: Page 8=Sunday, November 5 1978-The Michigan Daily guides (Continued from Page 6) example, the description of the fare at Krazy Jim's Blimpy Burger, one of Ann Arbor's top entries in the Hamburger Hall of Fame: "The hamburgers at Krazy Jim 's are called Blimpy burgers, a name chosen from hundreds of suggestions submitted in a "name the burger" contest Jim held in 1952. (They) are made *by slapping down little balls of hamburger on the grill and flattening them out as they cook .. . With the addition of onions, pickle, relish, mustard and ketchup, it's the best 60- hamburger in town." The authors know whereof they speak. The authors also avoid the tendency towards puffery and up-beat "happy news" to which so many guide book authors succumb. They reach the peak of the art of creative insults in the description of South University's Wolverine Den, in which they quote various suggestions for the much- I. " t maligned restaurant, including "bomb it," and "sell it to the Russians." But the writers also have some less than glowing words for such sacred cows as the natural food Seva Longevity Cooking - "The salads are constant disappointments." Further, they show a willingness to buck the tide of public opinion in their upbeat com- ments on the Brown Jug - "too many good things about the Jug. . . to prevent me from putting my nose in the air..." handke (Continued from Page 6) with the photo, the still frame. One by one the stills unite, dissolving from scene to scene, illuminating the author's perception of Marianne's dilemma. Marianne's loneliness is not dragged through overplayed emotions. There is no breaking glass or screeching emotional displays. There are, however, symbolic moments of despair, as in one passage describing a typewriter's slow fall from a table. The reader is offered only clues as to what is on Marianne's mind. Her ac- tions and sparingly shared thoughts piece together her attitude. "She began to read, 'In the land of the ideal: I expect a man to love me for what Iam and what I shall become.' She shrugged." Then Marianne speaks: . up until now, all men have weakened me. My husband ways 'Michele is strong.' The truth is that he wants me to be strong in connection with things that don't interest him: the children, the household, taxes. But when it comes to the work I hope to do, he destroys me. He says: 'My wife is a dreamer.' If wanting to be what I am is dreaming, then I want to be a dreamer." The reader is ushered through Marianne's life, between the aisles of her loosely-knit relationships. Bruno returns from a two-week business trip. They dine, then retire to bed. Later, wilson (Continued from Page 7) culturally provoked to violence. Does culture "release" innate behaviors, or does it defy our genes to create new ones? Hf "genetic predellction" means only that man has the capacity to develop a range of.cultural behaviors, then the idea of genetic control wanes to behavioral insignificance. The ominous view of man controlled by aggressive double-helix computers must be tempered by the uncertainty of the level of that control. This serves, not to refute Wilson, but only to suggest that his factual report of the level of genetic control may be simply a point of view. We may applaud Wilson for =presenting w valuable point. Perhaps Marianne asks Bruno to leave and he does so. Marianne finds work with a publisher who has long desired her and an artist also seeks her affections. Marianne attempts to discover how she can obtain her desires and to define those desires. She gathers momentum, then suddenly collides with the dead end. She begins again in a continuous slow plod. By her silence, she insists on independence. Only her rare outbursts after a party, an unexpected and richly described passage, reveals Marianne's metamorphosis. This powerful scene instantly compels the reader to retrace Marianne's development. "Standing at the hall mirror, she brushed her hair. She looked into her eyes and said, 'you haven't given your- self away. And no one will ever humiliate you again.' " Marianne cannot explain her ex- perience as she lives through it. With many delicate strokes, Handke honors his readers' sensitivity by unfolding, rather than defining, her growing process. While I was initially apprehen- sive about a man's explanation of a woman's unique experience, Handke has won my loyalty. His perceptive eye is clean, uncluttered with physical theories. I expect Handke would be a wonderful friend to a woman. He seems to possess the ability to hear a person who says nothing audible in her cry against a dry and stifling life. the elucidation of man's genetic limits paradoxically offers mankind greater freedom. "As our knowledge of human nature grows," says Wilson, "our minds at last align with our hearts." Knowledge of the nature of the beast gives man greater freedom of choice in his efforts to attack or appease it. Forbidden knowledge thwarts the goal of the new religion; scientific materialism with scientific method as its rational pilot. In his final chapter, entitled Hope, Wilson presents this belief with a most un-biological and emotional fervor "kept strong by the blind hope that the journey on which we are now embarked will be farther and better'than the orrejust completed." In a few cases, they miss the boat. For example, it is hard to believe that a discussion of the Blind Pig can fail to mention that the Pig is one of the few local establishments with genuine espresso coffee on the menu. Overall, though, I Eat; Therefore I Am provides an excellent short in- troduction to the Ann Arbor food scene. Read it, before your time runs out. A Guide to the Campus of the Univer- sity of Michigan is cast in the mold of most "official" guidebooks. Controver- sy, or indeed commentary of any kind, is not to be found. Nonetheless, it does provide useful information about the physical structures on the University campus. The text is accoipanied by tightly-cropped photographs. wills (Continued from Page 5) tenure, presidents tighten the belt fiscally, and during the election year, they make the economy pick up," he says. Looking at the Republican party, Wills comments: "The Republicans have the same problem they had in 1970. They have all these old guys who want to run again. Everybody who has ever run for president wants to run again. Hell, George McGovern wants to run again." Wills predicts the GOP won't nominate former California governor Ronald Reagan, but says the ex-movie star "can wreak havoc with the choosing process . . . The Republicans have a problem in that the Democrats have the better farm system. Because the Democrats have more elective offices, they attract the best young talent. lem is that they can't win without the South, which means they can't win without a Southerner. But the party is unable to win if the Southerner is a racist. Carter's strength is that he can bring the North and the South together. What Northerners don't understand about Carter is that he had to hang on to Bert Lance, he has to hang on to Jody Powell and he has to hang on to Ham Jordan, or he'll alienate the Southerners. For, the same reason he has to make a show of his religiousness; it lets the Southerners know he's one of them," he says. The current political mood is more quiescent than it was a decade ago, Wills claims.. Although the country has moved to the right, he says, "The hostilities have eased now. Nobody is campaigning on bringing in a tough attorney general, which means a repressive attorney general . . . if you think about 1968, if you consider Wallace's vote with Nixon's vote, it was really a landslide for Nixon." All his observations are pertinent, and the impression could easily take hold that Wills is a man wholly wrapped up in politics, if that was all one talked about with him. But no, Wills the scholar recognizes even the limits of the straight electoral process. Wills has a thesis: real political change is almost never accomplished through the two major political parties. He argues that the parties differ only in constituencies, not in principles, and that real change occurs in America when groups outside the mainstream are finally coopted by the center, but -that, the political center almost never initiates major change. "The civil rights movement, the antiwar movement, women's liberation, all started outside the mainstream, and all eventually became part of the mainstream. Martin Luther King could neve have been elected president, but he accomplished things he never could have as President," Wills asserts. His theory will be illustrated in his next book, Confessions of a Conservative due out in May. "We have liberal talk and conservative political institutions. My argument in brief, not even in brief, in semaphore, is that liberal theory describes something that doesn't take place. Liberal theory on elections is that there is debate about the issues; and in the marketplace of ideas, the good ideas triumph. That's not the way it works at all; elections reduce debate. But the way it works is pretty good. It builds amity, political consensus." That speech is the essence of the man, looking closely at actual events, relating them to historical data, and then placing the events in historical perspective. In a journalistic environment increasingly dominated by People magazine, his approach is a rare and valuable one. t An example of the official character of the book is its discussion of the Student Activities Building. Not to be found is any mention of how a building, originally dedicated to "student ac- tivities," came to its 'present state, devoid of all student offices. I would have liked to read about that one. Also unmentioned are the Waterman- Barbour Gymnasiums, which recently fell to a wrecker's ball to make way for a few square feet of grass, despite strenuous student objections. Anyway, this book accomplishes fairly well what it intends to accom- plish - provide a basic description of campus buildings. But, if you want the story beneath the calm exterior, you'll have to turn elsewhere. 11 11 A sundlar'mnaiUaziine Co-editcws inside: Elizabeth Slowik Sue Warner Books Editor Brian Blanchard Cover photo of football fans by Andy Freeberg. Garry Wills behind the byline Film: Rocky Horrors Books:" guides to A2 u ./~ " Supper t4-o The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor; Michigrn._Sunday;. Novembetr 5, 1978 L U