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November 10, 1978 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-10

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ige 12-Friday, November 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Blue icers test talented Wisconsin


Tomorrow at 1:45 EST
The Wolverines meet the
Wildcats of Northwestern
in Big Ten competition.
Join Tom Hemingway and
Tom Slade - direct from
Evanston - for live
coverage of all the action.

Zowie! Zap! Crash! Bam! Bang! Ugh! Pow!
Smack !
No, this isn't one of the staged fight scenes in Bat-
man, but instead the bodies of Michigan Wisconsin
hockey players being thrown to the ice and injured.
"Michigan must have a spy shooting at us from the
stands," remarked Wisconsin hockey mentor Bob
Johnson. "We're getting wiped out of players. Three
guys were injured in one practice. We had a couple of
our hatchet men get the Michigan spy out of the stan-
What Johnson is referring to is the abundance of in-
juries to some of his top hockey players as they
prepare to host this weekend's series with Michigan.
They are defenseman Jay McFarland and wingers
Scott Lecy and Ken Keryluk. Wolverine coach Dan
Farrell has not had things any easier, as his two top
centers and maybe his two top players, Dan Lerg
(knee ligament problems) and Terry Cullen (neck
problems) are. out indefinitely with injuries.
"Cullen and Lerg make quite a difference. Take
Phil Hubbard out of the Michigan basketball
program, and you have just an average team.
Without your centers, you're really in trouble," said
"We haven't won a game since those guys have
been injured; it's been all downhill since then. Lerg
scores the winning goal (in the second game) against
Bowling Green. Ceffman scores the winning goal in

the first game against Bowling Green and who passes
it to him-Cullen," Farrell continued.
Farrell takes his injured troops, mired in a three-
game losing streak, up to Madison before 8500 par-
tisan fans to face the always powerful Badgers, who
ended up fourth in the nation last year. Two years
ago, Wisconsin was crowned the national champs.
"It looks tough; they've split with Colorado College
and Minnesota. Obviously we're understaffed, but
hell, they're not the Montreal Canadiens. On paper,
with those two kids, we'd be even with them," Far-
rell said.
No, they'renot the Canadiens but they do have
several players who will probably be playing in the,
NHL as soon as they graduate. They are returning
All-American center Mark Johnson and former All-
American goalie Julian Baretta:
Johnson, the son of the coach, tallied more than a
goal a game last year and averaged more than two
points in each contest last season (48 goals and 38
assists for $6 points in 42 games). This season, he is
\vay ahead of the Badgers in scoring again, notching
15 points in six games and five goals in his first two
Baretta, on the other hand, has compiled a record
of 41-12-3 over the last two years. Baretta, now a
senior, was an All-American two years ago when the
Badgers captured the national championship.
The supporting cast for Johnson on offense includes
co-captain wingers Les'Grauer and Rod Romanchuk
(21-25-46 and 18-17-35, respectively). On the right side,

Ron Vincent (two goals against Minnesota) an4Mike
Blaisdell have performed quite well this season.
Johnson, who Farrell says "probably gets 3d
minutes a game (on the ice) whereas most forwards
only get about 18," is backed up at center by junioi,-
Jim Scheid. He registered a hat trick in the Western'
Ontario encounter this year and posted a game win'
ner against Minnesota. Freshman Pete Johnsor,-
Mark's little brother, is the third center.
Baretta, meanwhile, has honorable mention All-
American sophomore Theran Welsh (10-45-55)
making life easier for him. Welsh is paired with the
Badger policeman Bob Suter. They are joined on'
defense by veterans Ian Perrin, Livonia native Ron
Griffin and freshman Kelly Elcombe.
Facing this strong corps of defensemen will be a
Wolverine attack that has scored a paltry six goals in
4he last three games. Without Lerg and Cullen,
Michigan will go with Murray Eaves, Gordie Ham-
pson and Roger Bourne at the depleted center spot.
And speaking of Eaves, this is one player to whom
the Badger media is playing plenty of attention. Last
year, Wisconsin possessed the WCHA's leading
scorer and their all-time leading scorer in 4urray's
brother, Mike.
"The media people are making a big deal out of it.
They're putting pressures on him that are not fair to
him from my point of view. The media people have a
natural story though,' said Farrell.


1:9 VLA I




i j1

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Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX
WISCONSIN'S FORMER All-American netminder Julian Baretta gives it the old sideways strut as he attempts to thwarta
Michigan scoring threat in a game played last season in Yost Arena. The Wolverines' Dave Debol (right) anxiously await4-.
a possible rebound.

WCHA Standings
Western Division'

.'4X Vll 1A ll l ll T I Z fALlY

PRESENTING IN PERSON-Direct from the Lake of the Ozarks (KRCG-
TV, Jefferson city, Mo. and KMOS-TV, Sedalia, Mo.)

Denver ................. 3
Minn-Duluth ............ 3
Michigan Tech .......... 2
North Dakota ........... 2
Colorado College ........ 1
Eastern Division
Minnesota .............. 3
Notre Dame ............ 2
Wisconsin ............... 2
MICHIGAN ............. 1
Michigan State .......... 0





*a sGames this week
flMichigan at Wisconsin
Michigan State at Michigan Tech
Notre Dame at Minnesota
Colorado College at North Dakota
Minn.-Duluth at Denver

Habs rip
By the Associated Press
MONTREAL-Mario Tremblay and
Pierre Mondou scored two goalsapiece
last night to lead the Montreal
Canadiens to an 8-3 victory over the
Detroit Red Wings.
The Canadiens, who lost four games
in October, are now undefeated in six
games in November.
DOUG JARVIS got his first goal of
the season at 5:40 of the opening period,
but Detroit tied the score 1-1 at 9:28
when Montreal goalie Bunny Laroque
failed to hold onto a hard drive by
Roland Cloutier.
Guy Lafleur flipped a back-hander
past Detroit goalie Rogie Vachon mid-
way through the first period to give
Montreal a 2-1 lead.
Tremblay got his first goal when
Vachon put the puck right on the Mon-
treal forward's stick at 13:04 and 27
seconds later, Mondou made the score
4-1. After a second-period goal by
Detroit's. Bill Lochead, Montreal got
goals from Tremblay and Mondou to go
ahead 6-2.,
Ai plans unclear
LAS VEGAS - "That's a disgrace for
boxing, for me to fight Mike Rossman,"
Muhammad Ali said yesterday.
Promoter Bob Arum has admitted

that negotiations have been underway
for Ali to defend the World Boxing
Association heavyweight title against
Rossman, the WBA light heavyweight,
BUT ALI said yesterday: "There's-no:;
way I can get any prestige fighting a-
173-pound fighter. I'd look bad even if I
Ali, here to attend a Joe Louis
testimonial dinner held last night, ap-
peared at a news conference to announ-
ce a business deal.
He talked about boxing, saying he
wouldn't fight Ken Norton and that
"Larry Holmes is the only person white
people believe can -beat me." Holmes
will defend the World Boxing Council.
heavyweight title against Alfredo
Evangelista of Spain here tonight.
"HOLMES WILL be the next real
champion," said Ali, who doesn't
recognize the title split and considers
himself the champion of the whole
As for-his fighting future, Ali wasn't
definite. But he did say it would be hard
for him to match his fight against Leon
Spinks in New Orleans when he became
the only man to win the heavyweight
title three times.
Then he smiled and said: "I tell you
what I could do is lose the title and
come back and win it for the fourth
time. That would he hiaaer


Mr 9



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