2-Wednesday, November 8, 1978-The Michigan Daily Law prof backs Israel in By LEONARD BERNSTEIN Monroe Friedman, a Hofstra Univer- sity law professor who went to Israel to research allegations against the Israeli government during the interrogation and trial of Sami Esmail, yesterday exonerated the Israeli government of wrongdoing. Before an audience of 30 people in the Lawyer's Club Lounge, Friedman, who said he went to Israel "half-believing and half-disbelieving" the charges against Israel, refuted most of the charges made against the Israelis by the Committee to Support the Human Rights of Sami Esmail. ESMAIL, AN American citizen and student at Michigan State University, was arrested in Israel earlier this year while visiting his dying father. He was charged with receiving small arms and explosives training in August 1976 from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Libya. The Israelis have been accused of keeping Esmail incommunicado in a "dungeon", beating him to elicit a false confession, and trying Esmail for his pro-Palestinian activities in the United States, which are protected by the First Amendment. Esmail's relatives also said that he was not in Libya in August 1976, and that they had nine witnesses who placed him in East Lansing and Columbus, Ohio during that month. BUT FRIEDMAN contradicted those claims. "Sami now admits that he was in Libya in August, 1976 and there was training. The extent of it he disputes," Friedman said. But Esmail last week repeated gis denial that he received commando trial training during his. visit to Libya. Esmail made the comments at a press conference, his first since returning to the United States on parole from an Israeli prison. FRIEDMAN also questioned the American consul general about the alleged beatings and possibly psychological tactics used against Esmail, including denial of sleep during his imprisonment. The consul general, who visited Esmail in his cell the day after Esmail confessed, told Friedman that there were no bruises and contusions oh Esmail's body and that Esmail "did no in any way have the appearatice of 4 man who had been deprived-of sleep.". According to Friedman, Esmail had "the largest cell in the prison" with electricity, -a private bathroom anI books to read. FRIEDMAN defended the Israeli decision to arrest Esmail for activitie' which are legal in Libya (terrorist training), saying that international law has established the country's right to protect itself. "The allegation that Israel is doing something outside international la, and that other countries would not do is simply wrong," he said. Friedman said if Esmail: had beea arrested "in any other country in th4 Middle East, for example, Jor- dan ... nobody would have even heard of Sami Esmail ever again. I think we can all agree on that." Friedman disagreed with two actions df the Israeli government in the Esmail case: the failure to-notify the American consulate immediately after Esmail's arrest, and the refusal to allow Esmail to see his lawyer until after he conr fessed. .-.------..----- -----... .. .. COUPON ii Buy 50-100 copies of 1 original at our low price of 3 /-/copy and get a like amount of another 1 origina/ free .' Dollar Bill Copying, Specia/istsfor dissertations andresumes.- Color copies and photo t-shirt trans/ers Limit I per person Next to Sec. of State Expires 1-30-781 -. above Don -isco's IF 611Church St.-665-9200 U.S. considers Israeli aid WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter said his government was unlikely ti administration assured Israel yester- approve peace terms until the issue of day it was moving promptly to consider U.S. aid was "dealt with." U.S. aid in building two new airfields in the Negev. Acting under instructions from higl4 The airfields are to replace in- U.S. officials, State Department stallations in the Sinai that Israel is spokesman George Sherman' said th' relinquishing to Egypt as part of a only commitment made to 'Israel at peace treaty nearing completion. Camp David was to consider aid for tho The issue assumed prominence when new air bases, which would' cost bet Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe D'ayan ween $50 million and $1 billin. l i, Landfill is PBIB free (Continued from Page 1) Ann Arbor became directly involved Natural Resources (DNR) revea in the PBB controversy last month, that contaminated grain was bur when the Michigan Department of near the'cityiin 1974. DNR environmT ill riei nen- Daily Official Bulletin WEDNESDAY, NOV'EMBER 8, 1978 Division of Biological Seminar: Michael Hansen, "Organization and Process of Agricultural Research in the People's Republic of China," 4:00 p.m., MLB, Lecture Room 2. Industrial and Operations Engineering: Dr. Etcheberry, University of Chile, "On the Utilization of Subgradient Optimization Instead of LP in Interger Programming," 4:10 p.m.. Room 229 W. Eng. The Rhode Island Hospital Dept. of Pharmacy have positions for Residents in Hospital Pharmacy and Residents in Clinical Pharmacy beginning on June 25, 1979. Address inquiries to: Louis P. Jeffrey, Dir. of Pharmacy Services, Rhode Island Hospital, 593 Eddy Street, Providence, RI 02902. A new exam for Police Patrolman has been scheduled by the City of Elgin for early December. Deadline for application is November 27. Elgin is 40 miles northwet of Chicgo's Loop. tal protection chief William_ Turney said at that time that "recently discovered agricultural records co4- firmed that some contaminated grai was taken to the Ann Arbor landfill." Henry VIII composed music, and the haunting "Greensleeves" is! supposedl to be one of his efforts. THE MICHIGAN DAILY volume LXXXIX, No.54 Wednesday, November 8,1978 is edited and managed by students at the Universty of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan .481Q9. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morni g during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription "rates: 912 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mll, outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbtr; $7.00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.4 A Its a reat time to The News Right now, as a special introductory offer, you can get 13 weeks of The Detroit News A.M. Edition for just 8MC a week. That's ,. weekly savings of 5c off our regular 'subscription rates. And The News will brrive on your doorstep at 7 a.m. Like: Kitchen Talk. Accent on Living. Motor World. Friday, our weekend fun guide to what's happening in the state. Sunday Magazine. TV Magazine, with statewide listings. And now, sports columnist Joe Falls. To start home delivery, just send us this coupon or call 668-1733 or 668-1734 and we'll have it on your doorstep. Every morning. By 7 a.m. It's a great time to get The News. 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