Lower the quality of education for many public school districts while increasing the cost DON'T BE DECEIVED VOTE NOan Page IO-Sunday, November 5, 1978-The Michigan Daily HAMPERED BY LOW PROFILE Greene follows 'good guy 1" '=-W -vonBy AMY SALTZMAN PROPOSAL § L"H!r- A Daily News Analysis Paid fr by Wshtenow CAPI Goodguy politics was a trend that ROBERT HIGH, Treas. reached its apex tw c years ago when Jimmy Carter's amiable grin and peanut farmer humility still seemed a refreshing change from the Nixon UNIVERSITY OF years. It was an image that worked for M IC H IG A NCarter in 1976; Democratic City Councilman Earl Greene likes to think REG EN T it will have an equally positive effect for him this Tuesday in his bid to unseat U.S. Representative Carl Pursell. At a recent democratic luncheon State Representative Perry Bullard described Greene's campaign as a BU RSLEYprime example of "personalized '. politics"-a label which is inherently * susceptible to both negative and Paid for by Bursley for UM Regent Committee ptiet tbon gd Tom Bernthal, Treasurer, 2065 Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 positive interpretations. -COUPON- 2 for 1 Special -COUPON- - Buy 1 Super Salad- GET 1 FREE IE Coupon good Sunday, November 5 through Thursday, November 9 NOT AVAILABLE FOR CARRY OUT 4 ° Longevity Cookery 314 E. Liberty GOU RMET NATURAL FOOD RE$TAURANT,(313) 662-2019 IT HAS BEEN an uphill battle for Greene from the start. On the positive side Earl Greene is a soft-spoken man who appears blatantly out of place in the political arena. Earl Greene is a self-proclaimed "do- gooder." Last Thursday while handing out leaflets at the gate of the Ford Motor Plant in Ypsilanti, Greene said to one factory worker, quite sincerely in his melodic Southern drawl, "I'm Earl Greene, I'm a good person." It is for this reason alone that Greene claims he is in politics and that he will beat Carl Pursell on Tuesday. Greene paints himself as a man working for the people-his only concern is for "their' problems and their needs." "I DON'T COME to you with any special kind of interests behind me," said Greene at a recent debate with Pursell. "People are suspicious of the kind of politicians who have risen through the ranks." It is at this end of the spectrum that Green places his opponent. If Greene is a hardworking, honest politician of the people, then, according to Greene, Pursell is everything to the contrary. And Greene has stressed time and again that his opponent is backed by 'special interests, "schizophrenic" on the issues, and politically "lackluster." AND ONE DAY out on the campaign trail is enough to prove that phrases like "do-gooder" and "hard working" are more than mere rhetoric when applied to Earl Greene. Equipped with a sign which read: "What color is honesty?-Greene" and a stash of Earl Greene leaflets-printed, of course, in green-the congressional candidate made the rounds alone without the help of a single campaign worker. , For two hours he stood in front of the Ypsilanti Ford Plant awkwardly shaking hands and passing out flyers through car windows-busily advertising himself. ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS Greene was almost hit by one of the shiny white Continentals or rusty V.W.'s as people whizzed by him in an attempt to avoid his apparent infringement on their right to ignorance. But he seemed almost oblivious to the apathy and kept on working until the rush was over and the last cars trickled out. The few hours had been fairly successful-people seemed to like him. He even met up with a couple of students he had taught at willow Run, they all remembered him and seemed genuinely happt to see him and discover that he was running for Congress. That is the positive side of Earl Greene and "personalized politics." But there is an equally salient negative aspect to such a political strategy-its low profile. EARL GREENE WAS a little late for a democratic luncheon-Thursday at 'U' Hospital, honoring Secretary of State Richard Austin. When someone happened to casually mention Greene's politics name before his arrival, Austin suddenly responded, "Who is Earl Greene?" And Austin isn't the only one who is at a loss when it comes to that name. On Tuesday night, Greene was the only official Congressional candidate not mentioned during a three hour television program on Channel 4 which focused on the Congressional races in Michigan. On the following day the Detroit News made the same blunder. In a summary of U.S. Congressional races in Michigan, the News listed Pursell as running unopposed. ALTHOUGH APOLOGIES and corrections have been made, Earl Greene insists that when this sort of thing occurs "political bias" is probably involved. It is more likely that what is involved is a political organization that places too much emphasis on nice-guy, personal politics and not enough emphasis on a practical, realistic campaign strategy., As a result, Greene's campaign has suffered drastically in nearly every crucial phase necessary to produce a winning candidate. THE CAMPAIGNS OVERT lack of mediassupport is evident. As any political scientist will tell you, media coverage is absolutely essential for getting out toe vote. The general public has little interest in the issues, but the name recognition and a positive image as conveyed by the media are the key elemens in winning an election. Financial support, another essential ingredient, is' for all practical purposes nonexistent in the Greene campaign, the campaign finances never having climbed very far above the $10,000 mark. "This may be one of the cheapest campaigns on record," according to Steve Pinney, the Greene campaign treasurer., IN GENERAL the Greene campaign organization has never really gotten off the ground. Typifying the unstructured, unprofessional nature of the campaign was in incident last month in which top officials in the Greene campaign falsely accused one of their own workers of being a "Pursell spy." But none of this seems to phase Earl Greene who keeps pushing, shielded by his good-guy image and convinced that it will lead him.to victory at the polls. Carl Pursell, on the other hand, is predicting that he will receive the most substantial victory in the state this Tuesday. 65 or older? Now a n ew optional electric~ rate for you. Head of a household and over 65 years of age? You may be able to save money on your electric bills with a new Senior Citizen Rate approved by the Michigan Public Service Commission. If you qualify and if your use of electricity is, or will be, less than 548 kilowatthours a month -848 kilowatthours or less if you have controlled electric water heating combined on your regular meter - the new Senior Citizen Rate is for you and will help save you money. Senior Citizens with electric heat may also qualify if their use meets these amounts during June through October. If your average monthly electric use is higher than the above amounts, regular residential rates are lower and will continue to give you lower bills than the Senior Citizen Rate. The new rate requires that Senior Citizens agree to allow Detroit Edison to briefly interrupt certain appliances, during peak load periods, if and when programs for such control are implemented. On November 9, customers who may benefit by the new Senior Citizen Rate,based on their past usage of service,will begin receiving applications with their next electric bills. If you wish to apply, please bring the application 1.;(' (fi with you tc vCustomer1 Representi the new pr YAW' ' xor "ti f explain wh benefit fro Senior Citi .. D. o any Detroit Edison Office. A Customer ative will review rogram with you and tether or not you can m this new optional izen Rate. isol Edison SUBSCRIBE TO TH E DAILY Cal 764-0558 WAKE UP' to 4Krirbi3tn