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November 15, 1978 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-15

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 15, 1978-Page 3

l pi " A ' MUSEE N 5 6 PCAL-WY
Doc Losh fund established
The University
Astronomy Department
has set up a memorial fund
on behalf of late, much-r.
loved Prof. Hazel "Doc"
Losh. Although it has not
~yet been decided where the
money collected will go,
gifts are now being .
accepted in any amount
from all contributors.
Those interested may send
checks (made out to
"UVniversity of Michigan ~
Doc Losh Fund") to the
University Gift Receiving
Office, 3030 Student'
Activities Building.
Turkey day
Foreign students and Americans with no Thanksgiving plans need
not miss out on the day's festivities thanks to a couple of programs
being run by the International Center. For $8, the Center will bus you
to Zehnder's in Frankenmuth for a chicken dinner (you can't have
everything). Center Program Director Ellen Kolovos says the food
can't be beat. The more, economically minded foreign students can
sign up to share some fowl with a local area family throughout the
center. Kolovos can accommodate up to 30 people in the vans to
Frankenmuth, and still has spaces. Bon appetit.
Fasting for a cause
Two local groups have adopted the age-old tactic of fasting to
dramatize their views on some current social issues. The Arbor
Alliance, an anti-nuclear organization, is sponsoring a dorm fast
tonight, with proceeds going to the group's efforts to publicize the
dangers of nuclear power. According to a spokeswoman, some 700
participants in East Quad, Alice Lloyd, Mosher-Jordan, and various
Inter Cooperative Council houses will skip dinner and give the money
they would have spent on food to the alliance. Tomorrow, the
Committee Concerned With World Hunger is staging a day-long fast
to dramatize the plight of the world's underfed. The group is also
asking participants to donate the cost of their meals to the
organization. For anti-nuclear, anti-hunger types, it promises to be a
long 48 hours.
Take Ten
The Regents, on Nov. 15, 1 68, urianimously approved a resolution
giving tenure to senior staff members of the Institute for Social
Research. The actiorr was intended to improve the recruiting of new
staff members for the institute and to clarify the "faculty
perogatives" open to the senior staff. Also that day, Yale University
announced it would admit undergraduate women the coming fall for
the first time in its history.


That telling Council look

Poring over the voluminous agendas
of City Council meetings gives even the
most ardent city government observer
few clues about the nature of the body's
deliberations or its legislators.
Council members' apparel tells a lot
about their partisan leanings. In fact,
quite often more accurate knowledge,
as to Council happenings, can be gained
by noting when certain members doff
their suit jackets or make that trek to
the coffee urn in apparent anticipation
of intense debates.
image, the seven-member Republican
caucus is readily distinguished by the
consistent wearing of suits - usually
three-piece ensembles - by its mem-
bers. Outgoing Councilman Ronald
Trowbridge (R-Fourth Ward)
sometimes deyiakes from the GOP
crowd and shows up in a sweater. But
then, Trowbridge is a school teacher
whereas the other six Republicans are
Councilman Earl Greene has
provided, an exception on the
Democratic side. Greene's wearing a
suit is at times as unpredictable as the
apparel choices made by the voters in
the ward he represents, the largely
student Second Ward.
However. Greene consistently wore
Volume LXXXIX. No. 60
Wednesday, November 15, 1978
is edited and managed by students at thecUniversity
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
duringhthe University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters);$13 by mail,
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through
Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7,00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.


suits after he announced his bid for the
Second U.S. Congressional District.'
Business suits are often considered to
be an expected trait of candidacies for
higher office.
THE MOST obvious clue to whether a
substantive exchange will take place at
a Council meeting is a quick survey of
who, if anyone is absent. When Mayor
Louis Belcher and Democratic Coun-
cilman Ken Latta (Second Ward) went
to Tuebingen Germany this summer to
visit our sister city, sure bets could
have been made that no dramatic ac-
tion would take place during their ab-
More subtle hints can be detected by
observing the strategic points in the
meeting at which nicotine-driven
members retreat to the council
workroom for a smokey respite. The no
smoking rule in the Council Chamber is
strictly enforced.
The fact that none of the Democrats
Daily Official Bulletin.
Daily Calendar:
Physics/Astronomy: A. Hendel, "The Keeler
Plan," 296 Dennison, 4p.m.
Biological Sciences: Jared Diamond, Dept.
Physiology, UCLA School of Medicine, "Island
Birds: Competition and Dispersal," Lecture rm. 2,
MLB, 4p.m.
Statistics: Paul Sampson, "A Model for the
Statistical Analysis of Shape Using Conic Sections,"
451 Mason Hall, 4 p.m.
Ind./Oper. Eng.: Loren K. Platzman,
"Observation of an Uncertain System Through a
Discrete Channel, 229 W. Eng., 4 p.m.
Music School: Baroque Chamber recital, SM
Recital Hall,8p.m.
Art History: Alexxandra Comini, "Portraiture in
Freud's Vienna: From Facade to Psyche," Aud. D.
Angell, 8 p.m.

are smokers while Belcher and three
members of his caucus are, makes it
easy to assume an item is notpolitically
significant to the Republicans if they
JUST AS a nicotine break is sym-
bolic of insubstantial debate, loading up
on bitter council coffee indicates either
that members are gearing up for a bat-
tle, or that they realize the long-winded
nature of many members will prolong
the discussion to marathon proportions.
Trowbridge occasionally opts for Dr.
Pepper instead.
These norms were altered last week,
when members could not seek refuge in
the work room because it was closed for
election preparation. Belcher tried the
door twice out of habit, and other mem-
bers had to restrain the usual chit chat
and stick to the novelesque agenda.
Around 10:30 or 11 p.m., the suit coats
mysteriously come off, and comments
are a bit more punchy. It is only in this
mood that Belcher speaks, of "clean
sludge" and the partisan exchanges
may take a jovial twist.
By now, those who are watching
council on cable TV have tired of the
mundane deliberations and are spin-
ning the dial for the late news or Johnny


By William Shakespeare
NOV 29 - DEC.3
Power Center
PTP Guest Artist Series
PTP Ticket Office is located in
The Michigan League, 764-0450.
HOURS: 10-l and 2-5 pm.
Tickets also at all Hudson's
Ticket Outlets.

Charles-Dead or Alive
Alain Tanner's first feature film put an almost non-existent Swiss cinema on the
international cine-mop. Charles De, an aging conformist, suddenly drops deep
out of life and emerges a mad-man, at least according to those around him.
Many directors can capture the significance of political thought; this witty,
lucid film shows that Tanner is one of the few who can capture its joy.
FRI: Chaplin in THE GREAT DICTATOR plus 2
clasic Looney Tunes!

n *

f wwi



THE GENERAL (at 7:00)
Based on an actual Civil War adventure, this is considered to be Keaton's
masterpiece. He plays a engineer who fights the Union Army to get back his
beloved stolen train and girl, great chase scene.
THE GOLD RUSH (at 9:05)
The Tramp find bears harmless but nature more difficult to cope with in the
Yukon Country. This is Chaplin's most inventive comedy-with the Feast of
Shoes and Chicken visions.


Both shows-$2.50
One show-$1.50





Cinema Guild-The General 7, The Gold Rush, 9:05, Old Arch Aud.
Cinema II-Charles-Dead or Alive, 7 & 9. Aud. 3 MLB.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Harlan County, USA, ' AND ', Aud. A,
Angell Hall.
Studio Theatre Program-3 Original One Act Plays, 4:10 Arena
Theatre, Frieze Building.
The University of Michigan Philharmonia-Schubert's "Symphony
No. 3 and Stravinsky's "Petrouchka", 8, Hill Auditorium.
Music School-Chamber Music of the French Baroque, 8, Earl V.
Moore Building-North Campus.
PTP-"People are Living Here", 8, Trueblood Theatre, Frieze
Center for AfroAmerican and African Studies-"Richard Wright as
a Marxist Theorist", Dr. Cedric Robinson, 12-1:30, 1017 Angell Hall.
College of Engineering-"Health Aspects of Wastewater Reuse in
Israel," Dr. Hilel Shuval, 3:30, Room 185 Engineering 1-A.
College of Engineering-"Film Condensation of Binary Mixtures",
4, Room 229 West Engineering.
Foreign Language Department-"The Use of Mishnaic Hebrew in
Modern Hebrew", Prof. M. Bar-_asher, 4, 3050 Frieze Building.
School of Business Administration-"Management Today-A
Retailer's View", James Herring, chairman of the board with the
Kroger Co., 4, Hale auditorium, School of Business Administration.
Collectors Club-"Symbolism in Pictures", Rudolf Arnheim, 7:30,
301 N. Main st.
History of Art-"Portraiture in Freud's Vienna; From. Facade to
Psyche", Alessandra Comini, 8, Aud A Angell Hall.
Pilot Program - "Racism and Sexism", Brenda Daniels, 8, Alice
Lloyd Hall.
Committee Concerned with World Hunger - "Controlling
Interests", Mick Taussig, 8, 3001, Henry Vaughn, School of Public
Viewpoint Lectures-"The Effects of the Bakke Case on Affirmative
Action", Ronald Dellums, 8, Rackham Aud.
School of Education-Cross-Campus Transfers in Secondary
Education, 2-4, Whitney Aud., 1309 SIB.
Library Staff Colloquy - Meeting to be held at 7, staff lounge
basement of the graduate Library.
Women in Communication-"Assertiveness Training" - 7, 4202
Michigan Union.
World Hunger Conference-"Controlling Interests", 7, 3001 Vaughn.
Cooperative Extension Service-An information reply on breast
cancer and blood donation, 1, Washtenaw County Service Center
Meeting Room.
Residential College - debate on nuclear power. American Nuclear
Society vs. Arbor alliance. 7:30 p.m., Room 126, East Quad.
Alumni association - Application for scholarships for
undergraduate and graduate women for the 1979-80 academic year are
now available from the office of the Director of Student-Alumni
Services, ground floor Michigan Union Ballroom.
Project Outreach Internship in Adolesence - This full-time field
program for undergraduates is now accepting applications for Winter
1979. Call 764-9179 or stop by 445 Thompson.
On and On
Like years and Olympics, one thing is certain to happen every four

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