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November 16, 1978 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-16

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page 2-Thursday, November 16, 1978-The Michigan Daily

U.S. blamed for allowing poverty



Regents to tackle tough issues

Mick Taussig, medical an-
thropologist, slammed capitalism as
the cause of poverty and hunger
racking the majority of the population
in developing countries, as he ad-
dressed over 60 people last night at the
School of Public Health.
"The present state of poverty (in
developing countries) is not a natural
condition. Neither can it be blamed on
the population explosion," Taussig
TAUSSIG EQUATED the capitalist

system with imperialism and stated
that the latter was a system based on
"Thanks to United States interests,
peasant farms decreased to be replaced
by sugar plantations," Taussig said of
the situation in Colombia.
"In Colombia there is more than
enough food to feed everyone. But un-
der the market system, the people can't
afford it," he said.
TAUSSIG SAID that over half of the
population of Colombia is hungry due to
the capitalist infusion and that disease
fflicts the people as a result of
Preceding Taussig's talk was a movie
showing the large movement of
American businesses abroad in order to
pay workers lower wages and escape
high U.S. taxes\ The speaker and movie
were part of the four-day program
begun on Monday by the Committee
Concerned with World Hunger.
"Well-intentioned people come out of
this school (School of Public Health)
but modern medicine is a political tool
that buttresses a pernicious ideology,"
Taussig said.

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Get on down to
U-M Stylists
at the UNION
Open: 8:30 a.m.

"MEDICINE and nutrition are
privileged tools allowing penetration of
United States influence," Taussig said.
He said ulterior motives to allow for
maximum American investments in
developing countries are behind many
aid programs such as those coordinated
by the Agency for International
"The philosophy of this group is not
only Darwinian, it's to adapt the people
to their misery," Taussig said.
Not only were the resources of Third
World countries being used for the
benefit of the imperialist country, but
the labor was also an essential part of
the market system, Taussig added.
"The people of the Third World are
literally being consumed in the fire of
their labor," Taussig commented about
hard working conditions he says are
pushed on the peasants.
"We (United States), the consumers
are literally cannibals living off our
brothers in the Third World," he said.
Today is the final day of the four-day
hunger program and it features a rally
on the diag at noon with social activist
Wavy Gravy.
Jupiter, the largest of the planets, is
located at an average distance of 480
million miles from the sun and takes
nearly 12 earth-years to accomplish a
single circuit around the sun.

Dormitory food consolidation and the
process for selecting the next Univer-
sity president will be among several
controversial issues to be discussed by
the University Regents at their monthly
meeting today and tomorrow.
The eight-member board, which
meets in the Administration Building,
will review a report on food con-
,solidation submitted by Vice-President
and Chief Financial Officer James
Brinkerhoff and Vice-President for
Student Services Henry Johnson.
THE REPORT recommends that a
dining commons be constructed west of
Mosher-Jordan to serve residents of
Alice Lloyd, Cousens, Mosher-Jordan,
and Stockwell Halls. The report cites
extensive savings for future students
(see related story, Page 1).
Though not on the agenda, the
presidential selection process will be
brought up at least once during the
Robert Nederlander (D-
Birmingham) told the Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA) late last
month that he would discuss with the
other Regents today or tomorrow the
possibility of making a "statement of
intent" to give the student presidential
advisory committee more involvement
in the selection process "somewhere
down the line."
MSA DECIDED Tuesday night to

participate in the process after boycot-
ting it for a month. The student
representatives claimed the guidelines
passed by the Regents at their October
meeting would not provide adequate
student input in the later stages of the
The Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA), which will
have its yearly meeting with the Regen-
ts tonight, will also call for im-
provements in the presidential selec-
tion process. In a letter sent to the
Regents, SACUA members asked that
the board "institute forms of con-
tinuous communication, participation
and consultation through to the end of
the selection process."
Several other controversial issues
are likely to be brought up during the
public comment session of today's
meeting. Speakers are slated to ad-
dress the Regents on the matters of:
-The Sturgis Report, which recom-
mends alterations in the Union,'
-Political Science Assistant
Professor Joel Samoff, who has twice
been denied tenure by the University.

Samoff recently filed an appeal with tt
Literary College Executive Commitye
-The Graduate Employe
Organization (GEO), which is pressi
tly involved in a court case with t
University. The. outcome of tli
hearings will determine whetly
graduate student assistants at ti
University may collectively barge'
with the administration.
Included in the agenda is cOr
sideration of renewing the University
contract with the Public Interest Grou
in Michigan (PIRGIM). A significar
,change in the document requires l
PIRGIM support frorf 22.5 per cent'
the students if the University is to c$
tinue to include the PIRGIM check-0
on student verification forms. In th
past, 33.3 per cent of the student bod
was required to back PIRGIM for th
five-year contract to be valid eac
The board will also review Preside
Robben Fleming's recommendatiD
that he be allowed to appoint a nea
director for the University's Affn
mative Action Office.

Social Justice, Critical Inquiry, Creative Teaching
first CentennialProgram
November 17, 1978
9:30 a.m.
Rackham Amphitheatre
Professor Emeritus, Stanford University
Former Superintendent, Detroit Public Schools
School of Education
12:30 p.m. Luncheon
Michigan League
Professor of Economics, Michigan State University
2:30 p.m.
Rackham Amphitheatre
Former State Senator GILBERT E. BU RSLEY
5:30 p.m. Social Hour
2nd floor, Michigan League
Courtesy of Phi Delta Kappa
The University of Michigan
For information call: 763-4060 or 764-9470

LSA-SG votes to put!
second slate on ballot

Fri., Nov. 17-TOM MORSON,
student advisor, counseling services:
"The Politics of Counseling"
at GUILD HOUSE-802 Monroe


d (Continued from Page 1)
called if one-third of the council asks for
it, according to Brazee. The meeting
could be called at the request of two
members because LSA-SG, normally a
seventeen-member board, is currently
sitting with six members due to the
decision of LSA Judiciary not to certify
last April's election because of
violations of the Election Code.
THE FATE OF another potential
presidential candidate is still unclear.
Warfield Moore filed for the presiden-
tial spot by himself and cannot be per-
mitted on the ballot. Strasberg has been
unable to contact Moore.
Although the council decided Moore
could not be placed on the ballot at this
time, Brazee said Moore might be able
to run if Strasberg were able to reach
The council also amended the times
ROCHESTER, Ind. (AP) - When
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jackson set out to
dig a fish pond in front of their home,
they had no idea they'd unearth the
remains of some previous tenants.
What they found, however, is more of
a matter for paleontologists than for
Jackson was digging away about five
feet below ground level with heavy,
earth-moving machinery when he
struck something he took to be, a tree
He hauled the object out, and then
realized that he was looking at the tusk
of a mastodon - a wooly prehistoric
ancestor of the modern elephant.
The Jacksons got in touch with Dr.
James Bellis, head of the archeology
department of the University of Notre
Dame, who confirmed that the
Jacksons had dug up the remains of not
one, but two mastodons.

and sites of the polling places for nex
week's election. Here is the pol
Fishbowl: 8:30-4:30
Union Basement:1:30-7:30
Mosher-Jordan: 4:15-6:45
Markley: 4: QO-6:30
Alice Lloyd: 10: 15-6:15
East Quad: 11:00-7:00
Fishbowl: 8:45-4:15
Union Basement: 11:00-5:00
West Quad: 4:00-6:30
South Quad: 11:15-6:45
Modern Language Building: 10:00-2:45
C.C. Little Bus Stop: 10:45-3:45
Bursley: 3:15-7:00
If Strasberg is unable to hire enoug
poll workers to staff all the polls, booth.
at the Modern Language Building an
Mosher-Jordan may be eliminated.
weather permits, Fishbowl polls ma
be put in the Diag.
Daily Official Bulletin
Daily Calendar:
Biological Science: Alfred L. Goldberg, Dept. n
Physiology, Harvard Medical school, "Th
Regulation of Protein Degradation in E. Coli, 1131
Ctr. Western European Studies: C. Gibson
"Development and Decline of the Aztec Empire;'
Aud. B., Angell, 4 p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: A. Mueller, Columbia-U.
"Cut Vertices and Their Applications in QCD," 2031
Randall, 4 p.m.
Guild House: Poetry reading, Stephen Dunning
Kenyon Brown, 802 Monroe, 7:30 p. m.
Romance'Languages/Literature: Nancy K. Mille
"Emphasis Addes: Some Notes on Women and thi
Novel," Lec. Rm. 1, MLB, 7:30 p.m.
Music School: Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro;'
Mendellsohn. 8 p.m.
Chemistry: A. B. Harvey, "Laser Chemistry an
spectroscopy," 1300 Chem., 8p.m.




F i


1 '

Why too much regulation may rule you out
How would you like to be forced to get permission from
379 separate Government agencies before you could work?
That's what Armco has to do. We think you could hear a
similar story from nearly any large company in America-
if the regulatory paperwork leaves them any time to talk
to you. Excessive regulation threatens your chance of
getting a job.
Most of us agree that the goals regulation seeks are
important. Clean air and water. Job safety. Equal rights at
work. The problem is the way Government people now
write and apply specific rules to reach those goals. Too
often, the rules don't really do the job. They just tie com-
panies up in knots as they try to comply.
Last year, federal regulations took up a twelve-foot shelf
of textbook-size volumes printed in small type. 13,589 more
pages were written last year alone. And Washington isI
more than matched by a growing army of state and local

happens to a company's jobs is. Here's an example:
Safety regulations require companies to install special
guards over electrical components to protect people from
being electrocuted. Like most industrial companies, Armco
has scores of giant, built-in electrical cranes to handle huge
loads. Their electrical components are in the top of each
crane, high away from the plant floor. To maintain and
repair the electrical system, safety guards have to be re-
moved so work can be done. Except for expert electricians,
no one ever goes up on top of a crane. Yet unless we win
a special dispensation, we'll have to install a useless set
of guards on every Armco crane at a total cost of some
$6,000,000. That wastes enough money to create 120 new
Armco jobs, right there. Even though Armco people are
ten times safer on the job than they are away from work.
Next time anybody calls for a new regulation, you might
ask for some sensible analysis of the costs and benefits-
including how many jobs might be lost.
One of those jobs could be yours.
Let us hear YOUR plain talk about jobs! We'll send
you a free booklet if you do
Does our message make sense to you? We'd like
to know what you think. Your personal ex-
periences. Facts to prove or disprove our
point. Drop us a line. We'd like your plain
talk. For telling us your thoughts, we'll send
you more information on issues affecting
jobs. Plus Armco's famous handbook, How
to Get a Job. It answers 50 key questions
you'll need to know. Use it to set yourself
apart, above the crowd.

Nobody really knows how much money regulation
costs. Some say it's up to $40 billion a year. Spread
that cost out over everybody and it comes to almost
$200 a year for every man, woman and child in
America. Companies paying the bill can't use
that money for jobs. A new job, on the aver-
age, now costs a company $45,300 in capital
investment. (Armco's own cost is $57,520.)
At $45,300 per job, regulation last year ate
up the money which could have created
900,000 new jobs.
No sensible American wants to dismantle r
all Government regulation. But we
tiyth 1.A cvtpm ca...nnn ha a.ra..an A

in 25 years.
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traditional rings, come see ArtCarved's outstanding
collection for men and women. Ever since ArtCarved


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