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November 16, 1978 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-16

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left to
(Continued from Page 1)
"Jimmy Carter pimped America and
a lot of blacks," Dellums said. "In his
campaign, he promised to cut -the
defense budget and increase fun:s for
human services. He has done just the
opposite. When cutting the budget, he
has reduced the monies for these
programs while bloating the defense
HE ADDED that military power will
not ease the problems of inflation,
poverty, or suffering. "Instead of chan-
neling that money into building
monuments to our military madness
like the B-1, we should concentrate on
rebuilding our cities, to provide oppor-
tunities for people to pursue, their
education or to get proper health care,"
Dellums said.
"When society places its priorities on
helping humans and their problems in-
stead of creating ways of destroying it-
self, then jobs and opportunities for all
will become reality," according to the
Dellums said the oppressed people
must "form a coalition that will work
together to change that system that op-
presses them. We are not fighting as
blacks, women, Chicanos, or any other
separate group, but as human beings
fighting for our human rights."
"ACROSS THE political spectrum,
there are no political leaders, no
political analyses, except those from
the right. Many of the liberals and those
from the left are busy diving for cover
under the right wing rhetoric. It's time
for the left to assume again its aban-
doned political leadership to defend
those programs they created in their
early struggles.'
N- Discount sports apparel 4
2 blocks off State Street u+
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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 16, 1978-Page9


DISGRUNTLED HILL AREA dormitory residents gather to protest the proposed consolidation of cafeteria services. The
Regents will review a report at their monthly meeting today recommending construction of a single, centrally-located dining
facility for residents of Alice Lloyd, Couzens, Mosher-Jordan and Stockwell Halls.
Hill ood service mergereyed



(Continued from Paged )
also used in the savings figures, was
computed with no allowance for rate
increases. The later savings figures
probably seem a bit higher than they
actually would be, however, since room
and board rates would probably also
rise considerably during the period.
SURVEYS TAKEN by a University
task force set up to research the,
Local. firml
to sefll
to China
(Continued fromPage 1)
source said the principle objectors
could not be revealed.
The exportation of a list of certain
items requires committee approval in.
order for the trarsaction to take place.
Dadealus fildcan application for the ex-
port license last December, and it was
initially denied in April by the export
administration of the Commerce
Department. In July an interagency
group reversed the decision and gran-
ted the export license.
Parker said the delay cost his com-
pany about $200,000 in legal and storage
fees. The company also had to borrow
money, which will mean paying in-
terest on the loan instead of accruing
interest on the $2.8 million which might
now be in the bank.
PARKER ALSO had to file to extend
his deadline for submitting Daedelus'
annual audit to the Securities Exchange
ommission because the company's
financial status was in limbo.
The Commerce Department source
said the department "is sensitive to the
delays and appreciates the financial
burden" placed upon companies
because of delays. The source said the
department is attempting to streamline
the consideration process by removing
some of the controls. The source would
not specify the steps that are being
taken to alleviate the delays.
The equipment is now in Tokyo, and
will soon be shipped to Peking. Eight
Chinese technologists came and lived in
Ann Arbor early last summer to learn
how to use the equipment and left in
'uly. Parker said he has not yet
1eceived payment for the equipment,
put he expects the final documents
within the next few days.

feasibility of food service consolidation
showed strong student opposition to the
plan. Parents were also surveyed. One
of the questions asked whether parents
would favor consolidating the service of
adjoining dorms (the four Hill area
dorms that would be affected by the
plan are located within a small area) as
a cost-saving measure.
More than 52 per cent of the parents
that responded to the survey indicated
they liked the plan, while 41.9 per cent
disapproved of the plan and 5.8 per cent
registered no opinion. Of the parents
that said they disliked the plan, several
said they would support the proposed
system if a particular cost savings were
obtained while 59.4 per cent said the
level of cost savings would not change
their minds.
Another question dealing with a
situation where a new facility would be
constructed to serve the students of

several dorms elicited substantially
more negative parent response.
"WE REALIZED the student reac-
tion was really negative," said Housing
Director Robert Hughes, "but weighing
the two together (cost avoidance of the
proposed facility and negative student
response) the scale still tipped toward
the project."
But at least one housing official op-
poses the plan. "Personally I don't
want to see things changed," said Hill
Area Food Service Manager Carl
"Typical of the University would be
to hire an outside consultant,"
Christoph said. "I'll be the one that has
towork the bugs out of the system but
I'll probably have very little to do with
the planning," he added.
"I sure don'tr ever find a student in
favor of it," he continued. "They're the
customers, they're the ones paying the
bills," he added.

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Margaret(rMeCad dies
(Continued from Page 1)

and that was worse than any hirm it,
She also thought adults had to heed the
opinions of their children. One reason
for this, she said, was television, which
produced a generation that saw
"history being made before it is cen-
sored by their elders.,"
DURING HER half-century in an-
thropology, Mead also refined the
technique of using pictures by the tens
of thousands as part of her basic data.
A writer once dubbed her "gran-
dmother of us all," and that description
was endorsed by Edward Lehman,
executive director of the American An-
thropological Association, which was
meeting in Los Angeles when she died..
"Margaret's death is a loss not only
to anthropology, but to science in
general; not only to U.S. society, but to
the world. She's irreplaceable," said

POPULARIZING anthropology was
among her major achievemen-
ts-"mass education of the very best
kind," said Robert Murphy, a Columbia
University anthropologist and former
department chairman.
"She pioneered two important fields,
being the first to take a cross-cultural
look at childhood and the role of culture
in shaping personality," he said. "In
1949, she wrote 'Male and Female,' 20
years before the rest of the world tur-
ned its eyes on the female role."
Mead, who was born Dec. 16, 1901, in
a suburb of Philadelphia, preached that
a large, cohesive family was the best
environment for a child to grow in. She
regretted the passing of
multigenerational households-chil-
dren, parents and grandparents-like
the one in which she grew up.

The Goetheanum
Forms of the Twenties
at Dornach, Switzerland
Impressions with Slides
Department of Historv of/Art
Universitv of Michigan
Saturday, Nov. 18, 1978--8 p.m
Rudolf Steiner House
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The public is invited
Sponsored by the Rudolf Steiner lnstitute of the Great Lakes Area

Student Newspaper at The University of Michigan
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