iage 10-Satu.rdray, November 11, 1978-The Mich igan Daily ...n 24 t "4. ~Tr C Ii-.- SAN% POOL [ sfc views, Y5 jI UV w i. t, Ic I I I. A I S. i D ki I Av. Ris1 iodicote cc~ tlon &tgfnt "' CALL 764-0557 'N GARDENS-22 ,a fr ." , N\. I * [qWWILVARRINGTON1\ Aseeks Jr is assisTin diversified «rAD5 b'n fljur in S>dnisn, d-2 Social Sri. 'i Co &,oa~ 8 al vn~mv 9 7~GENCY N SECY-FEE f Ce tr~ )OKKEEP ~LDG ?(gist. MOOt tPe 1:30.W ~260 - tw 1')Wl l- M P - s Bldg i ireble 1 I. 1 *UIf O 49 Lex A M7 ;eiI - MALE CAT LOST-Packard/Division. Black and white tiger with white underside. 663-7257. Reward. 39A1115 DOG LOST Nov. 9th in football stadium area. Female Irish Setter, black collar, silver studs, Ver- mont tags. Answers to Molly. Reward offered. 994- 088evenings. 34A1117 FOUND-A camera 11/8/78. Call Nancy, 995-3790. dA1112 RQUND-Camera. Call Medlin, 761-1070 to claim. dA1112 LOST DOG-Small shepard with flop ears. Black back, brown face, black eyeliner. Female. Disap- pered 10/26. Missed terribly. Substantial reward for information leading to return. Call 662-1867 or 663- 0668. 66A1111 GIANT MOVING SALE-Art supplies, clothing, furniture, kitchen stuff; valuable Noretake china, collector's item; plants. Sat.-Sun. , 105; Tues. 10-5. - 'FEMALE IUMMATE WANTED to share 3 bdrm. house with fireplace, 2 baths, double garage, on wooded fenced-in lot. Avail. Dec. 16. $155 plus Utilities. Call 973-2586.. dC 3-BEDROOM APARTMENT available Jan.-May. Excellent location. Absolutely beautiful for 3-4 people. Call anytime, 995-0549. 06C1116 ONE FEMALE SPACE in a two bedroom, 4 girl apartment. Close to campus, across from Pizza Bob's. Rent $92.50/month, avail. mid-Dec. 665-5947. 15C1112 SPACIOUS two-bedroom apartment in house avail- able January 1st through August 31. Two minutes from campus in quiet neighborhood. Call 995-4540 persistently. dC1112 FURNISHED ROOM in 3 bedroom townhouse. Avail- able now. $99/month. Call 995-4384 after 5 p.m. 84C1114 WOMEN TO SHARE two bedroom apartment with one other. $173/month. Available now. 665-3994. 95C1115 TWO SPACES. Co-op House. Winter term. $150/ month-. -(Room/board/utilities/laundry). Near campus, friendly atmosphere. Call Lauren or Jon- athan, 761-1237. 761-1238 or leave message. 05C1112 AVAILABLE-One large bedroom in modern furnished two-bedroom apartment. Walking distance to campus. Parking facilities available. Female desired. 1028 Fuller. $185/month, utilities included. Call Cindy at 662-0192. dCtc HOUSEMATE DESIRED-Next to campus. Cooper- ative cooking._$100-125/month. Call 668-8343. 61C 1114 FURNISHED ROOM on campus in clean, quiet house. $105.662-5552. 08C1114 AVAILABLE-LARGE ROOM for male. 165 includ- ig utilities, on campus, no cooking. 663-3886. 74C1114 LARGE 2-BDRM. furnished apt. located across from U-M stadium. Available Oct. 16. $378/mo. includes heat, water, free parking and balcony. Near campus bus stop. Call 994-3955. San Souci AFTER THE FALL APPLE JUICE $2.69/gal. KERRYTOWN PANTRY, 407 N. Fifth Ave. cFtc EXOTIC CRAFTS, jewelry and other treasures for your holiday gift giving-at the EXHIBIT MUSEUM GIFT SHOP, Geddes & N. Univ. (the one with the two black lions in front). Hours Mon.-Fri. 10-4:30. Sat. 10-5, Sun. 1-5. 40F1112 PERSONALLY,- I wouldn't read the personals every day if someone who owed me-a personal wouldn't make it seem like a personal affront that he/she/it hasn't re- sponded. Guilty party knows who he/she/it is. dF1112 DELECTABLE DELIS 6-7 p.m. Sundays at Hillel, 1429 Hill. $1.50Sandwich/side. \cF1112 MO-_ Have a gooey day. Kiss Crin on the lips, you'll feel better. Hope you had a ball at the hospital (er, sorry). Love,_Ruddy. dF1112 7:30 P.M.. MONDAY, November 13th, Professor Yigal Shiloh of Hebrew University, head of a new archeological dig in David City, site of the original Jerusalem, will speak on "Excavating the City of David" at Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill St. cF1112 MELAVE MALKAH (A Farewell to the Shabbos Queen) Special Feature: Rabbi Mendel Futerfas, noted Russian Jewish activist who sat in prison 8 years and was separated from his family for 10 years for his underground work. Speaks on Survival of Judaism in Russia Sat., Nov. 11, 8 p.m. Chabad House, 715 Hill St. 99-L-E-A-R-N, 769-3078. cF111 JEWISH STUDENTS in the Hill dorm, there will be a wine and cheese party with folk-singer Ricky Gondelman Sunday, Nov. 12, 4:30-6 p.m. in the Con- course lounge at Markley. Sponsored by Hill Jewish Student Activities Office. cFI11 UNITED JEWISH Student Appeal-organizational meeting Sunday, Nov. 12, 5:30 p.m. at Hillel, 1429 Hill St. cF1l12 JEWISH GRAD STUDENTS and Singles-There will be a grad brunch at Hillel, 1429 Hill St. Sunday, Nov. 12 at 11 a.m. Guest speaker, Allan Alter, "Anti-Semetism in Soviet Press & Media." cF1111 PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY - The Personal Growth Center, 403 Miller, 971-0102. cFtc THE UNITED STATES Marine Corps Officer Selection Team will be in Ann Arbor every Monday and Tuesday to conduct interviews for the Platoon Leaders CLASS (PLC) OFFICER CANDIDATE PROGRAMS. University of Michigan Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors may apply now for guaranteed employment upon graduation. For more information call toll free 800-292-5920. 87F1203 CONSERVATORY RESTAURANT at Second Chance, 516 East Liberty, open for breakfast 7 a.m.-10:30 a.m., Monday through Friday. cF1115 JEALOUSY IN MULTIPLE RELATIONSHIPS WORKSHOP for couples, individuals. Weekend Nov. 10-12. $25 registration plus sliding scale. Bob, Margaret Blood, 769-0046. cFl111 RESEARCH SUBJECTS-Women, not mothers, ages 23-30 for study of women's identity in relation- ships with men. $20/:3 interviews. Call 8-5 weekdays 764-9182/7-10,665-4374. 98F1112 CREATIVE ABSURDITY TO GO We deliver warmth, love, and comic relief for any occasion. 663-1245 before noon, cFtc MAKE LOVE!-NOT WAR (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings cFtc UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES Words 1 2 3 4 5 add. 0-14 1.70 3.40 4.60 5.80 7.00 1.00 15-21 2.55 5.10 6.90 8.70 10.50 1.50 22-28 3.40 6.80 9.20 11 .60 14.00 2.00 29-35 4.25 8.50 11.50 14.50 17.50 2.50 36-42 5.10 - 10.20 13.80 17.40 21.00 3.00 43-49 6.80 11.90 16.10 20.30 24.50 3.50 DAILY LINE CONTRACT Number of Weeks Number of Weeks line/week 13 26 39 inches/week 13 26 39 12 .34 .31 .27 6 2.10 1,90 1.65 18 .33 30 .26 9 2.05 1.85 1.60 24 . .31 .28 .24 1, 2.00 1.80 1.55 30 .30 .27 .23 15 1.95 1.75 1.50 36 '.28 .25 .21 18 1.90 1.70 1.45 42 .27 .26 .20 over 18 1.80 1.65. 1.40 48 .26 .24 .18 54 .24 .23 .17 60 .23 .22 .16 N.B.: Each group of characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) 8 lines equals 1 inch 7 words per line TYPING/BINDING >7days 211S. STATE STREET ATTRACTIVE LADIES for escort. between 10a m. and 12n.m. 662-3969 GIBSON RD GUITARS in stock. Road Fender cJtc Yamaha and Martin brand names included in ou4 Call 668-9755 fine selection. Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Main 30J1202 cMtq SELMER BASS ClARINET and Armstrong Silve1 piccolo, both mint. 483-0154. 16X111: - Dissertations . Theses/Term papers * Business/Letters/Resumes *-Legal Judie Birdsall 665-9843 612 S. Forest Suite B cJtc PROFESSIONAL TYPING THE WORDPROCESSORS. We handle dissertations, manuscripts, resumes, legal and term papers. Rackham quality guaranteed. Also copying, printing and binding. 12025. UNIVERSITY 662-6401 2 OR 3 BEDROOM APT. needed in Dec. Nancy. 662-5167; Roxie,665-0416. 29L1116 FEMALE STUDENT, 25, wants own room starting Jan. 1. Amy, 996-0435, after 5:30. 99L1115 1971 MGB-Mechanically. perfect, good body, new top and clutch. 994-0425. 12Nf117 '74 PINTO Squire Wagaon. Air/Cond., Aut'o,' L.Rack, Rear Defog., Michelin Radials, AM/FM. $1350 Call 663-1901. 994-3140. dN111 '67 PONTIAC GP-Power, very clean, $175. 668- 7470 or 665-0724. 65N 1114 74 Capri-red with black vinyl top, 2800cc, V-6, 4. o floor, defog, delux interior. Must sell. $1850 or best offer. 971-2084. 55N111 HONDA CIVIC '73. new tires, automatic, 30 mpg. $1850. Call 973-2220. 75N1112 '74 CHEVY CAPRICE CLASSIC 2-dr. hardtop. New brakes and transmission. Good transportation. Call 483-5973 eves, before 11. dN COIES: 3422 each, overnight. Lowest Prices! Fastest Service! Accu-Copy, 524 E. William 769-8338 OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217 S.University cFtc CASHIER SALES Part time, apply in person at Harry's Army Sur- plus, 201 E. Washington. 10H1116 16 MEALS A WEEK for light kitchen clean-up work. Central campus. 994-6520. 07H111 COOK WANTED lunch, dinners. Small group, new kitchen, 5 days/week, $120. 761-5960. 40H112 CPR COURSES ON CAMPUS-Mortar Board is offering Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation courses beginning November 12 and running through Decem- ber 7. Three 3-hour classes lead to Red Cross certification. Details and official sign-up at M.S.A. offices-3909 Michigan Union, through November 11. '02M1111 LAKES SUSTERKA INC. HAYRIDES, HALL RENTALS, WINTER PARTIES. 483-0629. CALL PERSISTENTLY. 13M3117 DECEMBER GRADS To participate in commencement ceremonies you must wear cap and gown, available only at Univ. Cellar; info desk, basement, Mich. Union. Order now. Avoid late order fee after Nov. 15. CM1115 Cashier/bookkeeper-evenings and weekends. cFtc Experience preferred. Apply in person 10-4 Monday- Friday. Fred Sklaar International, Briarwood Mall. 49H 1116 USED SLINGERLAND 5 piece drum set. Call Dor at 761-9431. pcXt( USED GEMEINHARD)T FLUTE, closed hole. Cal Larry, 761-9431. pcXt( FOR SALE-Guild 12 string guitar with case Excellent condition. 665-5850., price negotiable 09XI1L FOR SALE: BUFFET, E flat Alto Clarinet EXCELLENT condition, overhauled in December 1977. Good Price! Contact Chris at 434-6384. dXtc BLACK GRINNELL Spipet Piano. Great for fun Includes bench. 323 S. M'ain, Ann Arbor. c.Xtl T ICK ETS WANTED-5 PURDUE Tickets, together if pos sible.995-9508. 38Q111: WANTED-Six tickets together--Purdue. Price neogitable. Call 663-8344. 28Q111; AIRLINE TICKET Round Trip Det-NYC, $98, American Airlines. Wed., Nov. 22 dep. Detroit p.m.---Sun., Nov. 26 dep. NYC 8 pin. Call,995-' 5425. 14Q1111 TICKETS FOR SALE Two pair Chicago tickets, Sec. 26, Blue tier. gea sonable price. Call Jeff after 6 p.m.. 665-6028 dQllU NEED 6 PURDUE TICKETS-Preferably to gether. 683-2560 anytime. 00Q111 SEVERAL PAIR of Bob Seger tickets for sale Call 764-5685 or 764-5686. 90QI111 WANTED - Full time C-5 level secretary for Museum of Art for four months. Job may revert to permanent 50% appointment. Very good typing needed; knowledge of University procedures and good public manner needed. Please call 764-0395 Start December 1. 1978. .35H 1116 PART-TIME ACCOUNTANT RECEPTIONIST for newly-opening Ann Arbor branch of a major U.S. fraternity and sorority accounting, management, and alumni relations firm located on S. University. Job may expand to full-time shortly. A great oppor- turnity. Must be personable and able to run office with little supervision. 995-0560 weekday evenings. 33H1117 ROOM SERVICE. Webers Inn. Apply 3050 Jackson Rd. 769-2500. 21H 1122 CHARISMA SALON looking for exceptional mature person to handle desk and salon control. Must enjoy working with people and be able to handle responsibility. Call 995-0804. 25111117 BAND OR DISC JOCKEY needed for formal dance, December 2nd at Helen Newberry. Call 764-7892. 11-1 or after 5p.m. 18111117 SECURITY GUARDS Full-time, part-time, 11:30 p.m.-7:30 a.m., CAMPUS ASSIGNMENTS. State Security Services 1000 Cornwell Place Ann Arbor, 668-0444 17H1119 PERSONS NEEDED for photographer working on portfolio. Payment dependent on previous modeling experience. For further information and appoint- ment please call662-1479. 72H1119 PART TIME SALES help wanted thru Dec., pos- sibly longer. $3/hour. Apply First Down Shop, 203 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. 43H1111 MORNING BARTENDER at Second Chance Res- taurant, 516 E. Liberty. Experience not necessary. Male or female. Apply in person to John Rogers, 7a.m-noon. M-F. cHmll2 EXPLORE THE EARTH Trek The High Himalayas JOURNEYS 995-4658 WANTED-2 Purdue tickets. Price negptiable cPtc Call994-0521. 93Q111 DRIVING to Providence or Boston area? I'll pay gas for anyone willing to take me and my U-Haul after Dec. 12. Call Monica, 663-5909. 03P1116 NEED COPIES? JAN ITOR --Part-time. 995-3276/769-3078. pclltc (;OED FRATEKNITY is looKing ior a new female member to move in with a roommate. Great food apd great people. A fun living experience. Inex- pensive-only $200 per month. Call Cherie, 995- 2$15. dE1112 TWO FEMALE SPACES available in N. Campus eb-ops. Includes great meals, laundry and utilities. $160 monthly. Call Carol P. or Carol H. 663-6260. p87E1116 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe SUN 11 electric amplifier. Albares accoustical guitar, electric microphone. Call 662-4688. 11111111 KITCHEN WORKERS needed. Part or full time. Apply in person at Dooleys, 310 Maynard. 38111111 HOLIDAY JOBS Need extra money for the holiday season? Day, evening, and weekend assignments available now. Typist Clerk and Demonstrators Gift Wrappers Stockroom and Inventory Call and Apply: KELLY SERVICES 3003 Washtenaw 973-2300 Not an Agency--not a fee EOE M-F 4511114 THE WORDVROCESSORS. we do copy- ing, typing, binding and printing. Ask about our 10% discount cards for students and faculty. 211 S. STATE STREET 662-3969 7 days Do a Tree' a Favor: Recycle Your Daily 1202 S. UNIVERSITY 662-6401 cAC THE SECRETARIAT Term Papers, Theses & Dissertations Typing, Copying & Binding i PERSON FOR 2 bdrin., furnished apt. SUIBLE' Jan. 1 to June 30 or August 31. Call after 6 p.m 66-1. 1 ~r171 LIii1 PURDUE TICKETS WANTED--Would you believ 5 together? 662-2019 days. 663-0892 eves.-Steve 62Q 1 1 TWO TICKETS to the Purdue game needed. Cal .Judy,.994-0813, or the Daily, dQll m NEED FOUR TICKETS together-for Purdue game 665-4028, evenings. dQtc BA RGA IN CORNER GIANT FLEA MARKET Antiques ,cra plants ,jeelry, furniture new anc used. 150 dealers every weekend 6-10 Friday eves. 1W am.-6 p.m. Sat.-Sun. 214 E. Michigan at Park dow~intown Vn.sinti. W1ii 812 South StateStreet 994-3594 9-4 Mon.-Sat. cJtc FEMALE NON-SMOK IN graduate student needed winter term in housb. Call Gina. 995-0786. 20Y111 1 6 12 14 15 16 18, 19' 21+ 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 32 34 35 ACROSS Pegasus Relative String of beads Operate a jet Publicity item Income source Actress Burstyn Witticism One of Nasser's © 1978 Los Angeles Times Syndicate 50 Thwart 20 51 Warning 23 53 State Dept. 24 employee 54 Trench on the 27 moon's surface 28 55 Regarded highly - 57 Very wise ones 31' 59 Professor's goal 60 Scottish martyr 33 who converted John Knox 35 61 Device for Iowa crop Made serious Professional penmen Principle Term of endearment Record of WOODSTRAW CARDS and PAPERCUTS from China are still available at A PERIODICAL RE- TREAT, 33612 S. State. Phone 663-0215. cJ1111 IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $1.00 for your 256-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Research. 10,250 topics listed. Box 25907-B, Los Angeles, Cf. 90021 (213) 477-8226. CJI128 PROFESSIONAL EDITING The closer you get . . . OFFSET PRINTER for the final quality of the manuscript names Palm leaves: Var., Boxes Church event Shrew's cousin Ancient people of Mexico Born: Fr. Indonesia island with four penin- sulas Most primitive Numbers Port at mouth of the Dvina Trough for hay Beach sights "Who ?" Dandie Dinmont Small flounder Pastel-green moth Campus authorities mixing, 62 Mountain ridges DOWN 1 Varnish-like substance 2 Feudal tax 3 Fencers' need 4 Enthusiasm 36 39 42 43 45 47 49 5 que (as soon as): Fr. 6 French writer 7 Common verbal contraction 8 Campus gathering 9 Mongol tribesman 10 Cotton cloth 11 Tells the story of 12 Uncle of, Oedipus 13 Places of worship 17 Icy coating 15r 36 37 38 39 40 41 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 progress. Senator Moyn- ihan, to friends Hopeful harbinger Of the cheek Charms Sennacherib's city. Pack full went farther in those days": Wm. Evarts, 1880 Fast vessels Schoolbook "With milk and honey -..." Scene of action Three-cornered lace cape W Pacific island Harsh sound Sooner than de veau (calf's sweetbread): Fr. The Wordprocessors, a growing commercial firm has part and full-time positions open for afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Must have minimum 3 years offset experience. Good pay and benefits. Call 662-3969. clHte Work Study Librarian If you are a work study student and want a chal- lenging, good paying job for now or Winter term, you should see us. The Michigan Daily has an opening for a librarian to maintain our records and organize our files. Up to 20 hours a week, $4 an hour. Library Science students especially encour- aged but all students may apply. Call 764-0552 and ask for David or Gregg. Or, stop by the Daily, 2nd floor, Student Publ. Bldg., 420 Maynard Street. dHtc BREAKFAST COOK NEEDED for sorority. $3/hr. Call Chris or Corey before 6:00 p.m., 761-1472. 91 Hi 117 NEED DISHWASHERS full and part-time. Apply within, Thano's Lamplighter, 421 E. Liberty. 86H1115 EXPERIENCED ORGANIST needed to play a new Allen Computer organ for church services. 437- 2510. 96H1114 COOK NEEDED for fraternity,/ M-F, lunch and dinner, references required. 761-7104. 79111114 BUSINESSMAN NEEDS assistance with cleaning and chores in office and residence. Reply to Box 16, Michigan Daily. . 94H1111 PROGRAMMER-Operate an Inter-data computer and act as a consultant for users. Programming ranges from Fortran applications to assembly lan- guage device drivers and system modification period. lours are variable. 15 hours per week minimum. Contact Sue MacLeod, 763-5244, 2-5 p.m. 04H1116 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE SP T A ED MR Si Ruth Gladstone-769-2931 DISSERTATION & MANUSCRIPT TYPING Free spelling, grammar, punctuation and cleanup. RACKHAM QUALITY GUARANTEED Reasonable Rates KATHY BLACK-665-3416 cJtc WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Technical Copy, Editing, Research, Typing. Experienced Profes- sional. 996-0566. cJ10tc SITUATIONS WANTED TWO) SARCASTIC NEUROTIC women seek escape from concrete dorm room Jan. 1st. 764-8789. 3101111 1 E , t'Cl tgttri 1 tttl ... the better we look. 7644558 HONDA 350-4-Must sell. Ex( accessories. Call 662-0486. :ion, with p26Z1114 I i z II rr10z11 IL I I - i-4i -p - I I 15 I v -iS- ,1 ' 1 1 1 -I- You'll Find A Home for Your Masterpieces IN THE GERBIL The University's quarterly literary magazine H- 0 I I -