The Michigan Daily-Saturday, November 11, 1978-Page 9
Jimmy Carter looks stumped as he stumps for the Dems in Flint.
A Flint fire official gives the 'once over' to the IMA Auditorium prior to President Carter's arrival.
Joy and sorrow
on the Michigan
campaign trail
T~ REE AT LAST. That was the
sentiments expressed by winners and
losers alike as Michigan's hard-fought
election campaign came to a close
Tuesday. Relief was the dominant emotion
-among the campaigners, who could finally
:elax after months of late nights and early
S-rpornings on the trail of the voters.
':Michigan bucked the national tide of
:apathy on election day as record numbers
of voters turned out to cast their votes.,
:lues, not candidates, provide much of
reason for the high level of public
-interest in the campaign. Tax slash,
-tougher bail, a hike in the drinking age -
4: a1 helped. overcome the usually low
;level of interest in mid-term elections.
--BUT THE HOPEFULS themselves
d their share to stir up public
:awareness of the campaign.
William Fitzgerald began and ended his
drive against GOP Governor William
Milliken with a scathing indictment of the
incumbent's performance in office. The
gov returned in kind, charging Fitzgerald
with failure as a state senator and waging
a "dirty campaign."
In the U.S. Senate race, Detroit
Democrat Carl Levin capitalized on Sen.
Robert Griffin's earlier decision, later
reconsidered, to retire from his post.
Griffin fought back, accusing his
challenger of being a "misleader."
Both Republicans and Democrats
'brought in their national superstars to help
boost their campaigns. Gerald Ford, who
represented Michigan in the U.S. House
for so many years before his elevation to
the presidency, made a strong pitch for his
THE DEMOCRATS, meanwhile, drew
on President Carter to push the party's
cause. Vice-President Walter Mondale
made two trips to the state'in the last
week's of the campaign.
After the frenzy of the race, election
night was strangely calm. The candidates
surrounded themselves with family and
friends so that they might find comfort in
defeat and joy in victory.
Senator Bob Griffin waves goodby to his supporters after conceding to Carl Levin.