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September 08, 1978 - Image 73

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-08

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 8, 1978-Page 3A

Filthy Chauvinism
When it comes to politics in France, there's no doubt that the women
play much dirtier than the men-but it's not their fault. The French
National Assembly in Paris provides showers, a barber, and indoor
and outdoor toilet facilities. Florence d'Harcourt is trying to change
that by asking Assembly President Jacques Delmas to have a
separate shower installed and to add a hairdresser to the staff. "A
modern parliament must take the feminine presence into~ con-
sideration and make the same facilities accessible to all," she said.
Alas, another male stronghold goes down the drain.
The greatest mayor of all time?
While former heavyweight champ Muhammad Ali may be thinking
about Leon Spinks' false teeth, some Louisville citizens have
something else in mind: running Ali for Mayor of the city. A group of
ten people in that city have started a campaign by running ads and
recruiting people interested in making The Mouth the next head of
their city. While current mayor William Stansbury does not face re-
electipn for three years, controversy surrounding his recent work may
force him out of office before his term expires. Observers speculate
Ali would add a lot of punch to the city's politics.
Happenings.. .
... for those of you who may be reading The Daily for the first time
should know that the Happenings item of our Today column is an
everyday information service of The Daily. Campus activities and
community services are listed as a public service. If you are seeking a
public forum for announcements for your organization stop by the
Daily with your typewritten announcement. Please remember that the
activity you are organizing must be free of charge to the participants
in order to appear in the Happenings section ... students interested in
working with the community in the areas of education, criminal
justice, child-care, geriatrics, mental health, grass root organizations,
health care or mental and physical difficulties should attend the
Project Outreach fall term mass meeting, Wednesday, September 13,
7:30 p.m., at Hill Auditorium. For further information call 764-9197 or
stop by the Project Outreach office at 554 Thompson St... . the
Project Outreach Internship in Adolescence, a fulltirne fieldwork
program for undergraduates, is still accepting applications for the fall
semester. Call 764-9197 or 764-9279 or come to 554 Thompson ...
students planning to take one or more of the admission tests required
by graduate and professional schools are advised to register for the
tests immediately. A disruption in mail service could prevent those
who delay from being registered for the early fall examinations.
Regular registration deadlines for the examinations are: Medical
College Admission Test (MCAT) September 1, 1978; Dental Admission
Test (DAT) September 11, 1978; Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
September 14, 1978; Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
September 21,1978; Graduate Record Examination (GRE) September
28, 1978.
On the outside ...
If you think rolling out of bed for that first nine o'clock was bad,'
cheer up. The first day of school will rejoice in sunshine as we'll have
mostly sunny skies with highs in the low to mid 80's. Tomorrow will be
a I ttle less desirable as the mercury nears ninety with increased

Judg~e hearts Council

Washtenaw County Circuit Court
Judge Henry Conlin heard arguments
Wednesday concerning the con-
stitutionality of the state's Open
Meetings Act, the subject of a suit filed
by three Democratic Ann Arbor City
Council members.
Filed in early June, the suit charges
the seven Republican Council members
with violating the act by holding a
closed conference.
CITY ATTORNEY Bruce Laidlaw,
who is defending the Republicans,
presented the major argument against
the Democrats, stating that the act in-
fringes on the right of political
"What would be the use of a local
political party if it can't meet and ex-
change ideas?" asked Laidlaw.
The suit, filed by Democrats Leslie
Morris, (2nd Ward), Susan Greenberg
(1st Ward), and Ken Latta (1st Ward),
requests that amendments to the city
budget, passed before a full Council on
May 23; be stricken from the record.
The Democrats claim the Republicans

discussed the amendments at a private
meeting the previous evening. Coun-
cilman Earl Greene, the only other
Democrat on Council, says he does not
question the activity.
CONLIN SAID striking the budget
from the record would "almost be an
exercise in futility." If that action is
taken, the City Charter requires that
the budget previously prepared by the
city administrator be adopted.
"I question whether it is in the best
interest of the public to go back to the
July 1 budget, a budget prepared by
just one man," Conlin said.
The amendments in question would
provide more money for city streets,
reinstate a fall leaf pick-up service and
initiate a city-wide tornado warning
hearing to discuss three constitutional
questions involved in the case: First
Amendment rights, equal protection,
and due process.
The Democrat's attorney Jerold Lax,
said Laidlaw has "turned the First
Amendment on its head."

"The idea of th
to promote fre
change of politica
also pointed out v
vious differenc
gathering where
and a formal me
business is discus
Attorney Genera
who spoke on beh
there is no reason
"The fact that
to know where th
the very essence
"The public rig]
what the genera
Amendment inclu
Related to equa
that the state h
mined itself exem
the act. Both part
what makes the

meeting SUit
e First Amendment is ANOTHER EQUAL protection issue
e and vigorous ex- is whether the majority, in this case the
d ideas," said Lax. He Republicans, has an unfair advantage
what he said is an ob- because a closed caucus meeting of the
e between a social minority Democrats is not a violation of
ideas are exchanged the act.
eting at which public Hackney said the issue is not one of
sed and determined. minority versus majority, but whether
o Michigan Assistant or not a quorum is present.
al Charles Hackney, "A mixture of fourDemocrats and
ialf of the Democrats, two Republicans would still be °a
for dissension on this violation of the act," Hackney said.
HACKNEY ALSO dismissed violation
the public has a right of due process in regard to vagueness
eir money is going is and misinterpretation.
of the act," he said. "There is hardly any doubt what oc-
ht to be informed is curred and that that action was in the
l scope of the First sphere of activity which falls within the
ides." provision of the act," he said.
l protection is the fact The plaintiffs are hoping for a victory
egislature has deter- Monday, when Conlin will render his
ipt from ever violating decision.
ies seem unclear as to "I feel the judge is fairly sympathetic
legislature a unique and I think that is a good sign," said

Sailor solos Atlantic

CROSSHAVEN, Ireland (UPI) - W.
Carl Jackson has triumphed over the
Atlantic, matching every sailor's
dream with a two-month solo ocean
crossing in a small sailboat, and he
says it was a "beastly" experience he'll
never try again.
The exhausted, 55-year-old navigator
steered into Crosshaven harbor Wed-
nesday morning, completing the
voyage that began July 8 in Mar-
blehead, Mass., aboard his 30-foot ketch
Carla Mia.
THE WORST part of the time alone at
sea, the Indiana University dean said
after he toasted his success with a sip of
brandy, was the solitude.

"I found the loneliness of the second
month almost excruciating," Jackson
said. "I always though of myself as self-
sufficient, but I found life without
people had no meaning. I had a definite
need for somebody to talk to, someone
real and alive and breathing.
Most of the last month of his trip was
spent in calm air that barely nudged the
Carla Mia toward Europe.
Jackson said he was happy to have
been able to complete the 51-day
crossing - taking into account time
spent in port in Nova Scotia for repairs
- and that while he loves sailing he
would never undertake a similar ven-
ture alone again.

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