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November 07, 1978 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-07

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aJ MAND PBB rHigh-5o's
LwLw4'=t ct9 t "-See Editorial Page,
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 53 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 7, 1978 Ten Cents Twelve Pages




expected to continue their domination

A Daily News Analysis
Despite the fact that all 435 House
seats are at stake today, along with 35
Senate seats, 36 governorships, and
'most state houses around the country,
don't expect any major changes in the
political complexion of American
politics. The House, the Senate, and
state capitols across the country will
probably be just as Democratic as
In fact, if the projections hold true,
only 33 per cent of eligible voters will
even bother going to the polls. The
mood was incorrectly interpreted early
6n as furor over taxes - a revolt that

would sweep the GOP into power. Now
the only revolt that most people are ex-
pecting is a massive show of indifferen-
AND WHEN apathy abounds, it
usually means the incumbents get re-
elected, which may account for why the
Republican dreams of recapturing
Congress have all but faded into wishful
In the Senate, Democrats have a 62-38
edge, and both sides will most likely'
pick up three vacant seats - main-
taining the same Democratic majority.
If the Dems pick up the seats in New
Jersey, Nebraska and Oklahoma, the
GOP will get the open spots in

Mississippi, South Dakota and Min-
There are, however, some seats that
will most likely change hands. Incum-
bent Republican Ed Brooke is in tr6uble
in Massachusetts, and, here in

BUT, ON THE other side, Democrats
in Maine, Colorado and West Virginia
are in trouble, and two seats previously
held by the Dems - in Alabama and
Montana - may go into the GOP fold.
In the House, where Democrats hold

The mood was incorrectly interpreted early on as
a furor over taxes ... now the only revolt that most
people are expecting is a massive show of indifference.

loses seats in Congress. In presidential
election years, the presidential
nominee usually brings in a number of
Congresspersons thanks to the so-called
"coat-tail effect," and those
newcomers are often beaten in the off-
IN 1976, HOWEVER, Jimmy Carter's
coat-tails were not quite long enough to
bring in many Democratic
Congressmembers. In fact, in several
districts, Carter actually ran behind the
Democratic congressional candidate.
They made it in on their own, and now
are not at the mercy of presidential
popularity in this off-year.
And, no doubt, the 1978 returns will be

immediately linked to prospects for
In California, if Gov. Edmund
"Jerry" Brown is able to chalk up his
expected landslide victory, it will be in-
terpreted as the dry run for when he
turns his campaign to the White House.
In the wake of Proposition 13, and with
a re-election plurality in excess of 55
per cent, Brown may try to take the
credit for making the nation's original
tax revolt work.
ANOTHER presidential aspirant who
will likely benefit from a big win is
Illinois Governor James "Big Jim"
See DEMS, Page 6

Michigan, Robert Griffin is still trailing
in the polls. John Tower of Texas and
Charles Percy of Illinois may also be
retired from office by Democratic op-

an overwhelming 286-to-146 majority.
the Republicans may have to settle for
an expected gain of only 10 seats.
Traditionally in off-year elections,
the party controlling the White House

Iranians fight
military rule

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - The
beleaguered' shah of Iran put his top
soldier in charge of the government
yesterday in a bid to "establish law and
order," but bands of protesters respon-
ded with new hit-and-run rioting in this
troubled city and its outskirts. T
Military authorities said one person
was killed and two wounded when
troops dispersed rioters.
ties with Shah Mohammad Reza
Pahlavi are a main target of protesters
here, quickly expressed support for the
shah's shift to military rule. State
Department press officers Jill Schuker
said in Washington the monarch acted
within his authority and only after it
became clear a new civilian gover-
nment could not be formed.
The new prime minister, chief of staff
Gen. Gholam-Reza Azhari, moved swif-
tly to assert control and head off the
threat to the shah's 37-year reign.
Azhari's government ordered troops
and tanks to ring key sites in the
capital. It also clamped censorship on
the local press, radio and television,
arrested five editors and issued a
"wanted" list for 30 others accused of
inciting public unrest through the news
media. No censorship was imposed on
outgoing news dispatches, however.
THE REACTION of opposition
leaders to the appointment of a
military-led government was low-key.
Blaming recent violence on pro-shah
agitators, they urged their followers to
remain united but calm and not to con-
front the security forces.
But even as Azhari introduced his
new Cabinetato the shah at Niavaran
Palace, anti-government mobs were
burning and looting businesses, mostly
bank branches and liquor stores, near
Tehran University and in a satellite
town near the railroad station just out-
side the city.
Military authorities said troops fired
mostly into the air to disperse the
rioters, but in one incident one person
was killed and two were wounded.

THE MILITARY governor of Tehran
said his forces have instructions to deal
firmly with those who assemble in
public in violation of the martial-law
regulations that have ruled Tehran and
11 other cities for two months.
Police said small and peaceful anti-
government demonstrations were
staged in Abadan, in the heart of the oil-
See REBELS, Page 9
Fitz, "Gov.
Vice President Walter Mondale-in
his second state visit during the cam-
paign-attended an election-eve rally
yesterday at Dearborn's Henry Ford
Community College in a final push for
Democratic gubernatorial nominee
William Fitzgerald and other party
Two hours before Mondale's ap-
pearance, police arrested a college
student who reportedly threatened
several students with a shotgun and
rifle. The guns were found to be
unloaded, but the student was charged
with felonious assault, according to
Dearborn Police Sergeant Joe Vance.
president was approached by another
man carrying a satchel and dressed in
military fatigues. He was taken away
for questioning by Secret Service agen-
ts, Vance said.
Mondale said Michigan has received
national attention in this election
because of the closeness of the two top
See MILLIKEN, Page 6

Daily Photo by WAYNE CABLE
GERALD FORD came to Dearborn yesterday for his second state visit during the decide against re-seating incumbent Senator Robert Griffin, they would be
1978 campaign. At a rally at Adams Junior High School, Ford said if voters "pouring gasoline on the fire."
Ford delivers fina rifi pitch

Special to The Daily
DEARBORN - Twice displaying a
newspaper report of the latest
Michigan poll which showed him still
behind but gaining in his race for re-
election, U.S. Sen. Robert Griffin
brought Gerald Ford into the state for a
Isecond time yesterday in the last
staged media event of his hurried cam-
Ford responded with a rambling,
strongly worded speech condemning
Democratic candidate Carl Levin for
supporting President Carter's anti-in-
flation plan and "second best" ap-
proach to defense spending.
DURING A rally at 'Adams Junior
High in this largely conservative area

before heading to Grand Rapids for a
similar appearance, Ford hit both
Levin and his own replacement in the
White House for allowing "the United
States Air Force to continue to fly 25-
year-old aircraft," namely the B-52.
"It's unbelievable that they want
planes to be older than the pilots that fly
them," said Ford.
Vigorously shaking a fist for em-
phasis, Ford warned that Warsaw Pact
countries are "poised with artillery and
men and tanks" which could "over-
whelm" the NATO countries.
DURING THE 45-minute pitch, billed
as a birthday party for the now 56-year-
old two-term GOP senator, Ford told
the young audience Carter's anti-in-
flation plan amounts to "more trick

than treat," adding Griffin's proposed
constitutional amendment to balance
the federal budget within three to five
years would be a more sound approach.
Levin has said the constitutional
amendment would "tie our hands
drastically in time of war," by allowing
a minority in Congress to stop
emergency deficit appropriations.
Ford seemed to make a point of
avoiding mention of Levin's name until
the last few minutes of the speech when
he went on the attack.
IF VOTERS decide against re-
seating "the best U.S. Senator I know"
they would be "pouring gasoline on the
fire," according to the former
"When the chips are down, if you

N. Y. papers back on streets

believe the way to contrcl inflation is to
control spending, then you need a saver
like Bob Griffin - not a spender like
Carl Levin." He then tacked on the
Griffin slogan: "The voters of Michigan
cannot afford the high cost of Levin."
Ford repeated Griffin campaign
claims that Levin, while serving two
terms on Detroit City Council, one as its
president, advocated a 300 per cent in-
crease in taxes for Detroit residents
and allowed a 110 per cent hike in the
city's budget.
DURING A debate several weeks
See A LEVIN, Page 9
" The campaign for the local
state House of Representatives
seat is summarized on Page 6.
" President and Mrs. Fleming
attended a formal dinner at
Markley Hall yesterday. See the
story on Page 2.
" Although it has been
overlooked by some of the more
major races, there is an election
for County Commissioners on
today's ballot. See the story on
Page 12.
" Today is election day across
the country. Although many seats

Council changes
meeting rules

NEW YORK (AP) - The long strike
Qver, the New York Times and the.
Daily News struggled back onto the
streets for the first time in three mon-
ths yesterday, then started work on
editions aimed at today's elections.
Looming ahead were circulation
wars with the afternoon New York
Post, which resumed publication on Oc-
tober 5 after an eight-week shutdown,
and with suburban competitors which
increased their circulation and adver-

in protecting jobs if existing employees,
and the papers won the right to even-
tually reduce their work forces through
THE TIMES published nine pages
reviewing events which occurred while
it was silent. Among them was a story
reporting on the New York Yankees'
World Series victory. The Times also.
printed a correction and the crossword
puzzle answers from its last edition -
on Aug. 9.

the Post, has announced he plans to
bring out a new morning newspaper,
"The Daily Sun." There have also been
rumors that the Daily News may
publish an afternoon edition.
Ln. yesterday's editions, the News set
out to win back any readers Murdoch's
Post may have taken in the past month.
In one of its stories on the newspaper
strike, the News said New York was a
"two newspaper town again" and
referred to the Post as an interim strike

In the spirit of the state's Open
Meeting Act, City Council last night
unanimously approved a resolution to
adopt rules governing the body's
meetings for the coming year, with two
major changes aimed at making the,
sessions more accessible to the public.
Public hearings on council
resolutions will now occur on the same
night, and the mayor's and city ad-
ministrator's reports will be heard
much earlier in the meeting to benefit

city officials' reports to an earlier spot
on the agenda will allow citizens obser-
ving meetings to hear from those of-
ficials while they are still awake.
Currently those reports are heard after
the bulk of the counil agenda, late in the
Councilwoman Leslie Morris (D-
First Ward), a member of the rules
committee, proposed an amendment to
provide for three regular council
meetings per month instead of two
regular or two working or special
sessions. Before her amendment met a
resounding defeat by the Republican

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