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November 03, 1978 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-03

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Page 14-Friday, November 3, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Paid Political Advertisement


A lot of politicians are supporting Proposal D, which would
raise the drinking age to 21.
Senator Bob Griffin, however, opposes Proposal D. But
Bob Griffin has often taken the unpopular side when the
question of civil rights comes up.
o Bob Griffin was a co-sponsor of the Constitutional
Amendment that made it possible for 18-year-olds to vote;
* He po-sponsored the 1964 amendment which created the
Federal Eaual Emnlovment Onnortunity Commission:

and cast a decisive vote in the Senate to, extend the
deadline for state ratification of the ERA;

" He has supported every m
become law in this century.

ajor civil rights bill that has

On November 7 you will be deciding more than whether
or not the drinking age should be raised to 21. You will
be electing a U. S. Senator to represent you in Washington
for the next six years.
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