SECOND DEATH CONFIRMED: 34 Legionnaires' casessuspected CITY INSPECTORS and officials of the Atlanta-based Center for Disease Control were pressing the search for more cases, Bogner said. Businessmen said air-conditioning systems and water supplies were being checked for evidence of bacteria that causes the disease. Legionnaires' disease is often mistaken for pneumonia, doctors say. It is characterized by muscular aches, diarrhea, chest pains and high fever. Koch noted that 40 to 60 people die each week in the city from pneumonia. He cautioned that many suspected vic- tims of Legionnaires' disease may ac- tually have pneumonia. The disease first struck and got its name in 1976, when 29 people who at- tended an American Legion convention in Philadelphia died and scores fell ill. About 10 to 15 per cent of its victims die. There had been only one confirmed death due to Legionnaires' disease in the city prior to the current outbreak. Students fight meal consolidation (Continued from Page 1) residential spaces. The dining facility would be on the side of Mosher-Jordan which faces Palmer field and would occupy about 28,500 square feet of land. ALTHOUGH HOUSING officials are expecting the request to be honored and have listed a target date of fall 1981, they have also said consolidation will occur with or without the HUD grant. If the grant does not come through, the cost of consolidation-expected to top $3 million-will be passed on to studen- ts. At a meeting in a Markley room yesterday afternoon, members of SUDS voiced numerous reasons for their op- position to a consolidated food service. One of their major concerns is the loss of "aihealty sense of dorm unity and identity." With over 2,000 students from four dorms eating at one facility, SUDS members fear residents who are already exposed to the general deper- sonalization of living-in dorms will be further deprived of the feeling of "present community" found in dorm life. "I LIKE EATING in my dorm in Mosher-Jordan," said resident advisor Warren Thornthwaite. "It's like home. Eating in another place like Markley. . . it's a lot more impersonal, it feels a lot more like a process," he said. Others spoke of the harm con- solidation would do to the strength of the Pilot Progam at Alice Lloyd, a program which strives for a feeling of unity. "If they have to shove them together with 2,000 other people at meals, that destroys all sense of com- munity," Aronson said. Members of SUDS also have ad- dressed the problems that walking to a consolidated food service would cause in terms of wasted time, increased susceptibility to crime, and the loss of student kitchen jobs. Increased , energy conservation, another stated goal of the Housing Of- fice, is an area where student money should increasingly directed, say members of SUDS. "It seems a silly waste that people here have to leave their windows open in the winter because of the heat," explained one SUDS member. SUDS plans to give a presentation at the next Regents' meeting, asking them to reconsider their approval of the Housing Office's plans. "It's like they (housing officials) are not listening to the building directors, the task force, or us either," com- plained Thornthwaite. "They are saying, 'Well, in the long run you're going to thank us for it. " Pathologists: No conspiracy in JFK death (continued from Page 5) The expert testimony disputes theories that some shots came from the side of the presidential motorcade or in front of Kennedy, particularly from the grassy knoll to his right. It supports the commission's con- clusion that Oswald killed Kennedy alone, firing three shots-one of which missed-from a sixth-floor window behind Kennedy. Baden, raising a new controversy, said all nine experts agree the second bullet entered Kennedy's scalp four in- ches higher than reported by a trio of doctors who conducted the original autopsy. IT'S if you see it happening, call the it at 764- 0552 'Animal House' 1.~m : The utimate sun U (Continued from Page 8) holiday from reality in the United States which started during the post- War period, and went all through the fifties. Everyone was thinking affluen- ce, no one was thinking oil boycott. It just looked like there was going to be a bigger, shinier carcoming out every year, and that was no war to go away and fight, and we, as middle class kids going off to college, were able to have a very uncomplicated kind of fun, without guilt, without, 'Gee, I really ought to be out there marching,' or 'I really ought to be out there saving whales,' or something like that. Who thought about whales, you know? There were no whales." If the racial and sexual undercurren- ts of Miller's Lampoon writings oc- casionally surface in Animal House, they never supercede the movie's self- consciously nostalgic attitude about a particular sort of fun. Miller and his writing cohorts "wanted to show this in its pure form, this kind of lifestyle: a place, a time, and a set of characters, rimer camp before the inference of political con- sciousness." YET WHAT OF those years at the Lampoon, where the outward displaying of prejudices seemed the or- der of the day? "I doubt if anything's ever been in the Lampoon that isn't in everybody's unconscious somewhere," claims Miller. "The collective racists American unconscious, the collective sexist American unconscious-the point is to make such fun of these things that they can't stand. You can kill a thing with humor." One example of outright comedic murder was "All In De Fambly," an outrageous parody of "All In the Family" that was simultaneously a parody of white racism. According to Miller, blacks would read something' like "All In De Fambly" and "think it's real funny, because it's not about black people, it's about white people. And when I do a thing that seems sexist, it's really a piece about men." True, but I doubt the John Birch Society will be convinced. Mal IMAGES Of .J HA1Q 'n'COMPAN Our Services Include: 0 Nail Sculpturing & Mani- Do you travel or wait to go home to have your hair done? Have you put your trust in a local beauty salon? Do you receive free beauty & hair consultations? 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