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November 09, 1978 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-09

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Vol. LXXXIX, No. 55

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 9, 1978

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Proposal D
Proposal D opponents around the state are 45 days frCo
predicting the amendment will be challenged SECOND
in a federal court any day now. veteran op
"There is an excellent chance someone will oposal tak
file suit within the next two weeks at the very adults, yo
latest," predicted Southfield attorney Stephen owner dec
Taylor, who said he received a barrage of City At
phone calls yesterday from "incensed" though, t
citizens. "deprivat
It is still unclear exactly when the amen- prove tha
dment will go into effect. A spokesperson from privilege.
the Secretary of State's office said it will be en- THOSE
forced 45 days after the election is certified. one know;

oes predict
rces have indicated it will take effect proposal or of a cour
om Tuesday.Fr p r t
D CHANCE owner John Carver, a Foltz, representative f
pponent of the age hike, said he feels mittee For the Age of
D has constitutionality problems. the major challengers
ke a right or privilege away from the grounds on which
u have to have just cause," the bar tacked are "unclear" a
lared. "Alcohol is a strange
torney Bruce Laidlaw pointed out, it was anything else wE
hat in order to win a lawsuit for lamented Second Cha
ion of rights l6st"the litigant must putting it back on the b
t drinking is a right, not merely a Indeed, at Western
students are alrea
INVOLVED with the issue admit no signatures to place ar
Ns the exact implications of the 1980 ballot. "We've g<

federal court c

t case against it. Gary
rom the Michigan Com-
Responsibility (MICAR),
of the amendment, said
h the hike could be at-
at the moment.
e and emotional thing-if
e could beat it in court,"
rce's Carver. "I see us
allot in two years.''
n Michigan University
dy trying to gather
reversal proposal on the
ot to get out there and

push it," Student Vice-President George
Strand urged at a recent anti-21 rally on the
steps of the State Capitol.
THERE HAS BEEN much speculation in
Ann Arbor-where voters defeated the
proposition 41,838 to 35,801-over the legality of
creating a special city law similar to the
present $5 pot law, which provides for a local
penalty far less stringent than that mandated
by the state.
Dan Sharp, aide to State Rep. Perry Bullard,
said a local exemption would be unfeasible in
the case of alcohol. In order for a state law and
a revised local law to coexist they must not be

mutually excldsive. Unlike the local marijuana
law, any exemption legislation to the amen-
dment would directly conflict with its spirit and
THE WORDING of the drinking age
proposal, which states those under 21 "shall
not" consume alcohol, would not allow for a
supplementary regulation;Sharp said.
Since the 45-day limit would cut off students'
last bacchanalias at the stroke of midnight,
Sharp said he will consider mentioning to
Bullard the idea of extending the grace period
by two hours to coincide with the closing of the
bars. This could be accomplished, he said, by a
two-thirds vote of the legislature.

Democratic University Regents Paul
Brown of Petoskey and James Waters
of Muskegon held on to Attorney
General Frank Kelley's coattails and
rode past two formidable Republican
opponents to', win reelection in
Tuesday's balloting.
Brown was the top vote-getter of the
four, with 30 per cent, and Waters, the
.only black regent on the board, placed
.second with 27 per cent of the vote.
,BROWN AND WATERS' reelection
victories mean that Democrats will
maintain their present 6-2 regental
rThe twoaRepublican losers were
retiring State Senator Gilbert Bursley
of Ann Arbor, and Detroit attorney
John Axe. Bursley had hoped that his
name recognition as a legislator would
catapult him to victory, while Axe, a
newcomer to politics, had actively
campaigned across the state.
Bursley placed third in the final unof-
ficial vote counts, with 22 per cent,
.while Axe trailed the field with 21 per
cent of the vote.
IN OTHER LOCAL races, returns
showed that freshman Congressman
Carl Pursell won over challenger Earl
Greene by over 40,000 votes to give him
a 66 per cent victory for the Second
District seat.
Two years ago, Pursell barely beat
out Ed Pierce,; the newly elected State
Senator. Democrats thought Pursell
wouldbe vulnerable this yer, but had
trouble finding a candidate. Pierce
passed over another bout with Pursell
to win his state Senate seat Tuesday,
and Pursell's challenger was the soft-
spoken City Councilman Greene.
Pursell became the first Republican
to carry Ann Arbor's student wards and
heavily Democratic Livonia as he
rolled over Greene's campaign 66 per
cent to 34 per cent. .
up a, victory of his own, for the state
Senalte seat of Gil Bursley. Piercesbeat
out C. William Colburn, a University
speech professor, to give the 48-year-
old Ann Arbor Democrat his first major
Returns gave Pierce 54 per cent of the
THE "RACE" for a regent's seat is
marked mostly by voter apathy, and
candidates spent little time discussing
any issues. Several salient issues,
however, will be brought before Regen-
ts Brown and Waters during their next
eight years on the board.
One such issue is the question of
University divesting from companies
that do business with South Africa. Both
regents voted against a divestiture
proposal last March, and during the
campaign both said they could not tell
how they will vote when the same issue
reappears next year.
Congressional loser Earl Greene,
who finally conceded defeat early Wed-
nesday morning, said he would like
another go-round with Pursell in 1980.

keep down

The message that voters sent throu
all fifty states Tuesday was that th
are generally distrustful of politicia
and party labels.
Incumbency proved to be more ofe
obstacle than an advantage, and wh
voters weren't taken in by tax-slashi
schemes, they did let politicians knc
that they are still fed up with big gov
nment, inflation, and spending.
THERE WAS no clear pattern acr
the country to suggest either
Republican resurgence or comple
Democratic takeover.
But the GOP - hoping for son
traditional off-year gains - had to s
tle for a net pick-up of six statehous
twelve House seats and three addition
Republican United States Senate sea
This election did, However, gi
Republicans their first net gain
statehouses in ten years.
In Michigan, voters rejected the 1
slashing plans Tisch and the sch
voucher proposal. The tax limitat

plan, Headlee, passed by a slim
gh MICHIGAN was one state where the
ey ruling Democrats were able to buck the
ns trend and strengthen their hold on the
statehouse. The Dems gained 70 seats
an in the House - a net gain of three -
ile while the 24-14 Democrat majority in
ng the State Senate will remain ui-
ow changed.
er- Voters also showed that they won't be
suckered in by slick media campaigns,
oss big money, and big name endorsemen-
a ts.
ete Senator Robert Griffin spent over $1.2
million on his reelection bid - the most
me ever spent on a senatorial campaign in
et- Michigan - but the voters went for his
es, opponent, Carl Levin, who spent less
nal than half that amount.
its. STATE SENATOR William Fit-
ve zgerald, in his unsuccessful bid to un-
of seat Republican Governor William
Milliken, had relied on an unpreceden-
tax ted million dollar media campaign that
ool brought in the Washington ad-man
ion See DEMOCRATS, Page 7

Amin might withdraw

Daily Photos
WINNERS AND LOSERS in Tuesday's Senate and Gubernatorial races thanked their supporters last night at their
respective headquarters. Clockwise from top left: Ousted Republican Senator Robert Griffin receives a kiss from wife
Marge after conceding defeat to Democratic former Detroit City Councilman Carl Levin, here with wife Barbara;
Republican Governor William Milliken is all smiles after being reelected to a third term, while Democratic chal-
lenger State Senator William Fitzgerald wonders what went wrong.


Claiming her ideas on Michigan
Student Assembly's (MSA) functions
are now in the minority in the assem-
bly, Vice President-Nancy Smith has
submitted her resignation.
"Instead of trying to change the
world by working on state, national and
worldwide issues, I think MSA should
try to work on a few problems on cam-
pus and get something done," said
Smith. "Not that those issues aren't
important, it's just that we can't do
much to change them. Many assembly
members disagree with me on this."
SMITH SAID she handed her letter of
resignation to MSA President Eric Ar-
nson Tuesday, but he has not yet made

P Smith resigns

troops from
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Ugandan
President Idi Amin offered yesterday to
withdraw his troops from the Tan-
zanian territory he annexed nine days'
ago if President Julius Nyrere
promises to stop supporting Ugandan
rebels based in Tanzania.
Amin said in a speech broadcast on
Radio Uganda that before he orders the
withdrawal of between 2,000 and 3,000
Ugandan soldiers from the rolling
bushland area, Tanzania must first
provide a guarantee that it will never
invade his country again.
AMIN ALSO said Ugandan exiles
living in Tanzania must be prevented
from carrying out "subversive ac-
tivities" against Uganda.
Tanzanian officials contacted soon
after the announcement was made said
that they were unaware of the new
Ugandan offer. Diplomatic observers in
the area said they doubted that Tan-
zania will be willing to provide the
Nyerere has vowed to hit back at
Amin "until we have finally got rid of
this snake from our house."

TANZANIA AND Uganda troops
have been fighting since Ugandan
soldiers crossed theirs common border
along the west coast of Lake Victoria.
Amin declared then that he had an-
nexed the 710 square miles north of the
Kagera River in retaliation for an
earlier alleged invasion of Uganda by
Tanzanian officials denied Amin's
charge that they invaded Uganda.
Diplomatic observers in the area said
the military clash might have been
sparked by a troop revolt in southern
Uganda that Amin wished to cover up
or by Ugandan exiles who penetrated
Uganda and then fled across the bor-
der, pursued by regular Ugandan
AMIN SAID his peace offer stemmed
from African mediation efforts, and
that he has "no intention of keeping an
inch of Tanzanian territory."
The Ugandan leader told the-
gathering that he ordered Ugandan
troops to capture the region "merely as
a precautionary measure to prevent
exiles from infiltrating into Uganda."

an official announcement.
According to Smith, Arnson is holding
the resignation announcement until
next week so a new vice president can
be found to replace her.
Arnson could not be reached for
According to several MSA members,
possible vice president nominees are
Sean Foley, Dave Laverty, Jim
Allmand and Kate Rubin. The new vice
president will be elected from MSA
ranks, and will serve until the next
campus-wide election.
ANOTHER reason for her
resignation, Smith said, is academics.
"The people on student government
are students, and academics should be

given a priority, but many MSA mem-
bers don't feel that way. They expect
you to live and die for MSA. It makes
me upset because they're (MSA mem-
bers) representing a different set' of
values than the rest of the student
body," said Smith.
She added she was willing to neglect
her classes somewhat if she could ob-
tain results, "but things just weren't
happening." The assembly didn't sup-
See MSA, Page 5

'U' Hospital interns,
residents rejeet offer

Speakers attack repression at

teach-in on Mexican

The second of three parts of a teach-in
on Mexico was held last night in Schor-
ling Auditorium, with speakers
focussing on political repression, the
womens' movement in Mexico, and
Chicano politics in the United States.

Mexico has a democratic government,"
Marroquin noted. He asserted that it is
actually an "anti-democratic and semi-
dictatorial government."
As evidence Marroquin cited the
Tlaltelolco massacre of 1968, in which
government troops killed an estimated
500 persons participating in an anti-

after his arrest by police.
The 25-year-old Marroquin has been
fighting for political asylum in the U.S.,
but has found the government reluctant
to grant asylum to political refugees
from countries it considers "friendly."
ADDED TO THIS, he explained, is
the personal problem he faces because

Members of the House Officers
Association (HOA) voted yesterday to
reject the University's present contract-
offer and will vote this Monday on
whether or not to withhold services.
After a series of proposals, HOA
which represents all residents and in-
terns at University Hospital, voted to
work and publicize the approved Mon-
day meeting and push for a job action
vote to withhold services in order to
move HOA forward from their
deadlocked position in negotiations

work," added HOA lawyer Harvey
A proposal for a job action mail ballot
to HQA members was rejected. Also, a
meeting calling for a job action vote for
today was voted down.
The last HOA-University contract
expired August 31, and was extended on
a day to day basis until September 21,
when HOA voted to terminate the
agreemtn. Negotiations had continued
with the last two sessions held with a
mediator from the Michigan Em-
ployment Relations Commission

. MSA reiterated its position on
the presidential selection process
at its meeting Tuesday night. See
story, Page 5.
" Tabulations of the final unof-
ficial results of Tuesday's elec-
tions are in the box on Page 7.
". The federal Tax Reform Act is
enabling many old buildings to be
renovated. See story, Page 7.
. The Irgest trampoline cm-

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