9:30 a.m.
Near Eastern/N. African Studies: Salma Jayyusi,
"Social and Political Protest in Contemporary
Arabic Literature," Commons Rm., Lane Hall, noon.
Great Lakes/Marine Environment: Ramesh
Dayal, "Nuclear Wastes Disposal at Sea," 165
Chrysler Ctr., 3:30 p-in.
Statistical/Biostatists: Prof. Herman Wold, U-
Uppsala, "From Pattern Recognition to Model
Building: On the Evolution of Multivariate Analysis.
451 Mason Hall, 4 p.m.
Biological Sciences: Renato Baserga, Dept.
Pathology, Temple-U., Phila., Pa. "Genetic Basis of
Cell Proliferation in Mammalian Cells, Lecture rm.
2, MLB, 4 p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: R. Blandford, Calidornia
Institute of Technology, "Radio Jets," 845 Dennison;
P. Hansen, "High P. pp Collistions at CERN ISR,"
2038 Randall, 4 p.m.
Guild House: Michael Taussig, "Marx at
Michigan?", 802 Monroe, 8 p.m.
Music School: William Garnett, aerial
photograper, slide/talk, Art & Arch.,8 p.m.
General Notices:
Computing Center announces a short course
Voltume LXXXIX, No. 64
Sunday. November 19. 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April t2 semesters ; $13 by mail,
outside Ann Arbor.
Sum mer session published Tuesday through
Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor: $7,00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.

"Introduction to Debugging with SDS." Led by FredHd
G. Swartz, Computing Center Staff Member, Mon., Heritage, Century-Grant, Designers Editions, American Artist, Gibson.
Nov. 20., 7:30-9:30 p.rh., Computing Center Seminar
rm.. first floor.
Questions directed to Fred Swartz at Computing Also available, at regular price, are UNICEF and Sunrise cards.
"Designing Structured Group Experiences," a
two-day workshop planned by CEW. Especially for
experienced counselors who would like to increase
skills in developing structured group programs for
their adult populations. Workshop format includes
lecturettes, discussion, structured group
experiences and skills practice, and individual
Workshop begins Monday, Dec. 4 and continues MORE THAN A BOOKSTORE
through the evening and all day Thursday, Dec. 5.
Cost is $25, ceu's available. 549 East University at the corner of East U. and South U. 662-3201
Advance registration required, CEW, 328-330
Thompson, 763-1353.

November 12-December 17
Works of art selected by the Museum
and available for your purchase.
From $10 to $10,000.
Tuesday-Saturday: 9-5
Sunday: 1-6






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