Page 4-Wednesday, November 15, 1978--The Michigan Daily 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIX, No. 60 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 'Theudeportation of Loan Why anti-nukes can't woo labor _ MEMORIES of the Vietnam war are still too vivid for the liking of many Americans. The war caused extreme hardship for many in this country, and for some, the hardship continues today. For this reason, some Americans have voiced objection to Nguyen Ngoc Loan's residence in the U.S. As many will recall, Mr. Loan, a South Vietnamese government official during the war, achieved world renown when a photograph was published showing him executing a Vietcong suspect in the streets of Saigon; the photograph was taken just as Mr. Loan squeezed the trigger of his revolver. He left Vietnam in 1968 after he was wounded. He eventually found his way to the U.S. He settled just outside Washington, D.C. in Springfield, Virginia and now operates a small pizzeria. Although Mr. .Loan has lived in Springfield since the end of the war, it was not until his new life in suburbia was publicized did his neighbors complain. Based on their objection to his residence in this country, the Immigration and Naturalization Service decided that Mr. Loan committed a war crime and should be deported for "moral turpitude." Mr. Loan, however, cannot and should not be judged on the basis of one incident in his military career. He came to national prominence in 1965 when Nguyen Cao Ky was appointed premier of South Vietnam. Lacking a political base, connections, and money, Mr. Ky enlisted the talents of Mr. Loan to help restore order to Saigon after the coup which ousted President Diem. Mr. Loan, a bright, young air force officer at that' time, was appointed director of' the Military Security Service, the Central Intelligence Organization - South Vietnam's CIA and general of the National Police. Never before had one person garnered so much power in that country and he reportedly came to be known as Mr. Ky's "power broker." According to several U.S. military sources, Mr. Loan used his lofty position to orchestrate an intricate system of graft and corruption in South Vietnam. Mr. Loan reportedly oversaw the sale of government jobs by generals, kickbacks and bribes in the Ky administration, thefts of goods and payroll frauds in the military, and South Vietnam's booming opium traffic. Mr. Loan, through his alleged underground dealings, maintained order of some sort in Saigon. He and Mr. Ky were heavily supported by the U.S. government and the CIA because of their proven ability to keep the situation under control. The Immigration and Naturalization Service has held one hearing on the case and is scheduled to hold another. It, appears unlikely that Mr. Loan will actually be deported back to Vietnam, where he would undoubtedly face criminal charges and possible execution. Mr. Loan would probably remain in the U.S., but without the rights afforded to resident aliens, and unable to become a citizen. It is unjust that Mr. Loan, a war criminal, should receive such a lenient penance. But some argue, as they did in the Lieutenant Calley-My Lai case, that it is also unjust to persecute just one unlucky person who was caught. Moreover, they argue that Mr. Loan, just as Mr. Calley, is being used as a scapegoat. - To allow either of these men, however, to escape a just penalty for their actions, would be condoning their morally repugnant actions. Just because one is caught, tried, convicted, and sentenced does not mean the guilt of others is erased. In order for Mr. Loan to receive a fair trial and fitting punishment, he must be tried by a jury of his peers, just as Mr. Calley was. For Mr. Loan, that can only be done in Vietnam. R.L. Marsh is a spokesper- son for the U. S. Labor Party. The anti-nuclear movement has always resembled theater of the absurd (witness the recent Diag "die-in"). Each year they concoct wild scenarios for catastrophe-like they were frustrated writers for Hollywood disaster movies. One year it is "waste disposal." One year it's "nuclear terrorism." Another year: "core meltdown." And so it goes. The latest version of this farce is "Nuclear Power-Destroyer of Jobs." As presented by Harvey Wasserman and the Arbor Alliance recently, this ploy is aimed at wooing the labor movement into supporting the anti-nuclear cause. In the past, such attempts to at- tract support have produced mixed results. The scientific and technical community-i.e. those who know better-has refuted their claims in detail (The han- dful of scientists the anti-nukes cite for evidence-typified by Dr. Mancuso and Dr. Ster- nglass-have produced such shoddy work that they have been repeatedly rebuked by their professional peers). There has been more success in influencing the government, as evidenced by the continual mindless delays in licensing nuclear plants. The public, in general, has been left slightly confused by allathis. We predict that the anti-nukes' courting of organized labor will prove spectacularly unsuc- cessful. At the heart of the issue is the relationship between jobs and energy. Let us look at this in some detail. Most Americans realize the close connection bet- ween energy, economic growth, and employment. This is no mystery: mor is it a mere "statistical" correlation. As a first approximation, one can look at any economy-be it a hunting and gathering society, a modern industrial one, a medieval economy or any you like. There is a certain production of goods and services necessary to maintain the population at some living standard from year to year. The production of these goods and services, in turn, requires a cer- tain amount of work (or, crudely, "jobs"). Whether one speaks of human physical labor, animal power or machinery, there is a given throughput of energy in- volved in this work. It has been one of the accomplishments of human history to concentrate and increase this throughput of energy. Although the Arbor Alliance considers it anathema, the use of machinery and technological im- provements permits a reduction in the labor time that goes into the production of a given item. This savings in labor time allows fdor either increased production of said item-thus making it available to more people-or a sort of "free energy" allowing individuals to work on further improvements, new problems, etc. or a combination of the two. There are several especially dramatic examples of this in history (the invention of agriculture, steam-engine, etc.) but virtually any useful invention illustrates this. The fact that the average American does not live at the economic and cultural level of his or her Stone Age ancestors is due to just this process. During the in- tervening centuries there has been' a succession of im- provements in the productive forces. It is this succession of ad- vances and the subsequent assimilation of these advances by the population that define the crucial concept of labor-power or quality of labor. The replacement of the idea of simple undifferen- tiated "jobs" by the concept labor-power is the key to under- standing political economy. For example, an illiterate peasant would have difficulty finding any' but the most menial work in a modern American industry. A paleolithic "scraper" would be virtually useless in a primitive By R.L. Marsh ". .current high unemploy- ment along with a succession of economic crises has been tak- ing place while national ener- gy use has been at an all-time high and increasing." (emphasis in original) and cites the steel industry as an esample. "In the steel industry, for in- stance, the number of'produc- tion jobs decreased by 20% between 1950 and 1970 while steel output increased by 45%. Similar examples can be found (emphasis in original) Any competent observer knows the problems of unemployment, sluggish sales, "foreign com- petition" etc. that plague steel are attributable to the antiquated state of much of the industry-i.e. a lack of technology. Certainly the steelworkers themselves recognize this. A recent issue of the USWA monthly, Steel Labor In the anti-nukes' government should upside down world, discourage capital investment. This is based on a worm's-eye view that ignores the totality of the economy. agrarian society. Why? In both instances the individual represents severely under- developem labor-power relative to the given society. Or consider an American farmer vs. his foreign counterpart.Both work. Both are farmers. Yet the productivity of the American is far higher. This is no surprise. It reflects, generally, a higher skill level, more education-in short, all those factors that permit the American farmer to understand and utilize advanced agricultural technology. Similar examples abound but the point should be clear: technological innovation allows for those improvements in material and cultural conditions indispensable for developing labor-power. This trend is evident throughout history. It proceeds neither uniformly or smoothly. There are always en- trenched interests, oligarchs, ignorant mobs and assorted other obstacles with which to contend. Enter the Arbor Alliance and Harvey Wasserman. In their view, technology is a menace. It reduces labor input, they argue, and hence creates unem- ployment. Now, on occasion, one hears of a craft union opposing some kind of automation in a defensive rearguard fashion. But it has been a long time since anyone seriously proposed this as social policy. If one reflects on this for a few seconds, the ob- vious correlate is the rejection of all technology. This is, in fact, what the anti-nuclear movement is all about. To find any support for this preposterous idea requires some agility. An Arbor Alliance paper observes that: Today, featured a call for in- creased capital investment and modernization along the model of Japan. Indeed, most Americans of modest intelligence realize that their job or industry does not fun- ctionindependently of the rest of the economy. If things operate properly, technological im- provements in industry help ex- pand the industry's output or promote new industries. It is the business of government to make sure things operate properly. That is, governments must en- courage investment in technological innovation, must promote education, and so forth. In the anti-nukes' upside down world, government should discourage capital investment. This is based on a worm's-eye view that ignores the totality of the economy. Such a view may be appropriate to worms, environ- mentalists, and other simple forms of life, but it is refuted by human historical existence. The most concrete illustration of their eccentric economics is in the nuclear-solar debate. Never mind the silly contentions that nuclear power is unsafe, uneconomical, unreliable, etd.-they have been refuted so many times it is pointless to rehash them with those who will not listen. Consider instead the claim that nuclear power "destroys jobs." This refers to the fact that nuclear plants em- ploy fewer people than alter- native energy sources. Not only is this undeniable, but it is one of nuclear's main attractions. Aside from lower operating costs (that is, if we can check the environ- mentalist obstruction that is in- flating construction costs), and far more important, it means that more energy is provided thus allowing for many new jobs and industries and a far greater ex- pansion in employment than would be otherwise possible. This is more evident if one compares the solar alternative. Its proponents claim that it requires more labor. True enough. This is, in fact, its most damning feature. It requires more labor simply because it is far less efficient than nuclear (or fossil fuel) energy. Clearly, job creation"in- itself" is a meaningless in- dicator. For one could conceive of an even more inefficient energy source (although one hesitates to do so for fear the anti-nukes would instantly embrace it) that would provide even more jobs for the same amount of energy. And then a more inefficient source ... ad infinitum. In the process, one is diverting workers, materials-labor- power-from more advanced and socially necessary occupations into an ever-growing sink of energy production. There are certainly precedents for that kind of waste: the leaf-raking and make-work proposals of the New Deal, the present Humphrey- Hawkins legislation, and perhaps most spectacularly, the Great Pyramids of Egypt:All of these represent waste from the stan- dpoint of productive labor, though even this last x ample would pale next to the ptoposals of Mr. Wasserman, Amory Lovins, and a few others. Anyone can dream up proposals to put people to work. The challenge is to determine social and political policies that promote human progress. Mr. Wasserman's "historical" writings (if I may use the term loosely) have amply demon- strated his contempt for such progress.sHis glorification of various mindless and misdirec- ted revolts (Luddite machine wreckers, enraged Populists etc.) leave no question on that score. He is like the pitiful peasant who shoots his tractor when it breaks down. "Too much technology," he curses. It will be interesting to see the labor movement's response'to the anti-nukes' overtures. In a world where technology is on the skids and energy consumption is reduced, it is axiomatic that there must be a decrease in living standards. The anti-nuclear crowd has tried to skirt this issue in the past, but even Mr. Wasserman admnitted in his recent speech that blue-collar wage reductions would be inevitable (his suggestion for future employment: picking up returnable bottles). This should prove quite popular to American workers. Perhaps Mr. Wasser- man's study of labor revolts will come in handy when he presents such proposals. "The world is 'too big,' 'too complex' " cry Mr. Wasserman and the Arbor Alliance. Too com- plex for them? Considering the track record of their insights into history, nuclear physics, and economics we must wholehear- tedly agree.1 k V r 4 ,.++ ... ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ........... Editorials which appear without a by-hin e represent a con-- sensus opinion of the Daily's editorial board. All oth-r editorials,.: as u'el as cartoons, are the opinions of the individuals who sub- - mit them.! ::::::Y: :::: ". ".. ".. ." AIL......................................................... ......... "... ".... .... ...ii tedly agree. Letters to the Daily To the Daily: When alcohol became legal for persons 18 and over, back in 1972; the incidence of marijuana use by the 18-21 year-olds greatly decreased in the following years. However, now that the legal age for alcohol is 21, this trend will undoubtedly reverse itself. For all of you that voted "yes" on Proposal D; you may have gotten alcohol out of the high schools (and colleges), but you're putting marijuana back into the school. I am afraid that prohibition will not correct these "evils of society." Nice try. -Ron Borkan * * * To the Daily: In reference to the article "Starving in a World of Plenty" (Nov. 10) the author seemed to take the view that starvation in underdeveloped countries is the fault of the affluent nations of the world because we consume more than cmr s hare o~f fnnd anid be to blame? -Greg Ippolito * * * To the Daily: Well-The Daily has done it again. Aspiring toward its "illustrious" goal of New York Times elitism and intellectualism, the Daily has produced a truly misguided and offensive article: R. J. Smith's criticism of the Chuch Mangione concert. Never mind that Mangione's music was positively stimulating and invigorating for the audience. Never mind that the musicianship was impeccable and highly imaginative. Never mind that the group gave an intense two hours and fifty mintues of tightly fused melodic and improvisational music. Never mind that Mengione provided a necessary accessibility for a creative and intelligent form of music. For R. J. Smith disregards the above no Leonard Feather and the drama critics are no Richard Eder, and in any case I wonder whether either of these two critics are admirable when the promulgate that only the purists forms of art are good. Smith demonstrates his limited vision by comparing the "really fine jazz" of Theolonious Monk and Woody Shaw to the "other than good jazz of ' Churck Mangione. Monk is the epitome of hard bop, while Woody Shaw is a prime example of progressive mainstream jazz. Whether Monk's and Shaw's "erudite" forms of jazz are better than Mangione's is open to debate. But in any case the three music forms are definitely not comparable, this is Smith's first problem. Smith is equally pretentious when he states, "it's really. dangerous to think of college audiences as being 'hip' or knowledgeable; . . . quite often pure jazz artist. To criticize him for not being one is unfair. Mangione is an artist who stresses both melodic and improvisational ideas in a context which integrates instrumental jazz, soul, and pop. Smith's flippancy and sarcasm are indicative of his attitude toward the concert. Pointing out .that Mangione has a "dopey grin" on an album cover, or that the motif for Mangione's new music is inspired by "Cisco the Kid," or claiming the theme of ( song is the desire to grow "chili beans" is unnecessary and does not add anything to the review. Surprisingly, an analysis of the individual musicians performances was nowhere to be found in Smith's article. I'd like to believe this is due rather to indifference than ignorance. In any case the playing tvas sensational. In short, the wildly enthusiastic r irMt]Cbtgan :43 a, t*, EDITORIAL STAFF Editors-in-chief Arts Editors OWENGLEIBERMAN MIKE TAYLOR DAVID GOODMAN GREGG KRUPA Managing Editors flTTSTN1F9& STAFFi