Dancers movement is By KATIE HERZFELD those . uni n 1912, as part of an effort "to bring philosophy, impulses to the existing arts of are lost. vement," Rudolph Steiner STEINER eloped a dance-theater style called the "objecti urythmy," which combined to the world mitive gesture with language. Ann fellow man, bor audiences got their first taste of which the au rythmy Wednesday night at the formers p )wer Center from the Eurythmeum philosophica uttgart Company, which is on its first When the nericantour. Steiner's j Accompanied by the Romanian State Initiation," chestra, the eurythmists began their emphasized rformance with an interpretation of the work rat hubert's Unfinished Symphony. itself. The en hen the groups of four to five artists eurythmists ove about to music, it is called "tone sant and ca rythmy," or the art of visible song. rather arca urythmists believe that the hands and man of feelin -ms, are the most expressive parts of dle system e -anatomy, and wave them about movement, th tremendous grace and discipline never tires.' ile walkinig the stage in different your players rections and at different speeds. This The lightir ask, soothing to watch, but to nitiated in Steiner's much import and emotion MEANT to demonstrate ve feeling which links man , to the divine, and to his " however, the distance dience feels from the per- revents this sort of t communication. eurythmists performed to poem "The Portal of the reading over- the rhythms and sounds of her than letting it speak for nergy of the accompanying seemed unnaturally con- dculated, and the program nely explained that "the ng rests on the central mid- of heart and lungs, where because it is rhythmical, You certainly couldn't tell without that scorecard. ng was uniformly satisfac- A Are eurythmy? tory, and noticeably good during The resultant lack of satisfying Dance of the Furies by Christopher communication apparently f Willibald. The movements of the red lit the significant fraction of the furies were appropriate, but there was which was seen drifting ou no sense of individual character on Power Center throughout the e stage. It becomes difficult to get in- The performance of "The M volved with performers who stare by J.R.R. Tolkien was enjoya blankly at an audience. costumes were creative, th FOLLOWING intermission, the per- mists showed expression in th formers improved their rapport with and the Tolkien selectionv the audience. At last, during the Dance realistically. Alas, the final p of the Goat by Arthur Honnegar, a solo Hebrides by Mendelssohn, w eurythmist (clad as a goat) showed fresh marked by controlled personality with his movement, but pressionless movement. there was still that persistent lack of ALICE STAMM, the comp facial expression. vance representative, said tha Sarah Burton's reading of "The three times through the wrin Twins" by Henry S. Leigh demon- eurythmy before one can r strated the meaning and rhythm of the preciate the subtleties. The ov poem: two eurythmists, in identical pression after this initial per sailor costume, moved to the story of in Ann Arbor is that eurythm mistaken identity. Leigh's poem, an of a science than a performing anonymous nursery rhyme "The has some pseudo-religious qu Milkmaid," and "I'm Nobody" by well. The performance itself w Emily Dickinson were all cute and enjoyable to watch, but sopor delightfully read by Miss Burton. The long run. The eurythmists pro artists onstage couldn't match the much more than show u moment, unfortunately, and their movements. The promis estrangement from the audience gave enlightening artistic evening the eurythmy an unnatural feel. This fulfilled. g artistic frustrated audience ut of the evening. erry Inn" able: The e euryth- heir'faces, was read iece, The was again and ex- any's ad- at it takes nger with eally ap- verall im- formance y is more g art, and ualities as Nas mildly rific in the ofess to do s pretty e of an went un- The Michigan Daily-Friday, November 10, 1978-Page 7 University of Michigan Gilbert and Sullivan Society Directors and designers needed for Winter Term production April 4-14, 1979 (Two weekends) Petitioning meeting to select stage director, music (vocal and/or orchestral) director and set designer/technical director will be held Nov. 13. Persons interested in these positions should contact John Meyer (995-4770) or the U. of M. Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Michigan League. Shows being considered are IOLANTHE, HMS PINAFORE, UTOPIA LIMITED and TRIAL BY JURY. r Artist Norman Rockwell dies at 84 (Joshua Logan, 1967) "Once there was a place called Camelot." The adven- tures of King Arthur, his Knights of the Round Table and Queen Guinevere are splendid and colorful in this film version of the Lerner-Lowe musical based on T. H. White's rewrite of the famous legends about the mythical medieval Kingdom where it'rains on cue. "0 why can't a woman be more like a man?" Three Academy Awards. Mediatrics presents: CAMELOT m Fri., Nov. 10 Nat. Sci. Aud. 7 &9:40 STOCKBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) --Ar- t Norman Rockwell, whose freckled- ced boys, pig-tailed girls, kindly doc- rs and small town scenes mirrored ericana on Saturday Evening Post vers and Boy Scout calendars in a reer spanning six decades, is dead at For .years, the pale, lean-limbed, pe-smoking illustrator worked seven ys a week -- with a half-day off for ristmas -' to produce a canvas age of the nation he loved. But he on- described himself as "a hack ustrator." HE SHOULD be remembered, his 'fe, Molly, said after his death late edhesday at his Stockbridge home as n .artist. and illustrator.. well- own artist and illustrator." She said her husband's death was not expected, and that he "had been ill a ng, time." She said, "He didn't die of ything except being 84 years old." Ap*nting of the Rev. John Sargeant Wing to an Indian chief in Sturbridge, ass., stood unfinished on an easel in a d barn studio behind the white New ngland-style home. The painting was t in the year 1700 when the missionary argeant was trying to convert Indians . Christianity. MRS. ROCKWELL said the paintings was about three-quarters completed and that her husband had planned to make changes but had not worked on it for a year. Rockwell's America was a country of rough-hewn but gentle working-men, prim grandmothers and soldiers home from the great war. In the turbulent 1960's, it was a nation torn by Vietnam and divided by race. It was an America of the Four Freedoms, a series of paintings for the Post taken from a speech to Congress by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941. The paintings became part of the nation's war effort and its rallying cry. But always, it was an America depic- ted with a passion for visual truth - he worked invariably from live models and props, even to posing a chicken, which he said would "stand just as you've placed him for four or five minutes." Perhaps the most popular artist in the U.S., Rockwell died without at- taining status in the world of "real art." Critics found his work simplistic, corny and superficially photographic - however much he touched and delighted millions. 19451 R.C. Pl ayers presents ENDGAME and other short works by SAMUEL BECKETT -AND= SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE (George Roy Hill, 1972) Billy Pilfrim is unstuck in time. One minute he is trapped in a German P.O.W. camp as Allied bombers ruthlessly turn the city of.Dresden into an inferno; a moment later he is standina on the dictnnt planet Tralfamadore, where he meets the buxom movie star Montana Wild- hack. Novel by Kurt Vonnegut. SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE is the first American film to win the Cannes Film Festival Jury Award. With Machael Sachs and Valerie Perrine. Editing by Dede Allen. Sat., Nov. 11 Nat. Sci. Aud. 7 & 9:00 ADMISSION $1.50 NOV. 2,3,4 & 9,10,11 8pr $1.50 East Quad ARTHUR PENN 1962 THE MIRACLE WORKER The moving, true-life drama of one Annie Sullivan and her attempt to break through the dense wall surrounding a seven-year old girl, Helen Keller, born deaf and blind. ANNE BANCROFT and PATTY DUKE capture what is quite pos- sibly the most moving double performance ever recorded on film. Bancroft and Duke were both nominated for Academy Awards with the former winning the Best Actress Oscar. 7 P.M. ONLY Alfred Hitchcock's SPELLBOUND GRGORY PECK believes he's Dr. Edwards, the new director of a Mental Hospital but soon realizes he's not really a doctor but a victim of amnesia who cannot recall who he is or how he came to assume the doctor's identify. Salvador Dali designed the sets for the famous dream sequence. With INGRID 1ERGMAN, RHONDA FLEMING, and LEO CARROLL. Captivating! - Sat: THE RULING CLASS RALPH NELSON 1963 LILIESOF THE FIELD On a strip of barren land in Arizona, a group of East German refugee nuns decide to build a chapel. When a jovial traveler named Homer happens by, the nuns prevail upon him to assist them. What develops is the somewhat odd but entirely joyous relationship between the black American and the foreign nuns. SYDNEY POITIER won an Acadmey Award for Best Actor for his performance. 9 P.M. ONLY CINEMA GUILD TONIGHT AT 7:00 A 9:05 OLD ARCH. AUD. $1.50 SAT: Alan Bates In BUTLEY SUN: Jack Nicholson in LAST DETAIL CINEMA II one show $1.50 double $2.50 ANGELL HALL AUD. "A"