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E S- - -----f-- M -- - ---eaid-abortions-Rhodesia/-South Africa Oil industries 'National Health Insurawce China/Taiwan
I've supported our country's Voted for
policy with respect to South Opposes Kennedy plan because Supports status quo which he Voedse
"I think federal funding of Africa and Rhodesia." But is it would cost too much and describes as "mutual interest inpeean
abortions is wrong because it a strong critic of Carter policy "remove all cost conscious- to expand relationship." Supportsi
a stmowhich he says leads to "Cuban ness."Supports encouragement Opposes any let-up in support er.de
e T Voted for extension; was a puts a al onthe aborion ethic" adventurism" in Africa. for more employers to provide for Taiwan. Has travelled power de
Fav.sl co-sponsor of ERA. No responseo Economic sanction or No response health insurance coverage to PRC: "People are nice but construcF
allowtreginedivestment in South Africa and government-paid insurance it's like being in the army" hould k
area policy, would be "to the detrement for "those who are really to live there-too many
of the black workers" and poor" restrictions. favorsave
therefore opposes such
U.S. shou
Supports using economic "self-suff
Favors usin Medicaid funds sanctions against Rhodesia and Would support legislation that Supports the current Kennedy- Favors making "as normal as alternativ
Favors ERA and the etensiond Supports decriminalization for abortions to avoid what he South Africa, including would provide incentives for Korman comrehensive possible" relations between the Stresses
"I siply cnnot ndersand Sppors deciminaizatin of or abrtios to void hat h ratnatihonwalthewarthcanreeibsirl.tiFavohrsthPerople'.sFRersuPbpics ofpb China Chltimateate
Carl Levin (D) why the ERA wasn't passed marijuana. calls "double-standard" in cot majoritye withrl, thoe the break up the horizontal at private bill.eFavorseopls Rheublic w ofd Cnatts ar
years ago." not allowing poorer women attis Umajorsitues nshoed bint e g frationitholinty of insurance and medical allow Communist China to construct
to get abortions,onre.Uivriissol but not enough information tocosrt
sell investments in corporations -decide on vertical break up. programs rather than a dictate which countries the power pla
which do business in South socialized approach. U.S. recognizes, the conti
Africa. plants.
Supports majority rule in
Rhodesia and favors U.S.
Only supports abortions in economic sanctions againstpFavorsg Opposes Senator Kennedy's Consider
cases of rape, incest, and the South African government, domesticil soures to lessen national health care insurance s to keep pushing toolution t
Supports the ERA and the Favors decriminalization danger to the mother's life, and would like to have domest plan but pushes for federal s found as
(Supports familyplanning but congressionalthearingsin the country's dependence undsforresearch o fewith thePeoplesRepublic Says the
arguesycan't eislatenAnn Arbor on the issue of preventive medicine. developm
morality, university and corporate
divestiture from South Africa.
Favors using Medicaid funds Favors maintaining economic Says he would vote against Supports U.S. moves to improve alterna
Supots the ERA and the decr lizat for abortions and says it's sanctions against Rhodesia deregulating the oil industry Strongly supports a national its relations with both countries. He says
Earl Greene (D) d ine, "o ri na important not to discriminate and invoking sanctions against and says he would alienate health care program. ivesto
- of marjuana. based on a person's economic South Africa. Supports himself from their powerful advant
situation. majority rule in both countries, lobby groups. their im
Drinking- age hike M,---aa deihinaization Headlee tax plan Tisch tax plan Medicaid abortions South Africa divestiture co o Constil
ISS U ES Po unratified states
Opposes: calls recent hike of Against full decriminalization, Backs Headlee, says would Opposes the "Tisch" plan. "I Supports. "It is wrong to deny No stand: says he doesn't conventi
Gili e ( }drinking age to 19 the but favors reduced penalties force setting of spending think it (Tisch) will start off the resources of the state" to deal with mattes on Supports ERA, opposes boycott of the ne
Gk"fairest approach." in line with the crime. priorities that have been as a tax cut and win up as a people who need abortions. "international level." of unratified states. in the co
overlooked in the past. tax shift." expense
Supports ERA and boycott
except for Governor's
U Opposes. "It's not fair and Backs Headlee tax limitation "If Tisch passes everything will "I view abortion as life- No. stand: "It's a federal issue, Conference, meetings with Favors
W i ..s Fitzgerald(D)d t snse." Supports, proposal, but objects to be cut-a very serious blow to destructive so I cannot not a state issue-I don't know federal officials, or state convent
doesnt make sense." "technical flaws" it contains. state government." support it." the nature or extent they hold funding meetings held minan
them." unratified state.
Does not want it raised: "You Does not support any of the
don't always change social Supports legalization. "Puts three tax proposals on the "No investment in the name Suppor
d'lyhgolr sson t tnSort
behavior by changing criminal marijuana in the same category ballot. Favors Opposes. haepos other chose" of the people of the U.S. should Strongly supports both. conven
Zolton Ferency hv ohrSupportstfr thoe cewhoonl
law."Says not fair to set age of as alcohol with strict control graduated income tax, tax be made in South Africa." tax syst
maturity differently for specific over its manufacture and property on income producing
rights (voting, drinking etc.). sale." basis (progressive).
Energy Detente/SALT , -- Mideast Unemploynient
gas deregulation to Thinb U.S.-Soviet relations Opposed 15 per cent increase
supplies and reduce "strained" and getting worse. ppo in minimum wage in 1977to
ice on foreign oil. "We're more suspicious of admcontinued U.S. influence protect small businesses and
increased nuclear them and they're moreipeacpro byephasng limit unemployment among
velopment and new suspicious of us" in recent commitment to the survival young; favors lower minimum
ion of nuclear months. Would conider voting of Israel. Supported jet sales yug; favor ler minmun
'esgsutlte against SALT treaty if to Saudia Arabia and seeswae85prcnfomio.
eels gas utilities gantALtrtYifta arb n Opposes public hiring and
ep conserved gas and adequate verifiction and use that sale ashaving been supports technical and
. credits to those . of cruise missiles aren't crucial for Camp David success. vocational education instead.
guaranteed for U.S.
d work toward Detente should "avoid war
iciency" through and the tremendous burden the Feels Camp David agreements
ves of oil and gas. military places on our individual "a big plus." Would not Favors giving tax credit
use of coal and budgets." SALT talks "just negotiate with the PLO; "I incentives to businesses to
y hydrogen fusion. too important" to delay or don't think you can negotiate 'locate in areas with high
moratorium on alter approach because of with people who are bomging unemployment. Where that
ion of new nuclear human rights violtions. Instead buses and planes." Would have wouldn't work he favors publi
nts but supports would use "subtle and silent" voted against the sale of F-15 lobs.
ued use of existing persuasion: trade and economic fighter planes to Saudi Arabia.
aid pressure.
Wants more jobs to be createc
sit essential that a Says a SALT agreement will Says U.S. should maintain its in the private sector to
o the energy criris be de-escalate the arms race. activestimulate the economy and
soon as possible. He voted against cutting the peace settlement between believes more jobs can be
soaspsil.defense budget by five per paestlmn ewe made available by cutting
answer may be in the cent and transferring funds Israel and Egypt. the minimum wage for youths
Went of nuclear fussion. into other departments. by 15 per cent.
the application of Says he doesn't feel threatened
ples of depletion" to by the Russians but considers Supports the Humphrey-
tive energy sources. a SALT agreement to be crucial.
this would give He favors a five per cent cut Praises Carter for the Camp Hawkins bill to make the-
rs the economic - in the defense budget and David summit and says he federal government strive to
age of wanting to put supports the U.S. strong supports strong ties with Israel. lower the unemployment
vestment capital into advocacy of human rights rate to 4 per cent.
tive energy sources. all over the world.
tutional Convention Tax burden of education Spending and waste cutting PBB
Wants state to continue to
a constitutional follow recommendations of Says he has handled the PBB
on. Michigan has one Shift it from property taxes to Michigan Efficiency Task problem effectively; would
west constitutions the general fund; supports Force which, he says, has like to see a state facility
untry. Not worth the public aid to private institutions, saved the state and nation $70 established to handle control
million since it was established of toxic substances.
under his administration.
Set up Toxic Substance
"Demand efficiency and Commission, compensate
a constitutional Shift it from property taxes accountability out of giants of PBB devastated farmers witi
ion. to the general fund. Michigan government," spend low-interest loans, fire
money more wisely. irresponsibile personnel,
condemn contaminted
s a constitutional Would be accomplished by Incinerate cattle instead of
ion in order to revamp Place it on income tax. implementing a tax system burying them. Fire Agricultu
em among other things. based on ability to pay. Department Secretary
Favors zero-based budgeting. B. Dale Ball.
Endorses shifting about one
Dr. Ed Pierce (D-)
Opposes raising the drinking
age to 21.
Opposes because it would
cause severe cuts in needed
basic services and cripple
local government.
Opposes because it would
restrict the state in building
the "rainy day fund" for
stabilizing the budget;
would rather see program
examinations to promote
Supports because the means
for obtaining a safe abortion
should be available to
Supports divestiture by the
University of stocks in
corporations that have holdings
in South Africa.
Opposes using state money for
travelling expense of state
officials to states which have
not ratified the ERA.
third of the property tax
burden to the state income tax
because the burden on
property taxpayers would
be reduced and the reliance
on state money would make
school districts throughout
the state more equal.
The Daily endo
E- t, i
____________________________________________________________________________________ I I I I
C. William Colburn (R)
Opposes raising the drinking
age to 21.
" Supports.
Supports because "we live in
an age of limits" and the
state's spending growth should
be-limited to the growth of
the state's residents' personal
Opposes because the state
doesn't have the surplus
to fund necessary programs.
Opposes spending tax money
for abortions.
Supports divestiture by the
University of stocks in
corporations that have holdings
in South Africa.
"Anything we can do to get
that particular amendment
passed we should do."
Supports preservation of the
current emphasis on property
tax financing of public schools
because property taxes
represent a more stable
producer of revenue than
other taxes.
U.S. Senate, Carl Levin
Governor, Zolton Ferency (write in)
U.S. Congress, Earl Greene
State Senate, Dr. Ed Pierce
- Supports divestiture. Wants to
Supports. Says women should eep Universityand all US.
Opposes, saying it takes away Supports decrimialiation. Opss aigi ilctit oe. not have to pay for her mistake 'investments out of South Africa Strongly supports boycott of Spot
pp saying it will cut into opposes.with an unwanted child. Wmen R p P r y B la d( piieenwlcet a nrdcdsvrlblseua and not contribute to the unatiiedstaes
R e p . P e rry B u lla rd (D ) aprvil gea dwil ceat Ha inro uce se*yalbils e"caion*soia
more lawbreaking. to decriminalize onsocialervw. should deide the fate of their reie we m
Strongly supports more state
funding for education.
State House, Rep. Perry Bullard
Attorney General, Frank Kelley
Secretary of State, Richard Austin
County Commissioner, Dist. 14, Kathleen
County Commissioner, Dist. 15, Catherine
Douglas Buchanan (R),
Supports decriminalization,
but sees legalization as
his main objective.
.Supports. Says it is a goodway
to limit government spending.
Supports Milliken's plan.
Opposes divestiture. Says
President Fleming is doing
the right thing. Says it will
'hurt the South Africans more
if we pull out.
Favors ERA but opposes boycott
of unratified states.
.w4 '
Strongly in favor of
state funding for the education
_ S .