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November 05, 1978 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-05

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Irish torpedofumblin Navy 27-

The Michigan Daily-Sunday, November 5, 1978--Page 13

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Special to The Paily
CLEVELAND - Navy hoped to have the perfect
setting. The game was played in Cleveland Municipal
Stadium, sitting next to the docked ships in the Lake'
Erie ports.
But it was the world's longest man-made breakwall
off the shore that kept the Middies at bay all afternoon
as Notre Dame (6-2) dominated previously-
undefeated Navy (7-1), 27-7, before 63,780 fans.
Navy's formidable defense lost its sonar system as
Irish halfback Vagas Ferguson loped for 219 yards
rushing for the day, a new Notre Dame single-game
FERGUSON AVERAGED over 12 yards per carry,
scored a touchdown on a perfect sweep around left
end in an 80-yard jaunt, making the sweet-footed
junior from Richmond, Indiana, the obvious offensive
player of the game.
I i mesmamn

Irish teammate Jay Case grabbed defensive honors
on the merit of his two fumble recoveries, which set
up a first quarter field goal and returned the ball to
Notre Dame with over 11 minutes left in the second
It was Navy's mistakes that sunk their hopes to
remain undefeated as the Middies lost three first half
fumbles and Notre Dame converted two of them into
scores to lead at the half, 24-0:
NAVY LOST ITS first pigskin on the second play of
the game as quarterback Bob Leszczynski was hit by
Case, and teammate Jeff Weston pounced on it for the
Irish to give them good field position on the Middies'
41-yard line.
It took the Irish only six plays to hit paydirt as
quarterback Joe Montana found split end Kris Haines
on the 15. Haines slipped off a would-be tackle and
waltzed into the endzone to make it 7-0 Notre Dame:

Another Navy fumble less than two minutes]
allowed the Irish to pad their lead to to as Cha
Male split the uprights from 38 yards out.
Jerome Heavens joined the scoring parade ear
the second quarter as he powered over from t
yards out, capping an 80-yard march in 11 p1
Ferguson's 80-yard drive in one play made it 24
"I THINK THEY were just better than us,"
Navy coach George Welsh. "They kicked the hecl
of us physically."
Indeed, Notre Dame was physical. The I
bruised the Navy defense for 530 total offen
yards, while the Middies were held to 358 total yar
Navy tallied its only score on a 13-yard touch
pass with only 12 seconds left in the game, con
after a Notre Dame field goal, to make the final s
27-7 in the lopsided contest.

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Booters end season
7 With ,ad3=1 setback
Special to the Daily
later The Michigan soccer club ended its very successful campaign on a
arles our note by dropping a 3-1 decision at the hands of a highly ratedSpringAr-
r bor squad. Michigan's booters ended their best season ever with a record of
ly in nine wins, five losses and a tie.
hree Playing before a homecoming crowd of over 500 at the Spring Arbor
lays. field, the home team came out flying with two goals in the first five minutes.
-0 at > Michigan could never rebound from this initial deficit despite controlling the
remainder of the game.
Early in the second half, Stefan Mitkov, the Wolverines star, notched the
Michigan tally ona penalty kick. Later in the same half, the Wolverines had
said two goals called back on offsides calls.
k out Spring Arbor sealed the victory with a very controversial goal just four
minutes after they had missed a penalty kick.
[rish Although Michigan did not shine in this contest, they did throughout the
isive season despite being merely a club competing with varsity teams. The
rds. highlight of the season came last Wednesdaywhen they toppled powerful
Down Michigan State, 1-0, a first for the club. :' s



r -..

Last of the Ninth

OSU dumps Badgers;
Purdue, MSU roll on

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Iowa provides practice.u.h.w
Ibut how much help.

ONE HAS TO wonder what an easy'34-0 victory over Iowa does. as far
as preparation for Purdue or Ohio State. After all, it's improbable
that Michigan will be able to charge 70 yards in 12 plays against either of its
last two competitors on its first possession of the game.
Bo felt that he had to pass against Iowa yesterday, because the
Hawkeyes were too tough to run against. "You do what a team dictates to
you. When you come in to play, you have to throw."
And how Michigan, namely Rick Leach, threw. He was nine for 17, good
for 191 yards. "We just used play action passes. We felt the way we run the
football we could use the play action passes effectively," Leach said. "Any
time a quarterback has the time I had today, he should complete a lot of
passes. "
So, we know that Michigan can protect Leach in passing situations
against Iowa. The offensive line did a superb job of pass blocking against a
team they felt they had to pass against. The question that arises is has the
line significantly improved since the Michigan State game.
In that game, Bo felt he had to pass, but Leach didn't have anywhere
near the protection he had yesterday. Can yesterday's gable be used as an
indicator, since the talent and the game situation are different? The
situations differed to the extent of a matchup versus the nation's eighth-
ranked team playing the Big Ten's eighth-place team.
In the Michigan State game, there was much more pressure on the
Michigan offense to score because of State's potent offense. In yesterday's
game, the Wolverine offense figured if it could put the points on the board
early the defense would be able to hold Iowa. The Hawkeyes had only
managed 66 points coming into the game, and with the show they put on
yesterday it's amazing they scored that many.
Although Bo claims he came in here with the plan to pass because Iowa's
defense against the run was so tough, which is true to some extent, he also
decided to throw the pigskin because he figured that the risk involved was
not that great. If Iowa did picl, off a pass, so what. The Michigan defense
would probably hold Iowa to a field goal at worst. Meanwhile, the dividends
from having a passing strategy are invaluble.
How so? First of all, there's timing under game conditions. Timing is the
primary factor in a successful passing game, and the more practice, the
quicker the timing will become instinct. The next dividend is practice in pass
blocking which the line did so well yesterday. And finally, there's that all-
important feeling of knowing that it can be done-confidence. Schembechler
and Leach had to be wondering after the State game about their pass attack,
and yesterday's game was another vindication from their only loss.
"We can pass," Schembechler said. "Those that say we can't are
Leach added, "When I throw the ball only six to eight times a game I
can't get into a groove, but when we mix it up, I can show the kind of quar-
terback I can be."
There are however, dangers involved here, too. Michigan cannot base
all of its strategy on the fact that it passed at will against Iowa. Leach isn't
always going to have all that time to pass. The truth is that Iowa just doesn't
have the talent of a Purdue or Ohio State, and no matter what pre-game hype
Bo uses;for these lesser teams, he cannot let himself or his players forget

By The Associated Press
MADISON-Safety Vince Skillings
intercepted two pases and returned one
61 yards for a touchdown, while
sophomore Ty Hicks crushed Wisconsin
by scoring on a 96-yard kickoffrunback
to lead Ohio State to a 49-14 Big Ten
college football victory yesterday.
Freshman quarterback Art
Schlichter scored from seven yards out
on the game's first series, then led a
third-quarter drive capped by a 14-yard
scoring run by Calvin Murray for a 35-7
Ohio State lead before most of the
Buckeye regulars went to the bench.
Ohio State, 5-2-1 this season and 4-1 in
the Big Ten, forced five turnovers and
converted two into fourth-quarter
scoring runs of 15 and six yards by
reserve quarterback Greg Castignola
for a 49-7 Buckeye lead.
* * *
Michigan St. 59, Illinois 19
-CHAMPAIGN - Al Middleton
smashed for three touchdowns and
Bruce Reeves scored two more yester-
day to lead 18th-ranked Michigan State
to a 59-19 Big Ten football victory over
The Spartans, who trailed 12-0 in the
first period before running a play from
scrimmage, came back with two quick
touchdowns for a 14-12 lead and then
piled up 45 points in the second half to
complete the romp.

before Boilermaker Coach Jim Young
gave most of the first unit the rest of the
day off.
The 14th-ranked Boilermakers, 5-0 in
the Big Ten and 7-1 overall, scored first
on Pope's eight-yard run with 55 secon-
ds left in the opening quarter. The
touchdown climaxed a 62-yard, eight-
play drive that was highlighted by a 22-
yard pass from Herrmann to Bart
* * *
Minnesota 32, Indiana 31
MINNEAPOLIS-Paul Rogind booted
a 31-yard field goal with two seconds
remaining yesterday to cap a furious
rally which saw the Minnesota Gophers
erase a 24-0 deficit and defeat Indiana
Minnesota, 3-2, took over at its own
45-yard line following an interception
by Keith Edwards with three minutes
remaining and moved 45 yards in nine
plays to set up the kick.
Reserve quarterback Wendell Avery
engineered the comeback, firing touch-
down passes of 14 yards to Roy Artis
and 19 yards to Marion Barber in the
fourth quarter.
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For more sports, see page 14

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Along with the more liberal pass strategy came other surprise
plays-risky ones that Bo doesn't normally call. One was the fake punt in the
third quarter which resulted in a 24 yard gain. In this situation it really
wasn't that risky, because Michigan was punting from the 50 yard line
leading 24-0. Again, practicing this play under game conditions may prove
valuable when it's really needed later in the year.
"I have always been liberal," Schembechler said. "You call what was
there. Their defense was going to block our punt on the other side. They were
It's great to be able to practice a play like this, but against the better
teams I doubt that the defensive formations will be so obvious to allow for a
fake. As with the successful passing it's nice to be able to do it, but Michigan
must guard against a false sense of security.
Finally, just what good does a
game like this do for the defense.
Iowa didn't even get into
Michigan territory until 1:36 into
the fourth quarter, and it's
deepest penetration was to the
Michigan 36 yard line. It seemed THURSDAY, NOVE
as though the Michigan defense MICHIGAN UN
would get better practice during S PECIA
the week against Michigan's of-
"I wouldn't consider Iowa a B L
weak offensive team," defensivetak botte m
tackle Curtis Greer said. s ti talk about Steam
it helps us to reach our goal which EVER YBOD"
is to progress each week from the
Michigan State game."
The attainment of the goal is
fine, but what does it mean
coming against a team like Iowa.
It's easy to improve from
Michigan State to Wisconsin,
Minnesota, Iowa, and North-
westrn.It's not so easy to im- n EC G II
prove from the latter four to Pur- of Rome, NY will be conducting
due and Ohio State. What's war-Noebr8PAlcediUp
se, is that improvement may look November 8. PAR, located in Ups
like it's being made in these Adirondack Mountains, is an adva
"breather" games, when it really computer-based techniques to solve
isn't at all. areas of interest include comput
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The victory was the fourth against
one loss in the Big Ten for the Spartans,
who are 5-3 overall, while Illinois slip-
ped to 0-4-2 in the conference and 1-6-2
Steve Smith scored on a 25-yard
touchdown run and the Spartans stor-
med back with a 69-yard drive which
ended with Middleton going over from
the 1-yard line for a 14-12 lead.
Purdue 31, Northwestern 0
Mark Herrmann hurled three touch-
down passes yesterday as Big Ten foot-
ball leader Purdue, scoring three times
within 31/2 minutes in the first half, went
on to defeat winless Northwestern 31-0.
Herrmann, who saw action in only
one offensive series after the second
quarter, added a 25-yard touchdown
pass to Russell Pope in the third period

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