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November 12, 1978 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-12

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Page 10-Sunday, November 12, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Enough warmup -now the season begin
(Continued from Page 1)

sat out most of the second half but still
added 44 yards rushing to 131 in the air,
played almost a mistake-free game.
Even the fumble was inconsequential
because on the next play, Michigan line
backer Andy Cannavino intercepted
Wildcat quarterback Kevin Strasser
and returned the ball to the
Northwestern eleven. The Wolverines
scored from there in two plays.
significant edge in one department. The
Wildcats outpunted Michigan 9-0.
Leach's fumble ended one Michigan

drive. Another time the Wolverines
chose to run out the clock when they got
the ball at their own twenty with less
than a minute left in the first half.
The Wildcat defense finally had its
moment in the fourth quarter when
they forced B.J. Diekey to throw a
fourth down incomplete from the
Northwestern side. But the play came
after Dickey had moved the Wolverines
on an immense drive that covered 75
yards in 18 plays and wasted eight
"Michigan is capable of tearing you

apart," said Northwestern's rookie
coach Rick Venturi. "They move the
ball so well, with so many good backs,
just one after another.
"We thought we could contain them
better, but we weren't able to."
back twice in the first half to make
things somewhat interesting. A fake
punt and a thirty-yard pass
interference call contributed mightily
to an 80-yard drive that made the score
14-7. But there was nothing tainted
about the Wildcat's other TD. Strasser

Bring on the Boilers, Buci

First downs..........
Rushing (att/yds) ..
Passing (att/comp/int)
Total offense........
Punts (no./avg) .......
Fumbles (no./lost) ....
Penalties (no./yds) ....




21 10 14 -59
0 0 0-14

threw nine passes and ran the ball once
on that second quarter march which
covered 70 yards and tightened the
count to 28-14.
"We played as good as we could in the
first half," said Venturi. "I think
Strasser had a hell of a game:"
But yesterday was the fourth time
this season Venturi watched as an
opponent rolled up over fifty points on
his hapless, injury-plagued defense.
And, according to Schembechler, it's
the defense that wins the big ones for
you. Like Purdue'and Ohio State.
"OUR SUCCESS or failure in these
next two games will be based on our
defense," Bo insisted. "We have an
offense that will score some points, but
it all boils down to the defense giving
them a chance."
Schembechler just kept stressing
defense, noting that Purdue is much
improved in that department.
Clayton, who was on the receiving
end of five Leach completions, knows
that already. "Next week will be a lot.
tighter than today. They just kept
giving me the holes."
Harlan Huckleby came off a two-
game layoff with 138 yards. Those
things won't be that easy against the
"We feel good about winning today,"
said Huckleby, "but we'll feel a lot
better if we win next week."


Scoring Plays

1st-M-Leach, I yd.run (Willner kick), 9:36
M-Clayton, 9 yd. pass from Leach (Willner
kick) 3:01
2nd-NU-Bogan, 2 yd. pass from Strasser (Poulos
kick) 14:57
M-Clayton, 41 yd. pass from Leach (Willner
kick) 13:22
M-Leach,.12yd. run (Willner kick) 13:22
NU-Cammon, 1 yd. run (Poulus kick) 5:21
M-Huckleby, 2 yd. run (Willner kick) 1:32
3rd-M-Leach, 5 yd. run (Winer kick) 10:46
M-Willner, 24 yd. field goal. 3:55
4th-M-Dickey, 40 yd. run (Willner kick) 14:51
M-Woolfolk, l yd. run (Willner kick), 10:51

Davis ......... .............
Huckheby... ...............
Leach .......................
Sm ith ...........................
Jackson ........................
Clayton ........................:
Reid ........................
Dickey ......... ............
W oolfolk ........................ 1
T'. Leoni ........,...............
Cammons ..................
Strasser .........................
Bogan .......................
Schmitt ....................

13 80 6.2
23 1,38 6.0
7 44 6.4
15 84 5.6
2 1 0.5
1 7 7.0
6 23 3.8
4 47 11.7
10 62 ' 6.2
1 0 0.0

Leach.................... 6 6
Dickey .................... S 2
Strasser.................34 16
Christensen................ I I
Clayton .. .........................
Marsh .............................
Feaster .........................
Jackson. ........ ........
Bahoric. .......................
Ca mmon ..........................
B. Schmitt ......................
Hemphill ..............................
Bogan .................................
T iberi ... ..........................

0 131
0 25



5 122
1 9
1 13
1 12






- Presing #the Issue
Bowl talk.
scouts eyeBlue
A LOT WAS accomplished on the football field at Dyche Stadium
yesterday where Michigan rolled at will over Northwestern. But a
lot more was accomplished up in the press box.
That is where three men from bowl selection committees sat on a
miserable day in Evanston. These men, from the Sun, Gator and Liberty
Bowls were at the game to scout the Wolverines as a possible entry for post-
season action.
Tom Foster came up from El Paso, home of the Sun Bowl, for his first
look at Michigan. Foster, decked out in a ten gallon hat and a thick southern
accent, exuded all the charm and friendliness associated with Southern
"Our bowl has the reputation of being the most fun bowl. We get the
players involved in activities, we take them just across the river in Mexico
and whatever else they want to do. It's more than just a game, it's a car-
nival," Foster said.
The easy going Texan also explained that Michigan was just one of
many teams his committee was considering. "We're looking for a good foot-
bal'name with a tradition, preferably in a heavily populated area. The TV
people like that," said Foster.
The Sun Bowl would sound like a good deal for Michigan if the
Wolverines do not make it to the Rose Bowl. It is coincidental that Johnny
Orr's basketball team will be playing in the Sun Carnival tournament just
five days after the football game on December 23.
"I told them 'You both might as well come down and stay a week',"
Foster joked.
Michigan athletic director Don Canham nixed the idea though. "That
would have nothing to do with our decision. Our decision is made by the foot-
ball coaches," said Canham.
The Sun Bowl people were not the only ones waiting to see the outcome of
yesterday's action around the country. "You can play all kinds of games
right now," said Jim Ade of the Gator Bowl. "It's so crazy (to look too far
ahead); there are so many ifs involved. It's impossible to say, but after
today you're going to know a lot more than you know now."
Ade made it clear that his committee wants to bring football to Jackson-
ville that the local population doesn't usually get to see. "We've never had a
Big Ten tea~n before in our bowl. This is really the first chance we've ever
had 'of getting one since the Big Ten runner-ups have gone to the bigger
bowls the last three years."
According to Ade a glittering record is not a prerequisite for a berth in
the Gator Bowl. "A lot of teams make exciting bowl teams without outstan-
ding records and a lot of teams aren't good bowl teams even with outstan-
ding records," he said. "You're tryin to put together the best football game
you possibly can," Ade added, sounding like his El Paso counterpart.
The final representative was from the Liberty Bowl-Tim Treadwell by
name. Like Foster and Ade, Treadwell made the journey north as a volun-
teer. Foster is a banker, Ade a lawyer, and Treadwell the chairman of the
board of Cooke-Tredweli, "the 13th largest brokerage firm in the world," he
said proudly.
The similarity does not end at being men with a mission. Treadwell also
talks exactly like Foster and Ade. "We can never rest on our laurels,"
Treadwell said referring to the increased interest in bowls like the Liberty.
"You've got to outdo last year. We've had USC and Texas A&M when they
were number two in the country. We've had UCLA and Alabama before. We
want a national event, we want the best game."
Treadwell didn't even discount the possibility of a Michigan-USC game
in Memphis. "We don't want them not to go to the Rose Bowl but we'd love to
have them."
Of course, the final decision rests with Canham and Bo Schembechler.
Canham also wanted it understood that the choice of opponent will dictate
the bowl invitation Michigan accepts, notthe money involved since all bowl
money is split up by the Big Ten.
"We make more at Northwestern (guaranteed $100,000) than we would
at any other bowl except the Rose," said Canham.

Squeeze play
Northwestern split end Dave
Bahoric feels the crunch of Wolverine
defensive backs Mark Bramen, left, b
and Michale Harden, right, as he tries
to catch a first quarter pass from Kevin
Strasser in yesterday's 59-14 romp over
the Wildcats. The victory raisedK
Michigan's record to 8-1 (5-1 in Big Ten
action) while the Wildcats fell to 0-9-1
(0-7-1 in conference action). Michigan
is right in the middle of the closest Big
Ten title race in years with four in the
running. Purdue's 24-24 tie with
Wisconsin yesterday greatly improvedT
Ohio State's chances because if
Michigan beats Purdue next week the
Michigan-Ohio State game will decide
the Rose Bowl entry. Before the tie,
OSU had little hope of going west
because the Boilermakers crushed the
Bucks earliers this year. Michigan
State's title hopes still shine bright as
they need just two more victories over
Northwestern and Iowa to guarantee a
share of the crown.
AP Photo

More than a mismatch

Wisconsin rebounds,
blitzes 9-4

Special toThe Daily
The 'M' Men celebrated Michigan's
scores yesterday with a total of 303
back flips off the wall in front of the
Michigan fans. That's 271/2 flips per 'M'
man. They worked as hard as anyone.
The Michigan fans, providing for
Northwestern's largest crowd of the
year (27,013), seemed subdued from the
start. They, too, worked hard, at
keeping the chilly lake wind from
blowing them out of the open-ended
stadium before the game's conslusion.
STOPTHINK, Color-by-numbers:
Michigan scored 59 points. Michigan
total 626 yards. Michigan had 37 first
downs. Michigan ran 93 plays, none of
which were punts.
Northwestern 14. Northwestern 197.
Northwestern 12. Northwestern 61,
What are the implications of such an
afternoon on society?
expected the Schembechlarian
inquisition. Northwestern's worst
stand. Forget the Wildcats.
Like cossacks, the Wolverines sweep
down upon some city, like Evanston, do
a little pillaging job on the hometown
warriors, then ride off into the night on
their bus.
Perhaps the Christians didn't have
quite the Northwestern passing attack,
but the lions didn't have a second string
as capable as Michigan's.
TIED UP: Of course, it was the Wild-
cats, not the Michigan fans that were
haaf hl __ ^24n a r^h + itir

Of course, they huddled together af-
ter each Michigan surge. Perhaps they
huddled to encourage one another or
replace worn strategy. But maybe too,
it was for a head count, to make sure no
one had left.
UNDERWEAR: Though he didn't
play all that much, Leach was at his
finest. He fumbled once, but otherwise
he was Heisman Rick - six of six
passing, over six yards on each run,
some dandy pitches and almost as
many records as Stevie Wonder.
Leach was great and his team was
ahead 42-14 when he left the game,but
perspective is a game too. North-
western Coach Rick Venturi had this to
say: "Leach did a good job" but "(NU
QB Kevin) Strasser had a helluva
game." Strasser played the whole way.
NEW MAN: In the movie -Cool Hand
Luke, the hero, Luke, fights-a much
bigger man. The big guy hits town and
generally beats up on him, until Luke
gets up by instinct alone.
The big guy finally can hit this hero
no more, so he walks, disgusted with
victory, away.
bechler and Venturi seemed pleased af-
ter the game. Both smiled. Both praised
his players. Did both see the same

SAY??: Venturi expected nothing, but
he got 14. Something for nothing made
him happy. "I didn't care what the
score was, I was going to throw it up,"
he said.
What could Bo say? Possibles: A
great tuneup for Purdue. We never
thought that would happen. We are in-
credibly great. But Bo meet reality, he
said: This didn't mean much.
And Bo said: "I wanted to rush the
ball today. In the second half, I didn't
see much purpose in throwing the ball."
What was the purpose of the second
LITTLE IMPROV: Northwestern ac-
tually moved the ball 80 and 70 yards
respectively for its scores.
Mike Jolly, Michigan defensive back:
"I didn't feel we played with as much
intensity in the first half as'we should
have. Our goal is to improve each
game. I'm not so sure we improved this
"Our success or failure the next two
weeks," said Schembechler, "depends
on our defense." It all rests on their
shoulder pads. "The offense is where
we want them," he said.
HA HA: It looked like a laugher, like
a Tums in the acid sea of the Big Ten
race. But losing like that, and winning
like that, is never easy. Ask the 'M' men.

Special tonThe Daily
MADISON - The Mark Johnson
show came' to town last night and all
in attendance witnessed a dazzling
exhibition. And what is the Mark
Johnson Show? It is the total
domination of one hockey player
over another team and it occurred
before 8,662 witnesses at Dane Coun-
ty Coliseum as Wisconsin trounced
Michigan 9-4.
Up by a 3-2 score in the second
period, the Badgers' Johnson tipped
in a rebound of defenseman Theran
Welsh's slap shot from the blue line
to increase Wisconsin's lead to 4-2
MICHIGAN Captain Mark Miller,
imperturbable as usual, unleashed a
rising shot at the blue line which Roy
Schultz never had a chance on. It
was a power play goal.
Just 68 seconds after Miller's.
tally, Johnson did it again.
The all-American drove down the
left side of the ice and flipped a back-
hand by Sutton for his hat trick.
Johnson waited almost a minute
and a half to add to his point total.
This time, he passed the puck from
behind the net to Les Grauer, who

rifled one from the blue line. The
puck bounced off the goal post and
Speer rapped it in for his first of two.
The score became 8-4 in the third
period and just in case Michigan
hoped for a comeback, the om-
nipresent Johnson put those
thoughts to rest. After a Grauer shot
off of Sutton, Johnson snapped a
wrist shot into the net for his eleven-
th goal this season. In between,
Suter had scored from an almost
impossible angle for a 7-3 Wisconsin
lead. ,Less than a minute later,
Badger right win Ron Vincent added
to Sutton's embarrassment with a
goal from the top of the circle.
For the Wolverines (4-4, 2-4 in
WCHA(, Billy Wheeler nudged his
second goal of the campaign by lif-
ting a rebound of a John Olver shot
over Schultz.
Michigan made it two nights in a
row of scoring in the first minute as
Gordie Hampson again collected the
honor. Junior rightwing Doug Todd,
off of a pass from Tim Manning,
walked in and shot on Badger net-
minder Schultz. There was a scram-
ble in front to the loose puck and
Hampson tapped it in.

Just a minute and eight seconds
later, freshman sensation Murray
Eaves pushed the Wolverines ahead
by two when his shot from the right
circle eluded freshman goalie
With Paul Blandrap off for inter-
ference, relentless Wisconsin pulled
to within one as Johnson took con-
trol. He gathered in the puck behind
the net, off a Suter blue line whistler
and deftly slid it across to freshman
Speer who nudged it behind
Michigan goalie Sutton.
4:a t ,r .? . :, ""tF.:#i 2 :
For lots more sports -
see Pages 8 and 9
A mere 45 seconds later, Johnson
picked up a loose puck off Sutton's
pass and slapped it past the
bewildered Wolverine netminder.
Speer had flicked a shot in on Sutton
who didn't really control the puck
and Johnson capitalized.
Not to be outdone by his older
brother, freshman Pete Johnson got
into the scoring act just two minutes
after his brother's tying goal. He
took a pass from Ian Perrin, deked
around a Michigan forward at thA


Badger barrage

First Periodt
SCORING-1. M-Hampson (Todd, Manning) :54,
2. M-Eaves (Lundberg) 2:02, 3. W-Speer (M. John-
son, Suter) 12:02,4. W-M. Johnson (Perrin) 14:47.

Third Period
SCORING-12-M-Wheeler (Olver. Eaves) :26,
13-W-M. Johnson (Grauer) 8:59.

Big Ten

Missouri 48, Kansas 0

Toledo 35, N. Illinois 16

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