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November 10, 1978 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-10

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Page 8---Friday, November 10, 1978--The Michigan Daily

f 1
p .-

Need info on what ails you

VOTE "YES"for OCC November 13-17

Many clericals have had or heard about bad experiences
with unions. The picture is usually the same: a small
group of high-paid union officials, isolated from member-
ship, run the union in their own interests. Even so, almost
without exception, unionized workers have better wages,
benefits, and working conditions than non-unionized
workers in comparable jobs.
"Better than nothing".is not good enough, however. How
can our new union represent our interests better than the
average, bureaucratized union? Under the OCC's pro-
posed bylaws, union democracy is the difference. Accord-
ing to the proposed bylaws:
* the membership is the highest authority of the union
* the membership decides the key issues at regular
monthly meetings and special board meetings as needed
+ all union representatives are elected annually and
subject to recall at any time.

* the four paid officers earn no more than clerical
wages an dwork as clericals half-time.
" the membership elects the bargaining cpmmittee,,
determines contract demands and priorities, and
directs the course of negotiations with management;
* only the membership can decide to strike, if neces-
sary, to win a decent contract.
" dues are set by the membership; the OCC will run on
voluntary contributions after we've run our first
We CAN control our union and wield it, like a powerful
sword, in our own best interests. We CAN begin to win
better wages, benefits, and working conditions-through
our democratic union.

It's just a phone
Having a hard time giving up cigaret- equipM
tes? Need information about cancer or MAR
heart disease? Do you worry that Joseph
someone you love might be an sose
alcoholic? s"rs fey
Starting today, Tel-Med, a program Med wi
which provides health information by Medwi
telephone to Washtenaw County and formts
parts of Oakland, Wayne, and the lib
Livingston Counties, will be able to help topic,"
community members with such "People
problems. . ifthy
A COLLECTION of 172 three- to five- they
minute tapes, prepared by health care such a s
specialists and reviewed by local of its us
physicians, provides community mem- and Lan
bers with up-to-date, accurate health THE
Categories for the tapes include teen to
aches and pains, cancer, diet and callse
nutrition, first aid, mental health, rga
smoking, women and pregnancy, and rograr
venereal disease. According to Tel-Med day, a
statistics, tapes most frequently system
requested concern marijuana, accomi
syphillis, pregnancy, and arthritis and ccom
rheumatism. The s
Tel-Med, which isavailable to over 35 day thr
"illios Ameicans, isbng sponsored midnigh
in this area by 11 institutions and from 12
organizations. The Washtenaw County inform2
United Way picked up the tab for request
equipment and tapes, and St. Joseph ticular1
Mercy Hospital in Ann Arbor is t

call awa
ng space to house the Tel-M
Lent and operators.
relations assistant for
Mercy Hospital, said the s
It there was a need in the co
for the type of information T
ll provide.
a convenient way to get quick
ion, rather than having to go
)rary to research a medic
Szczechowski remarke
e are afraid to ask their docto
don't know something."
'chowski also said the need f
service is indicated by the exte
se in other areas such as Detr
DETROIT area Tel-M(
m, which began in 1976, has f'
elephone lines, handles 30,
every month. The Lansi
m ,answersover 150 calls ea
ind' utilizes a five telepho
similar to the one purchased f
naw County. Such a system ca
modate 10 more lines if need h
hours for Tel-Med will be Mo
ough Friday from 8 a.m. unt
ht, and Saturday and Sundai
noon to 9 p.m. A person needirl
ation can call Tel-Med and
tto listen to a tape on a pal
health topic. Brochures listin
nbered topics will be distribute
d libraries and county healt
MAY ALSO call or write Te
re of St. Joseph Mercy Hospita
ox 995, Ann Arbor, Michigar
request a brochure.
phone numbers for Tel-Med ar
in Ann Arbor, 434-6120 in Y:
and 548-2832 in Howell.
sors warn that Tel-Med i
A as a health information any
service, and should not be use
eof a doctor as a diagnostic o
nt program.


' ' I



we numi
in local
Med, ca
P. O. B
48106, to
in place

Bar managers
tContinued from Page 1)
out it's going to be as effective as
screen door in a submarine - it won'
hold water.
"But if we don't attack the'problen
the right way, we'll all lose money," ha


0 o pleasures of mountaineering
Mountaineering is a skill run the risk of being labeled
of timing as well as tech- social climbers. But such
nihue. The Wrong cheap shots are to be ignored.
moment, like the. o inrd
ronmetioiie thThey are the work of cynics,
wrong method, nay-sayers and chronic
between Similarly, the ambience
aficionad Soof an athletic afternoon (e.g.
i d tThe Big Game) is another
key to successful mountaineer- - - - ideal moment. Downing
ing is to choose the occasions the mountains elevates
wisely and well. When, then, is. -the morale of the fan and,
it appropriate to slowly quaff henc, th tem. Tnd1
the moot, rfresimghence, the team. There-
the smooth, refreshing fore, if you care at all about
Celeations o B couBe,? .the outcome, it is your duty to
Celebrations, of course, mutier
are both expected and ex- a when should one not
cellent opportunities to .enjoy the invigoration of the
test your mountaineering mountains? Here, you'll be
mettle. Indeed, on major happy to learn, the list is
holidays it is virtually much briefer
madtoyMountaineering is
to do so. Small considered
Imagine victories like exams passed, declasse
papers completed or classes with
in the attended are equally.dessert,
ficalnew acceptable. improper
year or Remember the .during Judi-
com- mountain- cial proceed

Call 764-0558




m o eer's motto:
rating matricula-
cCalvinC., tion .s
Coolidge's celebration. .
birthday iInterper-
sonal relation-
ing caution to the wind during shlps are also
Take-A Sorghum-To-Lunch mng
Week without the ul times. There are
benefit of Busch. A . UNTA\ W few things finer than
disturbing pros- -taking your'compan-
pest at est. ,..
pect at best . ion in hand and head-
On the ing for the mountains,
event nee transcending the ho-
eveyvent needhum and hum-drum
be as sigifi- in favor of a romantic
cant as those !'R & R. Naturally,
outlined above. ' couples who share the

ings and just
plain foolish while
crop dusting around
power lines. Otherwise,
as the hot-heads of the
sixties used to say, "Seize
the time!.

Bull Hides
Looking for a comfortable
shoe that's virtually inde-
structible and practically
care-free? Then look at
Clarks a Bull Hides. The
leather in Bull Hides is almost
a quarter-inch thick for dura-
bility, yet unbelievably com-
fortable., They;re made with
the same fine craftsmanship
and classic styling that has
made Clarks of England
world famous. $37.00

" __

'Mountaineering is the science and art of drinking Busch. The term originates due to the snowy, icy peaks sported
by the label'outside and perpetuates due to the cold, naturally refreshing taste inside. (cf. lessons 1, 2 and 3.)

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