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November 16, 1978 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-16

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 16, 1978-Page 5

This week's results

Authority, consistency
kvey to IM officiating

A Daily Sports Analysis,
In a few weeks University
professors will distribute "'teacher
evaluation" forms. No matter what
one's feelings are toward the
instructor, he has the duty as a
student to complete these forms free
of bias.
When I decided to diagnose the
problems which plague officials in
the Intramural Department, I thrust
myself into a somewhat similar
situation. As an IM official in
softball and basketball, I know the
difficulties confronting umpires and
referees. I know how officials are
trained and what aspects of
officiating are stressed.
AS A PLAYER, however, I know
that competence among IM officials
fluctuates about as much as
Michigan's November weather. And
I can admit from my own
experiences that a few umps and
refs put forth less than maximum
Perhaps :the most disturbing part
of IM officiating is this very
laziness, a nonchalance which
infuriates players who are
exhausting their bodies only to be
victimized by a blundering zebra.
The official who does not hustle to
gain the best possible view of a play
is begging for trouble. Players will
always dispute a blown call, but an
erring ref or ump can preserve
order by proving to the contestants
that he is indeed giving his best.
IN CONTRAST, a handful of

officials prefer to amble downfield
at a leisurely pace. They'are the
spectator refs, keeping one eye on
the game and the other on their
wristwatches. They deserve to be
blasted for a poor job, and often they
Although sluggishness is the
number one problem among
Intramural officials, most of the
serious controversies arise from
rule interpretation. In this area,
consistency (or lack of same) is the
key. Rules often are vague, but they
must be enforced consistently, not
To ensure control of a game, an
intramural official must let the
players know that HE is the boss.
"'Selling the call," as Supervisor
Officials Sandy Sanders describes it,
helps refs establish order and gain
SOME REFS, however, let the
authority get to their head and
conduct business in an arrogant,
"hands-off" manner. For them, the
playing field no longer is a
recreational area; it is a
dictatorship and they perceive
themselves as dictators.
Even though it appears that I
delight in ripping apart some of my
colleagues, such is not the case,
Pointing out deficiencies is different
from lambasting referees following
a narrow loss. Only through
constructive criticism will
Intramural officiating continue to

Independent Competitive
Pack 11 (W), Keelsmi (L) (f)
Beaver Patrol 38, Pack 110
C.W. & Company 12, Outlaws 0
Joint Effort 12. Phantom Knights 8
Show Biz Kids 24, Speed Merchants 0
Show Biz Kids 18, Black & Blue 0
Credibility Gap 2, Bones I (fd )
Steelers 12, Credibility Gap 0
El Sereno Banditos 12, Fupped Ducks6
Sun Devils 16, Dallas Coke-Boys 0
Los Chingones 12, Badgers 8
Pleasant Pheasants 11,.Mad Dogs 12
Canyon 18, Pleasant Pheasants 0P
Tocky's Terrors 15, Mountain Oysters 6
Totally Offensive 4, Ilelliphino 0
Les Entrejambes 6,Anarchists 11
9-PSilks 26, Les Entrejambes 0
Full Mooners 2, Irradicators 0)
Red Devils 12, Architecture, Inc. 8
Frustrated Jocks 6, Spins 4)
Good Times 6, Powerhouse 0
Cadavers 14, Random Samples 8
AIAA 8, Sudden Death 4O
Abeng (W). I Phelta Thi (L) (f)
Mack Attack (W). Chain Saw Monks (I,) (f)
Peace Makers 6. Great Stuff (
Droogs 8, Midshipmen 'A' 0P
Psychology (W), Apes of Wrath (L) (f)
Red Shirts 6, Forum 1)
Atomic Stallions (W), Abraxas (1) If)
Midshipmen 'B' (W). Atomic Roosters (I.) (f)
Couzens Gold 4, Midshipmen 'B' 3 (fd)
Independent Recreative
DAILY LIBELS 24, Beasts 12
Newman 8, Kelly's Ileroes 2
Vagrants (W). Lions (1,) (f)
Portneys Complaint 18, Meat Men 0
Stud Service, Inc. 12, MMB 2
Inteflex 8, Merry ('ourters 2
Archers 2, Gangue 4
Residence Hall "A" Playoffs
Class "A"
Fisher Vikings 8.Douglas Nads 0
Class "B"
Butler Ilouse (W), Douglas (L)< f)
Little House (W), MoJo Gold (L) (f)
Residence Hall Recreative
What's in a Name 20, Alice's 6
Fraternity "A" Playoffs
Class "A"
Psi Upsilon x. Delta Upsilon 6
Kappa Alpha Psi 6, Phi Gamma Delta I
Phi1Delta Theta18, Alpha Phi Alpha 0)
Zeta Psi w. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 04
Sigma Nu 8. Omega Psi Phi 0

Evans Scholars 2, Beta Theta Pi 0
Lambda Chi Alpha (W), Phi Sigma Kappa (L)
Sigma Phi Epsilon (W), Chi Phi (IL)
Class "B"
Alpha Tau Omega 12, Triangle6
Sigma Alpha Mu 2. Kappa Sigma 1 (fd)
Trigon 6, Tau Kappa Epsilon 2
Theta Chi 12, Theta Delta Chi 0
Delta Tau Ielta 5, Sigma Chi 3
Delta Chi (W), Alpha Sigma Phi ( L) (def) t
Fraternity "B"
Class "A"
Lam bda Chi Alpha 22. Chi Psi 6
lambda Chi Alpha 2, Sigma Alpha Epsilon 0
Beta 'heta Pi 6, Sigma Kappa 0
Sigma Phi Epsilon 11, Beta Tlheta Pi(0
Phi Delta Theta 4, Evans Scholars 3 1(fd)
Delta Upsilon 6. Phi Gamma Delta 0
Class "B"
Theta ('hi 8, 'Leta Psi 04
'Sigma Phi 12. Theta ('hi 8
'Chi Phi (W), Kappa Sigma (L) (def. )
Delta Tau Delta 8, Alpha Phi Alpha 0
Delta Tau Delta 12. Theta Delta Chi 6;
Co-Rec Competitive
Waldo's 8. Michigan Bar assoc. 6
L.os Burros 204, Not-Mnch 6
Co-Rection 8, MoJo Coeds 41
hunt/Taylor 8, MBA's 1)
Bireakers 6, Law'Maroon 0
Imperial Storm Troopers 16, Little House 0
VD 6-1 16, Oxfor d 6,
First Couzens (W). Alpha Chi Sigma (L) (If)
(Co-Rec Recreative
Williams (W). Law Dirt (L)(f)
Newman 5, Curse of Baba Yoga I (fd )
'Campus Broadcasting 6, Beta Pi Phis t)
Buff's Bouncers 6, Gamma Phi Beta 0
Buff's Bouncers 12, Beta Pi/Phis 0
F-Squared (W), Gamma Phi Beta (L) (def)
Nialson Mutilators 12, Campus Broadcasting 8
Women's Competitive
Bruiser's 11,IDelta IDelta DIelta I0
Stockwell 11, East Quadl Women 0P
Graduate (Playoffs)-
Class 'A'
Stannous Knights (WI, MBA Red (. )(f)
Aber' Cadave'rs122.Law Gold 6
('lass "B"
Phi Alpha Kappa 8, lawa Silver)0
Phi Rho sigma 8,ILa"'0Pange 1)
Law Plack & Blue 6. .Ml VAll-Starsa
La« Phids 12. MBA White I)

All-Campus Playoffs
Rowdies 1. MBA's 41
Leafhoppers vs. Navy (no score reported)
M.IJO vs. Tavlor (no score reported)
Independent Division (Playoffs)
Beaver Patrol 2, Fupped Ducks 1
Canyon 2, Forum I
Bones 2, AICIE
A :A (3Cam bridge Men's Club 0P
Irradicators 2, Couzen's Blue I
Phantom Knights 2, C'ouzens Gold I
Midshipmen'A'3, Powerhouse 4) f
Fraternity (Playoffs)
Sigma Phi Epsilon 2. Alpha Delta Phi 3
Beta Theta Pi 2, Chi Phi I
Theta Delta Chi 2, Phi Sigma Kappa I
Phi Gamma Delta 2. Sigma Phi I
Sigma Alpha Epsilon :3. Delta Tau Delta (P
Phi Delta Theta 3. Triangle 0
lambda Chi Alpha 3, Alpha Phi Alpha 1)
Sigma ('hi 2, Tau Kappa Epsilon I
Residence Hall (Playoffs)
4A A
Chicago 2, Reeves I
East Quad 2, Frost House I
Frederick's 2, Elliott Hlouse I
ravlor louse 2. Wenlev I
Oxford I(WI.Mlo.Jo.XManlers (L)1(f)
Adas :3. RHnnev 110
F~letcher Hall :3, MoJo .Jolly .oes 40
('ross }louse 2. Mo.Jo Juggernauts I
211d Hamiilton 2. Gomhberg 1
Mo~io 1Gold vs. Fisher' IHouse I(no scor'e reported)
Gradua te

Women's Pre-Holiday Tournament
Deep 6 (W), AKA (L) (f) _
Ambatana (W), Diving Devils IL) If)
Bush Clouse 6, Michigan Business Women 0
MC'B's (W). Kissin' Couzeas (L) If)
Thomson 6, Wenley 0
Alice's (, Thomson 0
XV BP's 6, Bursley 0
Barbour/Newberry , ACME 2
Law Gunners 4. Alpha lDelta 2
Wimps 6, Group Dynamics 0
Rec Sports (W), ISlR (L)<if)
Women's Singles Tournament
I(finals) .Judy Shirley dlef. Grace Lousma, 12-11,
(consolation) lindy Margeson def. Blanche
Kushner, 31-1
Inner Tube Water Polo
Co-Rec Competitive
C'oncors (W), Pu Beta Phi (1L)(f)
C'ouzens 17. MoJo Misfits I
Knockers 8. llars 6
V1) 6 + 41, D~ental Dlrifters 0)
Breaker (W). Markley Blagdon 'A' (I.) if)
Co-Rection 15, chi 'Zeta Tau i
Co-Rec Recreative
lam-Sam 5 7. Shootzie Scores 6
Ice Hockey
Flames a. Evans Scholars (P
Leading Lumber .Jacks 9. Bizad Bombers 0
Crunch Bunch 7, Law Quad Gold 3
Central City . Beaver Patrol 2
Patterson lDental 1, Psi Upsilon 2
U-Towers 7. Fiji Islanders 2
Blades 7, Scrunts I
Captains (W), Murphy's Law (I.) (OT)


Asurd :3. N;113:Red 0
I'aw Booters vs. Lawe Gold I<no score reported) )
Phi Alpha Kappa vs. Law Silver (no score
r .epor(tes
D)SD B vs, NI BA Blue I(no score reported)

We advise ...
The scores and schedules presented
on this page are as accurate as
possible. However, we suggest thaiyou
check with the IM department to
double-check deadlines or if you think
your team's score was reported inac-





Half the calories -70 calories
50% less than our regular beer

Disciplinar boards maintain order

For most of us, sports is an escape
from reality. It's a medium through
which we can release the stress and
strain of everyday life. It's also a
means of making new friends with
whom we share a common interest.
Win or lose - ties are made.
Unfortunately, there are a few in-
dividuals who participate with a
"win at all costs" attitude. They
philosophize that to lie, cheat, or in-
timidate others is just, if that's what
it takes to win. It is that conduct
which forced the establishment of
protest and disciplinary boards
within the intramural system.
The Intramural Protest Board
consists of three assistant IM direc-
tors. Sandy Sanders, supervisor of
sports officials, is a permanent
member of the board. Fellow
assistant directors Ellen Gold, Ken
Nemerovski, and Jan Wells assist
Sanders on a rotating basis.
The function of this board is to
gather pertinent information from
game officials and representatives
from both teams whenever a protest
is filed. After reviewing the case,
they vote on the matter. A majority
opinion decides the case.
Whenever a team protests an even
there are several stipulations it
must follow:
" All protests must be made by the
team captain at the time of the

may be filed. At this time, the of-
ficials will notify both teams that the,
game is being played under protest
and will so state on the scorecard.
*All protests must be made in
writing on the official protest form
and submitted at the main office of
the IM Sports Building before 4:30
p.m. of the next working day.
* The written protest must be ac-
companied by a $10 protest fee. This
fee is returned if the protest is
upheld, but forfeited if the protest is
denied. The forfeited money is piped
back into the program as a means of
paying officials who are hired for
rescheduled games.

Surprisingly, there have been only
seven protests filed this year; foot-
ball (1), softball (4), track (1), and
golf (1).
"That's mainly due to the ex-
cellent officiating our officials
provide," says assistant IM director
Ellen Gold. "Sandy (Sanders) has
helped tremendously in upgrading
the program. Each official has a
greater knowledge of the rules and
operates with more confidence.
They have also gained the respect of
most participants. And Sandy is
usually nearby to help whenever a
dispute does arise."

The second board established by
the recreational sports department
is the Intramural Disciplinary
Board. It hears cases involving
cheating, fighting, and physical/-
verbal abuse of officials.
Ms. Gold functions ass the
Disciplinary Board chairperson. A
second assistant I.M. director and
three other students make up the
rest of the board. The students are
elected early in the year by fellow
athletes and serve throughout the
'Whenever disciplinary actions are
necessary, a field supervisor files a
report to the Disciplinary Board,
The individual(s) are then notified
in writing of the charges against
them, and given a specific hearing
After the hearing, the board meets
privately to determine its action.
When a decision is reached
(majority vote) the chairperson
distributes a written report to the
Decisions of the board may be ap-
pealed. Appeals must be submitted
in writing to the Director of In-
tramurals, Dick Pitcher, within 10
The appeals board consists of two
assistant directors and Pitcher him-
If the defendant appeals again, the
case goes to the "Supreme Court",
Dr. Michael Stevenson, director of

Coming soon.

" 0 0

Sunday, November 19-
-Fitness clinic introducing the Nautilus and training
equipment: CCRB Weight Room, 7-9 p.m.
Tuesday, November 21-
-Racquetball Entries Due (all-campus doubles tourney)
-Handball Entries Due (all-campus singles tourney)
Monday, November 27-
-Wrestling Weigh-in at IMSB; entries due for Residence
Hall, Fraternity, Graduate and Independent
Wednesday, November 29--
-Squash Entries Due (all-campus singles tourney)



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