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Page 10-Wednesday, November 8, 1978--The Michigan Daily
Dems hold Senate edge
From Daily Wire Reports
Voters largely voted for incumbents
across the country yesterday, and
although Republicans picked up a few
key seats, Democrats will maintain
their almost two-to-one majority in
Senate Minority leader Howard
Baker (R-Tenn.), often mentioned as a
potential presidential candidate in 1980,
won re-election to a third term,
defeating Democrat Jane Eskind han-
IN MASSACHUSETTS, however, in-
cumbent Republican Senator Edward
Brooke did not fare as well. Brooke, the
only black in the Senate, lost his bid for
a third term to Democratic Rep. Paul
Tsongas. Brooke was hampered by his
confession of misstating his finances in
a divorce case.
In Detroit, Democratic Rep. Charles
Diggs, the nation's senior black
congressman, easily won election to a
13th term despite his conviction last
month on federal payroll padding and
mail fraud charges.
In Mississippi, Republican Thad
Cochran, a congressman from Jackson,
emerged victorious from a three-way
Senate race including Democrat
Maurice Dantin and Independent
Charles Evers, brother of the slain civil
rights leader, Medgar.
IN MINNESOTA, Republican Rudy
Boschwitz, 47, defeated Democrat
Wendall Anderson, 45, the former
governor who designated himself to fill
the vacancy created by Walter Mon-
dale's ascension to the vice presidency.
Anderson's self-appointment was con-
sidered a key element in his defeat.
Illinois Republican Sen. Charles Per-
cy, who was behind by as much as
seven points last week, pulled ahead in
the final stages and defeated
Democratic challenger Alex Seith.
Percy's victory was tied to voter con-
fidence in his long-established family
name and a huge media blitz in the final
days of the campaign, backed by his
personal fortune.
Percy was not the only one to take
advantage of his personal wealth to
gain reelection. Republican Sen. Jesse
Helms of South Carolina spent most of
the $6 million in campaign funds he had
collected in defeating his opponent.
OTHER NOTABLE Senate race vic-
tors were Democrat Bill Bradley, a
Rhodes Scholar and former basketball
star, in New Jersey, 69-year-old
Republican Strom Thurmond in South
Carolina. Incumbent Sen. Jon Tower
(R-Texas) was upset by Democrat
Robert Kruger.
In the 36 governors races, the
Democrats also maintained their over-
whelming majority.
Republican Albert Quie defeated
Democrat Rudy Perpich for the Min-
nesota governorship.
DEMOCRAT Ella Grasso, one of only
two women governors, maintained a
comfortable margin over her opponent
throughout the night in her successful
bid for reelection.
Late last night, incumbent
Democratic Governor Jerry Brown of
California appeared the winner. Brown,
was hoping for a landslide to fuel his bid
for the 1980 presidency, and early
returns suggested such an outcome.
In, New York, Democratic Governor
Hugh Carey won a difficult struggle for
reelection. His hlandling of state finan-
ces, especially with respect to New
York City, although hotly contested
during the campaign, were 'apparently
approved by the voters.
Proposals to limit taxes or spending
won strong support last night in early
returns from Alabama, Illinois,
Missouri and Texas, as residents of 16
states voted on questidns affecting the
amount of money they give to gover-
nment and how-it is spent.
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A three-day teach-in on current
conditions in Mexico opened last night
before a sizable crowd at Schorling
Auditorium. Several speakers attacked
repression by the Mexican government
and United States interference in the
country's affairs.
Mexico may be "one of tomorrow's
Vietnams," warned James Cockcroft,
professor of sociology at Rutgers
University and a noted scholar on Latin
American affairs. Cockcroft opened the
teach-in, which is being sponsored by
the Ann Arbor Committee for Human
Rights in Latin America.
ATTACKING WHAT he termed the
"holy triumvirate" that controls
Mexico-the Mexican -state, the
Mexican bourgeoisie and U.S. im-
perialism-Cockcroft asserted that
social upheaval inithe country, com-
bined with the United States' need to
protect its economic interests there,
could result in a situation similar to
Cockcroft went on to detail the
historical background of the fiscal,
political, and clhss conflict crises which
currently afflict Mexico, and their
relation to the widespread poverty ex-
perienced by much of the population.
Since World War II, he noted, the
ruling political party in Mexico-the
Institutional Revolutionary Party
(PRI)-has permitted the formation of
a system of repression in order to main-
tain its dominance.
THE MEXICAN military, Cockcroft
claimed, has become a virtually
autonomous organization, with the
power to carry out repressive acts in
order to contain socialunrest.
Cockcroft was followed at the podium
by Sheldon Liss, a professor of history
at the University of Akron, who focused
on the role U.S. intelligence agencies
play idiMexican affairs.
"The U.S. will not tolerate even a
vaguely leftist government in Mexico,"
Liss asserted. For this reason, he ex-
plained, the U.S. strongly supports the
Mexican police and military in protec
ting the established social order.
TAKING SOME of his information
from documents released under the
U.S. Freedom of Information Act, Liss
went on to detail the widespread in-
filtration by the CIA 'and FBI into
Mexican student and labor
organizations, and even the Mexican
The FBI, Liss explained, ha's sought
to disrupt organizations which threaten
U.S. economic interests, and has even,
tried to break alliances. between
American Chicano leaders and labor
leaders in Mexico.
The teach-in will continue tonight ati
7:30 in Schorling Auditorium at the
School of Education. Featured will be
exiles from Mexico speaking about
their own cases.
Forum hits Mexican government
Continued from
had let Shcharanskv
few days in jail, the h
papers would have sai
became more liberal,'
Inherent traits in ti
prohibit changes by o
cording to Medvede
i '
trial system unfair,
Page 1)
go after a ficulties in the trial system that are not
eadlines in news- unique to the Shcharansky case.
d the government "The accused is not entitled to a
"Medvedev said. lawyer before the trial. The lawyer is
he Soviet system not allowed to invite witnesses, and
utside forces, ac- only the judge can decide who can take
v. He cited dif- the stand," explained Medvedev, whose
Soviet passport was revoked when
visiting London in 1973.
violations of human rights are
widespread in the Soviet Union. He
focused on the lack of freedom by scien-
tists to travel abroad or to work in other
Basic rights guaranteed by the
United Nations are disregarded when
traveling privileges are prohibited
without a special decision by the Cen-
tral (Communist) Party Committee, he
says activist
Medvedev said that if the goverI
nment allowed all citizens to leave the
country freely, "only Brezhnev would
The activist, who now resides in Lon-
don, wrote "A Question of Madness,"
an account of his month-long stay in a
Soviet mental hospital where he was
placed by the government for his 'out-
HE ADDED that President Carter's
human rights policy is positive, but
when changes occur within Russia, it
will be the Soviets' choice and not
because of outside pressure.
Threats such as the United States'
refusal to sell grain to the Russians will
not make much difference, according to
"All Russians won't starve if the
United States doesn't sell its grain," he
Ann Arbor Committee for Human Rights in Latin America presents:
Contours of Crisis
n U I % v SANi I I A*RA nnr Pm A *M
HECTOR MARROQUIN-Exiled Mexican student leader seeking political
asylum in the U.S.
JOSE JACQUES MEDINA-Mexican attorney and labor organizer fighting
for asylum in the U.S.
JUAN JOSE PENA-founder of the Raza Unida Party, an independent
Chicano political party in New Mexico.
ALPHA HERNANDEZ-Legal Aid attorney from the border town of Del
Rio, Texas.